View Full Version : Fukushima radiation hits San Francisco! (Dec 2013)(Maybe???)

Celtic Rogue
27th December 2013, 06:55 AM
Might be accurate... but somewhere I remember that background radiation at the beach is always higher than elsewhere. No way to really tell if its from Fukushima or not with out a isotope analysis to determine an origin. But I put it here to see if anyone else has thoughts about the vid.


27th December 2013, 07:58 AM
Hot particles are the primary danger to life. A gieger will not detect them.

27th December 2013, 09:21 AM
The oceans are the primary conversion of CO2 to oxygen. Photosynthesis by plankton is vital to the health of the planet. As the Pacific plankton is being wiped out, we may see a period of intense CO2 increases.

Sea life depends on plankton. The ocean will die.

Billions of dollars' worth of food is taken from the ocean. This will die.

The only growth will be the tumors in bodies and the cancer pharmaceutical industry.

27th December 2013, 06:01 PM
CO2 increases - must be man made global warming - time for a new tax to fix this. Maybe that's why Fukishima feeds the agenda and why it's repercussions are being ignored