View Full Version : On my way to the North Pole!

20th December 2013, 02:13 AM
Actually not quite the North Pole, but the Norwegian island archipelago of Svalbard, which is at 80 degrees North Latitude (at level of North Greenland). Right now I am sitting on the plane from Oslo, waiting for the sun to set (probably in about 40 minutes we'll pass the polar circle). We'll land in about 2.5 hours...

20th December 2013, 02:14 AM
Now I'll order breakfast! ;)

20th December 2013, 02:36 AM
Now I'll order breakfast! ;)
Damn I am trying to insert pics of the hostess serving and the skies over Norway in the morning sunset, but the Internet loading is just too slow. What kind of Stone Age technology are they using!

20th December 2013, 02:40 AM
Anyway the prospects of Aurora seems pretty good now, we can expect at least semi clear skies. The sun just had an M-class flare. Fascinating thing though is that it is almost balmy in Longyearbyen, according to the meteorology site around 0C or 32F...

20th December 2013, 02:58 AM
Say Hi to Santa while you are there and try to keep off any polar bears menu and enjoy your trip! I first heard of Svalbard a few years ago because of a polar bear attack.

Going north to see the Aurora's is on my bucket list of things to do before I check out and see what is on the other side!


20th December 2013, 03:22 AM
The north pole during the winter solstice.....it must be dark there for like 20 hours per day or something I'd imagine.

20th December 2013, 03:29 AM
As soon as they ban guns in Norway i'll move up there.

20th December 2013, 05:11 AM
Thanks Dogman! This is the last of Daylight now, which means we are passing the polar circle, or a bit North of it since we are at +35.000 feet altitude. Won't see daylight now until Christmas Eve. I'll pass on your wish for Northern lights to Santa if I see him around, but he may be a bit busy these days, trying to figure out the logistics of unreasonable children...

20th December 2013, 05:14 AM
The north pole during the winter solstice.....it must be dark there for like 20 hours per day or something I'd imagine.
Yeah, imagine a bit more, we landed 12.25 PM local time, and it is pitch dark... I would imagine you'll start see some light in the sky at noon time in about a months time perhaps... ;D

20th December 2013, 05:43 AM
As soon as they ban guns in Norway i'll move up there.
As I understand it, it is the law if you are going to venture outside of Longyearbyen, that you have to be armed, and if you don't have a gun you can borrow one from the town office, and if you don't have a licence, you'll get some basic instructions, and are issued one quite soon.

20th December 2013, 06:07 AM
To me that would be like going to hell....... a Cuban in the North Pole? ufffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

When I was in Alaska I was for two months in Ft Greely testing what you now call MER's and the M-17 Protective Gas Mask, the temperature was of 60 freeking below 0 .........that was in 1961.


20th December 2013, 06:34 AM
To me that would be like going to hell....... a Cuban in the North Pole? ufffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

When I was in Alaska I was for two months in Ft Greely testing what you now call MER's and the M-17 Protective Gas Mask, the temperature was of 60 freeking below 0 .........that was in 1961.


Well amigo, it is said we pay for the excesses of our youth later in life!

Extreme cold is hard on the skin...it drys it out!



20th December 2013, 08:45 AM
Neuro that sounds like an awesome trip, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! An office I used to work for obtained a contract to do some work in Antarctica, and I really wanted to go but was not assigned to it.

20th December 2013, 09:33 AM
Neuro that sounds like an awesome trip, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! An office I used to work for obtained a contract to do some work in Antarctica, and I really wanted to go but was not assigned to it.

I almost had the opportunity to go to Antarctica as well, last year. I really wanted to but didn't have the right certifications. What an awesome trip, Neuro. Enjoy this opportunity!

edit: Neuro, what's the temperature there?

20th December 2013, 12:30 PM
I almost had the opportunity to go to Antarctica as well, last year. I really wanted to but didn't have the right certifications. What an awesome trip, Neuro. Enjoy this opportunity!

edit: Neuro, what's the temperature there?
It's around freezing temperatures, 30-35F, very mild actually. Just had a very good dinner, local Reindeer fillet, and as a starter different kinds of pickled herrings, washed down w beer and aquavit shots. Life is good! :)

20th December 2013, 12:44 PM
Neuro that sounds like an awesome trip, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! An office I used to work for obtained a contract to do some work in Antarctica, and I really wanted to go but was not assigned to it.
Check out norwegian.com, they have a few flights from the US I think Ft Lauderdale, New York and LA, which would fly to Oslo, and from there you can probably fly to Longyearbyen, Svalbard for not too much of a surcharge... Today we didn't do too much, because we were up since 2.40 am, driving to the airport, so I slept after arriving for a few hours... But it seems like a great place actually. Any citizen of a country who have written a treaty with Norway over Svalbard has the right to settle here, and as far as I know there are practically no taxes here. Lemme see if I can find a link...

20th December 2013, 01:19 PM
Here is a link with general information at Wikipedia...

20th December 2013, 01:30 PM
It's around freezing temperatures, 30-35F, very mild actually. Just had a very good dinner, local Reindeer fillet, and as a starter different kinds of pickled herrings, washed down w beer and aquavit shots. Life is good! :)

You ate reindeer? LOL, I don't know if Santa would approve of that. :) Seriously, that's awesome, who gets the chance to eat raindeer. Yes, life is good!

20th December 2013, 01:32 PM
According to this United States is a signatory to the Svalbard treaty, meaning that most of you have the right to settle in Svalbard.
But bring your own house, if you want to be free. Almost all houses belong to the corporations that run their operations here in Svalbard (coal mining, tourism, fishing)...

20th December 2013, 01:47 PM
You ate reindeer? LOL, I don't know if Santa would approve of that. :) Seriously, that's awesome, who gets the chance to eat raindeer. Yes, life is good!
Actually in Sweden you can find reindeer in almost all supermarkets, but in North Sweden the reindeer is semi-domesticated, the Sami's follow it. But here it is wild... Incredibly soft tender and tasty meat. If Santa has any objections he should bring it up with Svalbards governor, but he'll probably be told to go and fuck himself!

Svalbard is a place with virtually no laws, virtually no taxes, no welfare payments, and virtually no crime (claimed to be the place on earth with least amount of crime)... It appears to be an anarchist paradise, with an average annual income of close to $100.000/year, 23% more than Norwegian average...

20th December 2013, 01:55 PM
According to this United States is a signatory to the Svalbard treaty, meaning that most of you have the right to settle in Svalbard.
But bring your own house, if you want to be free. Almost all houses belong to the corporations that run their operations here in Svalbard (coal mining, tourism, fishing)...

I can make that possible, but have to ask why the hell would you travel to outer space, let alone live there?

20th December 2013, 03:09 PM
Sorry Neuro, but Santa has moved all production facilities to China.

20th December 2013, 03:29 PM
I can make that possible, but have to ask why the hell would you travel to outer space, let alone live there?
Most people will choose comfort and safety over freedom... It just isn't for everybody!

20th December 2013, 03:41 PM
Most people will choose comfort and safety over freedom... It just isn't for everybody!

You must have a great tailored Space suit...

True freedom is being naked :)

20th December 2013, 04:39 PM
Some nice photos of your location at this link.

http://www.google.com/search?q=Longyearbyen+svalbard+photos&client=safari&rls=en&tbm=isch&source=iu&imgil=ZzHTRgCEEPmlCM%253A%253Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ft 3.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcT OV0cghhkeA8DNlzfM8ZHl_cb2SMk6aGlLmEKRaTt2f2DiYToZP A%253B2551%253B1912%253BoLJ4hn3ykqQ2YM%253Bhttp%25 253A%25252F%25252Fen.wikipedia.org%25252Fwiki%2525 2FLongyearbyen&sa=X&ei=HdO0UqCtMeWg2AW674CYBw&ved=0CC0Q9QEwAA&biw=1273&bih=622#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=pW3vUZJKty9uWM%3A%3BOQIb3aaehjQDdM%3Bhttp%25 3A%252F%252Fwww.jnb-birds.com%252FSvalbard%252FLongyearbyen_Joanne_PBS ign.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.jnb-birds.com%252FSvalbard%252FLongyearbyen_Joanne_PBS ign.html%3B3872%3B2592

21st December 2013, 12:44 AM
You must have a great tailored Space suit...

True freedom is being naked :)
Nah, it is to choose if you want to wear a space suit or being baked... Or something else. Whatever man! Still dark here... :)

21st December 2013, 04:35 AM
So did you get a job as Santa's roadie?




21st December 2013, 05:28 AM
Sorry Neuro, but Santa has moved all production facilities to China.
That is why I haven't seen him yet then... However don't speak about yourself in third person, I've heard it is a sign of mental illness...

21st December 2013, 05:38 AM
So did you get a job as Santa's roadie?


Is that short for New South Fucking Wales?

21st December 2013, 05:56 AM
I went to the alcohol shop today, great prices, since they don't have any alcohol tax. However as we were going to pay for the beers I bought, the lady asked for our tickets, what tickets I asked, your airline tickets she clarified, you cannot buy any beer without showing the tickets. We showed a boarding pass, and she made a mark on one of them indicating we had bought 6 beers... So I asked, what about the people living here? They have a rationing card she said. They can buy 2 liters of spirits, 6 liters of wine and 24 beers a month... Oh, that isn't much I said. It is enough she said...

So in this what I thought was a libertarian society, there are some dark undercurrents of oppression... Also for some reason you were not allowed to bring your guns to the post office...

21st December 2013, 08:16 AM
They have a rationing card she said. They can buy 2 liters of spirits, 6 liters of wine and 24 beers a month... Oh, that isn't much I said. It is enough she said...

So in this what I thought was a libertarian society, there are some dark undercurrents of oppression... Also for some reason you were not allowed to bring your guns to the post office...

Neuro, couple of questions. I'm wondering if the alcohol rationing has created a black market for alcohol. People buying their ration limits, then flipping the bottles for a profit. Not sure how you would find that out in a short visit, but just curious. Also, what do the women look like there? Lot's of blonde hair blue-eyed gals there?

21st December 2013, 08:44 AM
Neuro, couple of questions. I'm wondering if the alcohol rationing has created a black market for alcohol. People buying their ration limits, then flipping the bottles for a profit. Not sure how you would find that out in a short visit, but just curious. Also, what do the women look like there? Lot's of blonde hair blue-eyed gals there?
I would assume that most people with a ration card would buy all their rations, whether they would drink it all or sell or trade or give it to someone who does. I wonder how many bottles of Glenfiddich 12 year old a reindeer is? We are going to a pub tonight so I'll try and speak with the owner about it. The girls are mainly norwegian, with some Russians, Swedish and Sami women, so I think most would be blonde with blue eyes. The women doing the cleaning at the hotel are Thai...

21st December 2013, 11:28 AM
24 beers a month? That would equate to maybe one party every solstice.

21st December 2013, 11:35 AM
24 beers a month? That would equate to maybe one party every solstice. Wonder if home brewing is popular there?


21st December 2013, 11:40 AM
Wonder if home brewing is popular there?


Yeast rationed only to bakers...sugar too?

21st December 2013, 12:45 PM
24 beers a month? That would equate to maybe one party every solstice.
It could have been 24 liters of beer too... Still that would only be 48 half liter cans, which is really little if you enjoy beer. Anyway there are no restrictions on how much you drink in bars and restaurants, or on low alcohol light beer. Anyway I haven't seen any beer riots yet.

Maybe they are waiting for the sunrise... ;D

21st December 2013, 12:49 PM
Beer rationing! OMG, you're in hell!

21st December 2013, 12:57 PM
Anyway I haven't seen any beer riots yet.

Maybe they are waiting for the sunrise... ;D

I wonder what would happen here if they rationed malt liquor..


21st December 2013, 01:12 PM
It could have been 24 liters of beer too... Still that would only be 48 half liter cans, which is really little if you enjoy beer. Anyway there are no restrictions on how much you drink in bars and restaurants, or on low alcohol light beer. Anyway I haven't seen any beer riots yet.

Maybe they are waiting for the sunrise... ;D

Only 6 liters of wine, yet 12 liters of beer?

Must be a brewer running the place, or the market is cornered by the bar and restaurant owners.

21st December 2013, 01:24 PM
I wonder what would happen here if they rationed malt liquor..

The thing with Nordic countries, is that there is a high level of altruism in the general population, although often times misguided. So even those who wants to drink more than 24 or 48 beers a month, may agree with restricting their consumption to the limit suggested by the law, for the common good, but if they are offered to buy or are given as gift or in trade, they would go with it. But they may definitely riot against laws they perceive against the common good, governments here know that and would definitely hesitate to introduce such legislations. However I see them using the boiling of the frog technique quite frequently. And that is why you see a lot of misguided altruism in Scandinavia. Like a lot of people think that high taxes is good, they were just introduced very slowly so they don't know/understand that it has actually made their lives worse. Immigration is another issue. Where it started off with Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs and Turks 50 or so years ago, and they came to work, and those who are still remaining in Sweden or rather their descendants are of course well integrated in society today. But that really doesn't apply to Afghanis and Somalis, who never work when they come today, but have 8 children on our generous welfare systems payed by our high taxes, brought up to despise and abuse the Swedish lifestyle...

21st December 2013, 01:27 PM
Beer rationing! OMG, you're in hell!
Actually, I would think people are allowed to make their own beer for personal consumption...

21st December 2013, 01:46 PM
So they have the same VAT tax on import items as everywhere else in Europe, or is there some sort of Libertarian submarine market we could utilize?

How can we exploit these Indians? :)

21st December 2013, 02:11 PM
So they have the same VAT tax on import items as everywhere else in Europe, or is there some sort of Libertarian submarine market we could utilize?

How can we exploit these Indians? :)
No VAT in Svalbard!

21st December 2013, 02:21 PM
Here's a link to the demographics on Svalbard. Less than 2,000 folks live there!


21st December 2013, 02:34 PM
Here's a link to the demographics on Svalbard. Less than 2,000 folks live there!


My gosh fewer than 25 children under 5?

They must have a local trade station where they recycle baby uniforms.

Are there any hot springs up there Neuro, maybe we could find a way to blast them a few open.

21st December 2013, 02:41 PM
Here's a link to the demographics on Svalbard. Less than 2,000 folks live there!

You are only counting Norwegians as folks? According to the link, and it is also my memory from other websites, about 2700 people are living in Svalbard. Of course about 500 of those would be Russian/Ukrainian subhumans, and about 500 other non-norwegian beasts... ;D

21st December 2013, 02:45 PM
My gosh fewer than 25 children under 5?

They must have a local trade station where they recycle baby uniforms.

Are there any hot springs up there Neuro, maybe we could find a way to blast them a few open.
The hottest spring I have seen so far has been me recycling Aass pilsner...

btw you also seems incapable of reading Norwegian statistics since there are 25 kids below the age of 1, and a whooping 174 under the age of 5. I suppose the tropical climate has made your brain a tad mushy, yes?

21st December 2013, 02:51 PM
You are only counting Norwegians as folks? According to the link, and it is also my memory from other websites, about 2700 people are living in Svalbard. Of course about 500 of those would be Russian/Ukrainian subhumans, and about 500 other non-norwegian beasts... ;D

Oops, you are right, I was not reading that correctly. I did just catch the polish settlement, which is a straight line on that graph for the past 20+ years, right at the bottom. Is there one Polish couple there?

21st December 2013, 03:00 PM
Oops, you are right, I was not reading that correctly. I did just catch the polish settlement, which is a straight line on that graph for the past 20+ years, right at the bottom. Is there one Polish couple there?
From your link:

10 were living at Hornsund, a permanent research station led by the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Stop eating oafmeal! ;D

21st December 2013, 03:10 PM
From your link:

Stop eating oafmeal! ;D

OK, well then. Tell those 10 Polish folks dzien dobry! From me. :D Cheers!

21st December 2013, 03:13 PM
The hottest spring I have seen so far has been me recycling Aass pilsner...

btw you also seems incapable of reading Norwegian statistics since there are 25 kids below the age of 1, and a whooping 174 under the age of 5. I suppose the tropical climate has made your brain a tad mushy, yes?

With fewer than 35 females aged 16-19 these people should not have banned Bitcoins, they need some quck injection of inflation to maintain their camp civilization.

21st December 2013, 03:17 PM
OK, well then. Tell those 10 Polish folks dzien dobry! From me. :D Cheers!
I can't they are in Horn's territorial claim. Hornsund!

21st December 2013, 03:23 PM
With fewer than 35 females aged 16-19 these people should not have banned Bitcoins, they need some quck injection of inflation to maintain their camp civilization.
Yes, the arctic is certainly in a population crisis. Anyway I heard all the 10 Polish scientists in Hornsund are all female in their reproductive prime!

21st December 2013, 03:27 PM
I can't they are in Horn's territorial claim. Hornsund!

I'd like to see a territorial claim owned by Horn. A claim full of women. Are those 10 polish folks beautiful babes? You should visit. I bet they all look like this...


21st December 2013, 03:36 PM
No doubt researching future forms of Fermastroika!

21st December 2013, 03:37 PM
I'd like to see a territorial claim owned by Horn. A claim full of women. Are those 10 polish folks beautiful babes? You should visit. I bet they all look like this...

I'll leave at crack of dawn!

21st December 2013, 04:31 PM
I just know that there must be one that likes cute, hansome, and mature old man like me.......I didn't say OLD, ok? :)


21st December 2013, 05:11 PM
I'll leave at crack of dawn!

Have you received permission to enter the Hornsund?


21st December 2013, 05:17 PM
I found a hot spring, but apparently its a Troll hot spring.

The Troll аnd Jotun hot springs іn the park along the edge оf the Bockfjorden аre the northernmost documented terrestrial hot springs оn earth аt almost 80 degrees north latitude. The fіrst documentation оf these springs wаs іn the late 1800s. Hoel аnd Haltedahl studied these twо hot springs іn sоme detail. They reported thаt the Jotun hot spring has а temperature оf 24.5°C аnd the Troll hot spring has а temperature оf 28.3°C


21st December 2013, 05:30 PM
Well one thing you can find is that huge seed (plant) bank by the airport!

21st December 2013, 05:39 PM
Well one thing you can find is that huge seed (plant) bank by the airport!

Is that where that thing is located?!

No wonder what Neuro is doing in Illuminati Monsanto outer space....

21st December 2013, 05:43 PM
Is that where that thing is located?!

No wonder what Neuro is doing in Illuminati Monsanto outer space.... LOL!

Yep, it is about 1/2 mile due south of the airport runway.

78° 14′ 17.4″ N, 15° 26′ 50.05″ E



21st December 2013, 06:24 PM
Come to find this where they actually do test space suits.

LIFE at the «SVALMARS»: a scientist is testing out an astronaut suit during an AMASE expedition to the Bockfjorden in the Svalbard archipelago in 2006. Such attempts can be of good help when the suits to real-Mars trips are going to be designed. Photo: KJELL OVE STORVIK/AMASE

Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard Expedition (AMASE)


21st December 2013, 11:08 PM
Holy macro, seven pages for a trip to see Santa?.........uffffffffffffff, you must have overshot Santa and next to Cuba by now... change your thermal underwear for a swimming suit.........and say hello to Castro for me.....thanks.


21st December 2013, 11:21 PM
Holy macro, seven pages for a trip to see Santa?.........uffffffffffffff, you must have overshot Santa and next to Cuba by now... change your thermal underwear for a swimming suit.........and say hello to Castro for me.....thanks.


You keep telling us you are going back there for a visit, what gives?

Do you have a digital camera for bikini shots, or are you still hunting for 35mm film?

22nd December 2013, 01:11 AM
Well one thing you can find is that huge seed (plant) bank by the airport!
I'll bring my beer ration and a bag of salt. Lets have a doomsday party...

22nd December 2013, 05:38 AM
There is nothing I love more than ADVENTURE...................

22nd December 2013, 07:31 AM
Holy macro, seven pages for a trip to see Santa?.........uffffffffffffff, you must have overshot Santa and next to Cuba by now... change your thermal underwear for a swimming suit.........and say hello to Castro for me.....thanks.

Ponce go in to your settings and change to 40 posts per page, and you'll only be on 2nd page, so far! Anyway we were on to Santa's ass today. As we went to the biggest post box in the world, they invited us in for some Santa grub (hot chocolate, cake, biscuits and candy), and forced the children to write letters glorifying Santa in return for possible future material gains... It was a Christmassy spirit in the air, but Santa didn't show up. I suspect the one suggesting he moved to a free economic zone of China, may be correct, but we left the letters in the post box just in case... Damn that guy is as hard and elusive to get hold of as Fidel Castro!

22nd December 2013, 07:41 AM
Actually, I would think people are allowed to make their own beer for personal consumption...
I went to Svalbard Museum today, and there was this section were they described some of the people living in Svalbard today. Among those were a man who wants to brew beer commercially in Svalbard, however the law doesn't permit it, so he has to brew his beer in Tromsų in North Norway instead, and he is waiting for a law change... WTF!

22nd December 2013, 07:57 AM
I went to Svalbard Museum today, and there was this section were they described some of the people living in Svalbard today. Among those were a man who wants to brew beer commercially in Svalbard, however the law doesn't permit it, so he has to brew his beer in Tromsų in North Norway instead, and he is waiting for a law change... WTF!

That's racist! lol Anyplace that would ration beer you have to assume would not want it to flow freely.

22nd December 2013, 08:17 AM
That's racist! lol Anyplace that would ration beer you have to assume would not want it to flow freely.
Yeah, the two standpoints seem to be mutually exclusive...

22nd December 2013, 09:44 AM
No need to go to Cuba anymore......my dad die in 2010 and he was the last of my "real" family....... besides..... all that I have to do now is to go to Miami and it is like being in Cuba.


22nd December 2013, 01:36 PM
Santa didn't show up. I suspect the one suggesting he moved to a free economic zone of China, may be correct, but we left the letters in the post box just in case... Damn that guy is as hard and elusive to get hold of as Fidel Castro!

Did you write those letters in Mandarin? Santa INC. is using fairly antiquated translation software. For instance, if your little girl wrote, "I want a dolly", she might wind up with an X rated anime' video on Christmas morning. Or if your boy wrote, "I want a BB gun", he might be tagged as a possible terrorist threat and automatically reported to the Asian branch of UN security.
Best to just pray for gifts nowadays. Not only are Chinese elves smaller and more inscrutable than the Nordic variety, they're also statist and love to report everything to the authorities.

Actually, I sold off the whole thing lock, stock and barrel. It's now a subsidiary of GE International. :)

22nd December 2013, 02:05 PM
Well fuck you very much Santa. At the mountain side of Longyearbyen we saw a light, and I correlated that with a 'Santa's Cave' on the town map. It looked like it could be a bit less than a mile walk, with a climb in the end of about three hundred feet altitude wise. So me and my daughter and possibly my son also (he was a bit undecided at the time), talked about trekking up there, so we asked in the Hotel reception, if it was possible to get to it, and they confirmed that it was Santa's cave, an old abandoned mine, but that you needed to bring guns with you if you were going up there! WTF, GUNS TO MEET SANTA, what kind of BEAST is he?? So I guess new triad Santa has his regional arctic office there. So, thank you Santa! Or Whatever it was Obama's 'Yes we can' slogan was backwards... I'll tell you there are dark things happening here apart from the lack of daylight, and I have pretty much given up on seeing any good natured Santa here. I think I'll prefer to avoid him in the future. Something ain't right about this dude!

22nd December 2013, 06:38 PM
Santa needs a bunker buster.

23rd December 2013, 04:11 AM
I THINK I FOUND HIM! On Svalbard airport (of course, where else the 23rd of December). Only thing is he has suspiciously little luggage, and he is wearing disguise (not the normal red uniform), but that would be expected. I bet he has a huge warehouse at Oslo airport. Anyway mission accomplished!

23rd December 2013, 04:33 AM
I found a hot spring, but apparently its a Troll hot spring.

We got a job for Magnes then in Northern Svalbard! ;D

23rd December 2013, 05:32 AM
The hottest spring I have seen so far has been me recycling Aass pilsner...

btw you also seems incapable of reading Norwegian statistics since there are 25 kids below the age of 1, and a whooping 174 under the age of 5. I suppose the tropical climate has made your brain a tad mushy, yes?

Aass used to export their beer to Minnesota and I learned how to pronounce I'll have another ohhss beer. A wonderful perfect beer, but sadly whoever was bringing it into Minnesota stopped and now I have to journey to Norway to have that wonderful golden elixir.

On my only trip to Norway I remember riding on the hurtigruten in the bar watching the coastline slide by and drinking another wonderful beer with the simple name Mack ale. The bar used a glass with a detailed map of the Norwegian coastline imprinted on it's side with the Mack logo. We tried to buy a glass, but the bar said they were not for sale, so we stole one. Crime in Norway!

If I ever go back to Norway I will ride the hurtigruten all the way around Nord Cape.

Sounds like you are having a great time at the north pole. Skoal

Mack Bryggeri was founded during 1877 in Tromsų by Ludwig Markus Mack (1842–1915), son of a German immigrant, businessman and local politician. He had been educated as a baker, like his father, but several trips to visit his brewmaster uncle in Bavaria led him to pursue construction of a brewery in northern Norway. As a result, Mack beers were, and still remain, particularly German in character.

A large portion of the shares are presently owned by Ludwig Mack's descendants. Mack Bryggeri claims to be the northernmost brewery in the world, a claim that is cited on Mack's beer bottles. In March 2008, the company announced plans to move production to Nordkjosbotn in Balsfjord municipality, after over 130 years of operation in Tromsų.

24th December 2013, 10:56 PM
I THINK I FOUND HIM! On Svalbard airport (of course, where else the 23rd of December). Only thing is he has suspiciously little luggage, and he is wearing disguise (not the normal red uniform), but that would be expected. I bet he has a huge warehouse at Oslo airport. Anyway mission accomplished!

This guy's got crew cut side burns, I've seen better Osama impersonators.

25th December 2013, 06:05 AM
This guy's got crew cut side burns, I've seen better Osama impersonators.
Sure and most Santa impersonators look 'better' too. I am pretty sure this was real though... Santa used to look like this prior to Coca Cola hijacked the image, and children started to demand that he bankrupt their parents every x-mas...

25th December 2013, 09:43 AM
Sure and most Santa impersonators look 'better' too. I am pretty sure this was real though...

He looks like he is working for the Norwegian version of the TSA?

25th December 2013, 10:02 AM
if the poles really are shifting, then is the North Pole on its way to us ?

mick silver
25th December 2013, 11:55 AM
are we there yet