View Full Version : Solutions: How to Escape the Psychology of Control

25th November 2013, 04:03 PM
This is a 2 thumbs up kind of guy. IMHO

all his vids are truly worth it.

Solutions: How to Escape the Psychology of Control with Mark Passio


25th November 2013, 04:16 PM

Just when you thought the world had enough disinfo agents, a new franchise is born: and Mark Passio wants to tell you what is really going on and what the real, hidden meanings are to life! It’s not like Mark is hiding his source material, since he starts his four-part video series on the Illuminati occult conspiracy by naming the four “titans” whose research his theories are grounded in (meaning here are the dudes who’s ideas I ripped off to create my franchise).

David Icke is first on the list, of course. In case you don’t follow conspiracy kooks, Icke is an obvious disinfo plant who claims contact with giant reptile creatures from another dimension that only he is allowed to see? Like most disinfo agents, Icke slips in the occasional truth to better make the spoonful of disinfo go down. Passio’s credibility sinks even further with the next two “researchers’ whose work form the basis of his worldview: Jordon Maxwell and Micheal Tsarion, two obvious kooks who push UFO and alien conspiracy stories, while also retreading Aleister Crowley as a dark magician secretly running the world. (The truth is Crowley became a professional huckster similar in many ways to Icke, Maxwell, Tsarion and Passio, although Crowley’s connections to British intelligence—James Bond creator Ian Fleming was his handler at the end—are well documented at this point, while any possible intel connections on the others remain to be uncovered.) Passio also lists Terence McKenna, who is really more of a psychedelic mystic than occult conspiracy researcher, but since McKenna has a huge fan base and believes in UFOs, you can see why Passio would want to tie himself to those coattails.

To give an idea of the quality of this “research,” expect to find a string of logos with pyramid shapes. These logos will all be claimed as evidence of an Illuminati occult conspiracy, because, after all, no one would be stupid enough to put a triangle in their logo unless they were being controlled by the Illuminati, right? See, the triangle is super important because it represents how a small number of people on top control the huge amount of people on the bottom. Duh? Using this logic, anytime you see the color “red,” its safe to assume the Rothschilds are behind that op. This is about as rigorous as Passio research gets and expect a lot of hypnotic music and quick cuts and dissolves to lots of symbols and fear-loaded sigils, the end result of which will make you very, very fearful, since it’s obvious the Illuminati intend to kill most of the planet in the next few years. One wonders, however, where their profits will come from once they get rid of us stupid consumers? I guess the Illuminati don’t care about profits.

Yes, the super rich old money cabal meets in secret and organizes a future that guarantees their ancestors will continue to rule the planet just like they do. What else would you expect the super rich old money to do? And I don’t think they’re in a hurry to install this supposed one-world government either, since manufacturing war requires at least two sides, and war has been the economic engine driving the world economies for centuries. Unless, of course, they can devise a war against alien life-forms or creatures from another dimension. At that point, a one-world government scam will work.

The real point of all this disinfo is to keep the people fearful and confused. Once you believe you are surrounded by chemtrails, or UFO landings, or Illuminati agents trying to poison you, you lose the ability to mount an effective investigation into what is really going on. The 9/11 conspiracy was a magic ritual designed to sweep us into war and hide the electronic transfer of billions of dollars. But it wasn’t anything like the scenario being pushed by this cabal of disinfo agents. What they do is take the hypnotic mind control being used for brainwashing one side of a dialectic and claim that’s actually a true representation of the mind of the Illuminati and how they work, and not just another mind control op in progress. It doesn’t matter what altar you pray at, all magic is based around bell, book and candle, and the only real rule is big dog eats first.

To give an idea of what “good” versus “bad” research looks like, a real researcher named Antony Sutton wrote a book detailing how Skull & Bones moved members into elevated positions in medicine, education, government, and then those characters began affecting major changes within those professions, the end result of which has been to further the dumbing-down process while centralizing power and control (and manufacturing war for profit). Sutton also said Skull & Bones could be related to the Illuminati, since it was a German secret society transplanted to Yale right after the country’s biggest educational secret society (Phi Beta Kapa, organized by Freemasons) went above-ground in the 1840s, a move that angered the Yale chapter who wanted a completely secret society for the educated elite. The main thing about Sutton, however, is he talked about real people and had real facts to back up everything. With characters like Icke and Passio, however, it’s a giant web constructed of rumor and coincidence. Whether these people know they are deep in some intel rabbit hole, or whether they knowingly spread this garbage is the only question in my mind.

Since I never heard of Maxwell and Tasarion, I decided to do a little research. Strangely, Maxwell had no wikipedia entry. Even stranger, many people had apparently tried to start a wikipedia page on Maxwell, yet this page was mysteriously always getting deleted by those higher up the wikipedia chain. Now why would that be, I wonder? I did come across an accusation that Maxwell was a 30-year CIA veteran and a 33rd Freemason, but since zero evidence was offered to back up either claim, I didn’t feel that rumor was very useful. However, then I came across a likely reason why Maxwell doesn’t like wikipedia. See, in 2003, Maxwell was accused of running an internet scam. His real name, by the way, is Russel Pine. “…both Jordan Maxwell, aka Russell Pine, and Vic Varjabedian, from about December 1999 to January 2003 conducted a nationwide scheme to defraud customers using an internet website and in-bound telemarketing calls. The defendants maintained this website, http://www.bbcoa.com, where they sold fake international driver’s permits, bogus credit repair services, and sham debt termination programs.” You can find the complaint here: http://www.keytlaw.com/FTC/Actions/ftc030116.htm

25th November 2013, 04:29 PM
ohhh.... David Icke is first on the list as a disinfo agent too ??? ???

I beg to disagree... to each his town...

many disinfo agents brand honest researchers as "disinfo agents" ... part of the game the elites play...

we live in a strange world... my advice, listen and watch everything you can and MAKE UP your own mind.

Every time you hear "dont go there, that's disinfo", just do the opposite

However Bible' supporters will always accuse people into esoteric research to be disinfo agents... or/and satan worshipers. Many of them may not have it 100% correct at all times but at least, they are the ones who REALLY help spread knowledge.

hey Book, listen to the interview and then tell me where the disinfo is... PLZ :)

26th November 2013, 02:08 PM
actually, I went for the very first time today to his website, right all looks like disinfo to me... just kidding . But I know why people like Passio are targeted: because when good intents are behind esoteric knowledge, they become magic as reality can be projected at our own level .... and that is soo empowering that it is the 1st threat to all religions since they all derived from atsro- theology, the cult of the sun... well isnt the sun Light after all?

In this empowering presentation, and on this web site, the following concepts and ideas will be deeply explored:

• The components of our own Consciousness
• How to recognize Truth and Deception
• The Emotional Polarities we experience in our lives
• The differences between Magic and Sorcery
• What a healthy or destructive Worldview looks like
• The basic nature of Good and Evil
• The basic nature of the problem we collectively face as a species
• The forces of Dark Occultism at work in our lives
• The multi-faceted methods by which human consciousness is manipulated on a daily basis
• The underlying agenda of those performing the manipulation
• What Natural Law is and how it contrasts with the law of man
• What Sovereignty and Anarchy really mean
• Grassroots Solutions that anyone can employ to begin to turn the tide and heal the damage that has been done to our ourselves and our world

In no way am I asking anyone to BELIEVE anything that is contained in my presentation or on this web site.

As a matter of fact, the absolute worst thing that could happen is that you leave here believing anything you've read, without seeking to verify it through your own research and in your own experience. The whole purpose of this body of work is to encourage others to seek the knowledge that can lead them to a better understanding of themselves, and of our world.

Finally, I would ask you to consider that, regardless of the circumstances or events that led you to this site, it is not an accident that you have found it. We are led to certain experiences for a reason.

So if you are now ready to begin, my recommendation is to start with the Podcast section by clicking on the "Podcasts" tab of the main menu above. Proceeding in order is recommended, starting with show #001 and moving forward, as concepts explored in the later podcasts are built upon prerequisite information which is covered in earlier shows. Please keep in mind that this web site is a work in progress. New information and resources will be added on an ongoing basis.

So thank you very much for visiting my site. If you find any of the information contained on these pages of value to your life, please feel free to share it widely, and recommend the site to others.

All is Love. Fear is Illusion. All beings are Free. Truth


What Is Truth?
Truth is the expression of all that exists. Truth is simply that which is, and all of that which is encompasses the Truth.

This means that ultimately, Truth is comprised of all information, in all space, times, frequencies and dimensions of existence.

Truth is unwavering. It simply is, and it is always simple. It is only our perception that wavers either toward the Truth or away from it - but the Truth itself is simply that which is. Some will attempt to sell you the lie that there is no Truth, that which is true can never be known, or that it is only our perceptions of the Truth that comprise reality. At worst, these are deliberate lies by those intentionally attempting to mislead us. At best, these are ill-formed opinions of the severely misguided.

The truth is that the Truth exists. It is knowable. You can become increasingly aware of it in your own experience. This is, in fact, the reason we exist.
