View Full Version : Fucking Doctors
18th December 2013, 03:35 PM
So these past few days have been a roller coaster. Little one started getting a cough on Saturday, nothing new she's in daycare. Sunday getting a little worse and add a low grade fever to the symptoms. Monday she's pretty lathargic, not wanting to do much or eat. Tuesday wife wakes her up and she's having trouble breathing take her to urgent care, (no family doc yet, had one but didn't want to continue seeing her because of our no vaccine stance) they take a few test notice she has low oxygen saturation (89%). They call an ambulance and rush her over to the children's hospital. Sit in ER for 6 hours while they continue to do test as they think its pneumonia. X-rays reveal its not pneumonia thankfully, but want to admit her for overnight for observation. The doctors from where will be staying come over start getting hers as well as wife and I's medical history. They ask if she's immunized. I say no. Doctor goes why not? I said couple reasons philosophically I'm against pumping a kid full of toxic chemicals under the guise that its for their own good.
The doctors says what toxic chemicals? I said Formaldehyde for one, thymerisol another. I said thr entire practice of using toxic components with the illusion they arent harmful reminds me of the early 19th century doctors inject mercury straight into the victim(yes i said victim) on the hopes that it kills whatever pathogen is harming the patient but without killing the patient. Doctor gives me this look akd says you just need to get educated about vaccines, when he said that i sat up out my chair and said look. You dont know shit about vaccines, how dare you come in here preaching idiocy while under the illusion that youre some person of authority because ive done more research into this topic than you ever did writing your own phD papers in college. In time this religion you're pushing will be seen as backwards and barbaric as we view civil war era medical equipment and procedures. Do yourself and definitely your future patients favor and read through the ingedient list that comes in an insert with every box of vaccines that you or your staff probably throw away and look up each ingredient on a material safety data sheet. Ask yourself honesty after looking them up individually if you want that shit injected into you. By the way never insult my wife, my daughter or me again with that statement. Completely uncalled for and insulting to think you know more than someone else because you went through a diploma mill.
He left the room looking completely dejected, while the other doctor that was there never said a word. Earlier this morning the shift changed and a new doctor was there trying to get my wife to consent to a vaccine. She said no, and the doctor said we're only wanting what's best for your daughter, to which my wife said: So are we which is why we refuse to have her injected with known toxic garbage. They finally relented, discharged us and we're all back home today and the little one is still vaccine free and will continue to be as long as I draw breath.
Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in, even to those to try to assume they know more than you. Put them in their place at every opportunity.
Ignore the typos typed this up on my phone while I watch the little one get some rest. She tested positive for RSV B, so that's what she has but is doing much better today.
midnight rambler
18th December 2013, 03:43 PM
Double plus good for you.
7th trump
18th December 2013, 04:00 PM
Kudos Ares....good for you!
I bet it felt good to ram the stupidity of this asshole down his throat!
I love to feed jackasses their own stink!
It felt good to read your story!
18th December 2013, 04:09 PM
Kudos Ares....good for you!
I bet it felt good to ram the stupidity of this asshole down his throat!
I love to feed jackasses their own stink!
It felt good to read your story!
It felt great. When he said that you just need to get educated statement, that just pissed me off. Get tired of seeing people who believe they are more educated and smarter than others and are nothing more than parrots without a single individual thought in their life.
About a month and a half ago, we were taking her for a normal checkup. The doctor then said that their policy was not to see patients who were not vaccinated I just said ok, see ya. Packed up the kid and everything else and left.
18th December 2013, 04:15 PM
having a crapload of doctors in my immediate family, i won't get in to a "doctors are stupid and uneducated" argument with you. i'll just say that not all of them are like that.
that being said, they mostly do all parrot the vaccine thing without doing any real research of their own. i've seen it even with my own family members. my uncle argued with me for years until i made him actually read inserts and research stuff. he is anti now, go figure.
also, i see a day when refusing to vaccinate your child will be seen as child abuse and "we have to take your kid away."
18th December 2013, 04:21 PM
That really is the height of arrogance to assume that someone has a contrary opinion to yours because they are not educated...
18th December 2013, 04:26 PM
You shouldn't paint them all with a broad brush. My doctor asks me if I want a flu shot, I tell him no, and he says ok.
18th December 2013, 04:30 PM
The docs in the hospital setting are in the go-along to get-along mode. They push vaccines because the fricking protocols dictated from above push vaccines. Docs don't question the content of vaccines because they don't get past FDA-approved. In any event, IMHO, the acute clinical setting is NOT the time to be pushing any vaccine. First of all, it will not do any good as immunity requires weeks to develop. Second, a vaccine is a challenge and will only weaken immunity further. But I promise you most docs would give me an argument on this count because their thinking doesn't get past "vaccines = immunity." They have little understanding of the pathophysiology. Frankly, I'm terrified of getting sick enough to be admitted to a hospital, because so much of your care is preordained at the door, preprogrammed and driven by bureaucrats far away, not your doctors.
In any event, perhaps you prompted the docs to open their minds and start using them instead of being glorified rubber stamps.
18th December 2013, 04:35 PM
having a crapload of doctors in my immediate family, i won't get in to a "doctors are stupid and uneducated" argument with you. i'll just say that not all of them are like that.
that being said, they mostly do all parrot the vaccine thing without doing any real research of their own. i've seen it even with my own family members. my uncle argued with me for years until i made him actually read inserts and research stuff. he is anti now, go figure.
also, i see a day when refusing to vaccinate your child will be seen as child abuse and "we have to take your kid away."
I agree, not all doctors are of that mindset. Hell we have Mamboni here who is a doctor and isn't of that mindset. So yep, definitely not all doctors.
I also agree with your assessment that the state will most likely start categorizing non-immunized kids as "child neglect or endangerment". I feel if they thought they could of gotten away with it there at the hospital that they would of. The nurse made a comment that the doctor just didn't agree with that assessment and that every child should be "immunized". I said if a doctor, or nurse vaccinates my child without my consent the first thing I will take from them will be their medical license. I won't even bother with an administrative court and will go directly to a civil court for damages. I have researched this topic and ways to hold doctors, nurses, and even state sponsored child services accountable for their actions. I won't go after the institutions, I'll go after the individuals and I will hold them PERSONALLY accountable for damages.
I think by that point they were just glad to be rid of me.
18th December 2013, 04:37 PM
The docs in the hospital setting are in the go-along to get-along mode. They push vaccines because the fricking protocols dictated from above push vaccines. Docs don't question the content of vaccines because they don't get past FDA-approved. In any event, IMHO, the acute clinical setting is NOT the time to be pushing any vaccine. First of all, it will not do any good as immunity requires weeks to develop. Second, a vaccine is a challenge and will only weaken immunity further. But I promise you most docs would give me an argument on this count because their thinking doesn't get past "vaccines = immunity." They have little understanding of the pathophysiology. Frankly, I'm terrified of getting sick enough to be admitted to a hospital, because so much of your care is preordained at the door, preprogrammed and driven by bureaucrats far away, not your doctors.
In any event, perhaps you prompted the docs to open their minds and start using them instead of being glorified rubber stamps.
I certainly hope so. But yeah they used that setting with a kid having a hard time breathing to push the vaccine agenda. It just made me furious to say the least.
18th December 2013, 04:57 PM
I've seen how pissed you get when someone posts something negative about bitcoin...I can only imagine how pissed you get when someone's trying to poisen your little one. lol
Good going!
18th December 2013, 05:16 PM
A nurse that saw my wife was pushing the flu shot stating several times that they are "perfectly safe for you and your baby" WTF? I think most educated MD's and whomever are clearly brainwashed. Watching small children at a Christmas party, me and my son noticed how zombified they were. It's truly sickening what they are doing to innocent children.
18th December 2013, 05:20 PM
I've seen how pissed you get when someone posts something negative about bitcoin...I can only imagine how pissed you get when someone's trying to poisen your little one. lol
Good going!
LOL very true. After looking into vaccines and doing the research. I don't even look or view vaccines as safe. I just see them as syringes full of known toxic chemicals and they ask permission to inject my daughter with that? Then get all high and mighty that I just need to get educated about vaccines. Yeah I was pissed.
The concept and theory behind vaccines I can appreciate. If they can find a safe way to manufacture, transport and store them without the requirement toxic chemicals that have no business in the human body, then I will allow it. But not until then.
I didn't even get into the subject of Human Diploid Cells (aborted human fetal tissue, look into WI-38 and MRC-5) used in some vaccine manufacturing techniques. So yes, in certain vaccines (Varicella - "Chickenpox Vaccine") You are getting injected with foreign human tissue along with the weaken virus. Not only is that an ethical issue as they never asked permission to donate the aborted fetuses to science, but also becomes a morality issue if you have an issue with abortion in general.
18th December 2013, 05:30 PM
You shouldn't paint them all with a broad brush. My doctor asks me if I want a flu shot, I tell him no, and he says ok.
Is that before or after you have the flu?
Why would they want to vaccinate Ares child when she's already developed a strain?
18th December 2013, 05:58 PM
You shouldn't paint them all with a broad brush. My doctor asks me if I want a flu shot, I tell him no, and he says ok.
The surgeons I work with don't get a flu shot but every nurse does. And when they do, they get to wear a 3"X 5" laminated blue card saying "I'm vaccinated!" I was encouraged to go down and get my *free* shot but told the nurse I don't get the flu shot with the smart assed reasoning that if everyone else is vaccinated why do I need one. Those of us who don't get a flu shot have to wear a mask around patients which I already do in the OR.
Silver Rocket Bitches!
18th December 2013, 06:53 PM
The drug reps that push these vaccines are the same guys buying these doctors lunch every week and giving them countless kickbacks. Most of them are biased and don't give a shit about your safety or the effectiveness of the preventative treatments.
Twisted Titan
18th December 2013, 08:59 PM
There is a time to bear fangs and a time to keep them sheathed.
I empathize with your righteous indingnation but you already made mention hospitals are becoming a dangerous Airports and police stations
If that doc got a stick up his ass he could have made that a difficult situation.
I think when you explained the civil court and getting there lisecend snatched is what spooked them.
If it had been me i just would have said she has a sensativity to eggs and me or mom had one of the contraindications.
That ends up working the majority of the time because they wont push it if they know they will be on the hook.
Anybody monday morning QB your situation but the bottom line you made sure your little one still has a underfeated record and thats all that matters.
18th December 2013, 09:21 PM
When mine was about 3 , I took her to the pediatrician and he asked if I wanted to give her the flu shot, I said well I don't know , I said ...... If it were your child would you give it to her, honestly? he said, No.
So no flu shot for mine!
18th December 2013, 09:58 PM
There is a time to bear fangs and a time to keep them sheathed.
I empathize with your righteous indingnation but you already made mention hospitals are becoming a dangerous Airports and police stations
If that doc got a stick up his ass he could have made that a difficult situation.
I think when you explained the civil court and getting there lisecend snatched is what spooked them.
If it had been me i just would have said she has a sensativity to eggs and me or mom had one of the contraindications.
That ends up working the majority of the time because they wont push it if they know they will be on the hook.
Anybody monday morning QB your situation but the bottom line you made sure your little one still has a underfeated record and thats all that matters.
Was too late for that when at the urgent care clinic one of the first questions if she had any known allergies. I've used that sensitivity to eggs before. But after sitting 6 hours in an ER answering the same questions to different nurses and doctors on an hourly basis I was annoyed. So when he came in and basically insulted me about my apparent lack of knowledge on a subject I've studied for quite a while I just went off on him.
There are a number of things you can do to go after the CPS personal. Going in KNOWING that the marriage license is a fraud that gives them power over your kid is like taking away the air out of a hot air balloon. Mainly showing that the document which was signed, was signed under false pretenses and no full disclosure. The state loves using that marriage license to enforce its will with the CPS as its enforcers, because by law, if you aren't aware of it. The state derives its powers from the consent to that secular contract where the state is the Principal Party. Going in saying that was never fully disclosed that the state would be the principal party in a 3rd party is fraud. No where on the marriage license does it stipulate that it is a 3rd party contract, without full disclosure the contract is void.
There's also another way to pit them in a corner. Ask to see the trust relationship that grants them the power, if they pull out your marriage license or something on it with your signature. Deny that it is your signature. You're the only one who can identify your signature anyway, so why give them the information they are looking for by saying, yes that's mine.?
Civil proceedings are even easier, show evidence of medical processes or procedures performed without consent of a parent. If that happens that medical personal just finished being in the medical field. They are done, the state doesn't like if someone goes outside of boundaries they prescribe in order to obtain their license. Now if a doctor gets uppity you sue them personally for damages, false imprisonment, kidnapping, assault, etc. In a civil court and seek a nice heavy judgement to penalize their stupidity. In a civil trial it will take place in front of a jury, and they'll have to convince a jury of why they requested the state to come in to kidnap a healthy child from a loving home and imprisoned the parents under false allegations.
Yes seems like a lot of work, and hassle just to remain "free", but freedom isn't free and I'm not one to go along to get along. Much to the chagrin of my parents, former teachers and even occasional bosses. I've always walked my own path, always questioned authority, and got into a lot of arguments and fights to do it.
Yep it would of been easier to just say, sensitive to eggs. But that's not who I am.
18th December 2013, 10:31 PM
Was too late for that when at the urgent care clinic one of the first questions if she had any known allergies. I've used that sensitivity to eggs before. But after sitting 6 hours in an ER answering the same questions to different nurses and doctors on an hourly basis I was annoyed. So when he came in and basically insulted me about my apparent lack of knowledge on a subject I've studied for quite a while I just went off on him.
There are a number of things you can do to go after the CPS personal. Going in KNOWING that the marriage license is a fraud that gives them power over your kid is like taking away the air out of a hot air balloon. Mainly showing that the document which was signed, was signed under false pretenses and no full disclosure. The state loves using that marriage license to enforce its will with the CPS as its enforcers, because by law, if you aren't aware of it. The state derives its powers from the consent to that secular contract where the state is the Principal Party. Going in saying that was never fully disclosed that the state would be the principal party in a 3rd party is fraud. No where on the marriage license does it stipulate that it is a 3rd party contract, without full disclosure the contract is void.
There's also another way to pit them in a corner. Ask to see the trust relationship that grants them the power, if they pull out your marriage license or something on it with your signature. Deny that it is your signature. You're the only one who can identify your signature anyway, so why give them the information they are looking for by saying, yes that's mine.?
Civil proceedings are even easier, show evidence of medical processes or procedures performed without consent of a parent. If that happens that medical personal just finished being in the medical field. They are done, the state doesn't like if someone goes outside of boundaries they prescribe in order to obtain their license. Now if a doctor gets uppity you sue them personally for damages, false imprisonment, kidnapping, assault, etc. In a civil court and seek a nice heavy judgement to penalize their stupidity. In a civil trial it will take place in front of a jury, and they'll have to convince a jury of why they requested the state to come in to kidnap a healthy child from a loving home and imprisoned the parents under false allegations.
Yes seems like a lot of work, and hassle just to remain "free", but freedom isn't free and I'm not one to go along to get along. Much to the chagrin of my parents, former teachers and even occasional bosses. I've always walked my own path, always questioned authority, and got into a lot of arguments and fights to do it.
Yep it would of been easier to just say, sensitive to eggs. But that's not who I am.
Thank God I know about the marriage license.
When I get married it will be by private 2 party contract. We have already discussed the issue.
18th December 2013, 10:56 PM
Ares, I hope your child isn't taken away.
19th December 2013, 12:43 AM
think, "designer autism" -- chemical lobotomies ala Brave New World,
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.08.02 ( (
Listen ( Download ( Hour 1 - Dr. Rima Laibow, MD ( & Gen Albert Stubblebine ( - Creating Autists To Fill The Bottom Of The Human PyramidMedical Director - Natural Solutions Foundation
Listen ( Download ( Hour 2 - Dr. Rima Laibow, MD ( & Gen Albert Stubblebine ( - Creating Autists To Fill The Bottom Of The Human PyramidMedical Director - Natural Solutions Foundation
the first MP3 link here is the whole 2 hour show-
Vinnie Eastwood show here. The notion of zio-corpguv creating "designer autism" through toxic vaccines is so disturbing! :(
22 October 2013, The Truth About Vaccines and "Designer Autism" Christina England,
Vinny's NUTShell: Christina England
With 2 severely autistic boys and a skill for investigative journalism you would assume one could get right to the bottom of the Vaccine/Autism link and sure enough she has!
It turns out that Vaccines are a kind of behavioral modification weapon, being used to create a massive epidemic of Autism, lack of emotional awareness so that people can be used more easily by telecommunications companies as a sort of Delta work force right out of Brave New World! ( .mp3)
22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwood_show_2013. mp3
Download File ( .mp3) ( ow_2013.mp3)
hour_1_22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwood_sho w_2013.mp3
Download File ( ow_2013.mp3) ( ow_2013.mp3)
hour_2_22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwood_sho w_2013.mp3
Download File ( ow_2013.mp3) ( od_show_2013.mp3)
short_clip_22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwood _show_2013.mp3
Download File ( od_show_2013.mp3)
19th December 2013, 01:40 AM
The surgeons I work with don't get a flu shot but every nurse does. And when they do, they get to wear a 3"X 5" laminated blue card saying "I'm vaccinated!" I was encouraged to go down and get my *free* shot but told the nurse I don't get the flu shot with the smart assed reasoning that if everyone else is vaccinated why do I need one. Those of us who don't get a flu shot have to wear a mask around patients which I already do in the OR.
So those who don't get vaccinated had to wear a mask when around patients, and that is supposed to stop the spread of disease?
LOL that is farking ridiculous, if you look upon it from a logical viewpoint, even if the flu vaccine worked, it only represents one or a few potential pathogens, so they are saying that the others don't matter. Of course the reason for the rule is not patient safety, if it was every person in the hospital would wear a face mask (assuming it makes a difference wearing a face mask), but to punish those who don't comply with the hospital recommendations, but they could have just forced them to wear a red nose or oversized shoes...
Twisted Titan
19th December 2013, 05:29 AM
The surgeons I work with don't get a flu shot but every nurse does. And when they do, they get to wear a 3"X 5" laminated blue card saying "I'm vaccinated!" I was encouraged to go down and get my *free* shot but told the nurse I don't get the flu shot with the smart assed reasoning that if everyone else is vaccinated why do I need one. Those of us who don't get a flu shot have to wear a mask around patients which I already do in the OR.
My rule of thumb that has served me well.
Anything that is offered for "free" is actually very very expensive and they never tell you what the price is that you have to pay.
19th December 2013, 06:50 AM
Ares, I hope your child isn't taken away.
Same here, but I'm prepared as much as I can be to get her back if it comes to it.
19th December 2013, 07:47 AM
You shouldn't paint them all with a broad brush. My doctor asks me if I want a flu shot, I tell him no, and he says ok.Your doctor deserves to be painted with that brush.
Isn't it reasonable to expect your doctor to be contientious and competent, someone you can trust?
I could never trust a doctor that gives me the choice of being poisoned or not being poisoned.
19th December 2013, 08:01 AM
The drug reps that push these vaccines are the same guys buying these doctors lunch every week and giving them countless kickbacks. Most of them are biased and don't give a shit about your safety or the effectiveness of the preventative treatments.
They are just salesmen on commish. They could be selling toothbrushes, or hair care products, or car wax. Doesn't make any difference to them.
19th December 2013, 09:17 AM
When doctors lose the respect and trust of their patients, then the medical profession as a healing vocation is finished. When patients hold doctors in contempt, then medicine has transmogrified from "care by consent" to "treatment by compulsion." We are on a slippery slope when patient consent is undermined. Vaccination programs and government mandated care plans and treatment algorithm are unequivocal symptoms of this fall of medicine from grace and rise of state power. Doctors have lost their professional standing - most don't realize it but many do.
19th December 2013, 09:47 AM
When doctors lose the respect and trust of their patients, then the medical profession as a healing vocation is finished. When patients hold doctors in contempt, then medicine has transmogrified from "care by consent" to "treatment by compulsion." We are on a slippery slope when patient consent is undermined. Vaccination programs and government mandated care plans and treatment algorithm are unequivocal symptoms of this fall of medicine from grace and rise of state power. Doctors have lost their professional standing - most don't realize it but many do.
Very true, the doctor that walked out of the room after I berated him for pushing his agenda. I never saw him again for the rest of my time there. It was just the floor nurses after that. I'm not sure if that's common practice as I make it an effort to avoid hospitals, or doctors in general (no offense) and do what I can to take care of my family with my own research and knowledge. But I do realize there comes a point when outside intervention is required (such as my daughter having difficulty breathing like she was earlier this week) without hesitation we took her to urgent care. A couple nebulizer treatments with Albuterol and she was back breathing somewhat normal, and the next day back to normal and no difficulty breathing. That's the type of medical care that I can support, to step in and assist when the situation is outside of ones knowledge or control. But to use it as a pulpit to push state and federal ideas of medicine is completely asinine.
I hope for your sake that you're retiring soon and don't have to put up with this corruption on your profession.
19th December 2013, 09:56 AM
midnight rambler
19th December 2013, 10:00 AM
Are you suggesting after putting in all that time, effort, money (often from those fucking student loans), and hard work to become a doctor that one should not be compensated accordingly??
You ARE a collectivist, aren't you?
19th December 2013, 10:07 AM
...compensated accordingly?
...for the sickest population now on Earth?
American Medical Association HQ
19th December 2013, 10:10 AM
The human race is learning the hard way that it is an impossibility to place an insurance policy on human life.
Uncle Salty
19th December 2013, 11:18 AM
Fucking doctors? You don't like doctors but took your little one to a doctor? Okay. So you want your cake and eat it too?
Why get your panties in a bunch about something you know will happen? When you voluntarily enter the lions den, you can't get mad at the lions for wanting to eat you.
19th December 2013, 11:31 AM
Fucking doctors? You don't like doctors but took your little one to a doctor? Okay. So you want your cake and eat it too?
Why get your panties in a bunch about something you know will happen? When you voluntarily enter the lions den, you can't get mad at the lions for wanting to eat you.
When it's outside of my knowledge and control, I'll do what I have to, to make sure she's taken care of. I didn't have a nebulizer, nor do I have access to Albuterol. So what are my options at that point smart ass?
I knew full well what I was going into, my problem is the arrogance that they know better because they've been indoctrinated for 12 years. My problem is that they restrict access to drugs that do serve a purpose forcing the population to go to them to get access to them via prescription. My Problem is the lack of alternative medicine that is recognized as beneficial.
I wouldn't exactly call it "voluntary" when they completely restrict and control all avenues of self treatment. So by all means, please fill me in with your infinite knowledge of medical practices that I could of used in that particular circumstance.
Large Sarge
19th December 2013, 04:51 PM
get your child some MMS,
you can PM me if you want some help with it....
here is the thread I started on it....
its amazing stuff, seriously
19th December 2013, 05:36 PM
get your child some MMS,
you can PM me if you want some help with it....
here is the thread I started on it....
its amazing stuff, seriously
I've been looking into MMS ever since you posted your thread. I've read a lot of good things about it, and definitely some interesting videos on Youtube being cured of diseases that are supposedly incurable. Like HPV, Herpes, etc. They show before treatment and after treatment test. Definitely interesting and I should get some.
19th December 2013, 05:38 PM
get your child some MMS,
you can PM me if you want some help with it....
here is the thread I started on it....
its amazing stuff, seriously
That MMS is some very spooky stuff... A variant of bleach, or chlorine to cleanse the body. In theory it could work but it is like ingesting a bunch of mercury, or poison to help. I did much research on it and have come up inconclusive.
19th December 2013, 06:21 PM
This thread has some great stuff- the interview in the OP is must listening, then there's more in the replies,
Thread: Gwen Olsen | Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher (
^ one of my replies ( recounts the Oz doctors' strike, during which "normal death rates" fell, then resumed "normal" when the docs came back to work!
Australian doctors strike death rate falls - Google Search
1. Modern Medicine's Secret (
"Experiments show that when doctors go on strike, turning off modern medicine, the death rate falls. And when the strike is over, turning modern medicine back ..."
2. The Straight Dope: When doctors go on strike does the death rate go ... (
"4 Jan 2008 ... When doctors go on strike does the death rate go down? ... found that in both Australia and the U.S. birth rates decreased from 1 to 4 percent on ..."
3. Reading: Death Rate Drops During Doctor Strike (
"Since then, the medical doctors have cancelled hundreds of thousands of visits to ... As soon as the strike was over, the death rate went back to normal. A 50% ... In Australia drug companies spend an average of $10000 per year per physician ..."
4. The Pharmaceutical Drug Racket-Part One (
"The rocketing cost of health care in Australia is not unique to this country, but is typical of all industrial nations. .... DOCTORS STRIKE: DEATH-RATE DROPS ..... J.W. Hodge, MD, of Niagara Falls, New York, writes about the AMA: " The medical ..."
5. Why Death Rates Decrease When Doctors Go On - Articles - Mercola (
" "
19th December 2013, 06:26 PM
That MMS is some very spooky stuff... A variant of bleach, or chlorine to cleanse the body. In theory it could work but it is like ingesting a bunch of mercury, or poison to help. I did much research on it and have come up inconclusive.
any relationship between MMS & turpentine?
31 mins,
Healing with Dr. Daniels- Healing with Turpentine (
Dr. Jennifer Daniels’ show, "Healing with Dr. Daniels" airs every Tuesday, at 6:00 pm EST. The show reveals the workings behind the Modern Health System, how it creates illness and how to avoid this planned outcome.
Topic: Turpentine, The Fountain of Youth
Ponce De Leon Spied it, the FDA decried it and Dr Daniels specified it. Yes. That would be the fountain of youth. During the past 25 years, Dr Daniels had un earthed and successfully applied turpentine to reverse disease and aging. You heard it here. Tune in to get the scoop so age can become "just a number" in your life.
19th December 2013, 06:29 PM
any relationship between MMS & turpentine?
31 mins,
I will absolutely listen to this one.
19th December 2013, 06:37 PM
None of this flows and I have mega fast internet... but other than that I will post the gist of the program:
Dr. Jennifer Daniels’ show, "Healing with Dr. Daniels" airs every Tuesday, at 6:00 pm EST. The show reveals the workings behind the Modern Health System, how it creates illness and how to avoid this planned outcome.
Topic: Turpentine, The Fountain of Youth
Ponce De Leon Spied it, the FDA decried it and Dr Daniels specified it. Yes. That would be the fountain of youth. During the past 25 years, Dr Daniels had un earthed and successfully applied turpentine to reverse disease and aging. You heard it here. Tune in to get the scoop so age can become "just a number" in your life.
Gallon of bleach a week should do you too. Why not a few grams of fluoride?
Might want to include some cesium 133?
That number might not be right so help me with the help.
19th December 2013, 06:41 PM
Today I ordered the MMS, the activator and some DMSO, I'll be using them in tandem and we'll see if this stuff works or not! If it does it will be THE BEST $40 I ever spent medically. I'm gonna start a little journal and keep track of exactly what I do and what happens over X amount of time. Or...I'll be dead, LMAO :)
19th December 2013, 07:35 PM
My rule of thumb that has served me well.
Anything that is offered for "free" is actually very very expensive and they never tell you what the price is that you have to pay.
@ PPJ Gazette,
he High Cost of Free Care (
December 19, 2013
ppjg ( Government (, HEALTH ( Government (, HEALTH (, health exchanges (, High Cost of Free Care (, insurance premiums (, Medi-gap (, Medicaid (, medicare (, obamacare (, ObamaCare’s individual mandate-tax (, private insurance premiums (, Social Security (, socialized medicine (, The Affordable Care Act ( Leave a comment ( ( ( Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD., (
__________________________________________________ ________
When I signed in for my yearly mammogram the receptionist announced with a wry smile, “No co-pay this time, it’s free!” We both knew that it really wasn’t free.
To understand whether free means free, let’s look at Medicare as an example. Medicare has four parts. Part A (“hospital”) covers hospital admissions, post-hospitalization short-term skilled nursing, and hospice. Part B (“medical”) covers outpatient medical services such as physician visits, lab tests, and outpatient surgery. Parts A and B are called traditional Medicare. Part C (“Medicare Advantage”) is private HMOs. Part D is prescription drug coverage. Technically, all parts are optional.
Medicare is costly before and after we enroll. We pay for Part A through a 2.9 percent tax on earnings, half of which is paid by employers. Thus, an average worker earning $43,500 per year generates $105 every month for the promise of hospital insurance benefits beginning up to 45 years in the future.
Importantly, Part A is mandatory for those eligible for Medicare who receive Social Security payments. If beneficiaries want to opt out of Part A, they must forfeit all of their Social Security payments. More (
Large Sarge
19th December 2013, 07:58 PM
MMS is not bleach....
I =gave a free bottle to a guy at the gym on Monday, I saw him today, he was all smiles, he has been "zooming" ever since, I could already see the changes in his skin (in 4 days), he said his endurance was already up...
drinking Clorox will not do that,
MMS stimulates the mitochondria, among many many other beneficial things....
19th December 2013, 08:51 PM
MMS is not bleach....
I =gave a free bottle to a guy at the gym on Monday, I saw him today, he was all smiles, he has been "zooming" ever since, I could already see the changes in his skin (in 4 days), he said his endurance was already up...
drinking Clorox will not do that,
MMS stimulates the mitochondria, among many many other beneficial things....
I'm curious but if it's personal stuff I understand too. What were his complaints prior to you giving him the MMS?
Large Sarge
19th December 2013, 09:17 PM
I'm curious but if it's personal stuff I understand too. What were his complaints prior to you giving him the MMS?
no complaints for him
the mitochondria are super super important, anti-aging, health, etc
and MMS is one of the few things that stimulates them
so, it acts like a great supplement,
its amazing stuff, pennies a day
19th December 2013, 10:29 PM
None of this flows and I have mega fast internet... but other than that I will post the gist of the program:
there's also a download link there.
Download (
Default player ( how_id%3d5731993&OutputType=m3u)
New Window (
^ audio quality of her podcasts tends to be low. I'm listening to this now and there's a weird 'echo' rendering it virtually un-listenable! :( Search her name "Doctor Jennifer Daniels" in combo with "turpentine"; perhaps she has some written articles?
Edit: the whole 31 min show is inaudible. She takes callers in the last ~10 mins who tell her it's inaudible, and the next 10 mins is trial & error to correct it, to no avail. Her shows are usu 1 hour, so that's why this one was ended abruptly @ 31 mins. Don't waste ur time! Lots out there with Daniels on turpentine, Startpage: turpentine Dr. Jennifer Daniels (
There prolly is some MMS (miracle mineral cure) relationship to turpentine. Isn't turpentine also called like "mineral spirits" or some such? ziopedia says,
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other uses, see Turpentine (disambiguation) ( ( (
Chemical structure of pinene (, a major component of turpentine
Turpentine (also called spirit of turpentine, oil of turpentine, and wood turpentine) is a fluid obtained by the distillation ( of resin ( obtained from live trees, mainly pines ( It is composed of terpenes (, mainly the monoterpenes alpha-pinene ( and beta-pinene ( with lesser amounts of carene (, camphene (, dipentene (, and terpinolene ([1] ( It is sometimes colloquially known as turps.[2] (
The word turpentine derives (via French ( and Latin ( from the Greek word τερεβινθίνη terebinthine, the name of a species of tree, the terebinth ( tree.[3] ( Mineral turpentine ( or other petroleum distillates are used to replace turpentine, but they are very different chemically.[4] (
1 Source trees (
2 Converting oleoresin to turpentine (
3 Industrial and other end uses (
3.1 Solvent (
3.2 Source of organic compounds (
3.3 Medicinal elixir (
3.4 Niche uses (
4 Hazards (
5 See also (
6 Sources (
7 References (
8 External links (
top 5 Startpage search results,
What other names is Turpentine Oil known by? - RxList ( ( - View by Ixquick Proxy ( 352554a4254513753455561515552414d52636c64546f59466 a3864567a3956457a774f486c38695a784d4f546a497047676 f4247576770446d39336369454d5468776a6368396a61674d3 24a484544416c734854795a6e5641775a56465663627755696 4436b614279454957545165577a77585756342f5977344b516 9553556463441554659574c45732f5a7a304a46445255577a3 95856446f4a486877394f413066557a746e5768354c5356495 74d456b7764485566466a4e50533278595443634b55776b526 1553870426d556353773861436c51654c454d696447594c484 4784d444264455453454b4531516b4a524d4b6644677a55463 166596c55544d466f395a53554e4853556145446c455658555 0456c736b4c55414c4647493857426b4a525251486378746b4 f536c6446326451423249455732704e4546786f65457864515 13d3d&epile=4q6n41784q7n45794q6n41774r5638324q6935725n58 6o3q&edata=5d3b93b11ff92c1c87098524a4cb00b6&ek=4o6o686s63314670506p45774s464r36646n70515448317 649316461504868744n435n6q51437052&ekdata=63884c3414b7b43d9c1fc1579c188617) - Highlight ( plements.htm)
Turpentine Oil information based on scientific evidence includes description, drug interactions, safety concerns, and effectiveness.
TURPENTINE OIL: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings ... ( ( vitamins-supplements/ ingredientmono-508-TURPENTINE%20OIL.aspx?activeIngredientId=508 &activeIngredientName=TURPENTINE%20OIL - View by Ixquick Proxy ( 352554a4254513753455561515552414d52636c64546f59466 a3864567a3956457a774f486c38695a784d4f546a497047676 f4247576770446d39336369454d5468776a6368396a61674d3 24a484544416c734854795a6e5641775a56465663627755696 4436b614279454957545165577a77585756342f5977344b516 9553556463441554659574c45732f5a7a304a46445255577a3 95856446f4a486877394f413066557a746e5768354c5356495 74d456b7764485566466a4e50533278595443634b55776b526 1553870426d556353773861436c4544496b63314c697348486 e52626543645a544449584831516a595134615579633257525 549536c49565a526758615359504154514e567a52655444345 6474656396555315844674d506269676f616e4976446d39304 d6e316151783467636e395253794d4355776b574c523462536 9452f6452594b566b4d434b55382f6441454d566d497443324 5494857464d46316b6b4a51734b616a6b395468304a54554d4 94e4751776253314e5142553961774e6766523075503351566 1553961455763566454524c555549484e4574734e484665465 7674c44574949436a4a4d5156786c666874655144467558556 b5052524e51496b7867596e343d&epile=4q6n41784q7n45794q6n41774r5638324q6935725n58 6o3q&edata=2e33521a24558c8e1db5e4114c9cfae0&ek=4o6o686s63314670506p45774s464r36646n70515448317 649316461504868744n435n6q51437052&ekdata=4f65461aa653779a45abd47cb32c6f23) - Highlight ( %26activeIngredientName%3DTURPENTINE%2520OIL)
Other Names: Aceite de Trementina, Essence de Térébenthine, Huile de Pin, Huile de Térébenthine, Huile de Térébenthine Purifiée, Pinus australis, Pinus ...
Turpentine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( - View by Ixquick Proxy ( 352554a4254513753455561515552414d52636c64546f59466 a3864567a3956457a774f486c38695a784d4f546a497047676 f4247576770446d39336369454d5468776a6368396a61674d3 24a484544416c734854795a6e5641775a56465663627755696 4436b614279454957545165577a77585756342f5977344b516 9553556463441554659574c45732f5a7a304a46445255577a3 95856446f4a486877394f413066557a746e5768354c5356495 74d456b7764485566466a4e50533278595443634b4252396a4 45668645a584a6f65683044436c45504b304d685a537742456 e3847544459564368554e48314535615538706479496f54423 044554538494a51776b5a436b63456d7861577a41494157704 c51516f784b55514d4547453744427455484239656342396a5 95870634654646342673d3d&epile=4q6n41784q7n45794q6n41774r5638324q6935725n58 6o3q&edata=5624060f822a748ea5f6d5fab2ae4a03&ek=4o6o686s63314670506p45774s464r36646n70515448317 649316461504868744n435n6q51437052&ekdata=478f8949191540665ce4e9922a4dd761) - Highlight ( )
Turpentine (also called spirit of turpentine, oil of turpentine, and wood ... Latin) from the Greek word τερεβινθίνη terebinthine, the name of a species of tree, the terebinth tree. Mineral turpentine or other petroleum distillates are used to replace ...
TURPENTINE OIL - Therapeutic Research Center ( - View by Ixquick Proxy ( 352554a4254513753455561515552414d52636c64546f59466 a3864567a3956457a774f486c38695a784d4f546a497047676 f4247576770446d39336369454d5468776a6368396a61674d3 24a484544416c734854795a6e5641775a56465663627755696 4436b614279454957545165577a77585756342f5977344b516 9553556463441554659574c45732f5a7a304a46445255577a3 95856446f4a486877394f413066557a746e5768354c5356495 74d456b7764485566466a4e50533278595443634b55776b526 1553870426d556354673944554534444d6b73685a543063476 a496257794a565753455a4868517a4978424b4552453057463 166596e5544495667796147594a4143455247324a325779426 652583531666b7363426d5165636a7849466841574e4139695 2486c595133526243434a594857412b527839696568514c426 d516543556856416c4d434956347750586c5a4547525943575 542585749594656786766457462467a4e754330745a5252425 749684e685a6e6c66&epile=4q6n41784q7n45794q6n41774r5638324q6935725n58 6o3q&edata=0f269a03952eef8b8a83782967a9e124&ek=4o6o686s63314670506p45774s464r36646n70515448317 649316461504868744n435n6q51437052&ekdata=a0a684b550123f090eecf97c28a68f53) - Highlight ( rch.aspx%3Fcs%3D%26s%3DND%26pt%3D100%26sh%3D1%26id %3D508)
Also Known As; Scientific Names; People Use This For; Safety; Effectiveness ... Find out if TURPENTINE OIL is safe to take with other natural medicines or ...
oil of turpentine - The Free Dictionary ( ( - View by Ixquick Proxy ( 352554a4254513753455561515552414d52636c64546f59466 a3864567a3956457a774f486c38695a784d4f546a497047676 f4247576770446d39336369454d5468776a6368396a61674d3 24a484544416c734854795a6e5641775a56465663627755696 4436b614279454957545165577a77585756342f5977344b516 9553556463441554659574c45732f5a7a304a46445255577a3 95856446f4a486877394f413066557a746e5768354c5356495 74d456b7764485566466a4e50533278595443634b55776b526 1553870426d556353773861436c494f4a55776a5a53304d476 a4964567a35655753454457466b2f495668645a54677a55463 1665a6b6b415a52675464443061417a5148536a68655858555 0456c736b4c5542635254527058527465455563446478387a5 9337061537a414b426d674341445a4b5167396d4c6b3963525 13d3d&epile=4q6n41784q7n45794q6n41774r5638324q6935725n58 6o3q&edata=0966ec21e05a86dd5706f3223c1d559e&ek=4o6o686s63314670506p45774s464r36646n70515448317 649316461504868744n435n6q51437052&ekdata=19902315c19ed52c06f5bbc950b6abe7) - Highlight ( 2Bturpentine)
Information about oil of turpentine in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. ... (Chemistry / Elements & Compounds) another name for turpentine [3] .... thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational ...
Uncle Salty
19th December 2013, 11:03 PM
When it's outside of my knowledge and control, I'll do what I have to, to make sure she's taken care of. I didn't have a nebulizer, nor do I have access to Albuterol. So what are my options at that point smart ass?
I knew full well what I was going into, my problem is the arrogance that they know better because they've been indoctrinated for 12 years. My problem is that they restrict access to drugs that do serve a purpose forcing the population to go to them to get access to them via prescription. My Problem is the lack of alternative medicine that is recognized as beneficial.
I wouldn't exactly call it "voluntary" when they completely restrict and control all avenues of self treatment. So by all means, please fill me in with your infinite knowledge of medical practices that I could of used in that particular circumstance.
Homeopathy. Naturopathy. Chinese medical doctor. Acupuncture.
And if you choose the medical route, know what you are up against and don't allow yourself to get so angry. Regular AMA doctors give drugs and perform surgery. That is their training. Vaccines are a part of that. Why waste emotional energy on something you cannot control but choose to engage in?
Large Sarge
20th December 2013, 04:52 AM
pok, so I have not listened to the turpentine interview yet, but I am intrigued and will...
I have been researching DMSO of late, and DMSO is made from wood pulp (paper mills ), its a byproduct...
you ever been out in the woods, seen a tree that has gone very far into decaying... and all that is left is this brown spongy stuff?, well that is DMSO
now, DMSO when given to humans, has shown the ability to reverse paralysis (quadraplegics, paraplegics, strokes, etc everything under the sun)
the general rule for paralysis is 100% success rate if treated with DMSO within 2 hours or so, like Christopher reeves and his horse riding accident.... if he had been given dMSO immediately... he would be aalive today, no paralyisis
he has seen cases of people, paralyzed for upto a year, after taking DMSO were healed, regained all movement.
one girl, had a diving accident, broke her neck on the bottom of the pool....
had been paralyzed for over a year (she was only 16)
she took DMSO for a year, and regained full mobility (I can imagine what that day was like... wow, tears of joy)
another lady, had been in a coma for 3+ months, was going to die..... no signs of life, (after a MASSIVE stroke), gave her dMSO, she woke up within a couple weeks, within a year she was home, fully functional, no paralysis or any side effects from the MASSIVE stroke.....
its amazing stuff,
they are reversing downs syndrome with it....
20th December 2013, 05:41 AM
pok, so I have not listened to the turpentine interview yet, but I am intrigued and will...
bear in mind my edit there-
Edit: the whole 31 min show is inaudible. She takes callers in the last ~10 mins who tell her it's inaudible, and the next 10 mins is trial & error to correct it, to no avail. Her shows are usu 1 hour, so that's why this one was ended abruptly @ 31 mins. Don't waste ur time! Lots out there with Daniels on turpentine, Startpage: turpentine Dr. Jennifer Daniels (
so just check the startpage link above for many Daniels interviews on turp, -- Pok ;)
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