View Full Version : Gold Trader: “Hedge Funds Smell Blood; May Run Stops Below $1179 Monday & Smash Gold

23rd December 2013, 04:41 AM
Gold Trader: “Hedge Funds Smell Blood; May Run Stops Below $1179 Monday & Smash Gold to $1030!”
December 23, 2013 By (http://sdbullion.com/)

http://www.silverdoctors.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/JP-Morgan-300x200.gifHedge funds smell blood in the water,” and will likely “make sure stops are run below $1179…probably Monday morning.”
“We’ve seen a lot of manipulation in the gold market over the last year & so I expect we’ll probably see one of those middle of the night hits, where they dump a million contracts on the market, so that when traders wake up in the morning their stops are already run…We may have another move, something similar to what happened in April, where the bottom just drops out.
I think we’re probably going to test that 2007 c-wave top at $1030, and that’s the point where I think every short will cover and we will get our final bear market bottom…and that’s the point where you can back up the truck.”


By Tekoa da Silva, Bull Market Thinking (http://bullmarketthinking.com/gold-trader-%E2%80%9Chedge-funds-smell-blood-may-run-stops-below-1179%E2%80%9D/):

I had the chance to reconnect this week with technical gold traderGary Savage, publisher of the Smart Money Tracker (https://smartmoneytrackerpremium.com/?pagename=Subscribe) daily gold market commentary and trading service, which has outperformed most of the world’s hedge funds in 2011 and 2012.
It was a powerful conversation as Gary indicated gold’s taper-induced sell-off this week has placed the metal in a position where, “hedge funds smell blood in the water,” and will likely “make sure stops are run below $1179…probably Monday morning.”
Commenting on the growing predictability of these sell-off events, Gary said, “We’ve seen a lot of manipulation in the gold market over the last year& so I expect we’ll probably see one of those middle of the night hits, where they dump a million contracts on the market, so that when traders wake up in the morning their stops are already run…We may have another move, something similar to what happened in April, where the bottom just drops out.”
When asked about ‘technical support’ levels which may overwhelm paper selling, Gary noted that, “There are three levels that could stop this. One of them is that $1179 [June low]…The next realistic level would be the 50% retracement of the entire bull market [and] that comes in at $1090. A decent amount of shorts are going to cover at that level but…I think we’re probably going to test that 2007 c-wave top at $1030, and that’s the point where I think every short will cover and that’s where you could probably get a bottom for this bear market.”
http://bullmarketthinking.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/previous-top.jpg (http://bullmarketthinking.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/previous-top.jpg)
(click to enlarge)
Despite the possibility of further short-term downside, Gary emphasized that, “The secular bull market is still intact—[and] I think once we get to $1000-$1030, somewhere in there, I think we’re going to get our final bear market bottom…and that’s the point where you can back up the truck.”
Following that final potential bottom, “Then we will have a bubble phase,” Gary added, “and I would not look for a top in that bubble until the dow/gold ratio gets back to 1-1, and maybe even below 1 this time. So I think [at] a minimum, gold is ultimately going to $5,000, and maybe even as high as $10,000. But I also don’t think that’s going to happen until probably 2017 or early 2018…Right now we got to get through this bear market.”

This was another powerful interview with one of the world’s most savvy gold traders, and is required listening for investors looking to profitably trade this gold bull market.
To listen to the interview, click the following link and/or save to to your desktop:

>>Interview with Gary Savage (MP3)

http://www.silverdoctors.com/gold-trader-hedge-funds-smell-blood-may-run-stops-below-1179-monday-smash-gold-to-1030/#more-36516 (http://bullmarketthinking.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/12202013savage.mp3)

23rd December 2013, 05:21 AM
ready to back up the truck


23rd December 2013, 08:28 AM
Sounds good. I'll use $1030 as my next buy point.

23rd December 2013, 08:50 AM
ready to back up the truck

sort of ready, here.

i like Silver because the ratio favors Silver.

BUT - i applied for an interest free credit card in anticipation of being able to buy Au $100 below spot.

but if i use it, i better make the payments on time or i'll find out how NOT free "interest-free" is !

23rd December 2013, 09:42 AM
Yeah, Gold looks like a go here, $2600 an oz. seems the next peak, maybe 20 months out.

mick silver
23rd December 2013, 11:54 AM
if they Smell Blood who blood is it going to be . mine are the rich ones blood

23rd December 2013, 01:47 PM
there's a lot of overlap between the hedge fund banksters and the government banksters and the big bank banksters.

Dan Norcini talks a lot about how the market is not manipulated, how it is just investors and hedge funds causing the price moves.

I'm certain the hedge funds are very glad to receive insider knowledge from the other banksters and to profit accordingly.

23rd December 2013, 02:21 PM
To me anything above $6.15 for silver and $465.00 for gold SUCKS, SUCKS, SUCKS.........and of course 0.18 cents for a roll of tp hahahhaah.


23rd December 2013, 02:37 PM
So a Gary Savage fail?

Tomorrow, Thursday, or Friday would be the most likely days this week.

Who is Gary Savage? Never heard of the twit.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
23rd December 2013, 10:41 PM
If the ratio stays where it is we'd be looking at that $16 bottom in silver they're predicting.