View Full Version : Arab Gulf States Join Chinese in Dumping the Dollar!!!!

Large Sarge
16th December 2013, 04:49 PM


Arab Gulf States Join Chinese Campaign To Dump The Dollar

Posted on December 3, 2013 by horse237

Alasdair Macleod said recently that Gulf State billionaires are sending their .995 pure 400 ounce gold bullion bars to Switzerland to have them cast into .9999 pure gold kilogram bars. Dr Jim Willie has said that the one kilogram gold bar will be the center piece of the new system of international trade designed by China to replace the dollar. Dr Willie has said he was told that the price of gold will be set at $7,000 an ounce. Jim Rickards who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a corporate insider has separately said it would take $7,000 an ounce for a gold exchange standard to work.

Please understand this: When the dollar is rejected as the international reserve currency, American wages and pensions will be cut 50% if not more. An alternative would be Debt Cancellation and monetary reform.

Currently, Americans do not have to produce anything people overseas want to buy. All they have to do is to print money and they get free cars from Japan and Germany. They get free food from all over the world. They get free clothes and electronics. The problem is that people overseas do not like working for free. And they resent the fact that they are paying for all the bombs America drops on other nations. And don’t forget the drone strikes. That would all stop tomorrow morning if America had to buy gold with their funny money before they were allowed import anything.

The US dollar is currently the international reserve currency. Many nations outside see that as an unfair advantage. Great Britain’s pound had been the international currency along with gold until the UK devalued the pound on September 21, 1931. Roosevelt devalued the dollar in 1933. The world suffered until 1944 when the Bretton Woods Conference named the dollar as the international reserve currency. Harry Dexter White represented the United States. John Maynard Keynes represented Great Britain.

In the 18th century if an American wanted to buy imported goods from France, Italy or England, he could pay for it with gold or English pounds. Until recently anyone in South America could buy goods from Japan or Europe using American dollars. China has aligned itself with the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa plus 20 other nations) to form a trade block to rival the dollar.

In August 1971 Nixon closed the Gold Window and refused to exchange gold for dollars. Henry Kissinger created the Petrodollar in 1973. Gulf state oil exports had to be purchased in US dollars. The Gulf states invested their dollars in US Treasury bonds and the stock market. The stock market is over valued and headed for at least a 20% correction if not 40 to 60%. If the Arabs sell oil in yuan and in other currencies pegged to gold, the dollar will die.

I recently wrote of two economists in Europe who said they believed China was cooperating with the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury to keep the price of gold and silver down. It is to their advantage to keep gold prices low while they acquire 2,000 or so tons a year. China is the world’s largest producer but they export no gold. They own mines overseas. They only report gold imports through Hong Kong but not other cities. They say they have 1,000 plus tons in their gold reserves. I think China has gone past 7,000 tons and could soon pass 10,000 tons. Dr Jim Willie and others have said they could already be at 10,000 or more tons.

He also says that if they set the value of an ounce of gold at $7,000 per ounce then they could recover their loss in the value of their US Treasury holdings. China said they will no longer be accumulating foreign currency reserves and US Treasury bonds. They are running trade surpluses. The mathematics of that statement is amazing. What they are saying is that every business day of the year they will be dumping US dollars. The US is in perpetual trade deficit. That means the dollar’s slide into oblivion is accelerating. Last month China and Japan led the world in the Dumping of US Treasury bonds.

Nobel Prize winner Wassily Leontieff did a different sort of analysis of the US economy. He concluded that America had 31 basic industries. The key to her high wages was that Americans did not have to import raw materials. Her skilled labor force added value to the natural resources which she extracted. It was shown later that after America’s population went above 150,000,000 that she was supposed to lower wages to make her products competitive. Why? Because at that point America had to buy raw materials from overseas.

This was known to the elite. So what did they do? They more than doubled the US population through legal and illegal immigration. They passed NAFTA which has closed 56,000 US manufacturing plants. And they out sourced millions of other jobs. They have created a nightmarish budget situation where America has to run a deficit of at least one trillion dollars a year. The US also has a balance of trade deficit.

Americans can only live on their low wages because they can get food assistance and aid from from hundreds of state and federal programs. The elite has proposed legalizing 30 million illegal aliens. This will bankrupt all existing social welfare programs and lower wages even further.

Yet the elite is conspiring with China and other nations to destroy the dollar. They know that when the dollar collapses that wages will have to collapse 50%. 60% or more if their Amnesty program simultaneously destroys social welfare and wages.

I have said before that Wall Street and the City of London have been working for a New World Order which means they oppose national sovereignty. That includes American sovereignty. That means America must be brought down before their NWO can rise from the ashes of those free nations who resisted tyranny. I have also said that their exit strategy is a Racial Civil War. America has 300 million plus guns. Over 500,000 50 caliber rifles. 800,00 slide fire stocks which allow them to fire their Ak-47s and Ar-15s automatically. They have access to National Guard armories. There are 8 year-old girls who can consistently hit targets at 100 meters with their Ar-15s. A lot of police and military would side with the white Gentiles against Washington and New York.

I have noted that the US military exercises conducted in major American cities seem designed to protect wealthy Jewish suburbs from poor blacks and Hispanics.

Wall Street is preparing a Racial Civil War to destroy the US so non-white Gentiles cannot join forces with whites to change the government, have Debt Cancellation and currency and banking reform.

Some really believe America will survive the loss of every American city. I do not.

I should point out that Saudi Arabia’s royal family were Jewish as were the founders of the Wahhabi sect of Islam. They are the only Muslims who require women to wear veils. And they are the source of Al Qaeda which is a NATO terrorist force. Please tell me if you have ever seen Al Qaeda attack Israel. Israel could easily align itself with China and Russia against America. Netanyahu might have to be assassinated by wealthier Jews who support the NWO to keep him from attacking Iran. Iran is a regional power. Israel will have to accept that fact and move onto the NWO solution.

The City of London has extensive ties to Russia and to China. The British people, Europeans, Americans and everyday Chinese will not benefit from the collapse of the dollar. This game of collapsing currencies is nothing more than the theft of tens of trillions of dollars organized for the enrichment and amusement of the Uber Wealthy at our expense.

The US dollar’s life expectancy is measured in months. Time is running out for reform.

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mick silver
16th December 2013, 05:00 PM
i seen this coming about 30myears back ,,,,,,,,,,,,Yet the elite is conspiring with China and other nations to destroy the dollar. They know that when the dollar collapses that wages will have to collapse 50%. 60% or more if their Amnesty program simultaneously destroys social welfare and wages.