View Full Version : Merry Christmas Everyone !

23rd December 2013, 09:14 PM
Just thought I would wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year !

I hope you all are blessed with family, friends, good health, and wealth in the coming year.

Your my online family and I wish the best to all of you, no exceptions !

:) xoxo

23rd December 2013, 10:59 PM
Thank you buddy.....I'll be alone as I always am.... but.......with everyone that I have always known, even with those that have gone down, never to get up again.

The saddest thing for me in life is to embrace a friend that I will never see again......or to kiss a girl for one last time... to lock a door to a place where I have lived for a long time..... to see my little truck being towed away...... to burry my favorite cat who really loved me ...........but.......this damn fat dog? will be with me till the day I die.

I did get one "Holiday Card" from my postman......but of course, only after I left a tip for him hhaahahahaha.

Be thankful for what you have today, for you might have it tomorrow.......good luck to everyone.


old steel
23rd December 2013, 11:18 PM
Merry Christmas , Zap.

Best Christmas ever so far for us and not one thing under the trees., well except that case of slugs UPS dropped off earlier that i still need to put away.

Blessed be.

mick silver
24th December 2013, 04:34 AM
Merry Christmas and a Happy Happy Happy New Years to you all and be Safe

24th December 2013, 05:48 AM
Merry Christmas to all...even Magnus!


24th December 2013, 05:56 AM
1 day to go! Merry Christmas to one and all!!!

I will try to go shopping later, yesterday was too packed so I bailed.

Large Sarge
24th December 2013, 06:12 AM
Merry Christmas Zap!!!(and EVERYONE here!) Great thread, :)

24th December 2013, 06:28 AM
May everyone have a Merry Christmas for you and yours!

And may the year before you be better than the one behind you!


Hatha Sunahara
24th December 2013, 09:47 AM
Merry Christmas Zap. My best wishes to everyone here. I appreciate all of you because I know you are all very much like me.


24th December 2013, 09:51 AM
May everyone have a Merry Christmas to you and yours!

And may the year before you be better than the one behind you!


Hey doggie? no jokes allowed in this thread.......from here on it will be only "better" when we get to heaven.


24th December 2013, 09:54 AM
Merry Christmas to all. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day can be frantic and over-hyped, with anxiety and exaggerated expectations that often go unmet. I seem to enjoy my best Christmas inner peace and closeness to God on Christmas Night.

24th December 2013, 10:07 AM
Merry Christmas to all my friends here on this board. Even though most of us have never met, our friendships are real.

24th December 2013, 10:12 AM
have a good one everyone, merry xmas!

24th December 2013, 10:32 AM
Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy the time spent with family and friends :) I'll be spending most of it in the good company of yaw'll here.

PS....chad....if I could I'd give you a complete set of capitals :)

24th December 2013, 11:43 AM
Merry Christmas, one and all. Hope everyone gets their Chinese gift on time. Singapore Post has been backlogged for weeks, so don't blame me if you don't. It's all their fault.

24th December 2013, 12:50 PM
It appears they're spraying Christmas Chem-cheer over central Florida today.

24th December 2013, 12:58 PM
Merry Christmas to all...even Magnus!


When all those men have their heads looking up they CARTOONED it as a Phallic symbol.
Filthy perverts, probably some sodomite ARTIST!

24th December 2013, 01:04 PM
Was it too much to ask to just say Merry Christmas? Without the whole phallic, pervert, sodomite inferences? Where do you get these thoughts? It's evident your mind is in the gutter. Merry Christmas SOG.

24th December 2013, 01:58 PM
Merry Christmas Folks! Online friends and family. Just wanted to say I'm grateful for all the knowledge shared here with all you good folks. God Bless you all, and I hope you have a great Christmas.

24th December 2013, 03:19 PM
happy holidays!

24th December 2013, 03:49 PM
merry christmas all!

and cheers to a great 2014

24th December 2013, 04:08 PM
Merry Christmas to the GSUS family, and your families! Best wishes to all in 2014!

24th December 2013, 05:14 PM

24th December 2013, 11:03 PM
I am getting so disgusted trying to put a cute note online and I can't damit dogman is off line and I am to stupid to put it on here would someone please email me so I can send you this cute note to santa ?

24th December 2013, 11:11 PM
Hey come on people , someone help me out!

24th December 2013, 11:25 PM
Hello dammit ! I have emailed everyone online I think its cute and I am waayyyy to stupid ( apparently ) to put it online !! cause I can't

25th December 2013, 01:01 AM
Big shed half a kilometer away caught fire with massive flames

May of been on purpose as the guy has a rep and it may of been a xmas present from someone

We thought someone was shooting guns ect but it was stuff exploding

25th December 2013, 01:08 AM
Hello dammit ! I have emailed everyone online I think its cute and I am waayyyy to stupid ( apparently ) to put it online !! cause I can't

Merry Christmas Zap.

25th December 2013, 07:28 AM
Merry Xmas to all GSUS members!

Family, friends and love ones are what is important, not some low life 'Politicians' who seek to divide and conquer us through social/economic dialectics. YOU are what matters. Your neighbors and local community are what matters. Helping out strangers in need is what matters. Basically going out of your way to try and make this world a better place is THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS.

Dont get caught up in the whirlwind of material goods and the size of gifts this time of year. Appreciate EVERYTHING you have including the air in your lungs. Tell your family and friends you love them. Do something nice for someone with the expectation of nothing in return. Because you biggest reward is knowing that YOU as an individual have the power to change this planet, no matter how small and insignificant the system tries to make you feel. YOU control your own destiny and ultimately the destiny of this planet and the destiny of mankind.


25th December 2013, 10:43 AM
Hey come on people , someone help me out!

I sent you a PM.

25th December 2013, 10:59 AM
Hello dammit ! I have emailed everyone online I think its cute and I am waayyyy to stupid ( apparently ) to put it online !! cause I can't

Did she say she emailed everyone that she thinks is cute?

Where's my email?

25th December 2013, 02:37 PM
even though the 25th has nothing to do with the biblical birth but the end of the solstice (the 3 longest nights of the year), never mind

merry xmas to all