View Full Version : Obama Care Billing Code ICD-9 E978: Executions and Beheadings

24th November 2013, 01:03 PM
As Obama Care is being implemented, another “wonderful” burdensome item is being added to the reform of the American Medical industry: the shift to the international medical codes.

In conjunction with Obama Care, every American citizen under international codes to link us to this new, wonderful “international” system. This the International Classification of Diseases (IDC) is part of the part of the “medical coding” under (WHO) the World Health Organization. This basically gives our health information to the United Nations.

As of October 1, 2014 the ICD 9 coding used has an additional 86,000 codes. ICD-10-PCS (Procedure Code System) “mandated” medical coding will add 68,105 codes. There will be 155,000 medical codes for medical professionals to learn and peruse for each patient. According to the Center for Medicare and Medicate (CMS.gov) is being undertaken under revisions mandated by the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA).


One of the most gruesome medical codes is E978.Apparently it is a billable claim number, although I have to wonder who would ever file such a claim for reimbursement under medicaid, medicare, or any other program.


CD 9 E 978 “Legal Execution”
All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as:

asphyxiation by gas
beheading, decapitation (by guillotine)
capital punishment
other specified means

Yikes! What sort of medical treatment is this?

Ruling authority? A Temporary Ruling Authority engaged in decapitations by guillotine? What sort of nonsense is this? Exactly what is our government planning? And why is this billable under Obama Care? Exactly who would be submitting this bill? Is the “ruling authority” going to be paid for these beheadings by the Affordable Care Act (aka Obama Care)?


midnight rambler
24th November 2013, 01:31 PM
It's how a resource is managed, in this case that resource is a form of livestock.

mick silver
24th November 2013, 01:33 PM
Yikes! What sort of medical treatment is this? .......... the sort that will get you dead

24th November 2013, 01:39 PM
We are Tax Livestock.

midnight rambler
24th November 2013, 02:01 PM
Don't wanna be subject to that sort of 'medical treatment'? Learn how to bow down and worship your betters.

24th November 2013, 02:07 PM
other specified means

death from corrupted politicians

24th November 2013, 02:20 PM
beheading, decapitation (by guillotine)

That's the one which will be implimented. I won't be here for this (I'm saved) but some of you'all will be

Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

WHY beheaded? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlMKFZpxO04 28:50

24th November 2013, 02:53 PM
If they can force you to buy the medical insurance they dictate, they can force you to use it.

7th trump
24th November 2013, 03:10 PM
That's the one which will be implimented. I won't be here for this (I'm saved) but some of you'all will be

Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

WHY beheaded? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlMKFZpxO04 28:50

Saved?.........ok...what ever!
Glad you are currently saved......I hope you have the wisdom to remain saved.

There is no rapture dude!
If you believe the rapture then you are on your way to believing the fake Christ is the real Christ.....taking the image on your forehead (believing).

Show me the verse that you believe is a "rapture out of here".
The deceiver is so good that if Christ didn't shorten the days lucifer is on earth deceiving, no flesh would be saved....not even the Elect.
Christ shortened the seven years down to 5 months for the Elects sake.....really really think about that for a minute!

Twisted Titan
24th November 2013, 04:33 PM
I dont know what the fuss is.

In China it us standard practice to bill the family for the bullet used to killed your loved one.

24th November 2013, 05:34 PM
Everything in the Bible is true because sooner or later it has to happen..... they forgot to add.....Ponce will one day fly........but.......they didn't say how soon or how.

Everyone has a hobby........to many it is the Bible.


24th November 2013, 05:52 PM
Saved?.........ok...what ever!

YEP! As in whosoever (that's me) shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be SAVED! Saved, a Bible word.
Read it sometime!!

Glad you are currently saved......I hope you have the wisdom to remain saved.

Nope, it's not MY salvation, it's the Lord Jesus Christ's salvation. I can't "keep" (remain saved) what does NOT BELONG to me!!

There is no rapture dude!

Not reading the Bible then? As far as what, when, where and how - the RAPTURE is a BIBLE FACT!! It WILL happen and it WILL happen BEFORE the time of Jacob's trouble when the BRIDE of Christ is TAKEN OUT before this. Watch the video parts 1 & 2

If you believe the rapture then you are on your way to believing the fake Christ is the real Christ.....taking the image on your forehead (believing).

You're absoluty out of your mind, you have it backwards!!! If you are not looking for Jesus Christ (rapture) you are the one looking for the devil's christ IN THE TIME of Jacob's trouble (also known as the great tribulation period)


24th November 2013, 06:21 PM
Nice derail. And OH LOOK! It's religion again.


7th trump
24th November 2013, 07:45 PM

Show me one scripture that supports a "rapture".

The whole world is looking and watching for Christ!
But the problem is do you know which one is the real Christ. Which one comes first?
6 comes before 7 does it not?
Read the 6th trumpet and tell me who that is.
Saved or not saved if you take the number of the beast you do not go into the Kingdom.

You are not saved if you take the number of the beast...you can believe you are saved, but when the real one arrives and you're caught worshipping the fake as if he was the real Christ..........you've taken the number of the beast on your forehead.
What does it say about taking the number?
It says...absolutely no one who takes the number (whether or not you are saved) is allowed into Heaven.....they failed!
You are deceived......and to think.........Christ shortened the time satan has on earth into deceiving the world from 7 years to 5 short months (that half hour of silence in heaven).
He shortened it for the Elect's sake....think about that real hard!

What did God write in the Bible about the number 666 and wisdom?
That 666 is a "time stamp" when satan comes to earth play acting as Christ. Its not a chip embedded in your body nor is it the ssn or any other theory out there.
You can identify the fake Christ when the 6th seal is broken, the 6th vial is poured out, and the 6th trumpet is sounded.
It gets even better..........before any of the 7 trumpets are sounded all 7 seals are opened.

24th November 2013, 08:49 PM
Nice derail. And OH LOOK! It's religion again.


It ties in so neatly with..........
Executions and Beheadings