View Full Version : Elderly farmer fights for 215-yr-old land lost to feds - Canada

29th November 2013, 02:56 PM
TORONTO – The family of 85-year-old Frank Meyers has owned and farmed his land for 215 years, but he’s been threatened with losing it to the Canadian government for the last seven.

“I’m just trying to hold my ground and keep it,” he said. “I’m not giving them an inch.”

Despite declarations of standing his ground, military police are stationed outside his barns with “No Trespassing” signs to make sure he doesn’t enter. Police were also called when Global News reporter Jennifer Tryon was on the property, interviewing Meyers.

Meyers said the land was donated from the King George III of England in 1798 to his family “perpetually” and they’ve been there ever since. He grows corn, beans, peas, hay, oats and barley.

“We don’t grow as much of that now because the military said they’re going to send the Humane Society to take my cattle out,” said Meyers. “I [sold] 28 head of cattle.”

But CFB Trenton and the Department of National Defence (DND) are expropriating the farmland to build a new training and administrative campus for the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM).

The government took control of the farming buildings about a year and a half ago, but Meyers still lives in the “old house on our side of the railroad tracks.”

“It’s an awful toll on me. It’s just stress… That’s what they’re trying to do, they hope I’ll drop dead.”

The spokesperson for Minister of National Defence Rob Nicholson said the expropriation was “critically important to the country and to the local community.”

“The Government of Canada has approached this land expropriation with great sensitivity and has offered Mr. Meyers full compensation for the property,” wrote Julie Di Mambro in an email to Global News. “This project will inject millions of dollars into the local economy and bring hundreds of well-paying jobs.”

National Defence spokesperson Jennifer St. Germain told Global News that an extensive options analysis study concluded Meyers’ farmland, north of 8 Wing Trenton, would “best meet the Canadian Forces’ future requirements.” She noted that because it’s close to 8 Wing Trenton and Hwy. 401, the site allows for “rapid” air and ground response when necessary.

Meyers owns 200 acres of farmland, including close to 60 acres of woods, which the government considers part of the farms.

He said he was approached to sell the land for market value about seven years ago, but he refused the offer. Now he says he’s lost about 235 acres to the DND.

“I said, ‘no, I’m not interested’…No money changed hands…what good’s money to me? I can’t eat money!” he said. “Across Canada I’m fighting for everyone to have food on their table in years to come,” he said. “So they just…put the expropriation laws, but stole it!”


But municipal lawyer Stephen D’Agostino said the government has been acting in accordance with expropriation law; the rule by which the government is allowed to take your land against your will for compensation.

“I certainly feel for him and his family given the generations that they’ve invested into this property, but the way expropriation law works in Canada—that just doesn’t count,” he said.

D’Agostino explained the military base would qualify as being in the public interest, and that a minister has already accepted the expropriation at a hearing meant to determine whether it was a proper expropriation. But he calls the whole thing “a bit of a sham process.”

“If the report said the expropriation should not happen, the minister would read the report and come to the minister’s own determination as to whether or not they would go ahead anyway,” he said, adding that landowners barely receive any funding to cover the proceedings.

Now, Meyers’ only hope is if Minister of Public Works Diane Finley overturns the original decision to expropriate the land. But DND is taking the lead, and Finley’s office said it is undertaking DND’s request to procure the land needed for the training centre.

Meanwhile, Meyers is quickly gaining support: the “Stop the Harper government and the DND from taking the Meyers Farm” online petition has earned more than 5,400 signatures, and a Facebook group to save the farm includes photos of support (in the gallery above) from farming communities across Ontario.

“I just don’t know what’s going to happen now,” said Meyers. “All the minister of national defence has to say is ‘Leave them alone’…Harper, that’s all you’ve got to do, say, ‘Forget about it, leave him alone.’”


29th November 2013, 05:10 PM
“I just don’t know what’s going to happen now,” said Meyers. “All the minister of national defence has to say is ‘Leave them alone’…Harper, that’s all you’ve got to do, say, ‘Forget about it, leave him alone.’”

Says it all really. This guy doesn't care if they take your land, he only cares about himself. The only reason it is in the media is because of his loyalties. They will give him plenty more compensation, he'll gladly walk away smilling and no one will hear about it again.

This isn't about civil outrage, this is about applying the screws and getting a better deal. Remember the courts have to be seen to be 'fair and just' in their dealings and our jewish plaintiff needs the courts to be more just and fair than with others.:rolleyes:

29th November 2013, 05:15 PM
He may get cash and walk away hooting, but the deeper thing is that the gov, cleared him out ..

That is just wrong, if his family has that much history in the land.. Unless he/they wanted it.

29th November 2013, 06:11 PM
He may get cash and walk away hooting, but the deeper thing is that the gov, cleared him out ..

That is just wrong, if his family has that much history in the land.. Unless he/they wanted it.

The deeper thing is that he is of a certain tribe. This shit happens everyday to the 'gentiles' and you'll never hear a word of it, so don't give me you're bombastic faux outrage.

29th November 2013, 06:13 PM
The deeper thing is that he is of a certain tribe. This shit happens everyday to the 'gentiles' and you'll never hear a word of it, so don't give me you're bombastic faux outrage.

No way johay outrage..

Just making a commit. Using the info presented.

Edit: now wonder where you are coming from, and that to me means

We here have been having a bunch of imminent domain things going on with land owners because of the pipeline, going through here...

You know the one they are building from Canada to Houston TX..
Bunch of old time landowners are not happy to see they have no voice/or resolve. that dam pipeline and where it goes trumps all rights..

and THAT is wrong...

but it it is still cutting land and homesteads..

mick silver
29th November 2013, 07:45 PM
there are still some old timer that dont need the money and one thing about this his family live there he was born there it sill mean something to they men , i know one just like him that can make over 4 million on two hundred ac , like he said my dad was born here i was born here , and i have all the money i need . at one time my dad had over 1400ac loss that to tva . them old guys still walk with there head up

30th November 2013, 03:44 AM
Says it all really. This guy doesn't care if they take your land, he only cares about himself. The only reason it is in the media is because of his loyalties. They will give him plenty more compensation, he'll gladly walk away smilling and no one will hear about it again.

This isn't about civil outrage, this is about applying the screws and getting a better deal. Remember the courts have to be seen to be 'fair and just' in their dealings and our jewish plaintiff needs the courts to be more just and fair than with others.:rolleyes:

Is he a Jew? I don't think I've ever seen or heard of a Jew being a farmer and working the land.

30th November 2013, 04:08 AM
Is he a Jew? I don't think I've ever seen or heard of a Jew being a farmer and working the land.

Are you kidding me?

Joos have ALWAYS had an association with cattle and herding. Western semites dressed in the regional garb adorn the pyramids from 1800 BC to 1400 BC, they were called the hyksos or translated 'shepherd kings'. Why do you think there are so many references to shepherds in the New Testament, fuck in the old testament they used to worship then!

Even in their latter Germany/Eueopean history they were renowned as cattle owners and traders. They control their own meat for fuck sake, thats how CORE their relationship to it is. Its so obvious that you can plot the movement of semitic J2 haplotype males into europe during the neolithic right alogside the movement of bos taurus (modern cattle) out of the levant.

Obviously joos thrive anywhere good money can be made, doesn't mean they do ALL the heavy lifting, to assume they'd have to is purely disengenuous.

And lastly, how can MEYER not be joosh. Are you for real?

30th November 2013, 04:28 AM
Obviously joos thrive anywhere good money can be made, doesn't mean they do ALL the heavy lifting, to assume they'd have to is purely disengenuous.

I am going out on a limb here and suggesting that anyone who has any dealings at all in the commercial world is indistinguishable from a Semite. Name aside, hooked nose or not .. you carry paper money or credit cards on your person and you are dabbling in a form of religious art that is Jewish in origin.

As to this gentleman who is fighting for his land ... I suspect he and his family have been using it to engage in commerce all these years. He undoubtedly pays tax on the land and that makes him nothing more than a tenant. The system was willing to pay him for the land they took so he is more than free to relocate to some other area where he can continue his tenant commercial activities.

30th November 2013, 04:47 AM
I am going out on a limb here and suggesting that anyone who has any dealings at all in the commercial world is indistinguishable from a Semite. Name aside, hooked nose or not .. you carry paper money or credit cards on your person and you are dabbling in a form of religious art that is Jewish in origin.

This is basicaly the way I see it. Even ancient greek culture from 800 BC to 400 BC is mostly imported oriental influenced worship (mystery cults) and general civic life with their requirements of citizenship and civic responsibilities like taxes for works.

Its a big call to make but overtime I'm beginning to see it this way as well. Basically ALL our history is abridged and force fed by them so why would'nt it be the same commercially.

30th November 2013, 04:57 AM

farmer (n.)
late 14c., "one who collects taxes, etc.," from Anglo-French fermer, French fermier, from Medieval Latin firmarius, from firma (see farm (n.)). In the agricultural sense, 1590s, replacing native churl and husbandman.

30th November 2013, 05:03 AM

farmer (n.)
late 14c., "one who collects taxes, etc.," from Anglo-French fermer, French fermier, from Medieval Latin firmarius, from firma (see farm (n.)). In the agricultural sense, 1590s, replacing native churl and husbandman.

There you go. Thanks for that, i'm always amazed how the entymology of certain 'words' often have diametericaly oppposed interests to what most often think.

30th November 2013, 05:06 AM
Our farm has been in the family since 1835 so I can understand the farmer not wanting to give it up. At least it's being taken for a military base ( a state function) instead of being seized so the .gov can increase it's tax base ( Kelso decision).

30th November 2013, 05:46 AM
The deeper thing is that he is of a certain tribe. This shit happens everyday to the 'gentiles' and you'll never hear a word of it, so don't give me you're bombastic faux outrage.

i didn't think Jews worked that hard.

or do you mean Indian tribe ?

30th November 2013, 05:57 AM
i didn't think Jews worked that hard.

or do you mean Indian tribe ?

They don't. They just rise to the top and let everyone else do the hard graft.

30th November 2013, 06:21 AM

farmer (n.)
late 14c., "one who collects taxes, etc.," from Anglo-French fermer, French fermier, from Medieval Latin firmarius, from firma (see farm (n.)). In the agricultural sense, 1590s, replacing native churl and husbandman.

Stooge.... etymology: one who tinkers with meanings to distort things into stupidity.

There you go. Thanks for that, i'm always amazed how the entymology of certain 'words' often have diametericaly oppposed interests to what most often think.

I knew a guy named Smith. I looked up his name and found that it came from "worker of metals". He always denied having a blacksmith shop or a goldsmith work bench. I think he was lying.... probably from a "particular tribe".... wouldn't you say?

The deeper thing is that he is of a certain tribe. This shit happens everyday to the 'gentiles' and you'll never hear a word of it, so don't give me you're bombastic faux outrage.

Show me where you found this guy is a jew. His family being in Canada for hundreds of years makes that unlikely. Or... are you just pulling crap outta yer butt?

30th November 2013, 07:02 AM
Stooge.... etymology: one who tinkers with meanings to distort things into stupidity. I don't write these things or make them up. I do find it valuable to know that words may be interpreted differently from their present meaning and I am not above making use of this knowledge for MY advantage.

I knew a guy named Smith. I looked up his name and found that it came from "worker of metals". He always denied having a blacksmith shop or a goldsmith work bench. I think he was lying.... probably from a "particular tribe".... wouldn't you say? How many surnames do you find in use in the bible?

The surname places you in commerce. It certainly matters little the actual name. Any will do. Figure out how to shuck it and you will find yourself in a better condition.

30th November 2013, 07:27 AM
Is a wrong not still a wrong, no matter who it's perpetrated against? His lineage is besides the point and a moot one at that. What is not in contention is that a .gov is using force to take his family farm.

30th November 2013, 07:35 AM
Is a wrong not still a wrong, no matter who it's perpetrated against? His lineage is besides the point and a moot one at that. What is not in contention is that a .gov is using force to take his family farm.
Maybe you haven't heard? The 10 planks outlaw private property and .gov is systematically going around implementing the 10 planks. Its no secret you know. You might be able to stop them with a legal notice placed timely but trying to recover 50 years after you should have acted is a given loser.

30th November 2013, 07:42 AM
Is a wrong not still a wrong, no matter who it's perpetrated against? His lineage is besides the point and a moot one at that. What is not in contention is that a .gov is using force to take his family farm.

Yeup... I think that is the point of the story. Some want to claim he is a jew so he deserves it... or that he is trying to profit off this by hard bargaining, even though they already occupied his property and blocked him out..... or that since he paid taxes in the past for earning a living off his land, that he now deserves to lose his property, which he never really owned.

Brilliant stoners with nothing good to offer but flying stones.

30th November 2013, 07:49 AM
he now deserves to lose his property, which he never really owned

He (like most everyone) owns property in a commercial plane. [Although communist plane might be another interpretation]. Military wants to occupy the same property for the defense of the country. Not entirely a similar function to the commercial plane but I don't suppose the military want him growing corn or running cows when they are holding war games there.

30th November 2013, 08:06 AM
He (like most everyone) owns property in a commercial plane. [Although communist plane might be another interpretation]. Military wants to occupy the same property for the defense of the country. Not entirely a similar function to the commercial plane but I don't suppose the military want him growing corn or running cows when they are holding war games there.

It matters not whether we are talking about a flat wide space, aircraft or the slicing of wood to make it flat..... the plain reality here is that one groups steals from another because they have superior force. That is still the way of a land unruled by principles. Such a way of life has no right to decry terrorism, which it surely will spawn.

It seems that their military did fine (relying on US coverage actually) for hundreds of years without this man's property.

30th November 2013, 09:04 AM
Are you kidding me?

Joos have ALWAYS had an association with cattle and herding. Western semites dressed in the regional garb adorn the pyramids from 1800 BC to 1400 BC, they were called the hyksos or translated 'shepherd kings'. Why do you think there are so many references to shepherds in the New Testament, fuck in the old testament they used to worship then!

Even in their latter Germany/Eueopean history they were renowned as cattle owners and traders. They control their own meat for fuck sake, thats how CORE their relationship to it is. Its so obvious that you can plot the movement of semitic J2 haplotype males into europe during the neolithic right alogside the movement of bos taurus (modern cattle) out of the levant.

Obviously joos thrive anywhere good money can be made, doesn't mean they do ALL the heavy lifting, to assume they'd have to is purely disengenuous.

And lastly, how can MEYER not be joosh. Are you for real?

There are none that I know who actually work the land raising grain or tending cattle. They are traders and they steal cattle from the goy at the auction barns, feedlots and packing plants but none are actual farmers or ranchers here.

There are ranchers in the area where I live who are christian with the name Meyer so the name doesn't always mean Jew.

I'm for real aeondaze and there are only white christians working the land where I live.

7th trump
30th November 2013, 09:19 AM
He (like most everyone) owns property in a commercial plane. [Although communist plane might be another interpretation]. Military wants to occupy the same property for the defense of the country. Not entirely a similar function to the commercial plane but I don't suppose the military want him growing corn or running cows when they are holding war games there.

You are such a fucking hypocrite palani.

You'll recognize the commercial plane when it fits your backwards ass agenda and wont where it matters.

30th November 2013, 02:39 PM
the plain reality here is that one groups steals from another because they have superior force. That is still the way of a land unruled by principles. Such a way of life has no right to decry terrorism, which it surely will spawn.

It seems that their military did fine (relying on US coverage actually) for hundreds of years without this man's property.

Any justification for the military to require additional land must come from them don't you think? If there is not sufficient justification shouldn't the political side be able to rein them in? Evidently the political side offered to reimburse the man for his loss but this offer was turned down. Even if the military occupies his land the ownership remains his until he or his heirs agree to alien it or reclaim it.

30th November 2013, 02:41 PM
You are such a fucking hypocrite palani. You know you might make your points better without the ad hominem don't you? You appear to advocate biblical teachings but then your hate seems to dominate. Truly a shame that you are such a two faced a-hole.

You'll recognize the commercial plane when it fits your backwards ass agenda and wont where it matters. My agenda? Am I seizing this man's property? I am not even Canadian and neither are you so go STUFF yourself.

30th November 2013, 02:57 PM
There are ranchers in the area where I live who are christian with the name Meyer so the name doesn't always mean Jew.

These are crypto jews. How do I know, because I lived with a guy for years with that very same last name. He kept it hidden for years what his true feelings were, then one day out of the blue he proclaims to be a zionist. He was a fucking joo, no two ways about it. He went aruond masquerading as a christian, don't be fooled Tumbleweed.

You will NEVER know until you actually live in the same house as these people who their true alegiences are to.

From this thread you can see the pro zionist stooges. They have all piped up.

Lastly nowhere has anyone said they deserve their land taken. I said they got media coverage because they are joosh, that they don't give a rats ass if they take your property, just not theirs and the whole reportage is about getting better conmpensation.

7th trump
30th November 2013, 03:07 PM
You know you might make your points better without the ad hominem don't you? You appear to advocate biblical teachings but then your hate seems to dominate. Truly a shame that you are such a two faced a-hole.

My agenda? Am I seizing this man's property? I am not even Canadian and neither are you so go STUFF yourself.

You must think all faithful believers are just push overs huh?
As in your version of law, you mislabel correction for an ad hominem attack.....no surprise there!
However you call it doesn't matter because what I point out is the "formal fallacies" in your reasoning.....as well as your informal fallacy's.


In philosophy, a formal fallacy is a pattern of reasoning that is always wrong. This is due to a flaw in the logical structure of the argument which renders the argument invalid. A formal fallacy is contrasted with an informal fallacy, which may have a valid logical form, but be false due to the characteristics of its premises, or its justification structure.

"Fallacious arguments usually have the deceptive appearance of being good arguments."[1] Recognizing fallacies in everyday arguments may be difficult since arguments are often embedded in rhetorical patterns that obscure the logical connections between statements
That's you...and this is also you.


An informal fallacy is an argument whose stated premises fail to support its proposed conclusion.[1] The problem with an informal fallacy often stems from a flaw in reasoning that renders the conclusion unpersuasive. In contrast to a formal fallacy of deduction, the error is not merely a flaw in logic.

Your agenda is you pushing your bullshit lies where you twist and turn the law to meet your conspiracy belief system that which is wrong.

30th November 2013, 03:19 PM
You must think all faithful believers are just push overs huh?

Faithful believer in what? Communism? Because that is the system you are an apologist for. The rest of your post is nonsense because you fail to get your opening sentence correct.

Did they have dunce caps in use when you learned your programming?

7th trump
30th November 2013, 05:12 PM
Faithful believer in what? Communism? Because that is the system you are an apologist for. The rest of your post is nonsense because you fail to get your opening sentence correct.

Did they have dunce caps in use when you learned your programming?
Apologist t ocommunism?
Far reach there palani!
You have that wrong palani....I've corrected you once before about this accusation of being a communist.
I no longer participate I social security.
You are very aware that social security is where you give authority to the state to take from you to give it to another.
You are the one who is a communist....you said before you receive social security checks.

I've always promoted that social security is voluntary...even gave the regulation that says its voluntary....what have you brought to the table besides your fallacy premise that frns are the problem?
You speak from both sides of your mouth.

Nobody needs an opening sentence to make a point......that's just you trying to get out of the corner you put yourself in.

The faithful are can-doers...unlike yourself....maybe that's why God hasn't opened your eyes yet.
You'd rather believe in lies than the truth..........you cannot be trusted with the truth.
You've allowed yourself to be fooled so God doesn't help those who cant help themselves.....He'll even pile the foolishness on heavy.

mick silver
30th November 2013, 05:31 PM

30th November 2013, 05:31 PM
I no longer participate I social security. You participate in fiat money.

You are very aware that social security is where you give authority to the state to take from you to give it to another. You are the one who is a communist....you said before you receive social security checks. I don't know what you have been smokin' but wouldn't it be a bit hard for me to receive social security checks when I don't participate in that system and have never applied for a social security benefit?

You speak from both sides of your mouth. I haven't spoken to you at all.

7th trump
30th November 2013, 05:39 PM
You participate in fiat money.

I don't know what you have been smokin' but wouldn't it be a bit hard for me to receive social security checks when I don't participate in that system and have never applied for a social security benefit?

I haven't spoken to you at all.

Fiat money has nothing at all to do with communism...the two are complete different realms.
Fiat is nothing but a medium of exchange...nothing less and nothing more!
Only a fool would think otherwise.

You don't need to receive a benefit to participate in SS.
All you need is to contribute into it to be a participant.

30th November 2013, 05:51 PM
Fiat money has nothing at all to do with communism...the two are complete different realms.
Fiat is nothing but a medium of exchange...nothing less and nothing more!
Yet I have heard of a case where a judge instructed to turn a defendants pants pockets inside out to see if he had any paper money on him .. he did so got assigned a contempt on the spot ... you don't make constitutional arguments while participating in the communism.

You don't need to receive a benefit to participate in SS. There is no benefit in social security until you apply for one.

All you need is to contribute into it to be a participant. I don't contribute either. How do you like THOSE apples?

7th trump
30th November 2013, 06:22 PM
Yet I have heard of a case where a judge instructed to turn a defendants pants pockets inside out to see if he had any paper money on him .. he did so got assigned a contempt on the spot ... you don't make constitutional arguments while participating in the communism.

There is no benefit in social security until you apply for one.

I don't contribute either. How do you like THOSE apples?

The benefit is your covered whether or not you apply moron.

What was the case?
I'd love to read this one and find out what it was about.
Bet it doesn't even exist!

I've debunked more than one court case where the fiat money morons was way... way ...way out of context!

Don't get caught receiving money under the counter and not reporting it to the SSA palani. The IRS doesn't like it and looks at it as defrauding the government. The DoJ will surely prosecute if they do catch you.
For me the government already knows I don't participate. So the IRS isn't expecting any "income" info on me.
And if they do I just correct that situation.
My account doesn't raise red flags as would yours.

7th trump
30th November 2013, 08:21 PM
Yet I have heard of a case where a judge instructed to turn a defendants pants pockets inside out to see if he had any paper money on him .. he did so got assigned a contempt on the spot ... you don't make constitutional arguments while participating in the communism.

There is no benefit in social security until you apply for one.

I don't contribute either. How do you like THOSE apples?

I see your idiotology is well documented around the net these days.


1st December 2013, 04:37 AM
I see your idiotology is well documented around the net these days.

Did you believe you are the only disinformation agent on the net?

1st December 2013, 04:47 AM
The benefit is your covered whether or not you apply. Benefits don't exist until you actually apply for them. In your immediate case you are tacitly requesting of me the benefit of discussion and I have been graciously granting your application.

What was the case? You just can't overcome that reading deficiency of yours can you? I stated I had HEARD of a case as described. Why would that lead you to believe I had a hard copy in my hands?

I've debunked more than one court case where the fiat money morons was way... way ...way out of context! You lack the ability to debunk a latrine.

Don't get caught receiving money under the counter and not reporting it to the SSA palani. Why would this be the first thought that flits through your tiny little mind? Is that what you do?

The IRS doesn't like it and looks at it as defrauding the government. You seem to know an awful lot of this agency. They pay you a commission?

The DoJ will surely prosecute if they do catch you. Did you know that the DoJ and the agency you work for are not the same?

For me the government already knows I don't participate. Bull. The FRN is a benefit and you participate to the max.

So the IRS isn't expecting any "income" info on me. Should I care about your affairs one way or another?

And if they do I just correct that situation. Useless information.

My account doesn't raise red flags as would yours. Of course you are 'special'. I believe there is a special olympics for people as special as you.

mick silver
1st December 2013, 06:30 AM
never mind ......... wrong thread , i thought it was about a farmer

7th trump
1st December 2013, 09:17 AM
Benefits don't exist until you actually apply for them. In your immediate case you are tacitly requesting of me the benefit of discussion and I have been graciously granting your application.
You just can't overcome that reading deficiency of yours can you? I stated I had HEARD of a case as described. Why would that lead you to believe I had a hard copy in my hands?
You lack the ability to debunk a latrine.
Why would this be the first thought that flits through your tiny little mind? Is that what you do?
You seem to know an awful lot of this agency. They pay you a commission?
Did you know that the DoJ and the agency you work for are not the same?
Bull. The FRN is a benefit and you participate to the max.
Should I care about your affairs one way or another?
Useless information.
Of course you are 'special'. I believe there is a special olympics for people as special as you.

Two things palani.
1. Since you cannot procure the court case you therefore cannot imply your fiat premise is correct. This supposed court case is "hearsay" (it doesn't exist and you know it doesn't exist).
I'm sure a guy like you would have written the court case down and researched the case for merit and integrity.
Or are you really going to show everyone what I've been saying about you all along and just say you heard there was a case?

2. Show me this "benefit" of using reserve notes over treasury notes or any other medium of exchange?

Note: Minted coins such as the US Susan B. Anthony dollar, US half dollar, US quarter, US dime, US nickel, US penny are all minted by the US government.
By your very own standards palani these US minted coins are "lawful money", and hold no benefit. They are not minted by the reserve bank system. And yet when being paid in coin form all federal and state income taxes are imposed and collected upon such coins.
Please show me the benefit of reserve notes!

1st December 2013, 09:32 AM
Since you cannot procure the court case you therefore cannot imply your fiat premise is correct. This supposed court case is "hearsay" (it doesn't exist and you know it doesn't exist).
When I spot smoke on the horizon I might imply there is a fire beneath it. Unfortunately I don't have a case cite to PROVE there is a fire. However I find fire to be LIKELY.

I'm sure a guy like you would have written the court case down and researched the case for merit and integrity.
Or are you really going to show everyone what I've been saying about you all along and just say you heard there was a case? Do you REALLY believe such a court case could have a CITE attached? Why would the system want such information released?

I also HEARD of a court case where a gentleman was complaining of some action of government. The case terminated when the judicial actor had the mans voter registration card introduced. Cite? Not possible. Plausible. Very likely.

Courts lie to you all the time yet you insist upon some record of their lies? Man are you gullible.

Show me this "benefit" of using reserve notes over treasury notes or any other medium of exchange? Please show me the benefit of reserve notes!
Why don't you go to your banker and ask him if you are paying for any benefit when he issues you a mortgage? If you aren't paying for a benefit then what service does he provide? Next ask him if his bank is a member bank of the Federal Reserve. I don't expect you have the intelligence or initiative to figure this out though so please continue your clueless approach.

7th trump
1st December 2013, 10:12 AM
When I spot smoke on the horizon I might imply there is a fire beneath it. Unfortunately I don't have a case cite to PROVE there is a fire. However I find fire to be LIKELY.

Do you REALLY believe such a court case could have a CITE attached? Why would the system want such information released?

I also HEARD of a court case where a gentleman was complaining of some action of government. The case terminated when the judicial actor had the mans voter registration card introduced. Cite? Not possible. Plausible. Very likely.

Courts lie to you all the time yet you insist upon some record of their lies? Man are you gullible.

Why don't you go to your banker and ask him if you are paying for any benefit when he issues you a mortgage? If you aren't paying for a benefit then what service does he provide? Next ask him if his bank is a member bank of the Federal Reserve. I don't expect you have the intelligence or initiative to figure this out though so please continue your clueless approach.

I know you don't have a court case!
You confirmed this for me anyway when you didn't cite the case in your post.
What's gullible is people believing you that there's a court case supporting your premise, when in fact, none exists.
Why do you lead people to truth with lies?
That's not very trust worthy palani.

Courts don't lie palani.
Are the courts lying to the public when they had this to say about the 14th amendment?

“We have in our political system a government of the United States and a government of each of the several States. Each one of these governments is distinct from the others, and each has citizens of it’s own...”
United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875)

“...he was not a citizen of the United States, he was a citizen and voter of the State,...” “One may be a citizen of a State an yet not a citizen of the United States”.
McDonel v. The State, 90 Ind. 320 (1883)

“That there is a citizenship of the United States and citizenship of a state,...”
Tashiro v. Jordan, 201 Cal. 236 (1927)

"A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government ..."
Kitchens v. Steele, 112 F.Supp 383

“The governments of the United States and of each state of the several states are distinct from one another. The rights of a citizen under one may be quite different from those which he has under the other”.
Colgate v. Harvey, 296 U.S. 404; 56 S.Ct. 252 (1935)

“There is a difference between privileges and immunities belonging to the citizens of the United States as such, and those belonging to the citizens of each state as such”.
Ruhstrat v. People, 57 N.E. 41 (1900)

“The rights and privileges, and immunities which the fourteenth constitutional amendment and Rev. St. section 1979 [U.S. Comp. St. 1901, p. 1262], for its enforcement, were designated to protect, are such as belonging to citizens of the United States as such, and not as citizens of a state”.
Wadleigh v. Newhall 136 F. 941 (1905)

“...rights of national citizenship as distinct from the fundamental or natural rights inherent in state citizenship”.
Madden v. Kentucky, 309 U.S. 83: 84 L.Ed. 590 (1940)

How come when I read those court cases it helps in interpreting the law better?

The law is black and white. Lawyers lie and twist the law to get a certain outcome in their favor. The courts are very important in learning how laws are interpreted.
But since you admit you don't study any of the laws you reference, neither do you read court cases to further understand these same laws.
You're lost in the law palani.....how many times have I said that about you?

Mortgages are in no way related to fiat being any "benefit".
My mortgage consists of the payment itself and the escrow...where's the benefit?
Reserve notes are obligations to the US government....says so right in 12usc 411....not the reserve system.
So if they are obligations to the US government where's the benefit?

1st December 2013, 10:44 AM
I know you don't have a court case!
You confirmed this for me anyway when you didn't cite the case in your post.
Imagine that!!! When you were in public school did you demand the teacher provide a case cite?

What's gullible is people believing you that there's a court case supporting your premise, when in fact, none exists. Is it gullible to spot smoke on the horizon and call the fire department?

Why do you lead people to truth with lies?
That's not very trust worthy palani. You have a right to complain? The Jim Jones of the social security set? How's the koolaid on your end of the planet? Still LETHAL?

Courts don't lie palani.
Are the courts lying to the public when they had this to say about the 14th amendment? Courts don't lie? You are out of your ever lovin' mind. They lie constantly. Try to get into a hearing when the court says you can't.

How come when I read those court cases it helps in interpreting the law better? How come when I have a sow that won't go into a pen all I have to do is throw a bushel basket over its head and grab it by the tail? If it won't go in head first you drag it in by the tail. You just LIKE being led. Its a flaw in your character.

The law is black and white. Lawyers lie and twist the law to get a certain outcome in their favor. The courts are very important in learning how laws are interpreted.
But since you admit you don't study any of the laws you reference, neither do you read court cases to further understand these same laws. Where is my duty to understand a law that is foreign and of which I am ignorant?

Mortgages are in no way related to fiat being any "benefit".
My mortgage consists of the payment itself and the escrow...where's the benefit?
Reserve notes are obligations to the US government....says so right in 12usc 411....not the reserve system.
So if they are obligations to the US government where's the benefit? The benefit to the government is called GNP. Another word to describe it is ECONOMY.

It wasn't 70 years ago that a man made a living by hand picking corn at a penny a bushel and he could pick 80 bushel from sunrise to sunset if he was any good at it. You make that much while you are standing around the coffee machine. Yet you don't view THAT as a benefit? The benefit is you are permitted to do something that would otherwise be unlawful. Go ahead and ask what that is.

7th trump
1st December 2013, 11:58 AM
Imagine that!!! When you were in public school did you demand the teacher provide a case cite?
Is it gullible to spot smoke on the horizon and call the fire department?
You have a right to complain? The Jim Jones of the social security set? How's the koolaid on your end of the planet? Still LETHAL?
Courts don't lie? You are out of your ever lovin' mind. They lie constantly. Try to get into a hearing when the court says you can't.
How come when I have a sow that won't go into a pen all I have to do is throw a bushel basket over its head and grab it by the tail? If it won't go in head first you drag it in by the tail. You just LIKE being led. Its a flaw in your character.
Where is my duty to understand a law that is foreign and of which I am ignorant?
The benefit to the government is called GNP. Another word to describe it is ECONOMY.

It wasn't 70 years ago that a man made a living by hand picking corn at a penny a bushel and he could pick 80 bushel from sunrise to sunset if he was any good at it. You make that much while you are standing around the coffee machine. Yet you don't view THAT as a benefit? The benefit is you are permitted to do something that would otherwise be unlawful. Go ahead and ask what that is.

The Gross National Product is a benefit of using reserve notes???
You pulled this right out of your ass didn't you palani.....now that hilarious!
You're making this shit up as you go aren't you palani!

Show one example of the GNP as a benefit....just one!

I'd say earning 80 cents from standing around a coffee machine at work has nothing at all to do with GNP or being a "benefit" of having reserve notes in your pocket, but rather a result of being "employed" by someone who's not doing a very good job as a supervisor or owner to earn 80 cents for just standing there.
Hahahaha....are you realyl serious with this analogy of standing around the coffee machine as a benefit and incorporate this in with the GNP?
You are fucked in the head son!
Fucked in the head!!!!!

1st December 2013, 12:22 PM
You are fucked in the head
I knew a guy once with tourettes from Calumus. Must be an epidemic in that region.

1st December 2013, 12:35 PM

7th trump
1st December 2013, 02:31 PM
I knew a guy once with tourettes from Calumus. Must be an epidemic in that region.

I find it odd that you can say parables on another site and clearly understand them, but for some reason on this site it fails you to understand simple black and white law having no hidden meaning.