View Full Version : Bottled Water Leeches 24000 Chemicals Into Your Body, Study

3rd December 2013, 11:13 AM
I knew plastic was bad but not THAT bad... time for a boycott


December 1, 2013 - Several companies have stopped using BPA in plastic production due to consumer outrage, but just because a plastic container says it is BPA Free doesnt mean its free of potentially harmful chemicals. As a matter of fact, recent research out of Germany indicates there are more than 24,000 of such chemicals in any given bottle of waterwith some of them causing serious hormone-disrupting effects.

Out of the 18 different bottled water products, 13 had significant anti-estrogenic activity, and 16 out of 18 inhibited the bodys androgen receptors by 90%. In other words, the bottled water was largely wrecking havoc on the human body.

In addition to DEHF, however, the researchers determined there is some yet-unidentified EDCs at work. Something else is causing anti-androgenic effects.

We confirmed the identity and biological activity of DEHF and additional isomers of dioctyl fumarate and maleate using authentic standards, the researchers reported in the online journal PLOS One. Since DEHF is anti-estrogenic but not anti-androgenic we conclude that additional, yet unidentified EDCs must contribute to the antagonistic effect of bottled water.

Hormone disruption has the potential to cause serious effects on human life, from early maturation in children, to increased risks of certain types of cancers. You can see one of Mike Barretts earlier posts outlining some of the nasty effects of BPA. The findings of this recent study, therefore, are nothing to take lightly. Weve discussed here before how the bottled water industry may encourage you to hydrate while offering a less-than-pure, expensive product.

The researchers concluded:

Moreover, the antagonist activity was very potent. An equivalent of 3.75 ml bottled water inhibited estrogen and androgen receptor by up to 60 and 90 percent. Bottled water from six different countries has been found to contain estrogenic, antiestrogenic, as well as androgenic, progestagenic, and glucocorticoid-like chemicals. This demonstrates that a popular beverage is contaminated with diverse-acting EDCs.

Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/news/Study_Bottled_Water_Leeches_24000_Chemicals_into_Y our_Body/96615#ixzz2mRNMcgsm

3rd December 2013, 11:49 AM
Water to be sold in paper bags.

mick silver
3rd December 2013, 11:51 AM
glass jars , mason one at that

3rd December 2013, 11:52 AM
If you don't have a well with good clean water you have a choice, plastic bottled water or city water. I choose the bottled until we get some sort of filtration for city water.

Uncle Salty
3rd December 2013, 11:56 AM
Did they test for the same activity in municipal water? Glass bottle water? Is it the water or the bottles?

3rd December 2013, 12:34 PM
glass jars , mason one at that

I only drink out of mason jars. I have my own reverse osmosis system too.

3rd December 2013, 12:36 PM
My old house had a reverse osmosis system. :( Miss the clean drinking water I had. Now I just have carbon filtered city water. Yeah I can taste a difference.

3rd December 2013, 12:40 PM
Get a Berkey or some such. Or just switch to beer :)

3rd December 2013, 02:12 PM
Get a Berkey or some such. Or just switch to beer :)

Metro breweries use municipal water.

3rd December 2013, 03:17 PM
when i lived in San Diego the water sucked so i drank Arrowhead.

it makes me feel good, drinking lots of water. now i have a well, still drink lots of water.

but what i wondered about Arrowhead, and also from watching so many other people drink their various bottled water's, is if we become slightly addicted to those chemicals, like BPA.

3rd December 2013, 03:38 PM
We drink well water ran through reverse osmosis. When we go out we bring refilled glass bottles of water we saved from sparkling water we treat ourselves with from time to time.