View Full Version : C-span question: Is the U.S. A police state?

28th December 2013, 06:53 AM

28th December 2013, 08:04 AM
If you have to ask the question, then you already know the answer.......

28th December 2013, 08:48 AM
Is the U.S. A police state? DUH!

28th December 2013, 10:18 AM
The interesting part is that it's on C-Span. I'm a fan of C-Span because they provide actual coverage of stuff that you read about, so that you can decide for yourself what's really going on rather than rely on the interpretation of a reporter.

mick silver
28th December 2013, 12:04 PM
when we started being the police force of the world we all knew it was a matter of time before it came home and took roost and it not leaving anytime soon

28th December 2013, 12:18 PM
The USA became a visible police state on Sept 11, 2001.


The invisible police state began being implemented in 1991.

Gulf war one....Was the gleeful victory that fooled all into marching to doom with glee.

28th December 2013, 12:23 PM
They cut off the first caller right when he says the US is run by Israel.

Same happened with the third caller. People are figuring out Israel/Jews are behind everything.

28th December 2013, 01:24 PM
when we started being the police force of the world we all knew it was a matter of time before it came home and took roost and it not leaving anytime soon

Police force of the world?

that was the purpose of the American revolution...It was financed by the city of London...George Washington and Alexander Hamilton were city of London assets.

The Constitution was just a program you all followed to it's logical conclusion...

At no time was the USA ever independent from the city of London...and the USA has been plundered into ground by the slaved population following the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness program trying to escape the tyranny of Truth.

Evil gives you what you want to get what it wants.

Ignorance is bliss.

Evil = negative

Ignorance = negative.

Evil = bliss.

"The Hellfire Club was a name for several exclusive clubs for high society rakes established in Britain and Ireland in the 18th century, and was more formally or cautiously known as the Order of the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe. These clubs were rumoured to be the meeting places of "persons of quality" who wished to take part in immoral acts, and the members were often very involved in politics. Neither the activities nor membership of the club are easy to ascertain."

"The first Hellfire Club was founded in London in 1719, by Philip, Duke of Wharton and a handful of other high society friends. The most notorious club associated with the name was established in England by Sir Francis Dashwood, and met irregularly from around 1749 to around 1760, and possibly up until 1766. In its later years, the Hellfire was closely associated with Brooks's, established in 1764. Other clubs using the name "Hellfire Club" were set up throughout the 18th century. Most of these clubs were set up in Ireland after Wharton's were dispelled."

The club motto was Fais ce que tu voudras (Do what thou wilt), a philosophy of life associated with François Rabelais' fictional abbey at Thélème and later used by Aleister Crowley."


Ignorance = bliss

is an equation.


I do not give you what you all want...I give you what you need.

But if you accept that ignorance = bliss...that is what you want

if negative = positive then positive = negative

knowledge is misery...that is what you do not want.

you will then follow life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...ignorantly until you reach the logical conclusion of that reasonable assumption...

To death, tyranny and the pursuit of misery.

You just think/embrace positive life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and ignore/reject all the death, tyranny, and misery you cause to sustain the march to doom with glee.

You all were born doomed.

fighting to the death to remain asleep (ignorant of truth) to continue to enjoy the daydream (cherished delusion/lie you fell in live with) that you are awake (knowledgeable of Truth)

The first stage is denial.

The second stage is anger.

The third stage is bargaining.

The fourth stage is depression.

The fifth and final stage is acceptance.

You all have been manipulated from behind the scenes you entire existence within the absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise...

You all are nothing more than slaves of the master system which is the servant of the owners which are masters of it.

Born into bondage...you are just employees of the master system which is employer.

You all are going insane the closer you get to arrival at the logical conclusion of the game you all are playing that you think you are winning.

of course the logical conclusion of any game is game over.

The diabolical exquisite beauty of the game you all are playing is that all the players think they are winning or have won...Until game over is reached...and you all are forced awake from the daydream into the nightmare.

At the logical conclusion of the reasonable assumption.

The lifting of the veil on the wedding dress of the abyss to receive the sweet kiss of the apocalypse of bliss.

You all think that turning yourselves into baby seals is a defence against the clubbers.


Do not blubber to me...I know more than you all dare in your wildest speculations to know or want to know.

this is the Internet...I'm not standing next to you...and without me being next to you...there is zero way I can help you...

my ability to manipulate space an time is limited to the space and time around me...the greater the distance from me...The less effect I have.

In this fantasy realm or domain...I'm just another powerless slave of the absolute ruler of this realm or domain master.

I'm visible because you can not kill me for real...But I chose to be visible knowing full well the logical conclusion of that choice.

The cold cruel reality is...if it makes you all happy to not see me anymore...Then close the logic gate that is open that allows me to be visible in this fantasy realm...simple.

The ignorance = bliss equation at the core of your absolute self indulgent reasoning algorithm demands it.

Out of sight and out of mind is the religion of the blind.

Use your great power and manipulate an electromagnetic polarity differential on a hard disk platter spinning at 15,000 American revolutions a second from positive to negative and slam the invisible door you can not see that allows me to materialize and become visible.

28th December 2013, 01:40 PM
Isreal is not behind everything...you all are just being lead to believe that...


How much time you have wasted worshiping a lie you believe is Truth trying to convince others to believe/accept the lie you believe is Truth is Truth and that they should worship it too?

fighting to the death to remain asleep (ignorant of Truth) to continue to enjoy the daydream (cherished delusion) that you are awake (knowledgeable of Truth)

how much time have you fluhed down the toilet trying to shatter one cherished delusion and replace it with another?

Decades and decades.

Israel is nothing more than a cherished delusion or lie believed to be Truth.

You all use lies you believe are Truth to measure lies you believe are Truth to find lies you believe are Truth...as the result.

Measure twice lie once.

I know Truth...I use Truth to measure lies and delusions...to see what is real and what is fantasy.

You all connect to the Internet seeking support for or to promote your cherished delusions.

That is what you all do all the time...seek support for or to promote you cherished delusions.

Entangled in threads like flies on the world wide web of lies ruled by the horror of babble on.

Positively reinforcing your ignorance of Truth.

It is why you all are in the position you all are in currently...following the path of least effort (positive) to the logical conclusion of the reasonable assumption.

The reasonable assumption being the lie you believe is Truth that you have fallen in love with and cherish.

You all will fight to the death to protect what you cherish.





You all have been trancefomed into digital electronic computerized game players since the late 1960's.

I created Hypertiger in 1987.

That is how long I have been running around in the Matrix.

28th December 2013, 01:58 PM
why didn't the good witch pull a water gun out of her panties when the wicked witch showed up at the start of the Wizard of Oz and finisher her off and roll the credits.

Ignorance is not bliss...

Ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil.

You all are muggles and munchkins and baby seals...that is why.

Inside Israel and inside the USA and every economic zone on the planet connected to the global trade system...brainwashed nationalist drones...like ants in a nest or bees in a hive.

The greatest enemy you face was born the instant you were born and can be found by looking into a mirror.

It's why vampires can not see their reflection...They just think positive and ignore negative.

it's why rabbits get caught in headlights...and moths fly into flames.

lighting bolts and water flowing from the mountains to the sea all follow the path of least effort to the logical conclusion of the take more power than is given equation.

The path of least resistance.

The march to doom with glee.

like chopping down trees faster than they regrow to sustain continued existence.

At the logical conclusion its stumps and skeletons...or death.

mick silver
28th December 2013, 02:00 PM
you keep telling us all it not coming out of Isreal but you never point at were it coming from . just one time i would like to here you point your finger at what are who behind it are at lease most of whats taking place in the world today . hell stop playing there game if your not working for them then let us all in on it , if you know then say . untill you do you part of what wrong . just who are you trying to keep us all from seeing is it your master thats behind it all

28th December 2013, 02:04 PM
The iron wall of anti-Semitism is a figment of your imaginations...a barrier you are smashing against trying to break down...and the noise just attracts the annihilators...

How much of your existence have you wasted trying to penetrate something that does not even exist except in the imaginations of masses of people?

Are you having fun yet?

mick silver
28th December 2013, 02:07 PM
i for one have planted more trees then i have chop down . are you a evil Magus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magus_%28comics%29) ... answer post 11 if you can

28th December 2013, 02:07 PM
look in a mirror...and see where it is coming from...

When I'm visible you think it's coming from me and fight me and try to annihilate me...I turn invisible...and poof...You can then move to the next target of opportunity to fight to the death to protect your cherished delusions from being shattered.

28th December 2013, 02:18 PM
The masters of Israel are aliens. These aliens hold the secret hidden knowledge and give some of it in exchange for the Jews to carry out their evil deeds. This is why the Jews were put in all the top places of power in finance, media, government and the judicial system. For their evil deeds, the Jews are given the wealth, power and notoriety of kings.
Since we can't get to the alien masters, we are left to fight the evil doers. It's possible the alien masters walk among the evil doers.

mick silver
28th December 2013, 02:19 PM
there no one i want to fight so there no need to look in the mirror . as far as i know i am invisible and you on the net fighting what you cannot see , i knew what was coming in 1965 before you did . i have no cherished delusions because i am not from this world i travel here way before you thought i was invisible . today i am not invisible so you can see my words . i have no imagination i have seen it all before . i have the ability to form new images so i can watch you fight yourself just like the mirror you are looking in as you fight what you see in it . so what i let you see today was actually present before the other day so today i am letting you see what you already have seen but dont remember . so now i am visible but not for long . i will not be here before i am gone again

28th December 2013, 02:31 PM
Your demands upon the system chop down the trees to power your worship of ignorance.

it takes 18 to 21 years of resource consumption and 12 to 15 years or more of social engineering to produce a new absolute capitalist drone to be exploited for fun and profit by the previously produced absolute capitalist drones within the absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise.

You just think/embrace positive and ignore/reject negative when making calculations.

I think/embrace positive acknowledge/accept negative.

Positive 1 + Negative 1 = 0

you chop down trees faster than they regrow to obtain power to sustain positivity or inflation....You create more and more deflation to sustain inflation.

I chop down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow to sustain positivity or inflation...I try to maintain equilibrium to sustain inflation.

GOD is the supply of power...and as long as you do not attempt demand more power from GOD than you need...you will never suffer the wrath of GOD.

You all want more power than you need...like Satan...the eternal optimist.

You will only obtain what you want...When what you want and need are the same.

Lies take more power than they give from Truth to sustain their existence as Truth.

Truth is the supply of power and shares power equally with all and everything.

Lies are the demand for power and takes more power than they give from all and everything to sustain existence.

Truth = constant supply/permanent

Lies = variable demand/temporary.

Lies which are finite and fragile have a positive phase and a negative phase...A life and death or duality

Truth which is infinite and indestructible is only positive...singularity.

There is never a lasting victory over lies while the war against Truth has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat.

Truth is power

power corrupts...absolute power corrupts absolutely.

ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil

Ignorance of truth is the cause of evil that corrupts good absolutely

Knowledge of Truth is the cause of good that corrupts evil absolutely.

probability that a lie can defeat Truth = 0% or absolutely NO...negative...Defeat or eternal Death

probability that Truth can defeat a lie = 100% or absolutely YES...positive...Victory...or eternal Life.

Ban me and get it over with...I have no power to resist the domain master...So I'm finite and fragile here in this domain...and can be annihilated...or turned invisible.

28th December 2013, 04:07 PM
Take a byte of the forbidden fruit of logic and gain awareness of 1 and 0

Truth and lies

positive and negative

reality and fantasy

knowledge and ignorance

know and belief

Logic and reason

supply and demand

need and want

work and play

Work = positive

Play = negative

You all believe

work/truth/knowledge or most effort = slavery = negative

play/lie/ignorance or least effort = freedom = positive

If it's not fun (positive)...its not worth doing.

Just think/embrace positive (play/lie/fantasy) ignore/reject (work/Truth/reality)


Do not believe so?

I would have to be a downs syndrome case to believe another person would choose to believe differently than they currently believe.

I just post information...period end of story...I supply your demand with what I give you...If it is not what you want...that is negative.

Like so

Your head is below water...all the cells in your body want air to sustain their continued inflation...If you demand GOD/Truth to supply what you want...GOD/Truth will supply you with what you need...water.

Your cells will not like that since water is not what they want...air sustains their continued inflation or life...water will cause their deflation or death.

You have to get your head above water and then demand GOD to supply you with what you want...GOD will supply you with what you need...air

Which is what your animal cells want to sustain their continued inflation.

You can only get what you want from GOD when what you want and need are the same.

GOD helps those who help themselves.

Truth is GOD and GOD is Truth.

Logic is not taught in Sunday school or any school that I know of.


Monkeys employ absolute self indulgent reason...So do the individual cells in your body...They are finite and fragile lies that take more power than they give to sustain their continued inflation or life.

Reason is Ignorant of Truth

Logic is Knowledgeable of Truth

Try holding your breath and refuse to supply the demands of your animal cells which take more power than they give to sustain their continued inflation and see how long you can resist submission to the tyranny of Truth.

You all are fighting to the death to continue to remain asleep (ignorant of Truth/reality) to continue to enjoy the daydream (cherished delusion/fantasy) you are awake (knowledgeable of Truth/reality)

If you believe Isreal = the root of all evil = You = right = good

If I refuse to supply power to that belief (cherished delusion) or give you what you want...yes...and instead supply your demand for yes...with no.

That is negative.

Which makes me = wrong = evil

And must be annihilated ultimately.

The Jews when I interact with them...want me just as dead as you all...because their beliefs are just as ignorant as non Jews.

It's basically Satan fighting Satan

Ignorance fighting ignorance.

Divide and rule.



Lets say I choose (free will) to tell you something I believe to be true that is false but you believe what I tell you is Truth and you choose (free will) to act and you are blinded for life.

Sorry I did not mean to do that...it was a mistake...an accident.

Lets say I choose (free will) to tell you something that I know is false but you believe what I tell you is Truth and you choose (free will) to act and you are blinded for life.

Sorry I did not mean to do that...it was a mistake...an accident.

Regardless of intention good/positive or bad/negative...The logical conclusion (Truth/reality) of the reasonable assumption (lie/fantasy you believe is Truth/reality) is the same.

The greatest enemy you face was born the exact same instant you were born and can be found by looking into a mirror...





Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beholder_(Dungeons_%26_Dragons)

You all will deicide my visibility or not within the game...You can pull out a ban hammer and splat me in this game zone at any time.

28th December 2013, 06:33 PM
A tiger should lose no sleep over a sheep's opinion.

29th December 2013, 10:19 AM
The most extraordinary passage in the memo requires that the Israeli spooks “destroy upon recognition” any communication provided by the NSA “that is either to or from an official of the US government.” It goes on to spell out that this includes “officials of the Executive Branch (including the White House, Cabinet Departments, and independent agencies); the US House of Representatives and Senate (members and staff); and the US Federal Court System (including, but not limited to, the Supreme Court).”

The stunning implication of this passage is that NSA spying targets not only ordinary American citizens, but also Supreme Court justices, members of Congress and the White House itself. One could hardly ask for a more naked exposure of a police state.

29th December 2013, 04:52 PM

The U.S. is a federation and nothing more.

How can a federation achieve state (country) status?