View Full Version : My vineyard!

3rd December 2013, 01:48 PM
So last weekend I went to my bug-out land and had 200 Cabernet Sauvignon grape plants planted! \uu\ it took up about a quarter of an acre, and costed me less than two ounces of gold. Good thing is though in a few years I'll be able to produce about 2000 bottles of hopefully premium red wine... I'll try and post a picture!

3rd December 2013, 01:52 PM
That is small...

3rd December 2013, 01:57 PM
This is the view from my house veranda. Damn I wish I could paste a bigger photo!

3rd December 2013, 01:59 PM
Double click into it after you see it in your post, enlarge.

3rd December 2013, 02:00 PM
Those don't look like women from the French Savoy?


3rd December 2013, 02:04 PM
Those don't look like women from the French Savoy?
I can bring in women similar to that for the crushing of the grapes, but they may not be fluent in French. First batch expected in autumn 2015, but optimum production probably around 2018-20, if we're still around then!

3rd December 2013, 02:11 PM
This is in Sweden?

Looks like Tennessee

3rd December 2013, 02:13 PM
Excellent, I love it! It looks beautiful there.

Thanks Horn, I never knew how to do that either.

3rd December 2013, 02:21 PM
This is in Sweden?

Looks like Tennessee
This is in Turkey. I moved back to Sweden this summer, but from September onwards I spend 2/3rds of my time in Turkey, working, and making winery, while wife and children are in Sweden most of the time. Children get better education free of charge. Wife translates books w/o me disturbing her, and I get to spend more quality time with my family, and I can go more often to my bug-out land the weekends I am in Turkey to improve it... Usually my schedule is 2 workweeks with a weekend in between in Turkey and two weekends with a workweek in between in Sweden... I'll tweak it for school holidays in Sweden and public holidays in Turkey though (when many of my patients are gone anyway)...

3rd December 2013, 02:25 PM
Excellent, I love it! It looks beautiful there.

It is beautiful, let me see if I can post a photo of my house... I always feel more alive when I go there! There is such a clarity, and bright colors there. No artificial noises either, apart from the odd airplane passing by.

3rd December 2013, 02:25 PM
Do indigenous Turkish women look anything like women from the French Savoy, almost the same parallel?

I'm sorry, women and wine seem to go together so well. :)


3rd December 2013, 02:28 PM
Neuro, are you planning on actually setting up a fully functional winery? Bottling, labeling etc..etc...

3rd December 2013, 02:35 PM
Damn I can't make it bigger on my iPod... This house may last a thousand years...

3rd December 2013, 02:39 PM
Looks like you could make good cottage cheese in that house. :)

3rd December 2013, 02:40 PM
Do indigenous Turkish women look anything like women from the French Savoy, almost the same parallel?

Some do. Turks (in Turkey) are probably one of the most racially mixed people in the world, some looks distinctly European, some looks Asian and some looks Arabic... I'll try and find French looking girls that speak at least rudimentary French... Ok? ;D

3rd December 2013, 02:43 PM
Neuro, are you planning on actually setting up a fully functional winery? Bottling, labeling etc..etc...
Fully functioning winery yes. Labeling I don't think so... Who needs labels among friends? It could be mistaken for a commercial winery then...

3rd December 2013, 02:44 PM
Sweeeeeet! I can see why you like staying there. Lots more potential as well.

3rd December 2013, 02:45 PM
Looks like you could make good cottage cheese in that house. :)
As long as it doesn't require electricity... But it is cool in the summer and warm in the winter, 2 feet stone walls, nothing else...

3rd December 2013, 02:49 PM
As long as it doesn't require electricity... But it is cool in the summer and warm in the winter, 2 feet stone walls, nothing else...

You're Danish, they should allow you to fly up a windmill.


3rd December 2013, 03:08 PM
You're Danish, they should allow you to fly up a windmill.

Wow that is amazing stuff and usually I have strong winds there. Furthermore, with a traditional wind turbine it is always the risk of damage in a storm, this one you just take down when you are not there, or if the wind is too strong. I will look into it. Thank you!

3rd December 2013, 03:17 PM
I remember seeing one that was an inflatable with generator props at the ends a couple years back.

The generator was on board the kite, and a wire lead down from the kite, not sure what the name of it was now?

3rd December 2013, 03:23 PM
Wow that is amazing stuff and usually I have strong winds there. Furthermore, with a traditional wind turbine it is always the risk of damage in a storm, this one you just take down when you are not there, or if the wind is too strong. I will look into it. Thank you!
But then the CEO of that company making the kite turbine, unexpectedly died of CARDIAC INSUFFICIENCY in 2012 (he was born in 1974), and in May 2013 the company was bought up by google, and that was their last press release...

3rd December 2013, 05:21 PM
in May 2013 the company was bought up by google, and that was their last press release...

Lemme guess,

any progress on the kite turbine has been backshelfed by looking for new energy methods to mine for Bitcoins