View Full Version : The *Official* list of those who did NOT kill JFK

midnight rambler
23rd November 2013, 03:24 AM
Ok, so The History Channel ("where the truth is history") runs a 2 hour show on 'all' the conspiracy theories as to who killed JFK, and of course this includes an 'unprecedented' poll of lots of people - you know, one of those polls what sheep herds people into predetermined outcomes and totally eliminates anything other than where the producers of the show want to take it. Well, according to their 'poll', here's what 'the people' who were polled think (in order from the most popular down in this THC poll):

1) The Mafia killed JFK
2) The CIA killed JFK
3) The US government killed JFK
4) The Communists killed JFK
5) The 'fringe conspiracies' aggregate (JFK was going to release info on the ETs, the SS limo driver shot JFK, the Vatican [which created the Fed according to THC!], etc.) got JFK killed

So there you have it, any of the above five had NOTHING to do with killing Kennedy seeing as how THC is hard at work distracting from the real culprits. Gee, so who does that leave??

23rd November 2013, 03:35 AM
Jakie did it. ;D

23rd November 2013, 04:21 AM

Israel's Central Role in JFK Assassination,
Who's Who in JFK Assassination
excerpted from the book
Final Judgment
The missing link in the JFK assassination conspiracy
by Michael Collins Piper

Where in the world could anyone come up with the idea that Israel's Mossad had a hand in the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Well, there's more to the story than meets the eye. All of the information which, taken together, proves this contention has already been committed to print. This book, Final Judgment, brings all of these facts together for the first time in a frightening scenario that makes sense.
Considering all of the theories about the assassination of John F. Kennedy that have been circulating for years, how could anyone ever suggest that Israel's Mossad was involved?
This was the reaction of more than a few people when apprised of the thesis presented in the pages of this book. Yet, I believe, that when you read this volume you will reach the same conclusion: that Israel and its spy agency, the Mossad, did indeed play a critical role in the JFK assassination conspiracy and its cover-up. The evidence, you shall see, is there.
It was several years ago that I first stumbled upon a hint that this was indeed the case. I came across a strange reference in the pages of a controversial work about the JFK assassination which alleged that rogue CIA operatives had been behind the president's murder, A. J. Weberman and Michael Canfield's Coup d'Etat in America, first published in 1975. The reference, simple as it was, appearing on page 41, read as follows:
"After the assassination, an informer for the Secret Service and the FBI who had infiltrated a Cuban exile group and was in the process of selling them machine guns, reported that on November 21, 1963 he was told, 'We now have plenty of money-our new backers are the Jews-as soon as they take care of JFK.' This man had furnished reliable information in the past."
I barely noticed the reference, but it did intrigue me. Who did this source mean when he referred to "the Jews"? This was the question I needed to answer. My immediate conclusion was this: the source meant Jewish gangsters-such as Meyer Lansky-who had a stake in reviving their Cuban gambling interests that they lost when Fidel Castro came to power. This was the logical answer.
Frankly, I laid the reference aside. It was just one lone remark out of perhaps millions of words written about the JFK assassination. It was nearly a year that went by before I came across the quotation again-while re-reading the same book. I pondered the quote for a moment, thinking, "This is interesting."
However, I once again cast those thoughts aside. I had already reached my own conclusions about the JFK assassination long before: The CIA was primarily responsible, working hand-in-hand with certain elements in "the Mafia" and also in the anti-Castro Cuban movement.
However, in the subsequent year that followed, I began to stumble across some interesting information.
In David Scheim's book, Contract on America, which contends that "the Mafia" was solely responsible for the JFK assassination, I saw a variation of the same quote referenced in the Weberman and Canfield book.
However, Scheim's rendition of the quote had deleted the reference to the alleged Jewish backers of the Cuban plotters. I began to think that there might be something more to the story after all, whatever the accuracy of the story allegedly told to the federal authorities.


mick silver
23rd November 2013, 04:39 AM
the jews did it

23rd November 2013, 04:58 AM
David Copperfield?

midnight rambler
23rd November 2013, 04:58 AM
Is GHWB jooish?

23rd November 2013, 05:01 AM
the jews did it

Yep, it has to be. Nothing else makes much sense. Whoever did do it must've been shit scared for a reason.

This whole reportage of JFK's assisination in the blogoshpere of late shows a maturing in the thinking process and understanding of conspircy theorists. 9-11 was a very good learning process of which we used those tools to take a look at the event with fresh eyes and more information at our fingertips.

Bravo, I think we've found our man.

Someone else mentioned about the reportage looking like a celebration of a ritual killing and it made me ponder on how many times in the last few days I've seen JFK's head splattered all over my screen in full gory detail. Something which is usually not permited in our country, but there it is for all to see. My four year old is still mucking around at that time of night (6:00pm). I have to be vigilant with this sort of thing, so it was very noticable. It appeared like it was an effort to boast.

23rd November 2013, 06:01 AM
Yep, it has to be. Nothing else makes much sense. Whoever did do it must've been shit scared for a reason.

This whole reportage of JFK's assisination in the blogoshpere of late shows a maturing in the thinking process and understanding of conspircy theorists. 9-11 was a very good learning process of which we used those tools to take a look at the event with fresh eyes and more information at our fingertips.

Bravo, I think we've found our man.

Someone else mentioned about the reportage looking like a celebration of a ritual killing and it made me ponder on how many times in the last few days I've seen JFK's head splattered all over my screen in full gory detail.


23rd November 2013, 06:22 AM
Someone else mentioned about the reportage looking like a celebration of a ritual killing ... so it was very noticable. It appeared like it was an effort to boast.

I'll be ordering this:

"Michael Hoffman, author of Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, has been on the trail of the assassins since the 1970s. Here is his monumental, 20,000-word report packed with the latest research concerning the conspirators and the coverup, with unique insights into the theatre of masonic mind contol in which the murder of our President was situated for purposes of psychological warfare against the American people. Special edition: 20 page magazine, illustrated."
