View Full Version : BitCoin, Electronic Money & the Precious Metals

25th November 2013, 05:16 AM
You took the bait...

Martin Armstrong, BitCoin, Electronic Money & the Precious Metals
November 20, 2013

There is this notion that Bitcoin or “Electronic Money” will become the new wave of the future. While this sounds like the inevitable outcome in our high-tech society and economy, I believe we will eventually head back towards a more modest physical system of barter and trade.

Martin Armstrong wrote this as it pertained to Bitcoin & electronic money in one his recent blog entries:

We are headed into an electronic currency regardless of what people say. Bitcoin will not survive, but it is useful to get people accustomed to a cashless society. The difference will be that the government version will be no ”anonymity” and what it being touted as a benefit is the elimination of crime – drug dealers will be eradicated (plus the government will get 100% of all its taxes).

This is why they have been waging war on gold. The only real role for gold will be as an alternative. currency not to the paper dollar – but to the electronic dollar. What maybe more practical is silver coins. But this is why Europe is also moved to a 19% tax on silver starting January 1st, 2014 (see former post). It is not that there is some dark sinister conspiracy against keeping gold prices down, the only concern about government with respect to gold is the untaxable underground economy. France has made it illegal to buy or sell gold for cash or to mail cash. The US has made it illegal to store cash in a safe deposit box. Even India banned gold sales without a license.

This is all about the Sovereign Debt Crisis, the collapse in socialism, and the driving deflationary trend as government clamps down on everything that moves. The precious metals are NOT going to be a hedge against the dollar, hyperinflation, or any of the other nonsense the gold promoters have spun to sell whatever they can like snake oil salesmen. The role of the metals will be as an alternative currency to ELECTRONIC when they terminate “printing” paper money. Wake up and stop listening to propaganda. Open your eyes and look at the real world. It is closing in a hell of a lot faster than people suspect.



mick silver
25th November 2013, 05:27 AM
told you so

25th November 2013, 06:09 AM
Michael Pento

mick silver
25th November 2013, 06:12 AM
Before the Civil War (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1876/) there were a number of other competing currencies in America, all of which went by the board. When they collapsed they took with them the savings of Americans who misplaced their trust in them. Without sufficient assets to maintain the currencies' value, there were quotidian runs on banks and sudden bankruptcies that made honest people destitute overnight.

25th November 2013, 07:01 AM
And Bitcoin or any other alternative crypto currency will disappear because Government says so?

Uh huh sure.

Keep me posted on how that's worked out for Bit Torrent. No where in Mr. Armstrong's thesis does he say why it won't survive. They've been claiming Bitcoins death every time the price corrects, yet its still here.

Will it be a world reserve currency? I highly doubt it, but it's surely a nice alternative to whatever system they have.

25th November 2013, 07:33 AM
Before the Civil War (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1876/) there were a number of other competing currencies in America, all of which went by the board. When they collapsed they took with them the savings of Americans who misplaced their trust in them. Without sufficient assets to maintain the currencies' value, there were quotidian runs on banks and sudden bankruptcies that made honest people destitute overnight.

That's the problem with asset backed currencies. You're relying on a trustworthy authority to maintain the backing. If not the currency becomes untrusted and demand falls and it disappears. Not so much a problem with the medium of exchange more than it is with the authority who squandered the backing most likely for personal gain.

25th November 2013, 09:43 AM
A "Debit Credit Card?".......I told you so.

All this will make my forty years collection of everyday regular coins very, very, very valuable.


25th November 2013, 10:21 AM
And Bitcoin or any other alternative crypto currency will disappear because Government says so?

Uh huh sure.

as long as it's widely used ...

what's the current price for an 1/8 ounce of better marijuana on Silk Road 2.0 ?

actually i can't even find Silk Road 2.0.

it seems like techies especially like Bitcoin. and they tend to have a lot of $$$.

25th November 2013, 10:36 AM
as long as it's widely used ...

what's the current price for an 1/8 ounce of better marijuana on Silk Road 2.0 ?

actually i can't even find Silk Road 2.0.

it seems like techies especially like Bitcoin. and they tend to have a lot of $$$.

No idea what the current price is but you're free to check and find out.


I may be a techie but I hardly have anywhere close to what can be considered a lot of $$$. Guess I'm doing it wrong lol

25th November 2013, 10:54 AM
And Bitcoin or any other alternative crypto currency will disappear because Government says so?

Ask the makers of Terracoins.

25th November 2013, 11:19 AM
Ask the makers of Terracoins.

The free market deemed it unworthy. They couldn't get enough miners to keep mining it or people using it for trade. So instead of maintaining support for a dying medium of exchange the developers dropped it. The government didn't end it's existence, the free market did. It could very well do the samething with Bitcoin only time will tell if it will or if another will take it's place.

It is light years better having the free market determine the value of the medium of exchange instead of a government or anyone acting under an illusion of "authority" declaring you'll use this and oh by the way I determine its value.

25th November 2013, 11:29 AM
The free market deemed it unworthy. They couldn't get enough miners to keep mining it or people using it for trade.


Jake sites selectively free markets, when it works for him.

Uncle Salty
25th November 2013, 12:07 PM
You took the bait...

Martin Armstrong, BitCoin, Electronic Money & the Precious Metals
This is all about the Sovereign Debt Crisis, the collapse in socialism, and the driving deflationary trend as government clamps down on everything that moves. The precious metals are NOT going to be a hedge against the dollar, hyperinflation, or any of the other nonsense the gold promoters have spun to sell whatever they can like snake oil salesmen. The role of the metals will be as an alternative currency to ELECTRONIC when they terminate “printing” paper money. Wake up and stop listening to propaganda. Open your eyes and look at the real world. It is closing in a hell of a lot faster than people suspect.



Gold is the only money that can restore the balance sheets of this financial debacle we currently have. Gold needs be repriced against all other assets to make this happen. Freegold here we come! Gold at $50,000 baby!! Gas still $4 gallon.