View Full Version : Adventures in Canadian legal land.

15th December 2013, 06:01 PM
This thread is for discussion and comments on Canadian law. Input is welcome.

This first one is a good one. Right from the application for a Social Insurance Number. SIN# . I have added the bold, what I find to be most important.

The personal information you provide is collected under the authority of the Employment Insurance Act (EI Act). It will be used by Service Canada officials (operating within Human Resources
and Skills Development Canada) for the purpose of assigning a Social Insurance Number (SIN) to you or your child, as authorized by the Department of Human Resources and Skills
Development Act (DHRSD Act). Your personal information is administered in accordance with the DHRSD Act, the EI Act and the Privacy Act and your information will be retained in the
Social Insurance Register. Participation is voluntary. However refusal to provide your personal information will result in you or your child not receiving a SIN. The information you provide may
be shared with federal departments and agencies that are authorized users of the SIN and in accordance with the Treasury Board Secretariat Directive on the Social Insurance Number for the
administration of benefits and services. The information may also be shared with provincial departments and agencies for the administration of benefits and services and/or federal and
provincial departments for the administration and enforcement of the legislation for which they are responsible. The information may also be used and/or disclosed for policy analysis, research
and/or evaluation purposes, and may be linked to various sources of information under the custody and control of HRSDC. However, these additional uses and/or disclosures of your personal
information will not result in an administrative decision being made about you. You have the right to the protection of and access to your personal information, which is described in Personal
Information Bank (HRSDC PPU 390) of the government publication Info Source. Instructions for obtaining this information are outlined in Info Source, which is available online at infosource.gc.
ca. Info Source may also be accessed online at any Service Canada Centre.
