View Full Version : FED up? Hundred years of manipulating the US dollar

23rd December 2013, 05:51 AM
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FED up? Hundred years of manipulating the US dollar http://img.rt.com/files/opinion/97/00/00/00/as.a.jpg (http://rt.com/op-edge/authors/adrian-salbuchi/) Adrian Salbuchi is a political analyst, author, speaker and radio/TV commentator in Argentina.

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Published time: December 23, 2013 07:41
http://cdn.rt.com/files/opinionpost/21/75/90/00/fed-us-dollar-manipulate.si.jpgThe facade of the U.S. Federal Reserve building in Washington (Reuters/Jonathan Ernst)

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Monday 23 December marks the 100th Anniversary of the creation of the Federal Reserve System - the Central Bank of the United States of America.
The mainstream media are keeping remarkably quiet about this key milestone.
No doubt, they know only too well that growing millions of workers inside and outside the US are realizing that a century of central banking monopoly in the hands of a private clique of usurer banksters is enough. More than enough!
‘Twas the night before Christmas… …when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse”. These words written by 19th Century American poet, Clement Clarke Moore, aptly describe the scene a hundred years ago when the Federal Reserve Act was discretely rubberstamped in the US Congress: true, hardly a mouse was stirring either in the House or in the Senate… But the big rats were definitely there to vote in their act!
1913: Woodrow Wilson was President of the United States; World War One was but eight months away; and three years earlier a very hush-hush meeting had taken place at mega-banker, John Pierpont Morgan’s, private estate on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia.
Bloomberg News described (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-02-15/the-secret-meeting-that-launched-the-federal-reserve-echoes.html) this in a February-15, 2012 article as “a secret meeting that launched the Federal Reserve Bank. In November 1910, a group of government and business leaders fashioned a powerful new financial system that has survived a century, two world wars, a Great Depression and many recessions.”
That’s the Bloomberg Version. The ugly truth is probably exactly the opposite: in November 1910 a group of government, banking and business leaders fashioned a powerful new financial system that triggered, promoted and imposed a century of conflict and genocide, including two world wars, a Great Depression, many recessions and systematic mega-banker bailouts using taxpayer’s money.
In 1995, American investigator and author, G. Edward Griffin, published what is clearly the most authoritative book on the “FED” – as it is colloquially called in banking circles and by the mainstream media – “The Creature from Jekyll Island”.

http://rt.com/files/opinionpost/21/75/90/00/dolllarr-1.jpgMark Wilson/Getty Images/AFP

Griffin’s book describes how a top secret conspiracy – sorry, can’t think of a better phrase – of very high-powered bankers, government officials and foreign agents met to plan the take-over of the American economy, finance and national currency, the US Dollar, to then wage global wars of conquest.
Bloomberg went on to describe how Rhode Island Senator, Nelson Aldrich, whose daughter married John D. Rockefeller Jr, “invited men he knew and trusted, or at least men of influence who he felt could work together: Abram Piatt Andrew, assistant secretary of the Treasury; Henry P. Davison, a business partner of JP Morgan's; Charles D. Norton, president of the First National Bank of New York; Benjamin Strong, another Morgan friend and the head of the Bankers Trust; Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank; and Paul M. Warburg, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and a German citizen.”
Paul Warburg was the actual mastermind behind the FED. Interestingly, his main partner at Kühn, Loeb & Co, Jakob Shiff, had just financed the Japanese war against the Russian Tsar; he would later channel 20,000,000 US dollars via a Russian exile living in Brooklyn by the name of Lev Davidovich Bronstein (better known as Leon Trotsky) to ensure the 1917 victory of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Neither 'Federal', nor 'Reserve', nor a 'Bank' Actually, it’s a “system”. Officially, the “Federal Reserve System” wields full control over the US Dollar, not to serve the American people but on the contrary the interests of private bankers, who hold its very special type of stocks and shares.
In practice, the FED is over 95 percent privately-owned, is not integrated into the US Government, nor accountable to any branch of government. There is nothing “Federal” about it as it lies fully outside the government system of checks-and-balances.
Nor does it “Reserve” anything. Rather it arbitrarily prints all the money the mega-bankers and power elites need to keep the “globalized” world rolling in the direction that they wish and need. This includes such things as multi-trillion dollar “quantitative easings” to keep Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, CityCorp, Wachovia and JPMorgan Chase happy and “healthy”; financing clandestine and terror operations to overthrow the governments of Iran, Nicaragua, Argentina, Cuba, Chile, Syria, Libya, Vietnam and many others; waging decades-long wars against Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Africa and Latin America; unflinchingly supporting “little Israel’s” genocide in Palestine and its “democratic” 400-bomb strong nuclear program; and keeping Wall Street on permanent life-support.
Finally, it is definitely no “Bank” in the sense of a financial institution promoting the credit needs of the real economy for the benefit of the vast majority of the working population’s needs.
Rather, the FED supports the financial needs of the global war system, covert operations, usury, drug dealers, and the global banksters.

http://rt.com/files/opinionpost/21/75/90/00/fed-2.jpgReuters/Kevin Lamarque

The FED answers to no one. It clearly does not serve “We the People” of the US or anywhere else. Its purpose is to serve the global power elites, regularly meeting to plan world government through entities like the Council of Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, World Economic Forum and others forming part of todays’ intricate planetary web of global money power.
Straight from the horse’s mouth In a Public Broadcast System (PBS) interview on “News Hour” aired (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/business/july-dec07/greenspan_09-18.html) on September 18, 2007, US journalist Jim Lehrer had this Q&A session with former decades-long Fed Chairman (and JP Morgan bank officer) Alan Greenspan:
Jim Lehrer: “What is the proper relationship between a chairman of the Fed and a president of the United States?”
Alan Greenspan: “Well, first of all, the Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means, basically, that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take. So long as that is in place and there is no evidence that the administration or the Congress or anybody else is requesting that we do things other than what we think is the appropriate thing, then what the relationships are don’t frankly matter.”
Huh? If you’re a US citizen, you should re-read the above once or twice.
The FED System lies at the root of US “superpower” status. Allow me to explain how the FED scam really works from the point of view of someone living in Argentina - a very down-trodden country repeatedly made to bite the dust by the global power elites through their local agents imposed upon us through money-power “democracy”.
This means that every time Argentina needs to buy 100 dollars-worth of, say, oil, medicines or technological components, the Argentine people must work to earn those 100 dollars through exports and genuine work.
By comparison, every time the US Government needs to buy 100 dollars-worth of oil, medicines or whatever, all they need to do is tell the Fed to print 100 dollars and that’s that. Let’s just say that this makes it much easier to be a “superpower”.
OK, the mechanism’s not that simple, but this certainly explains schematically how the whole US-Dollar power system really works. It also explains why the elites won’t tolerate anybody challenging the dollar.
Oh, when the Fed... comes marchin’ in… Look at the world’s oil market. It is a monopoly run by three global trading centers located in New York, London and Dubai. The idea is to ensure that “petro-dollars” flow around the world 24/7, and only incidental small amounts should flow back into the US financial system.
This explains why when in late 2002 Saddam Hussein decided he would do his UN-sanctions authorized “One Billion Dollars Iraqi Oil for Food” trade with the West in euros instead of dollars, he was quickly visited by the Fed’s military branch in March 2003.
Or take Muammar Kaddafi who in 2011 was about to launch a program to trade Libyan and North African oil using a new gold-backed currency – the gold dinar. He too got a little visit from Peace Prize Barack and Babylon Hillary. Do you begin to see the pattern?
But don’t think that the FED’s global financial enslavement system is simply aimed outside the US; it kicked off a century ago by first silently enslaving the very people of the United States it is supposed to serve.
Here’s how that works: every time the US Government decides to put money into circulation – those 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 dollar bills we’re all so familiar with – instead of asking the government mint to print them at a penny’s cost in paper and ink, the government instead asks the private banksters at the Fed to print those bills for the Treasury, in exchange delivering to the Fed interest-bearing US Treasury Bills and Bonds, which translates into trillions of dollars’ in profits funneled to the private banking elite though the Fed.
It was all so well planned a hundred years ago, that just before the Federal Reserve Act was passed on December 23, 1913, they also maneuvered to close this parasitic circle, for if the US Government was to begin making gigantic interest payments to the Fed just for printing its own money, they first needed to have a revenue scheme in place to milk the American taxpayer: the Income Tax Act!

http://rt.com/files/opinionpost/21/75/90/00/capit-1.jpgMark Wilson/Getty Images/AFP

Actually, it was the 16th Amendment to the US Constitution passed by Congress in July 1909, and enacted as law in February 1913. Thus international banksters have been ripping off Americans and getting America to fight their wars as proxies for a full century, whilst most of the population haven’t got a clue of what’s going on.
Clearly, the FED lies so far above the US White House, Congress and Supreme Court, that over the past five decades no one has been able to have a proper audit done on its books and numbers. Oh, you Homer Simpsons!
Not that you haven’t been warned. In 1923, Minnesota representative, Charles Lindbergh, father of the famous aviator, sent an early warning: “The financial system has been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board which administers the finance system by authority of a purely profiteering group. The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people’s money.”
In the 60’s, republican senator and presidential candidate, Barry Goldwater, said “most Americans have no real understanding of the operation of international moneylenders; the accounts of the Federal Reserve system have never been audited; it operates outside the control of Congress and manipulates the credit of the United States.” Today, former representative, Ron Paul, has been sending the same message.
Even president John Kennedy understood this when he issued Executive Order No. 11110 on June 4, 1963, ordering the US Treasury to print zero-interest public money to the tune of 4.3 billion dollars, fully bypassing the Fed. But he too ran into some trouble in Dallas barely five months later on 22 November.
Epilogue: Fed Up? One would have thought that something as important as whether to continue to allow a private FED to operate in its present format, or revamping it, or even doing away with it after a whole century, would be something that should be squarely on the American and global public agenda… big time!
And yet all we have is silence from the US Government, Congress and politicians; silence from world leaders; total silence from the mainstream media, and from the academic world.
And so you little parasitic mega-bankers running planet Earth: come Monday 23 December you can uncork all the champagne you like and celebrate your “One Hundredth Masters of the Universe Slave Drivers Anniversary”, partying on straight into Christmas Day.
Then, come Thursday 26th, just carry on crucifying the entire world. For you it will be business as usual.

23rd December 2013, 06:15 AM
Happy Birthday Federal Reserve!

mick silver
23rd December 2013, 06:24 AM
Adrian Salbuchi: Washington, London and Tel Aviv don’t tolerate true democracy
Adrian Salbuchi is an internationally-renowned Argentine author, political analyst, speaker and radio/TV commentator. His articles are widely published and translated in different countries and he regularly appears on such TV channels and Russia Today and Press TV to comment on a variety of international issues. He is a regular contributor to the Montreal-based Center for Research on Globalization and the New Dawn magazine. He is also founder of the Second Republic Project in Argentina, which is expanding internationally. Salbuchi has always been one of my heroes in the Latin America and I’ve always wished to have the opportunity to conduct an in-depth interview with him on different international issues. My Spanish friend, co-warrior and activist Moises Herrezuelo who regularly translates my articles into Spanish kindly helped me in contacting Adrian Salbuchi and paved the way for the conduction of this interview.In our conversation, I discussed with Adrian Salbuchi the dominance of the imperial power over the developing nations, the role of global Zionism in shaping the international politics, and the suffering of independent, non-aligned nations under the political, media and economic pressure of the United States and its allies.
" I believe that the world’s foremost problem lies in the fact that the United States of America, Britain and Allies have huge, albeit illegitimate power, so that today they rule the world; however Israel and Zionism rule the US, UK and EU," said Salbuchi in the concluding remarks of this interview.
What follows is the complete text of my interview with the Argentine writer and political analyst Adrian Salbuchi.
Kourosh Ziabari: In one of your articles, you raised an interesting point, that if people in the United States, France or Britain commit the mistake of choosing bad leaders, then they will not be the only ones affected by such a wrong electoral decision, but millions of people in other parts of the world will suffer from the consequences of that bad choice. What’s the reason in your view? What’s the source of such an enormous amount of power that enables the imperial powers to attack, invade, conquer and kill at will, without being held responsible?
Adrian Salbuchi: First and foremost, we need to understand that Real Power today does not just lie with Sovereign Nation-States but that, over and above, it has been usurped by a very small but extremely powerful and dangerous clique of Supra-National Global Private Power Masters that are deeply embedded into the public and private power structures of the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union and just about every other State in the Western World.
These Global Power Masters operate from inside the US, UK and EU but are not of the US, UK and EU. They merely use and abuse these powerful nations to promote their own interests, objectives and agendas, notably their state-of-the-art war technologies, financial clout and military prowess to invade any country anywhere in the world they so desire. They do this not based on the real National Interest of the US, UK and EU, but on their own supranational interests. Within this global power structure Zionism is the key factor that, once understood, helps to explain most if not all of the dreadful things that are taking place in today’s bleak, dark world. Actually, the Global Power Masters love and honor no nation’s flag – whether of the US, UK, or the EU countries – except for one for which they permanently fight: the flag of Israel.
The source of that power is the combined ability of the Global Power Masters to use banking and finance as their key source of leverage; the media as their key instrument of psychological warfare; multinational corporations as their resource, industrial and technological platform; and all governments – notably the US, UK and EU – as their proxies for political, economic, financial, diplomatic and military intervention.
Kourosh Ziabari: You once quoted the book "Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace" as writing that "world peace is neither desirable nor in the best interests of society, because war not only serves important economic functions but also plays key social and cultural roles." Who benefits from waging wars, military expedition on the weaker and poorer countries and plundering their resources? Why do some powers see their survival and empowerment in going into war with the other nations?
Adrian Salbuchi: The "Report from Iron Mountain" very candidly explains the motivations behind today’s New World Order even though it was written 45 years ago. Actually, the fact that it was written so long ago serves to prove how consistent their long-term planning really is.
The Global Power Masters have a hierarchical, pyramid-like power structure where things look different depending on the level of your vantage point on it.
Each "soldier" recruited (i.e., paid) to play their role for this New World Order operates on a "need to know basis" - as do intelligence agencies, for example. Since at the pinnacle of the power pyramid lie the Zionist and Jewish interests, they long-ago realized that they needed to implement a very sophisticated model and method of global domination. Otherwise, there would be no way that a tiny community of 16 million people (global Jewish population according to most official Jewish and Zionist sources) would be able to exert control over a planet with 7 billion people. Do the math: Jews barely represent 0.2% of global population; in other words 99.8% of Mankind is NOT Jewish and yet we not only live in countries where Zionist and Jewish influence is overwhelming – the US, UK, EU, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico… - but our whole world’s mental outlook, values and beliefs are becoming more Jewish day-by-day, thanks to their full control over three key global Psychological Warfare weapons in their hands:
(a) The global mainstream media,
(b) The education system in most countries (which they control by controlling governments), and
(c) The so-called entertainment industry, beginning with its flagship, Hollywood.
Kourosh Ziabari: The 16th summit of the heads of state of the Non-Aligned Movement was held in Iran almost two months ago. I saw that you wrote an article about it. What do you think about this movement and the role it can play in resisting and countering the threats posed by the global superpowers to the developing nations? Can this movement promote itself as an alternative to the undemocratic structure of the United Nations which is in the hands of a few veto-yielding powers?
Adrian Salbuchi: As an Argentine follower of the very lucid political doctrine and teachings of our former president Juan Domingo Perón, I can only hail all countries that support treading a non-aligned path. When Perón first came to power in 1946, in a world that was just splitting into two major power blocks – the US and its allies, and the former USSR and its allies – Perón was the first Statesman to come out with what he called the "Third Position", i.e., Argentina would neither align with nor become subservient to the US nor the USSR.
He kept to his guns; Argentina because the key power in the region; in 1951 Perón started a movement towards political (not just economic) union with Brazil and Chile (dubbed the ABC Movement), but the global and local Powers That Be promptly had him ousted by treacherous liberal pro-US military Argentine army and navy officers in September 1955. At the time, Winston Churchill was Prime Minister of Britain and is quoted to have said in Parliament that "the ouster of the Tyrant Perón is the most important event for Britain since we won World War II".
Ever since then, Argentine has slumped into greater and greater decay and decadence down to our present horrific predicament under the Kirchner Government who call themselves "Peronists" but are, in fact, the complete opposite: they as Social Democrats.
Now the Non-Aligned Movement has had many internal changes and challenges. It has tried to adapt as best it could as the Cold War years went on and as governments in each member country changed. It has been a contradictory movement which was all but scrapped after the demise of the USSR, however now many countries are coming to realize that Non-Alignment’s new definition would be: "Non-Alignment with the Supra-National Power Masters and their Zionist Controllers". There lies the key foreign policy decision that every country needs to make, and that includes the US and UK.
Thankfully, and for different reasons, two key global powers have chosen to put a brake on the global Western Hegemons: a reborn Russia and a streaming-forwards China.
We see this today in Syria and also in Iran. Thank God Vladimir Putin is still in power in Russia even if only for the purpose of maintaining this geopolitical balance of power.
The Non-Aligned Movement is not, however, the organization our countries really need. It can, however, serve as a transition so that the "flame won’t go out" of the Non-Alignment Movement, but we need to erect this in a much more forceful manner so that a new truly Independent Free Nations of the World Entity gradually sweeps away today’s totally useless United Nations.
Russia, China, Iran, India and Brazil are the key countries for such a new multinational organization, followed and supported by regional confederations of countries in Africa, Latin America, Central Europe and Asia.
Kourosh Ziabari: The Global War on Terror marked the commencement of a new era in the world’s political developments. As a result of this deadly campaign, thousands, if not millions, of people lost their lives, thousands of others were orphaned, displaced and forced to immigrate. Many political commentators see this War on Terror as a war on the developing nations and more particularly, a war on Islam and Muslims. What’s your assessment of the War on Terror, which seems to be underway thus far, its consequences and results?
Adrian Salbuchi: The only War on Terror I can understand is the war that free and peaceful nations today wage as we are all systematically attacked on the political, financial, PsyWar, diplomatic and military fronts by the US, UK, NATO and Israel. Israel is the foremost terrorist entity in the world.
A little bit of history: Israel was born out of terrorist organizations whose leaders then went on to become their political establishment.
Terrorist group "Irgun Zvai Leumi" led by Menahem Beguin bomb-attacked the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1947 killing almost a hundred people, marking the first such bomb attack on an occupied public building in modern history, that was later repeated countless times including the Israeli Embassy and AMIA Jewish Mutual bomb attacks in Argentina in 1992 and 1994, and the September 11 attacks in New York.
Terrorist "Stern" Group led by Itzakh Shamir assassinated UN Special Envoy Folke Bernadotte in 1948 because he wanted to ensure the Palestinians had their own Nation-State.
Terror militias "Hagganah" and "Lehi" killed, maimed and forcibly drove millions of Palestinians from their historical lands. These terror organizations merged in 1948 to become Israel’s Armed Forces, hypocritically dubbed "Defense Force".
The Global Power Masters’ present War on Islam has two key components:
(1) Geopolitically, they need to grab Arab territory in Palestine to safeguard Israel; and in Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan to safeguard oil and – very importantly – they cannot tolerate a powerful Iran unmasking them permanently.
(2) Philosophically, Islam is a religion that places Divinity – Allah – at the center of man’s existence whilst the Global Power Masters impose Money and Gold at the center of man’s life. They have their own Demiurge which they call YHWH which is what most other people identify with Satan. Materialism in the West reigns supreme which means they cannot tolerate a culture like Islam where men’s consciences cannot be bought and sold for money.
Kourosh Ziabari: In one of your articles, you pointed to examples of different skyscrapers and tall towers in countries such as Russia, Venezuela and Spain taking fire and suffering considerable damages. You, however, mentioned that these towers did not collapse the way the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center broke apart as the hijacked planes of the American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into them one after the other on September 11, 2001. Do you want to conclude that the 9/11 events was a premeditated false flag operation? Do you share the viewpoints of people such as David Ray Griffin or Peter Dale Scott that the Israeli regime was also involved in the attacks?
Adrian Salbuchi: Oh, absolutely. The collapse of the World Trade Center – especially of Tower 7 that was not hit by any airplane and yet perfectly and neatly collapsed into its own fingerprint on that dreadful day - defies the laws of physics and basic common sense.
In the US, there are associations of architects, physicists, chemists, engineers, airplane pilots all demanding to know the truth about 9/11 because the "official government story" is totally absurd.
They accuse those of us who unmask the Global Power Masters and Zionism as "conspiracy theorists," and yet they impose upon the world the "Number One Absurd Conspiracy Theory": 19 allegedly "Muslim" suicide pilots who could hardly fly single-engine propeller Cessna’s, easily hijack 4 jetliners with plastic knives (!) over the most secure airspace in the world, ram 2 of those jets into the WTC and third one into the most guarded building in the world – the Pentagon – with uncanny precision and at high speed, whilst the fourth one "crashes" into a field but leaves no debris; and all of this masterminded and controlled by some nut hiding in a cave in Afghanistan; who is "captured" ten years later, killed and, ooops!! We dropped his body into the sea…!"
Can you imagine something more stupid than that? And yet that is what mainstream Americans believe – Homer Simpson is a good archetype of their class. This fairy tale allowed Bush and Obama more than a decade of war, destroying Afghanistan, Iraq, which Baby Bush himself admitted had nothing to do with 9/11, Libya and other free countries in the Muslim World. Also, every time an event like 9/11 occurs, there are two key questions we must ask:
(a) Who Benefits from the attack, and
(b) Follow the money trail…
Clearly the Muslim world has been the key victim of 9/11; Israel however got the US and NATO to fight its proxy wars against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and now they’re aiming at Syria and Iran. No wonder the folks who prepared the "War on Terror" myth are the same ones who in the late nineties prepared strategy documents for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Paul Wolfowitz and others, and, more importantly, prepared PNAC (Project for a New American Century) which is a veritable blueprint for the conquest of the whole Muslim World adopted as official foreign policy Baby Bush as those same planners then became his key Pentagon and State Department officials.
Kourosh Ziabari: What’s your viewpoint regarding the underground detention facilities which the United States set up after the 9/11 attacks in Guantanamo bay in Cuba and Abu Ghraib in Iraq? There have been several reports of inhumane torturing and abusing of the detainees who are being held there without legal proceedings and under false pretexts. What’s your viewpoint?
Adrian Salbuchi: This is typical of the double standards maintained by the US in just about everything they do. They speak about the "rule of law" but then kidnap, arrest and jail people without any legal framework whatsoever. They speak about "human rights" but then torture and water-board people to get them to "confess" just as the Inquisition did centuries ago. They speak about "democracy" but their own government is now clamping down violently on any American citizen that begins to wake and speak up against the fact they are now living in a police state.
Kourosh Ziabari: Countries such as Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and Syria which have come under the fire of the United States’ psychological and economic warfare are paying the price for their independence and disobedience to the policies of the superpowers. Are these countries and other nations targeted by the America’s Total War, as you put it in one of your articles, the victims of their non-alignment with Washington and its allies?
Adrian Salbuchi: Yes. Washington, London and Tel Aviv do not tolerate any country that decides to live under a true Democracy (not the "Made in USA" Bush-Clinton-Obama version), and who want to live their own religious, cultural, moral and political values, which requires they reject all the poison, decay and perversion that Hollywood and the Western Media vomit on the entire world through decadent TV, movies and the press.
Baby Bush was honest about this when he said in October 2001 that every nation had a decision to make, "You’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists." The point is that US and its allies are the main platform from where the Global Power Masters make Total War on all of Mankind, including their own people.
Kourosh Ziabari: What’s your viewpoint regarding the massive propaganda campaign against Iran over its nuclear program? The Western public sees Iran in the light of stereotypes and clichés which the mainstream media have created of Iran. They are simply unaware of Iran’s rich culture, history, civilization and traditions. What’s your take on that? How is it possible to acquaint the world with the concealed realities of Iran?
Adrian Salbuchi: That is a very tough problem because, as I say above, one of the Global Power Master’s greatest victories consists in the dumping-down of national populations the world over, especially in the US. Ignorance thus reigns supreme today amongst all populations, which means they can be easily duped into supporting wars against foreign countries they know absolutely nothing about. Of course, since they are maintained in a hypnotic state by the media they never actually realize this… Not yet, anyway.
That’s why the main counter-movement that we can all do from each and every country in the world - even from inside the US, Britain and Europe - is to show the other side of the coin, to make people listen to the other bell; to explain, educate, and show them evidence that the Truth lies elsewhere, and that they are being led by nose by these global Pied Pipers into a deep sea where they are being purposely drowned in ignorance.
One last point, if I may: often, very complex problems can be reduced to one simple formula which then helps us to better understand the whole.
I believe that the world’s foremost problem lies in the fact that the United States of America, Britain and Allies have huge, albeit illegitimate power, so that today they rule the world; however Israel and Zionism rule the US, UK and EU.
When people grasp this simple concept – US/UK/Allies run the world, but Israel/Zion run the US/UK/Allies - then the daily news reports become that much easier to understand.
Interview by Kourosh Ziabari
10 October, 2012.

23rd December 2013, 06:33 AM
Dude... Mick, man your editing/formatting is worse.

mick silver
23rd December 2013, 06:34 AM
how do i fix it ............. Adrian Salbuchi is known for speaking and writing about geopolitics, international relations, political power structures and financial globalization. Some of his books include, "The brain of the world: Globalization of World Government," and "Welcome To The Jungle: dominance and survival in the New World Order." Adrian is also the host of the Buenos Aires talk-show El Traductor Radial and founder of the Argentine Second Republic Movement (Movimiento por la Segunda República Argentina). Additionally, he is an International business consultant. We're delighted to have Adrian on the show as the first guest in our series about Zionism, Israel and Multiculturalism. He begins discussing Argentina, which has suffered several major financial collapses. He'll talk about the presence of Zionists in Argentina and the taking over of Argentina's minerals and resources. Then, he clarifies what a Zionist is as not all Zionists are Jews and not all Jews are Zionists. Adrian discusses 4 different categories: Judaism, Jewish people, Zionism and the State of Israel. He tells us about the global elites' long term tactics and strategies and how the world has been trained to think only in short term. Later, we talk about powerful American lobbyists who are more concerned with Israel than the USA. We end the first hour talking about the infighting of the elites and doing the opposite of what the global elite want. In the second hour we begin to discuss Hitler and the Vatican Ratlines, an underground railroad that helped Nazis escape. Did they flee to South America? Adrian tells us about cutting edge technology that came from Argentina, including the first fighter jet and nuclear power because of the Germans living there. Then we talk about the Zionist/Nazi/Freemason connections. Is anti-Semitism and racism hyped up and invented? Adrian gives a personal example of how there is no tolerance for political analysis from all points of view, especially when it involves looking into Zionism. We'll talk about what Semitism is and who the Semites are. Then, we talk about Israel as the world government's spiritual capital. Is that where the future king of the world will be crowned? Next, Adrian explains today's psychological war and how we need to set up a counter-psychological war tactic. Later, we discuss the hot topic of multiculturalism, the Zionists role in it, forced integration, monoculture and why the elites are now attempting to destroy cultural differences. We end talking about the benefits of difference on this planet and how it awakens us to the cosmic view.

23rd December 2013, 08:31 AM
how do i fix it

Try man.

23rd December 2013, 09:52 AM
Jew banksters must think they're special. i.e. that they're the only ones who get to run the money printing presses !

which seems to relate to their war on real money ... Silver Gold and yes, Lead.

23rd December 2013, 04:03 PM
Israel’s Fischer Said to Be Top Choice for Fed Vice Chairman By Julianna Goldman, Phil Mattingly and Alisa Odenheimer Dec 11, 2013 4:20 PM ET 100 Comments (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-12-11/israel-s-fischer-said-to-be-top-candidate-for-fed-vice-chairman.html#disqus_thread) Email (?body=Former%20Bank%20of%20Israel%20Governor%20St anley%20Fischer%20is%20President%20Barack%20Obama% E2%80%99s%20leading%20candidate%20to%20become%20vi ce%20chairman%20of%20the%20Federal%20Reserve%2C%20 people%20familiar%20with%20the%20selection%20proce ss%20said.%0A%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fbloom.bg%2FJeWnm0&subject=Bloomberg%20News%3A%20Israel%E2%80%99s%20F ischer%20Said%20to%20Be%20Top%20Choice%20for%20Fed %20Vice%20Chairman) Print (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/print/2013-12-11/israel-s-fischer-said-to-be-top-candidate-for-fed-vice-chairman.html)

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http://www.bloomberg.com/image/ic2akGUSukzk.jpg (http://www.bloomberg.com/photo/former-bank-of-israel-governor-stanley-fischer-/-iqeTn8lVADrs.html) Photographer: Nelson Ching/Bloomberg President Barack Obama has already offered the job to Stanley Fischer, former governor... Read More (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-12-11/israel-s-fischer-said-to-be-top-candidate-for-fed-vice-chairman.html#)


Fischer Said to Be Top Choice for Fed Vice Chairman (http://www.bloomberg.com/video/fischer-said-to-be-top-choice-for-fed-vice-chairman-HV4zSUYlSouEMolb%7E3ParA.html)
Yellen Will Do Well Managing Fed Tapering: Fischer (http://www.bloomberg.com/video/yellen-will-do-well-managing-fed-tapering-fischer-C3K3wLukT_6f6zlzi%7Etltg.html)
Stanley Fischer on Bernanke, Fed Tapering, Draghi (http://www.bloomberg.com/video/stanley-fischer-on-bernanke-fed-tapering-draghi-DFxLQRtHRQ%7EpaMrVuwwAvA.html)

Former Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer is President Barack Obama (http://topics.bloomberg.com/barack-obama/)’s leading candidate to become vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, people familiar with the selection process said.
Fischer, 70, would replace Janet Yellen as the Fed’s No. 2 official, according to the people, who asked for anonymity because the decision isn’t final. There are no plans by the White House to announce the choice this week, one of the people said.
Obama has already offered the job to Fischer, who accepted it, according to another person familiar with the process. The person said the decision was made jointly by the president and Yellen, who is awaiting Senate confirmation to succeed Ben S. Bernanke as Fed chairman.
“I would expect Yellen and Fischer to work closely together and form a very potent team,” said Mark Gertler, a New York University economist who has coauthored research with Bernanke. “He has the ideal mix of qualities you would like in a central banker: wise, experienced and cool under pressure. His academic work was thoughtful and mainstream, where I’d expect him to be as a central banker.”
Dual Citizenship Fischer, who holds both U.S. and Israeli citizenship and now lives in New York, stepped down as governor of the Bank of Israel (http://topics.bloomberg.com/israel/) on June 30, midway through his second five-year term. He was credited with helping his nation weather the global economic crisis better than most developed countries.
http://www.bloomberg.com/image/i7.WKDj8nznU.jpg (http://www.bloomberg.com/photo/former-bank-of-israel-governor-stanley-fischer-/-i8uAG58ArVp8.html) Photographer: Jason Alden/Bloomberg Former Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer stepped down from that role on June 30,... Read More (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-12-11/israel-s-fischer-said-to-be-top-candidate-for-fed-vice-chairman.html#)

As Fed vice chairman, Fischer would take over a post that Yellen turned into a platform for promoting greater transparency at the central bank, including spelling out goals for inflation and unemployment.
Fischer has voiced skepticism about using so-called forward guidance to signal the Fed’s policy intentions as much as two years in advance.
“In general, it is very hard for us to forecast developments at such ranges,” Fischer said in a speech in June to a conference of the Israel Economic Association in Tel Aviv. He said the Fed seems to deliver forecasts on unemployment and interest rates “in an attempt to affect actual events. However, in my opinion, the central bank must tell the truth that comes out of its models and estimations.”
He added: “In any case, the Fed adopted a forward guidance policy and, until now, it has succeeded with it.”
Bernanke Hallmark Fischer’s stance may raise some questions, said Chris Rupkey (http://topics.bloomberg.com/chris-rupkey/), chief financial economist at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. in New York.
“The market seems to think that he is not in favor of forward guidance based on his prior comments, where forward guidance is the hallmark of the Bernanke Fed,” he said.
As a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fischer oversaw Bernanke’s thesis and also taught European Central Bank President Mario Draghi. Fischer credited each with helping to rescue the world economy and said in a June 13 interview with Bloomberg News in London (http://topics.bloomberg.com/london/) that future students will study their policies.
“I’d like to be able to say all the things they are doing were from what they learned in lectures at MIT, but it wouldn’t be true,” Fischer said then. “From now on when we teach these courses, we’ll teach the lessons we’ve learned from Bernanke and Draghi.”
Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers and Greg Mankiw, who headed President George W. Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers, also studied under Fischer.
Summers, speaking at an IMF conference in honor of Fischer held last month, said having Fischer as a teacher “was a remarkable intellectual experience.”
No ‘Game’ “Stan never lost sight of the fact that this was not just an intellectual game,” Summers said. “He emphasized that getting these questions right made a profound difference in the lives of nations and their peoples.”
Fischer earned a reputation as a trailblazer as the first central banker to cut interest rates in 2008 at the start of the global economic crisis and the first to raise them the following year in response to signs of a financial recovery.
He also bought up foreign currency in unprecedented amounts to drive down the value of the shekel and boost exports, more than doubling reserves.
‘Quite Decisive’ “At the Bank of Israel he acted very aggressively off the bat when the crisis began to take hold,” said Drew Matus, senior economist at UBS Securities LLC in Stamford (http://topics.bloomberg.com/stamford/), Connecticut (http://topics.bloomberg.com/connecticut/), and a former analyst at the New York Fed. “He seems to be quite decisive.”
Among his innovations at the Bank of Israel was the shifting of responsibility for the monthly interest-rate decision from the governor alone to a six-member Monetary Committee, including three outside academics. He employed a Fed-style dual focus on employment and growth alongside price stability, where previous governors placed an emphasis on inflation.
“It is testament to Stan’s skillful handling of Israel’s economy that it is one of the very few advanced economies whose output increased every year through the crisis period,” former Bank of England Governor Mervyn King said June 12.
Fischer’s resume also includes service at the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, and a stint as vice chairman of New York-based Citigroup Inc.
Fischer’s work has focused on “the intersection of international economics, financial crises and macroeconomics,” while Yellen’s has concentrated on “the intersection of labor and macro,” said Jonathan Wright, an economics professor at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore who worked at the Fed’s division of monetary affairs from 2004 until 2008.
Policy Harmony “But they would be on the same page as regards policy,” Wright said. “I think it would be the best possible leadership for the Fed.”
Fischer wouldn’t be the first central bank governor to change countries. Bank of England Governor Mark Carney was governor of the Bank of Canada from 2008 until last June.
Fischer spent multiple periods at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts (http://topics.bloomberg.com/massachusetts/), where he earned his Ph.D. in economics in 1969, joining the school’s faculty as an associate professor in 1973 and becoming an endowed professor in the early 1990s.
He was taught by future Nobel laureate economists Paul Samuelson and Robert Solow.
World Bank From 1988 to 1990, Fischer was chief economist at the Washington-based World Bank. After returning to teaching at MIT, Fischer joined the IMF as deputy to Managing Director Michel Camdessus in 1994, working to resolve financial crises in Mexico (http://topics.bloomberg.com/mexico/), Russia (http://topics.bloomberg.com/russia/) and Southeast Asia. He left the IMF in 2001 and joined Citigroup as a vice chairman.
Born in 1943 in Zambia, then Northern Rhodesia, Fischer was a member of Habonim, a Zionist youth group, along with Rhoda Keet, his future wife. In the early 1960s, he spent six months on a kibbutz on Israel’s Mediterranean coastal plain, where he combined learning Hebrew with manual labor, picking and planting bananas.
In 2005, Fischer accepted Israel’s offer to head its central bank, and became an Israeli citizen, one of the job requirements.