View Full Version : Call Jesus (or Santa) white? Expect a big fight Opinion by Edward J. Blum, special t

mick silver
13th December 2013, 09:22 PM
CNN) - Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly sparked outrage this week by insisting that Jesus and Santa Claus are both white, saying it's "ridiculous" to argue that depicting Christ and St. Nick as Caucasian is "racist."
"And by the way, for all you kids watching at home, Santa just is white," Kelly said, "but this person is arguing that we should also have a black Santa."
Kelly was responding to an article in Slate (http://www.slate.com/articles/life/holidays/2013/12/santa_claus_an_old_white_man_not_anymore_meet_sant a_the_penguin_a_new_christmas.html) that said St. Nick needs a makeover from fat, old white guy to something less "melanin-deficient."
The Fox News host would have none of it.
"Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it has to change," Kelly said. "Jesus was a white man, too. It's like we have, he's a historical figure; that's a verifiable fact. As is Santa, I just want kids to know that. How do you revise it in the middle of the legacy, in the story, and change Santa from white to black?"
Arguing about St. Nick, who was originally Greek (http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/12/21/turkey.saint.nicholas/) before Currier & Ives got their hands on him, is one thing. But as for Jesus, people have been arguing about his skin color since the earliest days of American history. You might even call it an American tradition.
What's new about this latest brouhaha is how swiftly Kelly’s remarks were attacked. Thousands of people have rebuked her through blogs, articles (http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/12/insisting-jesus-was-white-is-bad-history-and-bad-theology/282310/), Twitter posts and Facebook updates.
Comedian Jon Stewart accused Kelly of "going full Christmas nog."
“And who are you actually talking to?" Stewart said (http://www.thedailyshow.com/) on "The Daily Show." "Children who are sophisticated enough to be watching a news channel at 10 o’clock at night, yet innocent enough to still believe Santa Claus is real — yet racist enough to be freaked out if he isn’t white?”
It seems that now, if you want to call Christ — or even Santa — white, you should expect a fierce fight.
The immediate and widespread rebuttal showcases how much America has changed over the past few decades. The nation not only has a black president, but also has refused to endorse the Christian savior as white.
Since the earliest days of America, Jesus was thought of as a white man.
When white Protestant missionaries brought Bibles and whitened images of Jesus to Native Americans, at least a few mocked what they saw.
Taking the imagery seriously, the Shawnee warrior Tecumseh asked future President William Henry Harrison, “How can we have confidence in the white people? When Jesus Christ came upon the earth you kill’d and nail’d him on a cross.”
It was not until around 1900 that a group of white Americans explicitly claimed Jesus was white.
Concerned that large numbers of immigrants from southern and eastern Europe, especially Jewish immigrants, were “polluting” the nation, anti-immigrant spokesmen like attorney Madison Grant asserted the whiteness of Jesus to justify calls for exclusionary legislation.
READ MORE: From science and computers, a new face of Jesus (http://edition.cnn.com/2002/TECH/science/12/25/face.jesus/)
Making Jesus white was a means to distance him from Judaism.
“In depicting the crucifixion no artist hesitates to make the two thieves brunet in contrast to the blond Savior,” Grant wrote in his xenophobic best-seller "The Passing of the Great Race."
“This is something more than a convention,” Grant continued, and suggested that Jesus had “Nordic, possibly Greek, physical and moral attributes.”
Even Martin Luther King Jr. claimed that Jesus was white, after being asked why God created Jesus as a white man.
King responded that the color of Christ’s skin didn’t matter. Jesus would have been just as important “if His skin had been black.” He “is no less significant because His skin was white.”
READ MORE: Turkish town cashes in on Saint Nick legacy (http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/12/21/turkey.saint.nicholas/)
Challenges to Christ’s whiteness have a long history, too.
Famed evangelist Billy Graham preached in the 1950s, and then wrote emphatically in his autobiography "Just As I Am," that, “Jesus was not a white man.”
But Graham was far from the first American to contradict the whiteness of Jesus. That honor goes to Methodist and Pequot Indian William Apess.
In 1833, he wrote to white Christians, “You know as well as I that you are not indebted to a principle beneath a white skin for your religious services but to a colored one.”
Almost 100 years later, the Jamaican born, “back-to-Africa” spokesman Marcus Garvey told his followers, “Never admit that Jesus Christ was a white man, otherwise he could not be the Son of God and God to redeem all mankind. Jesus Christ had the blood of all races in his veins.”
In our age, the color of Christ has become both politically dangerous and the butt of jokes.
In 2008, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s words “God damn America” and “Jesus was a poor black boy” almost derailed then-Sen. Barack Obama from winning the Democratic primary.
Now, Kelly bears the brunt of attacks and, in no surprise, was pilloried by comedians (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/stewart-demolishes-megyn-kelly-and-fox-for-freaking-out-over-santas-race-and-the-war-on-christmas%E2%84%A2/) like Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
Few Americans went on public record against King when he asserted Jesus had white skin in the 1950s. Today, thousands upon thousands from virtually every race and tribe of Americans have taken Kelly’s words seriously and seriously disdained them.
All the chatter about Jesus being white (or not) shows how much America has changed. There used to be “whites’ only” restaurants and schoolrooms. Now, even Jesus cannot be called white without repercussions.
What the debate hides, however, is what Jesus of the Bible actually did and how he related to people.
The gospels are full of discussions about Jesus and bodies. He healed the blind and those who suffered from disease. He touched and was touched by the sick. His body was pierced by thorns, a spear and nails. And he died.
READ MORE: What all those Jesus jokes tell us (http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2012/11/10/my-take-what-all-those-jesus-jokes-tell-us/)
The phenotype of Jesus was never an issue in the Bible. Neither Matthew, nor Mark, nor Luke, nor John mentioned Christ’s skin tone or hair color. None called him white or black or red or brown.
Obsessions about race are obsessions of our age, not the biblical one. When asked what mattered most, Jesus did not say his skin tone or body shape. He instructed his followers to “love the Lord your God with all your heart” and to “do unto others as you would have done unto you.”
Maybe this Christmas season, we can reflect not so much on whether or not Jesus was white and instead consider what it meant for him to be called the “light” of the world.

Edward J. Blum is the co-author of The Color of Christ: The Son of God and the Saga of Race in America. He can be followed on Twitter @edwardjblum (https://twitter.com/edwardjblum). The views expressed in this column belong to Blum alone.

Daniel Burke (http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/author/danielburke2013d/) - CNN Belief Blog Co-Editor

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14th December 2013, 05:22 AM

:D (http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-december-12-2013/war-on-christmas---s--t-s-getting-weird-edition---black-santa):D:D:D:D

14th December 2013, 06:22 AM

:D (http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-december-12-2013/war-on-christmas---s--t-s-getting-weird-edition---black-santa):D:D:D:D

Best part of the vid is when Jessica congratulated Stewert for being white now too...basically outing Stewert as a schvartze like herself.

I personally don't care what a person's blood is mixed with, it's the character of the person that counts.

I think Jews like to think of themselves as white, probably why they're trying to breed the schvartze and all the genetic defects out of their blood, by persuing blonde white shiksa

The real question that should be asked/debated, is if Jesus was a Jew.

14th December 2013, 06:54 AM
White refers to an internal condition (like morals) rather than skin color.