View Full Version : Phil Robertson on Indefinite Hiatus From ‘Duck Dynasty’
19th December 2013, 03:16 AM
The MSM is having a field day with this guy...all the networks. He attacked no one, yet he's being viciously attacked by the sodomites for his own personal views.
He should have never said anything about about their beloved ass-hole. What was he thinking?
He never attacked anyone's personal liberties, their right to shove a cock in their ass.
The sodomites are attacking his personal liberties though, and his right to free speech.
I suspect the usual Jesus haten', baby rapers are behind the attacks.
For all I know it's turned into a publicity stunt to get more viewers and to move the show to the phony Christian network Fox.
Phil Robertson on Indefinite Hiatus From ‘Duck Dynasty’ Following Fiery Remarks on Homosexuality
Robertson claimed homosexuality is immoral and questioned why a man would choose another man’s “anus” over a woman’s “vagina.”
Robertson discusses in his GQ interview his religious beliefs and about sin, saying, “start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.”
Then, the GQ writer paraphrases Corinthians saying, “don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”
Robertson added in the interview, “It seems like, to me, a vagina — as a man — would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”
Portraits of Magnus *note, these are not sex organs, or to be deemed anything sexual. If magnus sees them as something sexual, he probably hates Phil from 'Duck Dynasty' too.
19th December 2013, 04:20 AM
The gay agenda has gone so far that you can't even criticize gay behavior.
Sodom, Gomorrah and Pompeii are all societies that practiced faggotry and the way the west is cherishing these perverts i can only imagine that we got the same fate coming as well.
It is impossible to have a rational discussion about the subject because narcissists will come out from everywhere to feed their ego believing that they are somehow standing up for somebody that is unfairly treated. They are of course just brainwashed by the media and their non-stop one sided focus on the gay agenda.
The irony is great in that the same types are for the most part atheists that worship science yet they don't want to hear anything scientific or factual about homosexuality. They bitch and moan about "sources" to back up "claims" yet when these are presented they decide that it is of such a type that they just don't like because the content is hosted on servers that have other controversial material or have religious leanings etc.
Some lesser know facts about homosexuals:
They have shorter lives.
They use more drugs.
They do more sexualized violence.
They are overrepresented amongst serial killers (most of the missing persons in the west are young males).
They abuse children more often than the general population (the narcissists will claim that they stop being gays at this point and only pedophiles).
They commit suicide more often (the narcissists will claim that this is because of persons like me and my lack of "tolerance").
And there is still no gene for homosexual behavior.. some claim that there are differences in the biology when the child is in the womb or some bs like that, but after the birth their biological values are exactly the same as heterosexuals (pseudoscience anyone?).
Oh yeah and having such viewpoints will automatically make you a "homophobe" and therefore gay yourself.
Twisted Titan
19th December 2013, 04:59 AM
Its just another tool That Inbred Vermin use to maintain command and control.
Its is a particular favorite because Homosexuality absolutely abounds in there communities.
There was a story on channel 7 where one of the inbred actually had a moment of conscious and spoke on what takes place in there communities and it was utter shocking .
I think he said somewhere north of 70% of the chilideren are molested before they reach adulthood.
No one allegation was refuted by tribes man but they went on to attack the man viciously for shining a big bright lite them
19th December 2013, 06:56 AM
a&e's other hit show is one about a high school teacher who sells makes, sells, and distributes drugs. it features graphic murders & deaths of kids, family members, etc. that show is totally cool, though.
19th December 2013, 07:10 AM
a&e's other hit show is one about a high school teacher who sells makes, sells, and distributes drugs. it features graphic murders & deaths of kids, family members, etc. that show is totally cool, though.
Breaking Bad is on AMC.
19th December 2013, 07:17 AM
Breaking Bad is on AMC.
eh, same jews run it.
19th December 2013, 07:26 AM
Its just another tool That Inbred Vermin use to maintain command and control.
Its is a particular favorite because Homosexuality absolutely abounds in there communities.
There was a story on channel 7 where one of the inbred actually had a moment of conscious and spoke on what takes place in there communities and it was utter shocking .
I think he said somewhere north of 70% of the chilideren are molested before they reach adulthood.
No one allegation was refuted by tribes man but they went on to attack the man viciously for shining a big bright lite them
These are the most hypocritical bunch of degenerates around. They literally ram their lifestyles down society's throats, to accept them for who they are...yet they can't accept Phil for who he is.
Watch this clip on Megyn Kelly. Look at the anger of this poor double victim, (Jewish & gay).
He believes you shouldn't be able to have your private beliefs on a public network.
By his logic, all gay shows should be taken off too.
19th December 2013, 07:46 AM
Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson FIRED Over Gay Comments... 'My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ' (
The Hollywood Reporter ( (Karolina Wojtasik): A&E has placed Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson on indefinite hiatus following anti-gay remarks he made in a recent profile in GQ.
"We are extremely disappointed to have read Phil Robertson's comments in GQ, which are based on his own personal beliefs and are not reflected in the series Duck Dynasty," A&E said in a statement. "His personal views in no way reflect those of A+E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil under hiatus from filming indefinitely."
The news comes after Robertson compared homosexuality to bestiality in an interview with the magazine. He'll likely appear in season four, which bows Jan. 15, since production is largely wrapped.
"It seems like, to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man's anus," Robertson says in the January issue of the men's magazine. "That's just me. I'm just thinking: There's more there! She's got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I'm saying? But hey, sin: It's not logical, my man. It's just not logical."
During a discussion about repentance and God, Robertson is asked what he finds sinful.
"Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there," he says. "Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men."
He goes on to paraphrase Corinthians: "Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers -- they won't inherit the kingdom of God. Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."
GLAAD on Wednesday condemned his remarks as "some of the vilest and most extreme statements uttered against LGBT people in a mainstream publication" and said "his quote was littered with outdated stereotypes and blatant misinformation."
"Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil's lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe," GLAAD spokesperson Wilson Cruz said. "He clearly knows nothing about gay people or the majority of Louisianans -- and Americans -- who support legal recognition for loving and committed gay and lesbian couples. Phil's decision to push vile and extreme stereotypes is a stain on A&E and his sponsors, who now need to re-examine their ties to someone with such public disdain for LGBT people and families."
GLAAD responded to A&E's suspension, commending the network for its swift decision. "What's clear is that such hateful anti-gay comments are unacceptable to fans, viewers, and networks alike," GLAAD's Cruz said late Wednesday. "By taking quick action and removing Robertson from future filming, A&E has sent a strong message that discrimination is neither a Christian nor an American value."
Robertson released his own statement in response to the flap early Wednesday: "I myself am a product of the '60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock and roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior. My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other."
19th December 2013, 08:04 AM
If heaven was gonna be full of Jews, niggers and queers I don't think I want to go there or anywhere else they might be.
midnight rambler
19th December 2013, 09:15 AM
On another front, hetero high school gym teacher fired by lesbo boss for 'traditional family status', the Lucifer worshipers are on a roll. And with a hefty dose of irony the lesbo boss tells the straight gym teacher, “We all make choices.”
mick silver
19th December 2013, 10:23 AM
it looks like it works great for them but not phil .... Freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment ( to the United States Constitution ( and by many state constitutions and state and federal laws. The freedom of speech ( is not absolute; the Supreme Court of the United States ( has recognized several categories of speech that are excluded from the freedom, and it has recognized that governments may enact reasonable time, place, or manner restrictions on speech.Criticism of the government and advocacy of unpopular ideas that people may find distasteful or against public policy are almost always permitted. There are exceptions to these general protections, including the Miller test ( for obscenity (, child pornography laws, speech that incites imminent lawless action, and regulation of commercial speech such as advertising. Within these limited areas, other limitations on free speech ( balance rights to free speech and other rights, such as rights for authors and inventors over their works and discoveries (copyright ( and patent), protection from imminent or potential violence against particular persons (restrictions on fighting words (, or the use of untruths to harm others (slander ( Distinctions are often made between speech and other acts which may have symbolic significance.
Despite the exceptions, the legal protections of the First Amendment ( are some of the broadest of any industrialized nation, and remain a critical, and occasionally controversial, component of American jurisprudence ([citation neede (
19th December 2013, 11:09 AM
The man was just stating his beliefs.
That network being what it is as most of them are are profit driven. Sure it is their top rated series, and I wonder how they would like it if the churches and people of faith that were raised that there are some things the bible and its teachings do not agree with or outright condemn and boycott them? Something like that would hit them right where it hurts the most, in their pocket book/bottom line.
Just another sign, that this country is slipping into an immoral cesspool, in the name of greed and profits.
midnight rambler
19th December 2013, 11:55 AM
A&E getting nasty backlash -
19th December 2013, 12:00 PM
The rest of the family should tell them to go pound sand, FU!
19th December 2013, 12:20 PM
The rest of the family should tell them to go pound sand, FU! Would not be surprised if the family was not thinking about doing just that. (Tight family) They must be under contract, but I would think that what the network did would allow the family to break it and leave the network with with egg in its face and reruns.
19th December 2013, 12:39 PM
A&E getting nasty backlash
A goyim teevee network no longer exists.
:rolleyes: why is that?
19th December 2013, 02:40 PM
Would not be surprised if the family was not thinking about doing just that. (Tight family) They must be under contract, but I would think that what the network did would allow the family to break it and leave the network with with egg in its face and reruns.
i agree.
i think this will backfire on the fudge-ites.
i've watched about 1 1/2 seasons of the show on Netflix. the show gets a lot of its entertainment value from the old guy, and his wife Kay.
what is Kay going to do without Will or Phil or whatever his name is ?
something similar happened to "Dr. Laura". side-stepping that she's a Zio-Jew, she said something non-PC and had to change networks.
i think that will happen here.
19th December 2013, 02:42 PM
'Boycott A&E' FACEBOOK Page Gets 500k 'Likes' in Hours... (
A Facebook page dedicated to defense of Phil Robertson of “Duck Dynasty” has received well over 400,000 likes since it was launched just 14 hours ago. The page was created late on Wednesday evening, after news broke that A&E was suspending Robertson over his comments on homosexuality.
Facebook page
( likes are 688k.
19th December 2013, 02:53 PM
698,000 + and counting up at an amazing rate.
19th December 2013, 03:14 PM
This is actually the only show I can watch with the little one, other then some disney shows, not having to worry about explaining sex, drugs, or listening to cussing, just plain old mindless entertainment.We do laugh alot!
19th December 2013, 04:10 PM
I love tolerance.
19th December 2013, 05:52 PM
Is it possible Phil was set-up by GQ magazine?
I wonder how he came about expressing his belief's/views on the subject, unless he was asked for them.
In which case it was a set-up, because I'm sure GQ knew full well what his views are.
It's the tribe's mission to stamp out anything viewed as good and moral in our society. They took a gamble there would be outrage to what he said.
God knows we need more good and moral TV shows that bring families together.
19th December 2013, 05:57 PM
'Boycott A&E' Facebook Support Page for Phil Robertson Gets 750K+ Likes
A Facebook page dedicated to defense of Phil Robertson of “Duck Dynasty” has received well over 400,000 likes since it was launched just 14 hours ago. The page was created late on Wednesday evening, after news broke that A&E was suspending Robertson over his comments on homosexuality.
Within 10 minutes, the “Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson Is Put Back on Duck Dynasty” page had 100 likes; in 30 minutes, the page had 1,200 likes. It grew exponentially from there; in three and a half hours, the page had 162,000 likes. The page states: “This page is to show support for the freedom of speech of Americans. Unless Phil is reinstated to the show, we refuse to watch the A&E Channel!”
**UPDATE** The Facebook page has now received over 750,000 likes.
19th December 2013, 06:03 PM
Closer to 950,000 now, think it will hit one million in a few more hours or less!
19th December 2013, 06:12 PM
Fuck teevee, I don't care if he or his family is my neighbor. They are participating in jew games, although I appreciate where it's base is. I doubt much or amerikana has a clue and just watch it as entertainment between sports channels or watching amerika idle.
19th December 2013, 06:29 PM
I've never watched it, what I know about it is the little that I've read. For awhile I thought Duck Dynasty was a new game like the Angry Birds.
19th December 2013, 06:35 PM
I don't watch TeeVee either guys, but I support the boycott since it's really people saying "Enough is enough" with the Left and The Gay Mafia pushing people around. It's probably the best we'll get while living in an Idiocracy.
19th December 2013, 06:51 PM
...I support the boycott since it's really people saying "Enough is enough" with the Left and The Gay Mafia pushing people around.,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg
The same "people" who did nothing while their local and state governments legalized homo marriage?
:rolleyes: a few homo activists prevailed over millions and millions of inactive so-called Christians. Even the pope took a dive and now loves the "gays".
Silver Rocket Bitches!
19th December 2013, 06:54 PM
Jewish objectives as outlined in Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:
1) Banish God from the heavens and Christianity from the earth.
2) Allow no private ownership of property or business.
3) Abolish marriage, family and home. Encourage sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, adultery, and fornication.
4) Completely destroy the sovereignty of all nations and every feeling or expression of patriotism.
5) Establish a one-world government through which the Luciferian Illuminati elite can rule the world. All other objectives are secondary to this one supreme purpose.
6) Take the education of children completely away from the parents. Cunningly and subtly lead the people thinking that compulsory school attendance laws are absolutely necessary to prevent illiteracy and to prepare children for better positions and life’s responsibilities. Then after the children are forced to attend the schools get control of normal schools and teacher’s colleges and also the writing and selection of all text books.
7) Take all prayer and Bible instruction out of the schools and introduce pornography, vulgarity, and courses in sex. If we can make one generation of any nation immoral and sexy, we can take that nation.
8) Completely destroy every thought of patriotism, national sovereignty, individualism, and a private competitive enterprise system.
9) Circulate vulgar, pornographic literature and pictures and encourage the unrestricted sale and general use of alcoholic beverage and drugs to weaken and corrupt the youth.
10) Foment, precipitate and finance large scale wars to emasculate and bankrupt the nations and thereby force them into a one-world government.
11) Secretly infiltrate and control colleges, universities, labor unions, political parties, churches, patriotic organizations, and governments. These are direct quotes from their own writings (The Conflict of the Ages, by Clemens Gaebelein pp. 100-102).
12) The creation of a World Government.
19th December 2013, 06:57 PM
If they ever really implement a cable TV system that allows you to pay seperately for each channel, and A&E got slammed on revenue after this stunt, I bet you would be surprised how tolerant of Christianity the Talmudic Mammon-worshippers would become.
19th December 2013, 09:18 PM
I've always been amazed at how effective the MSM is at manipulating public opinion by setting one side against the other.
This thread, I realize, is really no different.
Gotta hand it to the social engineers... they certainly are on the ball.
19th December 2013, 09:27 PM
By Tim Kenneally
TheWrap (
The Robertson ( id%3a%226d5dd20e-5f6f-45e9-aae3-351a28ab228b%22&FORM=MSNMEP) family of "Duck Dynasty (" fame has spoken out about the indefinite suspension of family patriarch Phil Robertson ( id%3a%226d5dd20e-5f6f-45e9-aae3-351a28ab228b%22&FORM=MSNMEP), who was pulled from the A&E reality show on Wednesday after making anti-gay comments in a GQ interview.
Also on TheWrap: 'Duck Dynasty' Star Phil Robertson: What Are His Legal Options? (
In the statement, posted on the Duck Commander website (, the family says that it "cannot imagine" going forward with the show if Phil isn't aboard, and that it's "in discussions" with A&E to determine what his suspension means for the future of the show.
In the statement, the family asserted that Phil "would never incite or encourage hate" and that they were "disappointed" in the suspension.
Also on TheWrap: 'Duck Dynasty' Fallout: GLAAD Reeling From Biggest Backlash in Years, Says Rep (
They also said that Phil's expression of his faith is his "constitutionally protected right."
Read the full statement below.
"We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support. The family has spent much time in prayer since learning of A&E's decision. We want you to know that first and foremost we are a family rooted in our faith in God and our belief that the Bible ( 80efe-b776-681a-2f6b-7d3635fe12f0%22&FORM=MSNMEP) is His word. While some of Phil's unfiltered comments to the reporter were coarse, his beliefs are grounded in the teachings of the Bible ( 80efe-b776-681a-2f6b-7d3635fe12f0%22&FORM=MSNMEP). Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart' and 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Phil would never incite or encourage hate.We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right. We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of 'Duck Dynasty ( 2233201d7b-223f-4c5f-878b-c26f0ea85258%22&FORM=MSNMEP).' Again, thank you for your continued support of our family."
Good for them for sticking together, because right is right, he was expressing his opinion !
I get so tired of the politically correct bullshit !
midnight rambler
19th December 2013, 09:31 PM
I'm quite sure the Robertson family will continue to do just fine without having to get into bed (figuratively speaking) with a bunch of Sodomite lovers.
It's high time that ALL people who have godly values openly divorce themselves from those who have destroying us entirely at the very top of their agenda. (How many churches have dropped their sponsorship of the BSA after the acceptance of faggots? LOTS.)
19th December 2013, 09:32 PM
Almost 1,300,000 likes now and climbing!
19th December 2013, 10:04 PM
I'm quite sure the Robertson family will continue to do just fine without having to get into bed (figuratively speaking) with a bunch of Sodomite lovers.
A&E will probably cast some distant homo Robertson cousin in next season's Duck Dynasty program.
19th December 2013, 10:06 PM,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg
The same "people" who did nothing while their local and state governments legalized homo marriage?
:rolleyes: a few homo activists prevailed over millions and millions of inactive so-called Christians. Even the pope took a dive and now loves the "gays".
The more the fags scream and cry the more people turn against them. That's my point.
19th December 2013, 11:34 PM
He should have never said anything about about their beloved ass-hole.
"I'm not talking about your whole ass.
I'm talking about your your a-s-s,
h-o-l-e! " ;D
20th December 2013, 09:36 AM
A&E will probably cast some distant homo Robertson cousin in next season's Duck Dynasty program.
at the beginning of this, Duck Commander was just a bunch of working people in Louisiana with a growing Duck Call business, and enough spare cash to let one family member walk around with a camera to make the initial episodes.
i'm pretty sure they'd be happy to step back from the Duck Dynasty show.
they can even come up with a catchy phrase like, "we didn't want to see Duck Dynasty become Dick Dynasty."
i don't think the older guy ( Will ? Phil ?) will run for office, but i do think he will be advised/ solicited to run.
the younger guy, the CEO of Duck Commander guy ... he might run for office.
as for A&E ... this episode will make it into business school curricula as an example of Major Business Mistakes.
true, the Jew media and the Jew gay activists overlap considerably. but they also know their shows.
interesting how they chose to 'honor' the Gay lobby instead of supporting a money-making show.
20th December 2013, 09:50 AM
but they also know their shows.
interesting how they chose to 'honor' the Gay lobby instead of supporting a money-making show.
It's not about making money but control.
20th December 2013, 10:06 AM
EE - I removed the picture in the first post. Upon first glance I thought it was a belly button, but magnes thinks it's a butt hole, and he might be right. I really did not enjoy scrutinizing that photo to determine what it actually was, so I deleted it.
20th December 2013, 10:09 AM
EE - I removed the picture in the first post. Upon first glance I thought it was a belly button, but magnes thinks it's a butt hole, and he might be right. I really did not enjoy scrutinizing that photo to determine what it actually was, so I deleted it.
No prob. Sorry I posted the portraits of the great magnus looking into a mirror :)
20th December 2013, 10:46 AM
EE - I removed the picture in the first post. Upon first glance I thought it was a belly button, but magnes thinks it's a butt hole, and he might be right. I really did not enjoy scrutinizing that photo to determine what it actually was, so I deleted it.
LMAO, that's funny shit there!
20th December 2013, 11:46 AM
Could this be the end of 'Duck Dynasty'?
(Photo: Karolina Wojtasik, A&E)
SHARE 4203 CONNECT 171 TWEET ( without%20Phil&via=usatoday) 553 COMMENTEMAILMORE
The Duck Dynasty family issued a statement ( Thursday evening supporting patriarch Phil Robertson and throwing the future of their successful hit reality show into jeopardy.
The A&E cable channel has put patriarch Phil Robertson, 67, on "indefinite" hiatus from filming after anti-gay remarks he made in the January issue of GQ erupted into debate about free speech.
Now the clan is thanking fans for their support, but isn't happy about the cable channel's decision.
"The family has spent much time in prayer since learning of A&E's decision. We want you to know that first and foremost we are a family rooted in our faith in God and our belief that the Bible is His word. While some of Phil's unfiltered comments to the reporter were coarse, his beliefs are grounded in the teachings of the Bible," the statement says.
Opinion: A&E fowls up 'Duck' flap (
More: Republican pols rally around 'Duck Dynasty' star (
"Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart' and 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Phil would never incite or encourage hate. We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right."
And finally, the family says, "We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty. Again, thank you for your continued support of our family."
Season 5 of the series is set to debut Jan. 15. Filming has finished and Robertson is featured in the 10 episodes. The Season 4 debut, which pulled in 11.8 million viewers in August, set a record for the cable channel.
20th December 2013, 03:18 PM
I've always been amazed at how effective the MSM is at manipulating public opinion by setting one side against the other.
This thread, I realize, is really no different.
Gotta hand it to the social engineers... they certainly are on the ball.
This slipped by with all the anal uproar.
Senate Passes NDAA 2014 via Fast Tracking, President To Sign (
20th December 2013, 03:56 PM
This slipped by with all the anal uproar.
Senate Passes NDAA 2014 via Fast Tracking, President To Sign (
It can't be that bad:
“It’s a failure of leadership on the part of the majority leader,” Arizona Sen. John McCain told reporters, echoing Republican colleagues who said the accelerated process was designed to prevent tough votes on Iran sanctions and other controversial issues.
20th December 2013, 07:06 PM
EE - I removed the picture in the first post. Upon first glance I thought it was a belly button, but magnes thinks it's a butt hole, and he might be right. I really did not enjoy scrutinizing that photo to determine what it actually was, so I deleted it.
Deleting a photo without accurately reasoning to what it actually is, seems preemptive. Is it a belly button, or is it an anus? :(??
For those of us who have not seen the photo in question, we are left to ponder in thought...could you describe this photo?
20th December 2013, 07:09 PM
Deleting a photo without accurately reasoning to what it actually is, seems preemptive. Is it a belly button, or is it an anus? :(??
For those of us who have not seen the photo in question, we are left to ponder in thought...could you describe this photo?
PM EE, he'll send it to ya.
20th December 2013, 07:21 PM
PM EE, he'll send it to ya.
I'll pass on that. This thread is damn near the funniest I've read though. :)
20th December 2013, 07:27 PM
Goes back to ya better be careful what ya ask for.
20th December 2013, 07:47 PM
Deleting a photo without accurately reasoning to what it actually is, seems preemptive. Is it a belly button, or is it an anus? :(??
For those of us who have not seen the photo in question, we are left to ponder in thought...could you describe this photo?
Looked like an asshole.
20th December 2013, 10:50 PM
Looked like an asshole.
Perception is was a Rorschach Test and I thought it was a portrait of Magnus.
For the record, I really don't give a shit what people do in their private lives, personal liberty and all that...I judge people on a one on one basis. The problem is, it's not staying in their private lives. It's being foisted on society.
It can probably go without saying that some of you here support the gay rights movement.
Some of you may have friends, family members, or kids that are gay...maybe a couple of you have taken a swipe at dick too. :)
I'm no stranger to it either (except for the swipe part)...they are people, some good as anyone and some with their brains scrambled.
I'm glad Phil's statement has caused an outrage. It's about time people start pushing back on people that want more rights then you have.
It's about time someone puts out a message to our children that it's not okay to be gay like the schools are telling them. Man was not meant to lay with another man and a magnus--> (ass-hole) is not a sex organ.
21st December 2013, 01:11 AM
This slipped by with all the anal uproar.
Senate Passes NDAA 2014 via Fast Tracking, President To Sign (
I've been super busy the last week or so, but as soon as I heard about the whole duck dynasty thing I thought it had to be a misdirection for something bigger going on. Everyone take a look at the list and see who your friends aren't in the senate.
mick silver
21st December 2013, 06:46 AM
i dont think i have a friends the in the senate.
21st December 2013, 07:29 AM
Perception is was a Rorschach Test and I thought it was a portrait of Magnus.
whatever it was, it would make a Heck of a Christmas Card.
one way to approach these things, is to put something similar to a "spoiler alert", then a bunch of spaces, like this
what is seen can not be unseen.
how about a Poll ? we could have "EWWWWWWWWWW" and "Not EWWWWWWWWWW".
21st December 2013, 08:19 AM
No prob. Sorry I posted the portraits of the great magnus looking into a mirror
I thought it was a portrait of Magnus.
Man was not meant to lay with another man and a magnus--> (ass-hole) is not a sex organ.
Post disgusting gay porn on here and play the victim attacking those that object.
That is rich.
What's with the faggotry porn posted on here ? (
No ban for EE, so he can personally attack and insult , instead of being dealt justly.
EE is going to out the Jews and degenerates, LOL !
" the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you " Old Polish Proverb
So some sent me PM's telling me EE is personally attacking me
in many threads, I don't see them, please show me specific links.
Other than this thread.
John should of did this job, not Madfranks , so he can see who his members are.
Quite disgusting.
Here is EE outing " degenerates " , his apple didn't fall far from his fathers tree.
Al Goldstein, dead at 77 (
EE, for posting what you posted, that makes you the faggit, degenerate and asshole.
Not me for reporting you and demanding John do something.
EE knows exactly what he was posting. Nobody can believe it was an accident.
EE has no respect for himself nor the membership posting degenerate fag porn on here.
EE - I removed the picture in the first post. Upon first glance I thought it was a belly button, but magnes thinks it's a butt hole, and he might be right. I really did not enjoy scrutinizing that photo to determine what it actually was, so I deleted it.
That makes it more disgusting , I had to look twice too, " can't be " , " wtf " ,
you know exactly what EE posted, it is no accident, he put an effort into it.
John should of cleaned this up not you. He needs to see what these clowns
are about, just more of the same.
I had a few reactions, and I decided to wait till morning to see if anyone
reported it and if it was still up, it was still there, I deliberately didn't give
John a link to see how long it would remain up, where is your board , I ask
John ? We are going to out the degenerates out there and we have our
own bringing it here, quite disgusting.
I don't enjoy talking about this, EE and I are old friends, I remember sending
him PM's about what is up with people hanging with trolls, long ago, instead
of warning his friends he joined them, EE is a sellout of the highest order.
Women tell him what to do on this board.
21st December 2013, 08:31 AM
If I posted something that has offended gsus members, I apologize to them...but I will never apologize to you for anything.
You are shit on my shoes!
21st December 2013, 08:36 AM
.EE, for posting what you posted, that makes you the faggit, degenerate and asshole.
Not me for reporting you and demanding John do something..
John should ban your ass for personal attacks on EE. Quoted above, a blatant personal attack. Before you demand John to do something for YOU, you should look in the mirror.
21st December 2013, 08:40 AM
If I posted something that has offended gsus members, I apologise to them...but I will never apologise to you for anything.
You are shit on my shoes!
Some one took away your gay porn did they ?
John should ban your ass for personal attacks on EE. Quoted above, a blatant personal attack. Before you demand John to do something for YOU, you should look in the mirror.
You too, some one took away your degenerate gay porn ?
That's funny shit coming from 6 sock considering EE is being quoted.
Post degenerate fag porn and play the victim attacking those that object.
6 sock regularly threatens people here and doesn't get banned. LOL !
EE should of been banned for posting fag porn.
Madfranks has seen his posts and knows what he removed.
Cali/Chat gang sticks together over degenerate gay porn.
A new low for them.
21st December 2013, 08:53 AM
I really feel sorry for were that kid that got beat-up for tattling on everyone all throughout your school years, weren't you. It had to be very humiliating have your head stuck in a toilet, or being stuffed in a trash can.
You should have learned to fight at an early age. You definately have something to prove, but going about it this way isn't going to relieve you of your shame. Focusing on positive things and growing past the negative will.
I hope you learn that some day...before you get your head pushed in a toilet, of stuffed in a garbage can again.
People can be very cruel to tattling people, or people that don't know how to mind their own business.
21st December 2013, 08:54 AM
6 sock regularly threatens people here and doesn't get banned. LOL !
Are you seriously this stupid? I have been banned from this forum more times than anyone else. I was banned for every single threat I made. Do you want an apology? You sound like a little kid having a tantrum because his blankie was taken from him.
If I have honestly upset folks by making lame threats in the past, I do apologize. I don't think anyone really cares and just has laughed it off.
21st December 2013, 09:38 AM
It can probably go without saying that some of you here support the gay rights movement. Some of you may have friends, family members, or kids that are gay...maybe a couple of you have taken a swipe at dick too...I'm no stranger to it either...
You rescuing your pal Hitcher from bad meany Magnes in this thread is really sweet bro.
:rolleyes: two against one is so
21st December 2013, 09:46 AM
You rescuing your pal Hitcher from bad meany Magnes in this thread is really sweet bro.
:rolleyes: two against one is so
Yo Magnes. Speaking of gay photos, what do you think of this one? ^^
Are you going to complain to the mods about booksie too?
The irony and hypocrisy on this forum is fucking hilarious...
21st December 2013, 04:31 PM
21st December 2013, 06:09 PM
Fuck You. Merry Christmas.... Lol.... I love that ramzpaul guy. Not in a gay way though. :)
21st December 2013, 06:25 PM
I feel so left out... who is duck dynasty and what are angry birds?
21st December 2013, 06:26 PM
Fuck You. Merry Christmas.... Lol.... I love that ramzpaul guy. Not in a gay way though. :)
Uh-ohhhhh......You just made Maggies List :) Not to be confused with Craigslist, Aimees List or Schindlers List :)
21st December 2013, 06:27 PM
I feel so left out... who is duck dynasty and what are angry birds?
Duck Dynasty is a show I've never seen and Angry birds is a game I've never played.
21st December 2013, 06:50 PM
I feel so left out... who is duck dynasty and what are angry birds?
willie pete
21st December 2013, 07:19 PM
I feel so left out... who is duck dynasty and what are angry birds?
Ima, you need to get off that farm and get into town now and again......:D Merry Christmas ;D
21st December 2013, 07:26 PM
I went to town yesterday and oddly enough, I bought 6 frozen ducks for roasting.
WHen I am done it looks like this......
To me, this is duck dynasty!
21st December 2013, 07:31 PM
Bump this up. Shami, thanks you've posted many of ramzpaul's videos, and he just has a way of articulating and navigating through all the BS, and saying the truth. This is a homerun. I'd vote for this guy.
21st December 2013, 08:14 PM
In case you dumbasses (ximmy's term) have forgotton... there are certain social engineering tools that can be used against you.
One is currently being deployed, to really good effect. Study up!
A wedge issue is a social issue, often of a divisive or controversial nature, which splits apart a population or political group. Wedge issues can be advertised or publicly aired in an attempt to weaken the unity of a population; with the goal of enticing polarized individuals to give support to an opponent. The use of wedge issues gives rise to wedge politics. Wedge issues are also known as hot button ( or third rail ( issues.
They keep using it because it works. Stop falling for it!
21st December 2013, 08:28 PM
More cracking down by the Gay Mafia:
'Cracker Barrel' Restaurants Pulls All 'Duck Commander' And 'Duck Dynasty' Products With Phil Robertson Images
Comedian Bob Newhart Cancels Show For Catholic Group After Gay Activist Pressure From GLAAD
21st December 2013, 08:37 PM
In case you dumbasses (ximmy's term) have forgotton... there are certain social engineering tools that can be used against you.
One is currently being deployed, to really good effect. Study up!
They keep using it because it works. Stop falling for it!
What do you think they are trying to do to us with these social engineering tools? What is their expected outcome?
Everything I see and hear always points to the Jew and the need to expel them from this country. Is that what they're hoping for?
21st December 2013, 08:43 PM
I went to town yesterday and oddly enough, I bought 6 frozen ducks for roasting.
WHen I am done it looks like this......
To me, this is duck dynasty!
More like duck heaven! Will there be orange sauce?
21st December 2013, 08:45 PM
What do you think they are trying to do to us with these social engineering tools? What is their expected outcome??
Destruction of this forum, I would think.
We've been through this before, on this forum. Divide and conquer. Attack free speech. It's all the same shit, how ever you want to package it.
21st December 2013, 08:45 PM
What do you think they are trying to do to us with these social engineering tools? What is their expected outcome?
Everything I see and hear always points to the Jew and the need to expel them from this country. Is that what they're hoping for?
Not trying to do. They already did it. A done deal. Even this Ramzpaul video admits it.
:(?? da jews won...we're fucked
midnight rambler
21st December 2013, 08:47 PM
What do you think they are trying to do to us with these social engineering tools? What is their expected outcome?
Everything I see and hear always points to the Jew and the need to expel them from this country. Is that what they're hoping for?
The desired outcome is to cause infighting (amongst the non-tribe members who have more in common with each other than with any members of the tribe) so there's no unified front against the Lucifer worshipers. A classic Sun Tzu maxim, "Cause division among them." It seems to be working out extremely well for those rats, seeing as how they control the media.
21st December 2013, 08:48 PM
Not trying to do. They already did it. A done deal. Even this Ramzpaul video admits it.
:(?? da jews won...we're fucked
It ain't over till it's over.
21st December 2013, 10:10 PM
The desired outcome is to cause infighting (amongst the non-tribe members who have more in common with each other than with any members of the tribe) so there's no unified front against the Lucifer worshipers. A classic Sun Tzu maxim, "Cause division among them." It seems to be working out extremely well for those rats, seeing as how they control the media.
^ ^ ^ Ding ding ding!
21st December 2013, 10:21 PM
The desired outcome is to cause infighting (amongst the non-tribe members who have more in common with each other than with any members of the tribe) so there's no unified front against the Lucifer worshipers. A classic Sun Tzu maxim, "Cause division among them." It seems to be working out extremely well for those rats, seeing as how they control the media.
Guess it's not working on me..I have my eye firmly focused on the enemy. The more they try, the more I point my finger at them. It's working great on the sheep though.
21st December 2013, 10:48 PM
Great. With this I shall lead the Goyim
:rolleyes: Son Of Ron will unite the Clans against the jews and save us all!
21st December 2013, 11:17 PM
Great. With this I shall lead the Goyim
:rolleyes: Son Of Ron will unite the Clans against the jews and save us all!
Jewboo is right though. Everything is completely controlled by the Jews. Both sides of pretty much everything. We won't get anything fixed until the people identify the Jew and target them directly.
These people have mastered manipulation and control for thousands of years and have it down to a science. I know you don't agree with it, but this is why I'm so obsessed with the virtual (like Bitcoins and stuff.) I think technology is the only way to overcome their control.
midnight rambler
22nd December 2013, 03:46 AM
Guess it's not working on me..I have my eye firmly focused on the enemy. The more they try, the more I point my finger at them. It's working great on the sheep though.
Well then obviously your dose of Soma needs to be increased.
mick silver
22nd December 2013, 08:16 AM
now they have there jew boy out there doing there work for them ... Charlie Sheen Blasts ‘Duck Dynasty’s’ Phil Robertson for ‘Unforgivable’ Comments ( Jethro Nededog | The Wrap – 14 hours ago
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( Wrap - Charlie Sheen Blasts ‘Duck Dynasty’s’ Phil Robertson for ‘Unforgivable’ Comments
Charlie Sheen is giving voice to the voice-less in a raging Twitter rant addressing “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson, who’s in the middle of a controversy over anti-gay and racial comments made during an interview with GQ magazine.
No stranger to being in the middle of a media firestorm ( himself, Sheen shows no mercy for Robertson in a very angry missive posted to Twitter ( on Saturday.
“You have offended and hurt so many dear friends of mine, who DO NOT have the voice or the outreach that I do,” FX’s “Anger Management” star said. “Well, news flash shower-dodger, I will speak loudly and clearly for ALL of them.”
Also read: ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Thanks Fans for ‘Support’: ‘We’ve Had Kind of a Crazy Week’ (
In speaking for those who are offended by Robertson’s statements, Sheen refers to the reality star as “mallard brained” and “desperately sub evolved,” among other incendiary things.
He also threatens ”a MaSheen style media beat down” as he insults Robertson’s intelligence and offers some interesting thoughts on the kind of work Robertson can get after “Duck Dynasty.”
As fans of the A&E show already know, Robertson has other avenues in which to make a living outside of reality TV. His patented duck call is at the center of his multi-million dollar company, Duck Commander.
Also read: ‘Duck Dynasty’ Christmas Album Poised for Sales Boost Amid Homophobic, Racist Controversy (
Currently, A&E has suspended Robertson from shooting the series indefinitely — a move that will have very little effect on the upcoming fifth season premiering on Jan. 15. Nine out of the 10 episodes have already been shot and the production is currently on production hiatus.
Read Sheen’s entire message to Robertson below:
hey Mallard brained
Phil Robertso!
you have offended and hurt so many dear friends of mine,
who DO NOT have the voice or the outreach that I do.
well news flash
I will speak loudly and clearly for ALL of them.
just when your desperately sub evolved ass thought the pressure was off,
you are now in the crosshairs of a MaSheen style media
beat down.
(I’ll try to keep the big words to a minimum as not to confuse you)
your statements were and are
abhorrently and
mendaciously unforgivable.
the idea that you have a job
outside of dirt-clod stacking
is a miracle.
the only ‘Dynasty’ you are attached to might be the
re-runs of that dated show.
the only thing you should ever be in charge of building is a hole in the ground the exact size of your head.
perhaps your beard would fit as well if you plucked out the
army of scabies and
bull weevils sequestered deep in it’s sarcophagus of dander and weasel pelts.
shame on you.
you’re the only surviving
brain donor I’ve ever known.
when the gators and Egrets
kick you out of their
you need to make serious amends to those you have
radically offended.
on the eight day
when I was whittling my cosmic banjo,
I’m pretty sure YOU were the scattered dross I then used to light a fire and
locate the nearest
Andy Gump.
repulsed by you;
c sheen
hash tag;
Duck; that was me.
The post Charlie Sheen Blasts ‘Duck Dynasty’s’ Phil Robertson for ‘Unforgivable’ Comments ( first on TheWrap (
Related stories from TheWrap:
'Duck Dynasty' Star Thanks Fans for 'Support': 'We've Had Kind of a Crazy Week' (
#ICYMI on TheWrap: 10 of the Week's Top Showbiz Stories (Video) (
What Does Phil Robertson's 'Duck Dynasty' Suspension Really Mean for Season 5? Not Much (
22nd December 2013, 08:37 AM
now they have there jew boy out there doing there work for them ... Charlie Sheen Blasts ‘Duck Dynasty’s’ Phil Robertson for ‘Unforgivable’ Comments
All this from the coke head who drinks tigers blood?
midnight rambler
22nd December 2013, 09:06 AM
All this from the coke head who drinks tigers blood?
Absolutely, that paragon of virtue Charlie Sheen, the one who all good little boys should emulate.
22nd December 2013, 09:51 AM
maybe Charlie is thinking about running for office, and wants to burnish his credentials with the fudgies.
mick silver
22nd December 2013, 10:14 AM
The politically correct crowd is tolerant of all viewpoints, except those they disagree with."I also acknowledge that this is a free country, and everyone is entitled to express their views. In fact, I remember when TV networks believed in the First Amendment. It is a messed-up situation when Miley Cyrus gets a laugh, and Phil Robertson gets suspended," he said.
mick silver
22nd December 2013, 10:17 AM
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has risen to the defense of his state's embattled megamillionaire duck call magnates: He thinks Miley Cyrus is offensive, but she didn't have her First Amendment rights trampled. "It is a messed up situation when Miley Cyrus gets a laugh, and Phil Robertson gets suspended," Jindal tweeted ( on Thursday. It's not a super great argument.
Jindal was noting the suspension of Phil Robertson ( from the television show Duck Dynasty, following Robertson's descriptive declaration to GQ that he opposes gay sex. A&E, the show's home, stated that Robertson's views don't reflect the network, which has "always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community." On the official governor's website, Jindal posted thisstatement (
Phil Robertson and his family are great citizens of the State of Louisiana. The politically correct crowd is tolerant of all viewpoints, except those they disagree with. I don’t agree with quite a bit of stuff I read in magazine interviews or see on TV. In fact, come to think of it, I find a good bit of it offensive. But I also acknowledge that this is a free country and everyone is entitled to express their views. In fact, I remember when TV networks believed in the First Amendment. It is a messed up situation when Miley Cyrus gets a laugh, and Phil Robertson gets suspended.
Jindal — who is, after all, a politician — surely understands that including discussion of Miley Cyrus is an attention-getter. But the situations aren't really comparable. Robertson compared gay relationships to bestiality, drunkenness, greed, and idolatry. He made graphic comments about the process of anal sex. He said that "homosexual behavior" is "not right." Miley Cyrus danced provocatively. Robertson suggested that a number of other people were going to Hell for their behavior. Miley Cyrus didn't look into the camera and say that people like Bobby Jindal were like people who have sex with dogs. The offensiveness isn't really comparable.
RELATED: Five Best Thursday Columns (
Also, for the 22-millionth time, the First Amendment says you can say what you like. It does not say there will be no commercial repercussions for doing so, or that every comment must be "tolerated" without response. If A&E didn't believe in the First Amendment, they would demand that GQ cease publication of the Robertson article. They would call for a law demanding that no one be allowed to disparage gay relationships. That's not what they did. They distanced themselves from someone that they thought would cost them money.
If Robertson wants to stand at the 50-yard-line of the Super Bowl at halftime and say horrible things about white people or A&E executives, he's welcome to do so. And white people and A&E executives can get mad and end his show or stop buying the Robertson family's duck calls. The Supreme Court suggests that commercial activity is its own free speech, remember?
RELATED: Are You a Pajamerican or in the Confeduckeracy? Decide Now. (
Jindal's statement is just politics. It's waving his conservative flag, calling troops to the front lines. Fine. Anyway, it's nice to talk about Miley Cyrus again. It had been a while.
This article was originally published at
Read more from The Wire• Baucus Will Be Nominated as the Next Ambassador to China (
• Conservatives Found a Way to Hate Jennifer Lawrence (
22nd December 2013, 10:23 AM
Not sure why people keep bringing up the First Amendment in this case.
The First Amendment is to guard against .gov persecution related to political speech. It doesn't have anything to do with things that are said or not said in the entertainment industry. This whole fucking drama is just another engineered distraction anyway. Why is everyone giving it traction?
22nd December 2013, 10:46 AM
Not sure why people keep bringing up the First Amendment in this case.
The First Amendment is to guard against .gov persecution related to political speech. It doesn't have anything to do with things that are said or not said in the entertainment industry. This whole fucking drama is just another engineered distraction anyway. Why is everyone giving it traction?
1) We need something to fill up our time while we're waiting for the next run up in gold and silver.
2) Homosexuality has been shoved up American's ass for too long and it's time to push back...maybe even adopt some of putin's policies, so the gay agenda can no longer be acceptable in schools.
3) Face it, American's are never going to stand up for this country, or stand against the tyranny that's taken over America.
4) Most of America is blind to the real criminals that are destroying us.
5) What should we at gsus be doing? Any help will be appreciated.
22nd December 2013, 11:57 AM
Funny that the oven-dodger Charlie Sheen calls Phil Robertson a shower-dodger.
Amazing though how when you bluntly call people on their sin ... they totally freak out about it.
22nd December 2013, 01:01 PM
Just saw this little video about Phil and his family, never saw the show and had no clue what it was about. Curiously they have 2 sons in this little video, where is the 3rd?
22nd December 2013, 02:27 PM
Just saw this little video about Phil and his family, never saw the show and had no clue what it was about. Curiously they have 2 sons in this little video, where is the 3rd?
Jase and Will are in the show a lot. The 3rd son is the guy holding the video camera.
22nd December 2013, 04:41 PM
Jase and Will are in the show a lot. The 3rd son is the guy holding the video camera.
I knew you were loyal to the televitz!
22nd December 2013, 07:30 PM
now they have there jew boy out there doing there work for them ... Charlie Sheen Blasts ‘Duck Dynasty’s’ Phil Robertson for ‘Unforgivable’ Comments
thanks mick, I always thought Sheen was just a goy sellout.
22nd December 2013, 07:47 PM
This slipped by with all the anal uproar.
Senate Passes NDAA 2014 via Fast Tracking, President To Sign (
Might as well add this twist too.
Rockefeller attaches cybersecurity bill to NDAA 2014 (
Rockefeller’s proposal, S.1353, was unanimously approved by the Commerce Committee in July but has stayed relatively dormant ever since. On Thursday he submitted that bill as an amendment to be considered as part of an annual Pentagon spending plan that could fast track his attempts to land his proposal on President Barack Obama’s desk after attempts in Congress to adopt cybersecurity legislation have largely proven to be futile.
22nd December 2013, 08:39 PM
Jewboo is right though. Everything is completely controlled by the Jews. Both sides of pretty much everything. We won't get anything fixed until the people identify the Jew and target them directly.
These people have mastered manipulation and control for thousands of years and have it down to a science. I know you don't agree with it, but this is why I'm so obsessed with the virtual (like Bitcoins and stuff.) I think technology is the only way to overcome their control.
I don't know about bitcoins, even still, I would have thanked your post if you would have used the term zionist rather than jew.
22nd December 2013, 08:52 PM
23rd December 2013, 11:31 PM
More ramzpaul:
24th December 2013, 12:03 PM
homosexuals are fags
24th December 2013, 01:19 PM
homosexuals are fags
but not all fags are homosexuals.
24th December 2013, 02:56 PM
well, i might have to wait a year before they're available on Netflix, but now i actually want to watch the post-Brouhaha episodes of DD.
it's a reality show - at some point they have to start talking about A&E's BS arm-twisting.
i saw the one episode where the sort of hefty-looking guy gets sprayed by the skunk. however, a little bit of that goes a long way.
but still i can't help but wonder if there are any more skunk-spraying episodes.
24th December 2013, 03:00 PM
well, i might have to wait a year before they're available on Netflix, but now i actually want to watch the post-Brouhaha episodes of DD.
it's a reality show - at some point they have to start talking about A&E's BS arm-twisting.
i saw the one episode where the sort of hefty-looking guy gets sprayed by the skunk. however, a little bit of that goes a long way.
but still i can't help but wonder if there are any more skunk-spraying episodes. In any kind of reality, once is enough in anyones lifetime for most people! Eh, Z ? :)
mick silver
25th December 2013, 08:40 AM
‘Duck Dynasty’: Twitter Apologizes for ‘Mistakenly’ Blocking IStandWithPhil.com ( By Tim MolloyDecember 24, 2013 7:12 AM
View gallery
‘Duck Dynasty’: Twitter Apologizes for ‘Mistakenly’ Blocking
Twitter has restored users’ ability to link to the pro-Phil Robertson site “” and apologized for what it says was a mistake.
Supporters of the suspended “Duck Dynasty” patriarch had accused Twitter of censoring the site, which hosts a petition that has received 200,000 signatures. Those who tried to link to on Monday received a message saying, “Oops! A URL in your Tweet appears to link to a page that has spammy or unsafe content.”
Also read: With ‘Duck Dynasty’ Censorship, Twitter Does More Harm Than Phil Robertson (Opinion) (
Twitter later lifted the block.
“The URL was mistakenly flagged as spam tonight, by an outside organization that tracks spam sources. We have restored access and apologize for the error,” Twitter said in a statement to news site Marketing Land (
The site did not respond to requests from comment from TheWrap.
Also read: Twitter Blocks IStandWithPhil.Com, Blocking ‘Duck Dynasty’ Groundswell (
Faith Driven Consumer, the group behind the petition, said in a statement Monday that the blocking of the site appeared to be intentional, noting that Twitter also blocked links in two other pro-Robertson social media campaigns.
Robertson was suspended from his A&E show last week after making anti-gay remarks in an interview with GQ.
The post ‘Duck Dynasty’: Twitter Apologizes for ‘Mistakenly’ Blocking ( appeared first onTheWrap (
Related stories from TheWrap:
'Duck Dynasty' Flap: Bristol Palin Blasts 'Hypocritical' Gays (
'Duck Dynasty' Pastor: Phil Robertson Sticking With Show (
25th December 2013, 10:33 AM
Leviticus 18:22 ( ESV / 253 helpful votesYou shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
Romans 1:26-28 ( ESV / 226 helpful votesFor this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
Romans 13:8-10 ( ESV / 214 helpful votesOwe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
Isaiah 56:3-5 ( ESV / 196 helpful votesLet not the foreigner who has joined himself to the Lord say, “The Lord will surely separate me from his people”; and let not the eunuch say, “Behold, I am a dry tree.” For thus says the Lord: “To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose the things that please me and hold fast my covenant, I will give in my house and within my walls a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off.
Matthew 19:11-12 ( ESV / 181 helpful votesBut he said to them, “Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.”
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 ( ESV / 151 helpful votesOr do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
1 Corinthians 6:9 ( ESV / 83 helpful votesOr do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,
1 Timothy 1:10 ( ESV / 80 helpful votesThe sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine,
1 Timothy 5:8 ( ESV / 75 helpful votesBut if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
1 Corinthians 7:2 ( ESV / 74 helpful votesBut because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.
1 Corinthians 7:7-9 ( ESV / 70 helpful votesI wish that all were as I myself am. But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another. To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am. But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
James 4:12 ( ESV / 65 helpful votesThere is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?
Mark 10:6-9 ( ESV / 64 helpful votesBut from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”
Romans 1:32 ( ESV / 60 helpful votesThough they know God's decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.
Leviticus 20:13 ( ESV / 58 helpful votesIf a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.
Galatians 5:14 ( ESV / 57 helpful votesFor the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Matthew 22:39 ( ESV / 56 helpful votesAnd a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Galatians 3:28 ( ESV / 54 helpful votesThere is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Matthew 7:12 ( ESV / 52 helpful votes“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
Jude 1:7 ( ESV / 47 helpful votesJust as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.
Hebrews 13:1-25 ( ESV / 46 helpful votesLet brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body. Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
1 Timothy 1:10-11 ( ESV / 37 helpful votesThe sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted.
1 Kings 14:24 ( ESV / 32 helpful votesAnd there were also male cult prostitutes in the land. They did according to all the abominations of the nations that the Lord drove out before the people of Israel.
Genesis 19:1-38 ( ESV / 32 helpful votesThe two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them and bowed himself with his face to the earth and said, “My lords, please turn aside to your servant's house and spend the night and wash your feet. Then you may rise up early and go on your way.” They said, “No; we will spend the night in the town square.” But he pressed them strongly; so they turned aside to him and entered his house. And he made them a feast and baked unleavened bread, and they ate. But before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both young and old, all the people to the last man, surrounded the house. And they called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, that we may know them.”
2 Samuel 1:26 ( ESV / 28 helpful votesI am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; very pleasant have you been to me; your love to me was extraordinary, surpassing the love of women.
1 Samuel 18:1-4 ( ESV / 28 helpful votesAs soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. And Saul took him that day and would not let him return to his father's house. Then Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul. And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was on him and gave it to David, and his armor, and even his sword and his bow and his belt.
Judges 19:22 ( ESV / 21 helpful votesAs they were making their hearts merry, behold, the men of the city, worthless fellows, surrounded the house, beating on the door. And they said to the old man, the master of the house, “Bring out the man who came into your house, that we may know him.”
1 Corinthians 6:10-11 ( ESV / 17 helpful votesNor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Hebrews 13:4-7 ( ESV / 13 helpful votesLet marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?” Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.
John 17:3 ( ESV / 8 helpful votesAnd this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
Genesis 2:20-22 ( ESV / 7 helpful votesThe man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him. So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.
25th December 2013, 11:06 AM
It's been around two thousand and fourteen years since Jesus was born and not much has changed. The Jews still hate him and Christians celebrate his birthday.
26th December 2013, 11:09 AM
Source: ‘Duck Dynasty’ Supporter Boycotts Spelled ‘Absolute Disaster’ For A&E
WEST MONROE, La. (CBS Houston/AP) – Despite the controversy surrounding “Duck Dynasty (” star Phil Robertson’s words regarding homosexuality, A&E executives reportedly admitted that the indefinite suspension handed down in light of his i
nflammatory comments may not have been the wisest move.
They are now admitting, at least in private, that they should have simply taken the show off the air during the holiday season (, which has involved repeated airings of past episodes, ( learned.
The same source also said that online ( campaigns supporting Robertson have spelled “absolute disaster for A&E.”
“Now, it’s a stand-off between the family and the network, who is going to blink first?” the anonymous source told of the present ( situation. “There is no way Phil is going to apologize for his comments because he doesn’t think what he said is hateful or prejudice, it’s his religious beliefs.”
“Duck Dynasty” is often the highest-rated cable show on television, and an episode last August that drew nearly 12 million viewers was the highest-rated of any show, cable or broadcast, that week.
mick silver
27th December 2013, 11:09 AM
Will Phil Robertson be back on “Duck Dynasty (” after all?
The suggestion by the bearded Louisiana ( duck-call entrepreneur that gays are akin to swindlers, drunkards, and adulterers – and the subsequent decision by A&E, partly owned by Disney (, to put Mr. Robertson on hiatus – has generated lots of discussion, far beyond the show’s regular 14.8 million viewers.
Many commentators have said that such “vile” commentary can’t be accepted from those with a reality TV show pulpit. But Robertson’s defenders, in turn, have flexed their consumer muscle: An “I Stand With Phil” petition now has almost 250,000 signatures, and at least one business, Cracker Barrel (, has apologized for withdrawing “Duck Dynasty” merchandise and has quickly put it back on the shelf.
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“You flat out told us we were wrong. We listened.... [W]e apologize for offending you,” Cracker Barrel said on its Facebook page.
Last year, there was a similar consumer show of support for the chicken eatery Chick-fil-A ( after its CEO, Dan Cathy, was widely criticized for saying on a radio show, "I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.’ ” On consumer-generated “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day,” franchises across the country were inundated with customers.
In the “Duck Dynasty” standoff, the stakes are high. The show’s cavalcade of redneck antics has generated nearly $500 million in merchandise and advertising sales since it first aired in the late winter of 2012. Now, the recent dispute constitutes an interesting quandary for the entertainment business – especially for Disney, a company that has allowed gay weddings at its resorts since 2007, thus providing fodder for a culture war over the legal and societal acceptance of homosexuality.
“You’ve got an America ( polarized on issues of sexual orientation, race, gender, all of which is tied into civil rights, and there are radicals on both sides of that fence,” says Rob Weiner, a pop culture expert at Texas Tech University. “But as in life, a reasonable path is the way to go, and there are consequences to what you say, whether it’s ‘Duck Dynasty’ or ‘American Idol.’ ”
Indeed, “Duck Dynasty” is hardly the first television show to engender controversy. Earlier this year, Food Network ( chef Paula Deen ( resigned after she defended past racist commentary during a court deposition. MSNBC also recently let go of liberal stalwarts Alec Baldwin and Martin Bashir, after the men made what they acknowledged were inappropriate remarks.
But the “Duck Dynasty” case is different in that Robertson has not apologized (although he did say in a written statement that he, too, has sinned, and that he loves everybody like God loves everybody). Also, family members say they won’t do any more new shows (filming is set to start this spring) unless A&E brings Phil back, no questions asked.
“When big, powerful TV executives ask a star to apologize for what they deem inappropriate comments or behavior, the star simply complies,” writes Lee Habeeb, a Mississippi-based vice president at the Christian-themed Salem Radio Network. “But the TV gods never met a man like Phil Robertson. Or his family.”
“Duck Dynasty” was a sleeper hit, suggesting to some that it was a way for coastal elites to “feel progressive and enlightened by comparing themselves to simple country folks in Louisiana ...,” CNN contributor Ruben Navarrette writes.
According to a worldview held by some in this segment – and also held by many on Madison Avenue – A&E made exactly the right call in punishing Robertson.
"This is not different from Paula Deen," Michael Stone, head of New York-based brand-licensing agency Beanstalk, tells Bloomberg News. "I'm surprised that A&E has not pulled the entire show. The Food Network did the right thing."
But it turns out that A&E may have misread at least part of its core audience – America’s rural working class. They may chuckle but ultimately see themselves represented through the Robertsons in a respectful way – God-fearing, fun-loving, prayer-sharing Americans, many of whom do believe homosexuality is a biblical sin even though, as Robertson later pointed out, they still love the sinner.
Moreover, the Robertsons are hardly bumpkins, but gung-ho American entrepreneurs who unashamedly enjoy life according to the Bible – where killing for food is moral, where prayer is warming at the end of the day, and where there’s a right and a wrong.
And the family has made about $200,000 per episode.
Yet it’s unlikely Phil and the rest of the crew will blink. As Jase Robertson told GQ, there were three “no compromises” during negotiations with A&E. Those were “faith, betrayal of family members, and duck season.”
Even as A&E executives have banished Robertson, they have also tipped their hats: They decided to air a “Duck Dynasty” marathon over Christmas, raking in viewership from the controversy.
" 'Duck Dynasty' is A&E's biggest revenue generator and major viewer franchise," Porter Bibb, managing partner at Mediatech Capital Partners, a New York-based merchant bank, told Bloomberg. "America believes in second acts," he added, saying he believes Robertson "will be given another chance
27th December 2013, 11:16 AM
" 'Duck Dynasty' is A&E's biggest revenue generator and major viewer franchise," Porter Bibbstein, managing partner at Mediatech Capital Partners, a New York-based Jewish merchant bank, told Bloomberg. "America believes in second acts," he added, saying he believes Robertson "will be given another chance to make us Jews more money
mick silver
27th December 2013, 11:25 AM
you said it , in away i knew this was coming . i just had hope it was not the same as we all have seen . if people still dont see it they never will ... it all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and who control it
27th December 2013, 03:41 PM
A&E Welcomes Phil Robertson Back to 'Duck Dynasty'
2:07 PM PST 12/27/2013 by Michael O'Connell
Less than two weeks after his anti-gay remarks prompted an "indefinite hiatus" for the reality patriarch — and a strong fan backlash — the network says he will remain on the series.
Phil Robertson, "Duck Dynasty"
Phil Robertson, the patriarch of A&E's Duck Dynasty clan who was suspended from his hit reality series on Dec. 18 following some incendiary comments about gay people, won't be put on hiatus after all.
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The network and the Robertson family announced Friday that Phil will still be part of the series -- and since he didn't miss any filming, his temporary suspension will have no effect on the upcoming fifth season.
An A&E statement to The Hollywood Reporter (
As a global media content company, A+E Networks' core values are centered around creativity, inclusion and mutual respect. We believe it is a privilege for our brands to be invited into people’s home and we operate with a strong sense of integrity and deep commitment to these principals.
That is why we reacted so quickly and strongly to a recent interview with Phil Robertson. While Phil’s comments made in the interview reflect his personal views based on his own beliefs, and his own personal journey, he and his family have publicly stated they regret the “coarse language” he used and the mis-interpretation of his core beliefs based only on the article. He also made it clear he would “never incite or encourage hate.” We at A+E Networks expressed our disappointment with his statements in the article, and reiterate that they are not views we hold.
But Duck Dynasty is not a show about one man's views. It resonates with a large audience because it is a show about family… a family that America has come to love. As you might have seen in many episodes, they come together to reflect and pray for unity, tolerance and forgiveness. These are three values that we at A+E Networks also feel strongly about.
So after discussions with the Robertson family, as well as consulting with numerous advocacy groups, A&E has decided to resume filming Duck Dynasty later this spring with the entire Robertson family.
We will also use this moment to launch a national public service campaign (PSA) promoting unity, tolerance and acceptance among all people, a message that supports our core values as a company, and the values found in Duck Dynasty. These PSAs will air across our entire portfolio.
In addition, an A&E source says the family and the network are going to work together to promote tolerance moving forward.
Robertson's comments in GQ ( magazine, which included the 67-year-old likening homosexuality to "bestiality," prompted an almost immediate announcement from A&E.
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"We are extremely disappointed to have read Phil Robertson's comments in GQ, which are based on his own personal beliefs and are not reflected in the series Duck Dynasty," read a network statement at the time. "His personal views in no way reflect those of A+E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil under hiatus from filming indefinitely.
A&E's swift reaction to the comments, praised by some, prompted objections from many fans of the show. Prior to his reinstatement, a petition started by Christian fans gathered north of 200,000 signatures demanding he be put back on the series. Robertson and the rest of his family have stood by the controversial comments that prompted the media furor, putting the future of A&E's top-rated series in question.
On Sunday, Robertson delivered a sermon at his West Monroe, La., church. "I will not give or back off from my path," he told the crowd -- though he did seem to soften a bit, adding "I love all men and women. I am a lover of humanity, not a hater."
The political fallout has also been significant. Following initial calls to action from GLAAD, people from both side of the political spectrum have weighed in on Robertson's comments and suspension. It's been a popular topic of debate on Fox News, and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal was among the first to come to Robertson's defense
PHOTOS: 'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson and Other Stars Who've Made Anti-Gay Remarks
The Robertsons' somewhat vague initial reaction to Phil's removal -- "we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm" -- prompted many to suggest that the cast would not continue filming. But the Robertsons also recently re-signed to stay onboard A&E's top-rated series. After settling a months-long salary standoff in August, A&E signed the entire Robertson clan to a multiyear deal worth more than $200,000 per episode.
For its part, A&E did little else in the wake of Robertson's comments than the initial suspension. Encores of the series have continued to air, including a marathon on Christmas Day, and canceling or delaying the Jan. 15 season-five premiere never seemed to be on the table.
Duck Dynasty is a huge asset for A&E. In addition to being the top-rated reality program on cable, second across all of cable to only The Walking Dead with an average 13.4 million viewers and 7.6 million adults 18-49 in live-plus-7 ratings, Duck Dynasty has multiple brand tie-ins. Duck Dynasty gear is available in retailers across the U.S., including Walmart, Sears and Cracker Barrel restaurants.
The entire Robertson family has been on hiatus for duck hunting season, a contractual stipulation, which continues through Jan. 26 in their native Louisiana.
27th December 2013, 05:08 PM
A&E Blinked!
27th December 2013, 05:38 PM
I guess we now know that the duck folks like their money. I was kinda hoping that they would have said F it and walked away.
27th December 2013, 06:26 PM
I guess we now know that the duck folks like their money. I was kinda hoping that they would have said F it and walked away.
I was hoping they told A&E to shove-it up their ass too.
It's like they say, "money trumps everything".
I guess the Duck folks religion and principles have a price on them too.
It might be still possible they will walk. Maybe they'll think about that, while they're out duck hunting.
27th December 2013, 07:47 PM
It's like they say, "money trumps everything".
I guess the Duck folks religion and principles have a price on them too.
Phil agreed to add his closet homo nephew "Duckie" next season to placate
the A&E jew owners.
mick silver
27th December 2013, 10:56 PM
it all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and who control it
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