View Full Version : Scrooge Saturday: 1.3 million Americans to lose emergency jobless aid

29th December 2013, 03:47 PM
Scrooge Saturday: 1.3 million Americans to lose emergency jobless aid Published time: December 29, 2013 11:12 Get short URL (http://rt.com/usa/us-unemployment-congress-aid-expires-936/)

http://cdn.rt.com/files/news/21/ad/00/00/us-unemployment-congress-aid-expires.si.jpg AFP Photo / Justin Sullivan

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Congress went on holiday recess without extending an emergency federal aid program to America’s unemployed, set to expire on Saturday, leaving over one million people in economic dire straits.
The federal aid program, which extended $300 per week to the long-term unemployed, helped some 1.3 million Americans and their families make ends meet in the aftermath of the Great Recession of 2008, described as the harshest economic downturn since the Great Depression.

President Obama on Thursday signed a bipartisan budget deal without guarantees on the unemployment assistance program, thus putting himself in a weak bargaining position as he scrambles to gain bipartisan support for extending jobless benefits.

“This morning, the president placed separate telephone calls to Senator Jack Reed and Senator Dean Heller to offer his support for their proposal to extend emergency unemployment benefits for three months,” White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest said in a statement.

“The president said his administration would, as it has for several weeks now, push Congress to act promptly and in bipartisan fashion to address this urgent economic priority.”

Despite the importance of the program for the 1.3 million Americans who relied upon the cash payments, the Senate will not hold a vote on the proposal until Congress returns to work next month.

The abrupt termination of unemployment cash allowances - most of which contributed to economic growth at the local level - at the height of the holiday season is expected to have a negative impact on the economy.

Another 1.9 million Americans are expected to lose their state benefits before the end of June.

Across the United States, which is still struggling to shake off the economic doldrums, the situation for unemployed Americans varies from state-to-state.

In California, for example, the most populous US state, around 214,000 residents on Saturday will lose their cash payments, according to the US Labor Department. In 2013, Californians received $4.5 billion in federal jobless benefits, much of it spent at ‘local-global’ corporations, like Walmart and McDonald’s.

Other states which expected to take a hit this Saturday include New York, where an estimated 127,000 will lose their benefits. In New Jersey, 11th among states in population, 90,000 people will not be receiving emergency aid over the holiday weekend.

Massachusetts residents, meanwhile, are expected to feel the termination of the aid program the worst, due to the state’s higher-than-average percentage of people who have remained unemployed for six months or longer.

The Massachusetts unemployment rate has been on the rise, going from 6.7 percent last year to 7.1 percent in November. The national unemployment rate dropped from 7.8 percent in November 2012 to 7 percent last month.

The Boston anti-poverty group, Action for Boston Community Development Inc., says 141,000 Massachusetts residents are among 1.3 million Americans losing benefits.

While critics of the emergency unemployment program, like Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, say that handing out money to the unemployed only exacerbates the problem, causing people to become dependent upon the state for their livelihood, there has been little debate over the $16 trillion bail out of the world's leading banks, corporations, and governments between December 2007 and June 2010.

The bailout, courtesy of the Federal Reserve, was argued to be a necessary move in preventing the “too big to fail” economic institutions from... well, failing. Sadly, the same type of logic does not seem to apply to the American people, the very individuals who have suffered the most in the latest downturn.

At the same time, many of the biggest US corporations no longer even pay taxes on their profits.

Citizens for Tax Justice reported in June that many Fortune 500 corporations, including Nike, Dell, Apple, Microsoft and American Express, according to their financial statements, seem to pay “little or no tax on their offshore holdings.”

“It’s likely that hundreds of other Fortune 500 companies are also engaging in similar strategies to take advantage of the rule allowing US companies to “defer” paying US taxes on their offshore income,” the watchdog group wrote.

This development places a serious strain on federal and state programs, some of which, like the emergency assistance program for the unemployed that will end on Saturday, can no longer foot the bill for their expenses.

The emergency aid program was started under President George W. Bush as a federal mechanism to assist the millions of Americans after their state-subsidized aid came to an end, which in most states happens after six months.

29th December 2013, 04:26 PM
The unemployment bureau should put a recording on their phones.

"Due to the dramatic economic recovery, increase in hiring and the Fed 'tapering' all clear signal, you are expected to seek employment at this time. Have a nice day!"

mick silver
29th December 2013, 05:12 PM
this morning on the news they said it would cost 15 billion more to fund this , what did they give the banks and car makers

29th December 2013, 05:52 PM
Is not only those who will no longer get any aid but also those who sells food, clothing, gasoline and so on.....OH, and Starbuck...never been there, is it any good?...I mean, $5.00 bucks for a cup of coffee?

1.3 million people?....how many with how many family members?.....how many will kill themselves.


29th December 2013, 07:38 PM
The banks implode and the entire economy collapses an kills you all...So they require support...

poor people are the waste by product of rich people...the demands of people with incomes from the system creates all the people that are cut off from the system.

you all are the supply to the system and the demand from the system.

If you supply more than you demand...you are a fundable asset...if you demand more than you supply...you become an unfundable liability and are liquidated one way or the other.

it never fails to amaze me how willfully ignorant you all are of economics.

You all are just like baby birds chirping in a nest waiting for the mommy or daddy bird to come flying back to the nest and regurgitate the incomes you are chirping for into your mouths.

Over on the British board they are crying like all of you.

Your demands upon the system for yield have become greater than what you supply...The purpose of the QE and the bail out of the auto sector is to keep the economy on life support...without that...you all would be dead now.

20% of the workforce or 30,000,000 in the USA are the net producers of power...that the other 80% or 120,000,000 of the workforce are the net consumers of.

20% supply real power to the system wholesale and that is marked up and turned into fake power or money and distributed.

It is why the prices of food and fuel are rising...due to the lack of yield with yield rates so low.

The demands of the net consumers of power is a tax on the net producers of power.

Why do you think they are fracking like mad?

your demands for yield are sucking all that oil out of the ground to power the magic printing press.

it will not be long now...Just because you have an income and pay your bills and are out of debt...does not mean you are a productive member of society...80% of the population in the G20 are net consumptive members of society.

All the money you think the rich have is just reinvested back into circulation and flows down to the bottom and then back up to the top and then back to the bottom again.

You all live off the yield derived from the system and the cost to pay this rent or tax is hidden in the prices of everything.

The higher in the hierarchy you are...the less power you supply into the system and the more power you demand out.

I worked on a rig drilling for oil and timed the operation...I found that when I was working on the floor...the rig worked 10% faster. that worked out to millions of dollars supplied to all of you that have no clue...

In the 4 years I worked on the rigs I supplied more power to the system than most of you will suck out of it.

But that is the trick...I supply 200 Dollars an hour of real power that is turned into fake power or money and I'm paid 15 Dollars....over time I supplied millions of Dollars to the system

people in training to become professional football players go and work the rigs to get ready...Out in the patch people used to stand in awe at how hard I could work...

and that is just that job...Now...I can barely stand going to work and looking at the pathetic ass draggers.

I'm one of the last of the real workers left...the rest have all given up and don't care anymore...you all are turning into cry baby ass draggers.

Most of you all are just welfare cases....That if you had to put in an honest days labour...You would just kill yourselves or be killed by the work.

The demand by all of you on the system has been growing more and more while you have supplying less and less.

It's why yield rates have been collapsing to zero for 32 years since 1981.

Look in a mirror to see who is responsible...The FED has been following a trend for the past 32 years...not leading you all...Just claiming to be leading.

You all are the supply of and the demand for yield from the system...The FED can not set yield rates...the only people that believe that...are yield locusts...parasites.

I'm a real worker...I have a maximum potential yield and there is no one except me that can set that...

Like so.

Hypertiger slaves and supplies 14% yield to one net consumer of yield or a yield locust.

add another yield locust and the 2 have to split the yield 7% apiece

4 yield locusts living off me...and it's 3.5% apiece

8 yield locusts living off me...and its 1.75% apiece

16 yield locusts living off me and it's 0.875% apiece.

I get sick and tired of holding you all up...and it's workers of the world unite...and we drop you all.

That point is fast approaching.


Learn economics...

The consumers of yield are the rider

the producers of yield are the workhorse

the consumers of yield whip/tax the workhorse at full gallop to the bright glorious future.

when the workhorse slows (recession)...the rider whip/taxes the workhorse to gallop faster

Eventually the workhorse becomes exhausted and slows after decades and the rider whips/taxes it more and more desperately trying to get it to gallop to the bright glorious future again...but can't...and the horse stops and collapses...and the riders whip it to death.

Game over.

Your idiot leaders...can not do anything for you all...they are just net consuming puppets that rule net consuming puppets.

rich welfare cases that rule poor welfare cases.

You all have no idea how gone you all are.

29th December 2013, 07:50 PM
"(Absolute) Capitalism is the astounding belief (delusion) that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone."--JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES

"America's abundance was not created by public sacrifices to "the common good," but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes."--Ayn Rand (Absolute capitalist)...Entertains the above mentioned astounding delusion.

I employ Responsible altruistic logic to solve the problem of continued existence...worship of knowledge as bliss

You all and Ayn Rand employ Absolute self indulgent reason to solve the problem of continued existence...worship of ignorance as bliss


7th trump
29th December 2013, 08:06 PM
"(Absolute) Capitalism is the astounding belief (delusion) that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone."--JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES

"America's abundance was not created by public sacrifices to "the common good," but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes."--Ayn Rand (Absolute capitalist)...Entertains the above mentioned astounding delusion.

I employ Responsible altruistic logic to solve the problem of continued existence...worship of knowledge as bliss

You all and Ayn Rand employ Absolute self indulgent reason to solve the problem of continued existence...worship of ignorance as bliss


Its obvious you're nothing but a failure. A failure at the simplistic.
Its the only logical reason behind your hatred toward capitalism.

29th December 2013, 08:09 PM
Lets see....One farmer can sustain 1000 book writers.

If the book writers go on strike...The farmer is not going to die.

If the farmer goes on strike...1000 book writers turn into skeletons.

Ignorance X 10 to the power of infinity and beyond.

Just think positive (fantasy) and ignore negative (reality).

Hypertiger = power plant

You all = light bulbs

Probability that all you light bulbs are going to "illuminate" me as to where power comes from = 0%


29th December 2013, 08:33 PM
I'm a responsible capitalist.

you are an absolute capitalist.

All and everything in the Universe capitalizes upon Truth to sustain the existence of all and everything in the Universe.

There is no such thing as non capitalism...

Responsible or positive capitalists share power as equally as possible...The same as chopping down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow to sustain existence....The trees do not run out...eternal life...Truth

Absolute or negative capitalists take more power than they give...The same as chopping down trees faster than they regrow to sustain existence...The trees do run out...eternal death...Lie

Responsible altruistic Logic loves Truth (reality) and hates lies (fantasy)...positive capitalist.

Absolute self indulgent Reason loves lies (fantasy) and hates Truth (reality)...negative capitalist.

Learn to read...point out where I'm against capitalism...

In the oil patch there is a saying...

Be nice to your roughnecks...because one day they might be your boss.

You do not even know what the words you type mean...

There are

logical conclusions


reasonable assumptions.

Logical reason...what is that?

All reasons (duality) are powered by Logic (singularity).

There are good/correct/right positive reasons and bad/incorrect/wrong negative reasons...With bad bad/incorrect/wrong negative reasons being examples of Illogic.

Those who employ absolute self indulgent reason search for reasons to make mistakes and then for reasons or means to limit or attempt escape from the consequences.

Point out where I promote hatred of capitalism.

You demand me to supply the power you want...I can either choose YES and give you what you need or choose NO and give you what you need.

If you want Yes and I supply NO...Then you will be sad or defeated...The Tyrant will try to kill me to punish me for not worshiping the ground they walk upon.

If you want Yes and I supply YES...Then you will be happy or victorious...The Tyrant will not try to kill me and will reward me for worshiping the ground they walk upon.

Am I missing something?

7th trump
30th December 2013, 10:39 AM
I'm a responsible capitalist.

you are an absolute capitalist.

All and everything in the Universe capitalizes upon Truth to sustain the existence of all and everything in the Universe.

There is no such thing as non capitalism...

Responsible or positive capitalists share power as equally as possible...The same as chopping down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow to sustain existence....The trees do not run out...eternal life...Truth

Absolute or negative capitalists take more power than they give...The same as chopping down trees faster than they regrow to sustain existence...The trees do run out...eternal death...Lie

Responsible altruistic Logic loves Truth (reality) and hates lies (fantasy)...positive capitalist.

Absolute self indulgent Reason loves lies (fantasy) and hates Truth (reality)...negative capitalist.

Learn to read...point out where I'm against capitalism...

In the oil patch there is a saying...

Be nice to your roughnecks...because one day they might be your boss.

You do not even know what the words you type mean...

There are

logical conclusions


reasonable assumptions.

Logical reason...what is that?

All reasons (duality) are powered by Logic (singularity).

There are good/correct/right positive reasons and bad/incorrect/wrong negative reasons...With bad bad/incorrect/wrong negative reasons being examples of Illogic.

Those who employ absolute self indulgent reason search for reasons to make mistakes and then for reasons or means to limit or attempt escape from the consequences.

Point out where I promote hatred of capitalism.

You demand me to supply the power you want...I can either choose YES and give you what you need or choose NO and give you what you need.

If you want Yes and I supply NO...Then you will be sad or defeated...The Tyrant will try to kill me to punish me for not worshiping the ground they walk upon.

If you want Yes and I supply YES...Then you will be happy or victorious...The Tyrant will not try to kill me and will reward me for worshiping the ground they walk upon.

Am I missing something?
Always knew you were an arrogant asshole.
When I got to the part of "dualty" and "singularity" it confirmed that your arrogance is a result of stupidity.
You really are a failure.

I dont need you or anyone else.
I dont need the electrical grid (you)...I have used what I learned in avionics school to come up with a circuit that bypasses the need for a power hungry inverter.
I have 12vdc at 50 amps going in and 120vac 48 amps coming out......a concept telsa invented over 100 years ago.
All I need now is a better battery system than lead acid........I'm thinking.......iron nickel cells.

30th December 2013, 10:58 AM
this morning on the news they said it would cost 15 billion more to fund this , what did they give the banks and car makers

Think about this: If they are cutting 1.3 million why would it cost 15 Billion more?

30th December 2013, 12:57 PM
Think about this: If they are cutting 1.3 million why would it cost 15 Billion more?

No, they are saying it would cost $15B to extend their coverage for another 3 months, rather than let it expire.

30th December 2013, 12:58 PM
Bottom line is that Congress will come back in January and vote them some kind of extension so that they will look like heroes. By letting it temporarily expire, the recipients will "appreciate it" more when it gets restored. That means more votes, which is all that matters.

30th December 2013, 04:19 PM
Always knew you were an arrogant asshole.
When I got to the part of "dualty" and "singularity" it confirmed that your arrogance is a result of stupidity.
You really are a failure.

I dont need you or anyone else.
I dont need the electrical grid (you)...I have used what I learned in avionics school to come up with a circuit that bypasses the need for a power hungry inverter.
I have 12vdc at 50 amps going in and 120vac 48 amps coming out......a concept telsa invented over 100 years ago.
All I need now is a better battery system than lead acid........I'm thinking.......iron nickel cells.

What sort of Inverter did you build? got a schematic?

30th December 2013, 04:46 PM
What sort of Inverter did you build? got a schematic?

No shit, Not like I am not interested!