View Full Version : From Karen Hudes Facebook page

31st December 2013, 03:24 PM
From Karen Hudes Facebook page:

Barack Obama is truly not the President of the United States. He is not a powerful person at all. Rather, he is a front man for more powerful entities that hide in the shadows.
The real power in the world is not the United States, Russia, or even China. It is Rome. The Roman Catholic Church (Vatican) is the single most powerful force in the world.
However, the Vatican has been under the control of it’s largest all-male order, the Jesuits. The Jesuits were created in 1534 to serve as the “counter-reformation” — the arm of the Church that would help to fight the Muslims and the Protestant Reformers. However, they fought with espionage. The Jesuits were expelled from at least 83 countries and cities for subversion, espionage, treason, and other such things. Samuel Morse said that the Jesuits were the foot soldiers in the Holy Alliance (Europe and the Vatican) plan to destroy the United States (Congress of Vienna). Marquis Lafayette stated that the Jesuits were behind most of the wars in Europe, and that they would be the ones to take liberty from the United States.
The head of the Jesuit Order is Adolfo Nicholas. His title is Superior General of the Jesuits. The use of the rank “general” is because the Jesuits are, in reality, a military organization.
Nicholas, as the Jesuit General, is the most powerful man in the world. He ultimately issues the commands that are administered by drones like Obama.
The Jesuit General is nicknamed “The Black Pope” because he always wears black robes. Pope Benedict XIV is, thus, the “White Pope”.
Directly under the Jesuit General is Fr. James E. Grummer, S.J. — one of the five Jesuit priests who serve as direct “assistants” to the Jesuit General. Grummer is his American assistant, and controls the US Jesuit Conference. He is the controller of every American Jesuit university and every American Jesuit Provincial. The New York Provincial has the most contact with Grummer (as the top provincial).
Under Grummer is the President of the US Jesuit Conference, Fr. Thomas H. Smolich, S.J., who was the Jesuit Provincial of California during the reign of Governor Arnold Schwarznegger. Smolich was the power behind Arnold during these years. Smolich is a key force behind the planned Sino-Soviet-Muslim invasion, which the Jesuit Order is planning to use to bring down the United States. He is also actively involved in the orchestration of the Chinese-Mexican invasion.
Under Smolich is Fr. David S. Ciancimino, S.J., the Jesuit Provincial of New York. He is the top Jesuit Provinical in the United States, as New York is the capital of the Jesuit Order’s power (that’s why it was chosen as the staging area for 9/11). Here, Ciancimino (and the Jesuits beneath him) control Wall Street, the NYSE, and the Federal Reserve Bank. Ciancimino controls Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the most powerful Roman Catholic official in the United States who is not a Jesuit. Ciancimino is an occultist, as are many other top Jesuits.
Directly under Ciancimino is Fr. Joseph M. McShane, S.J., who is the President of Fordham University — the Jesuit college of New York, and the Jesuits’ military stronghold there. It is through McShane that the Jesuits (led by Ciancimino in New York) control Archbishop Timothy Dolan. He has become known as the “penholder” for Dolan. He wears a decorative necklace that features an equilateral triangle, a Masonic symnol of the Risen Horus.
Under the control of these powerful Jesuits is Pope Benedict XIV, the Vicar of Christ (Horus) and the current Roman Papal Caesar. He represents Osiris in mystery-school/occult mythology.
Below Pope Benedict XIV is the Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York. Dolan is the “American Pope” and the “Archbishop of the Capital of the World”. He heads the American branches of the Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus. He is a likely occultist and the controller of American Freemasonry, the CFR, the ADL (B’nai B’rith), the Pentagon, and the intelligence community.
Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J. is the President Emeritus of Fordham University and the man directly under Egan. He is a Knight of Malta and has presided over CFR meetings as Egan’s operative. He is an adviser to David Rockefeller (Knight of Malta), Henry Kissinger (Knight of Malta), and Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York. He is, thus, the Jesuit who directly controls the city mayor. He is also the Jesuit who controls the Rockefeller-Kissinger apparatus, of which the CFR is a key part.
O’Hare is a devoted Zionist who supports the State of Israel, which was created in 1948 by the United Nations (UN) — a creation of the Archbishop of New York’s Council on Foreign relations). It was Archbishop Francis Spellman of New York who solicited votes at the UN for Israel. Spellman played a key role in Israel’s founding. The founder of Zionism was Theodor Herzl, who had frequent meetings with the Pope and had once planned to lead the jewish people in a “mass conversion” to Roman Catholicism. The true designers, financiers, and promoters of Zionism are the Rothschilds, who Encyclopedia Judaica describes as “guardians of the papal treasure”. That’s right — the Rothschilds are the banking agents of the Papacy. The State of Israel is just the revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, and it’s under the Vatican’s thumb.
Below O’Hare is John J. DeGioa, the President of Georgetown University. DeGioa is also a Knight of Malta and a member of the CFR. He is one of the over-seers of the State of Israel.
Below DeGioa, we find Richard N. Haas — the Chairman of the CFR. Haas is ultimately simply a lowly agent of Archbishop Egan. Haas is a Jewish Labor Zionist and oversees the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). These Jewish Zionists are mainly just Papal Court jewish people.
Below Haas is Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was a member of the CFR, Bilderberg Group, and Trilateral Commission. Brzezinski had co-founded the Trilateral Commission. He was a Knight of Malta, as was the other founder of the Trilateral Commission – David Rockefeller. Brzezinski is a Polish Roman Catholic and an adviser to Georgetown University.
Brzezinski was Soetoro’s professor at Columbia University, and recruited him for presidential grooming. Are we beginning to see the big picture?
Once Brzezinski created “presidential candidate” Obama, his campaign was financed and promoted by the multi-billionaire behind hundreds of organizations on the “political left” — George Soros. Soros was a high-ranking CFR member and a member of the Carlyle Group, an international corporation that served as a front for the Vatican. Soros, a Hungarian jewish, was a strong socialist-communist (like Brzezinski). Like Haas, Brzezinski was a Papal Court jewish and a Labor Zionist. He is also a Freemason. He is a friend of Rupert Murdoch. Soros is a major stockholder in Halliburton.
Murdoch is the protector of Obama, controlling his opposition. Murdoch was knighted by the Pope in 1998 for making large contributions to the Roman Catholic Church. He has said that his corporation – News Corp – is “just like the Jesuits” while speaking at Georgetown University. Murdoch is a member of the CFR.
Joseph R. Biden is the Vice President, and is directly under the Vatican’s big-wheel operatives (Soros and Murdoch). He is Roman Catholic and has been honored at two Jesuit universities. His son is a Jesuit volunteer and a lobbyist for a Jesuit university he attended.
Under the guidance of Biden, we find Barack Obama, a 32nd Degree Freemason who has been trained in Romanism.
I always wondered how much sway the Vatican still has in the year 2014. They use to be an obvious powerhouse. Kings and Queens bowed before the Pope and did what he told them to do. That is just not the case anymore. Even within the church itself, power dwindles. Scandal, abuse and a lack of faith has been eating the church, and every church in every religion, from the inside out. And since when did Freemasons and Catholics get along? Conspiracies are funny like that.. Keep in mind, Protestants have never liked Catholics. -Mort


31st December 2013, 03:30 PM
yeah vatican, the jesuites, are even MORE powerful than the zionists. we all are slaves of the vatican trust....


31st December 2013, 03:36 PM
Anyone that knows and believes thier Bible KNOWS that the Roman Catholic church is THE ROOT of wickedness in this world.

and the LOVE of money the ROOT of all evil.

The current SCAPEGOATS (the zionist "jews") are the CURRENT ones they have people pointing fingers at that some naive and GULLIBLE people here have fallen prey to (ie. Pat colo, etc)

31st December 2013, 03:41 PM
not defending the zionists which are the visible part of the iceberg... the jesuites the hidden part of it.

they are 'the eye' of the pyramid, the 33rd degree, the zionists come as the 32nd degree....

31st December 2013, 03:52 PM
I'm sorry but the Vatican? All those guys do is ass rape little boys. You can criticize the Vatican/Jesuits/Catholics all day under Politic Correctness. You CANNOT make fun of anything remotely related to Judaism/Zionism under Political Correctness.

"To learn who rules you simply find out who you aren't allowed to criticize." ~Voltaire

I strongly believe Karen Hudes is as big a fraud as Benjamin Fulford. I wouldn't listen to this person for a second.

31st December 2013, 04:02 PM
don't forget about domino's pizza and how they funnel millions of dollars a year in to secret catholic atomic death rays.

31st December 2013, 04:07 PM
yeah vatican, the jesuites, are even MORE powerful than the zionists. we all are slaves of the vatican trust....




31st December 2013, 04:08 PM
Yes he is just a demagogue (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demagogue)...an installed puppet...the scapegoat of the new world order.

“Be cautious in your words and carriage, that the most penetrating stranger shall not be able to discover or find out what is not proper intimated; and sometimes you shall divert a discourse, and manage it prudently for the honour of the worshipful fraternity.”

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"When plunder (Taking more power than you give or absolute capitalism) becomes a way of life for a group of men (Absolute capitalists) living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a (Rule) legal system that authorizes it and a moral code (Religion) that glorifies it." --Frederic Bastiat

"I, George Washington, of my own free will and accord, in the presence of Almighty God, and this Worshipful Lodge, erected to Him, and dedicated to the holy Sts. John, do hereby and hereon (Master presses his gavel on candidate's knuckles) most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will always hail, ever conceal, and never reveal, any of the arts, parts, or points of the hidden mysteries of Ancient Free Masonry, which may have been, or hereafter shall be, at this time, or any future period, communicated to me, as such, to any person or persons whomsoever, except it be to a true and lawful brother Mason, or in a regularly constituted Lodge of Masons; nor unto him or them until, by strict trial, due examination, or lawful information, I shall have found him, or them, as lawfully entitled to the same as I am myself. I furthermore promise and swear that I will not print, paint, stamp, stain, cut, carve, mark, or engrave them, or cause the same to be done, on any thing movable or immovable, capable of receiving the least impression of a word, syllable, letter, or character, whereby the same may become legible or intelligible to any person under the canopy of heaven, and the secrets of Masonry thereby unlawfully obtained through my unworthiness.

All this I most solemnly, sincerely promise and swear, with a firm and steadfast resolution to perform the same, without any mental reservation or secret evasion of mind whatever, binding
myself under no less penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea, at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, should I ever knowingly violate this my Entered Apprentice obligation. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same."

"The subjects of every state (Bottom) ought to contribute towards the support of the government (TOP), as nearly as possible in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state."--Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations 1776

"Governments of the absolute capitalistic hierarchical food powered make work enterprise are administration systems of the enterprise constructed and sustained by the bottom or employees at the demand of the top or owners of the absolute capitalistic hierarchical food powered make work enterprise"

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." --George Washington

The servant becomes your master if you fail to supply the demand for power by the master or owner of the absolute capitalist hierarchy which is the servant of the master that rules all the slaves.

Presidents are just scapegoats.

"The Pet Goat" is a children's story contained in the book Reading Mastery II: Storybook 1, by Siegfried Engelmann and Elaine C. Bruner (ISBN 0026863553). The book is part of the thirty-one volume Reading Mastery series published by the SRA Macmillan early-childhood education division of McGraw-Hill. It uses the direct instruction teaching style."

"The story gained notoriety because U.S. President George W. Bush, as part of a photo op, was reading it with Florida schoolchildren at the time he was informed of the September 11, 2001 attacks by then White House chief of staff, Andrew Card."

"In modern Satanic theology, the pentagram is far more likely to represent the individual, or the choice to pursue individual glory or immortality rather than union or absorption with the divine- where some traditions advocate the sublimation of the ego or submission to god, Satanism exalts and glorifies it, deifying the human being (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Apotheosis_of_Washington) The symbol most commonly associated with Satanic practices is the "Sabbatic goat" or Goat of Mendes pentacle, often confused with Baphomet, a figure from Templar legend"


"The symbol of Baphomet was used by the Knights Templar to represent Satan. Through the ages this symbol has been called by many different names. Among these are: The Goat of Mendes, Sabbatic Goat, The Goat of a Thousand Young, The Black Goat, The Judas Goat, and perhaps most appropriately, The Scapegoat"--The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey, Book of Belial (earth): The Satanic Ritual, pp136

"The scapegoat was a goat that was driven off into the wilderness as part of the ceremonies of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, in Judaism during the times of the Temple in Jerusalem. The rite is described in Leviticus 16. The word also refers, in modern parlance, to one who is blamed for misfortunes, often as a way of distracting attention from the real causes."

"Two very similar-appearing male goats were brought into the courtyard of the Temple in Jerusalem on Yom Kippur as part of the Holy Service of that day. The high priest cast lots for the two goats. One goat was offered as a burnt offering, as was the bull. The second goat was the scapegoat. The high priest placed his hands on the head of the goat and confessed the sins of the people of Israel. The scapegoat was led away and let go in the wilderness according to Leviticus 16:22, although the Talmud adds that it was pushed over a distant cliff."

"In modern Hebrew Azazel is used derogatorily, as in lekh la-Azazel ("go to Azazel"), as in "go to hell"."

"Azazel (Hebrew: עזאזל, Arabic: عزازل Azazil) is an enigmatic name from the Hebrew scriptures, possibly referring to a fallen angel or Satan. The word's first appearances are in Leviticus 16, when in the ritual for Yom Kippur the scapegoat is to be taken to Azazel and cast into the wilderness, but this text by itself is unclear as to the actual identity of Azazel.
The Talmud (Yoma 67b) and later commentators maintain Azazel was the name of the precipitous cliff where the goat met its end."

"The Sigil of the Baphomet: This is a pentacle form (The goats head in the circle), with two points pointing upwards, one downwards, and one to each side. This is an upturned or inversed pentacle."

The Scapegoat of the new world order is in the Whitehouse.


31st December 2013, 04:10 PM
don't forget about domino's pizza and how they funnel millions of dollars a year in to secret catholic atomic death rays.

What are you trying to say Chad

31st December 2013, 04:14 PM
I'm sorry but the Vatican? All those guys do is ass rape little boys. You can criticize the Vatican/Jesuits/Catholics all day under Politic Correctness. You CANNOT make fun of anything remotely related to Judaism/Zionism under Political Correctness.

"To learn who rules you simply find out who you aren't allowed to criticize." ~Voltaire

I strongly believe Karen Hudes is as big a fraud as Benjamin Fulford. I wouldn't listen to this person for a second.

Believe what you want but this is the way I see it...................the vatican has been around for centuries............and their only desire is to control the whole world..............

Twisted Titan
31st December 2013, 04:25 PM
Quoted for fricken truth.

See how much traction you get exposing rabbis sexually assualting kids.

You get the same face time on the rabbi that was killing newborns with herpes performing fellacitio.

To this day no one knows his name or what temple he commited these child murders at.

Could you imagine if a priest did that?

His face name and church location and two movies would have been in production before you had time to even gather a thought e

31st December 2013, 04:32 PM

31st December 2013, 04:36 PM
sure, all true

but that is how evil thrusts its way through... it keeps you on a DIFFERENT ball rolling

I'm sorry but the Vatican? All those guys do is ass rape little boys. You can criticize the Vatican/Jesuits/Catholics all day under Politic Correctness. You CANNOT make fun of anything remotely related to Judaism/Zionism under Political Correctness.

"To learn who rules you simply find out who you aren't allowed to criticize." ~Voltaire

I strongly believe Karen Hudes is as big a fraud as Benjamin Fulford. I wouldn't listen to this person for a second.

31st December 2013, 04:38 PM
sure, all true

but that is how evil thrusts its way through... it keeps you on a DIFFERENT ball rolling

Very few people believe the Zionists are behind everything. Most people believe it's "Al-Qaeda". You're thinking too hard.

31st December 2013, 04:41 PM
don't ever order thick crust or bread sticks at dominos. the extra money all goes directly to a catholic death ray in antartica. the huge vatican telescope is a giant scope for it.

31st December 2013, 04:41 PM
Very few people believe the Zionists are behind everything. Most people believe it's "Al-Qaeda". You're thinking too hard.

Tentacles .....take a look at the HEAD

31st December 2013, 04:43 PM
ok... but what I say holds true nonetheless..... that works like this on all levels of perception... thats why it is called the Matrix

31st December 2013, 04:53 PM
Tentacles .....take a look at the HEAD

How many times do we need to go over this serpo?

The Jews have been behind every major provocation since the Punic wars, and in all probability even further back. You have it back-assward. The Zionist Jews are the head of the hydra and the catholic church is one of their tentacles.

I have no love for either but it just shows your myopic world view when you spout this bs.

Why don't you actually go back and investigate the church's formative years during the roman empire to see how Jews worked behind the scenes BEFORE the establishment of Christianity as a sanctioned religion.

Don't put the cart before the horse, dig beneath the surface, think laterally and you'll discover that Christianity was established to control and passivate the gentile masses.

31st December 2013, 04:58 PM
How many times do we need to go over this serpo?

The Jews have been behind every major provocation since the Punic wars, and in all probability even further back. You have it back-assward. The Zionist Jews are the head of the hydra and the catholic church is one of their tentacles.

I have no love for either but it just shows your myopic world view when you spout this bs.

Why don't you actually go back and investigate the church's formative years during the roman empire to see how Jews worked behind the scenes BEFORE the establishment of Christianity as a sanctioned religion.

Don't put the cart before the horse, dig beneath the surface, think laterally and you'll discover that Christianity was established to control and passivate the gentile masses.


Why don't you actually go back and investigate the church's formative years during the roman empire to see how Jews worked behind the scenes BEFORE the establishment of Christianity as a sanctioned religion. ...............why dont you

31st December 2013, 05:22 PM

Oh well, then that settles it!

What is rubbish is your mendacious attempt at placing the catholic church at the apex world domination. You refuse to even consider any other plausible alternative and post the mad rants of paid disinformation agents as proof positive of your feeble world view and when challenged the best defence you can come up with is to state 'rubbish'

All you're doing is showing the board what a third rate thinker you are. Good luck with that, lol:p

31st December 2013, 05:25 PM
Tentacles .....take a look at the HEAD

The head:

31st December 2013, 06:00 PM
Oh well, then that settles it!

What is rubbish is your mendacious attempt at placing the catholic church at the apex world domination. You refuse to even consider any other plausible alternative and post the mad rants of paid disinformation agents as proof positive of your feeble world view and when challenged the best defence you can come up with is to state 'rubbish'

All you're doing is showing the board what a third rate thinker you are. Good luck with that, lol:p

post the mad rants of paid disinformation agents........yes thats me after 10000 posts no one has cottoned on ..........of a third rate thinker .....ah I forgot Im a kiwi living in OZ so anything I do is third rate .........to you

31st December 2013, 06:07 PM
The head:

of course the Rothschild from the 1600 have managed to rule the world whereas the Catholic "religion" with a head start of centenaries failed miserably .....give me a break.............nice three crowns though...........

31st December 2013, 06:25 PM
There are 2 forms of law, Civil Law (Law of The Land) and Maritime Admiralty Law (Law of the Sea)
Civil Laws are imposed in countries lands and are based on the rights that the Creator has already given you. Maritime Admiralty deals with banking and money laws.
These laws were founded on the basis of trade in the beginning of commerce and Trans Oceanic travel. These laws through the Vatican and Bank of London has enslaved people into a system of perpetual debt, taxes, and legislature to draw in revenue at the expense of higher prices. These laws are never voted upon and are imposed upon citizens with little to no forewarning.
They can do this because you are
A Maritime Admiralty Product.
Your body is 70% water
You were “Birth” from your mothers “Birth Canal”
You were “Registered” with a “Social Security Number”
By your “DOCtor” who acts as “Witness”
When He Gives You your “Birth Certificate”
This a reason why you can be “Charge” with a crime if you do not take your children to the proper region to attend school, or do not send them to public school.. Your children are “Ward’s” of the State, that is why babies are born in Ward’s. Hospitals are Military Bases, That is why the head Surgeon is called The “Surgeon General” It is all controlled through the Federal Reserve….
What do River Banks Do?
They control the current, or the flow of liquid..
What do “Banks” do??
They control the Flow of Currency, Liquid Assets and Cash Flow…
The Vatican runs the Banking System.. And Through
That they run the entire world..
In 1302 the Vatican Created a “Papal Bull”, which are letters or patents that only Popes can issue. A spell is placed on it, a “bulla” which is a stamp of authentication that gives its power which can be lead or some other precious metal or stone. This is put into an office of the Papal called “register of bulls” (registrum bullarum) The First Papal Bull to make this establishment of world ownership was 1302 (November 18) Unam Santam (“The One Holy”) By Pope Boniface VIII (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Boniface_VIII). This Declares that their is no outside “Salvation Outside The Church”
“Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus”
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b7/Giotto_-_Bonifatius_VIII.jpg/300px-Giotto_-_Bonifatius_VIII.jpg (http://commons.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Giotto_-_Bonifatius_VIII.jpg)Svenska: Bonifatius VIII proklamerar Jubelåret 1300. San Giovanni in Laterano, Rom. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

5 years later, another Papal Bull was created “Pastoralis Praeminentiae (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pastoralis_Praeeminentiae)” and “Regnans in coelis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_Vienne)“, this ordered the arrest of the “Knights Templar” and confiscation of possession in the “Council of Vienne”. The Laws are “Ecclesiastical” – the body of codified laws governing the affairs of a Christian church. They for diriment impediment which invalidates marriages due to existence of a prior marriage. This is also known as “canon law” – The body of officially established rules governing the faith and practice of the members of a christian church recognized by the Papal Authority in Roman Catholic Church (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church) (Corpus Juris Canonici (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corpus_Juris_Canonici) and Codex Juris Canonici)
Corpus Juris Canonici was a Roman (http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=41.9,12.5&spn=0.1,0.1&q=41.9,12.5%20%28Rome%29&t=h) Catholic official compilation of canon law by the authority of Gregory XIII in 1582, the same year that the Christian Gregorian calendar, also known as the Western Calendar was imposed as an international calendar, and later superseded by the Codex Juris Canonici in 1918 and revised in 1983.
The Papal Bull of 1302 created the First Express “Trust” .
“Unum Sactum” Everything in the world is theirs.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/81/Emblem_of_the_Papacy_SE.svg/300px-Emblem_of_the_Papacy_SE.svg.png (http://commons.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Emblem_of_the_Papacy_SE.svg)emblem of the Papacy: Triple tiara and keys Français : emblème pontifical Italiano: emblema del Papato Português: Emblema papal. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Trust were formed upon the bases of those who were fighting during the crusades would “Trust” someone usually a friend or an establishment to watch their possessions.
​Nicholas V enacted two more Papal Bulls (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papal_bull), Dum Diveras 1452(June 18) which authorizes Afonso V of Portugal to reduce any Muslims, pagans and other unbelievers
to perpetual slavery.
This latter led to Romanus Pontifex (“The Roman pontiff (http://www.va)“) in 1455(January 8)which Sanctifies the seizure of non-Christian lands discovered during the “Age of Discovery” and the murder and enslavement of the natives in that land.
The Trust of 1455 claims all Titles and Certificates to real estate cars, land, people and all other forms of possession. Titles, licenses and Certificates just give you the right of operation under Maritime Admiralty Law. In 1481 “Aeterni regis” (pronounced attorney), by Sixtus IV, was the third Trust that regarded the Roman Catholic Church “Eternal King’s” and acted as the confirmation of the Bull of “Romanus Pontifex” and “Inter caetera” which gave Christopher Columbus His Legal right to dominate the New World between Spain and Portugal and all Indigenous Peoples to be subjugated so the Christian Empire and its doctrines would be propagated. The Knights Templar or “Temple Bar” are the only ones with a square mile of land with no title…
The Crown That Rules The Land: The Crown of Ba’all(Balbek), The Papal Tiara (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papal_tiara), Triregnum
Year of origin
800 BCE (Ba’al) Baalbek
1st Crown
1302 Boniface VIII
2nd Crown
1481 Sixtus IV
3rd Crown
1537 Paul I
http://static.wix.com/media/0ad54b_54b733c6e81ac921b493d941840f625e.jpg_srz_28 9_434_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz

The Crown of Ba’al, also known as the Papal Tiara and Triregnum is a three-tiered jewelled papal crown and symbol of claimed papal supremecy since the 16th Century. Since the 16th Century, it has featured prominently as part of the coat of arms of the Vatican, usually with the crossed keys of claims of authority from St Peter. Any text or other claim that alleges the three-tiered crown is older than the 16th Century is deliberately false.
to Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303) the antipopes of the Roman Cult wore fabric, not metallic headdress, similar to the Persian High Priests of Mithra. However in 1302 Boniface issued his infamous Papal Bull Unam Sanctam, being the first Express Trust claiming control over the whole planet and effectively “King of the world”. In celebration, he commissioned a gold plated headdress in the shape of a pinecone, with an elaborate crown at its base.
The pinecone is an ancient symbol of fertility and one traditionally associated with Ba’al as well as the Cult of Cybele.
http://static.wix.com/media/0ad54b_74694ae3bca59c06f6fcda50f0fe9a4a.jpg_srz_30 8_386_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz

The 1st Crown of Crown Land
While Pope Boniface VIII was the first leader in history to create the concept of a Trust, the first Testamentary Trust (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testamentary_trust) through a deed and will creating a Deceased Estate was not until Pope Nicholas V in 1455 through the Papal Bull Romanus Pontifex. This is only one of three (3) papal bulls to include the line with the incipit “For a perpetual remembrance.” This Bull had the effect of conveying the right of use of the land as Real Property from the Express Trust Unam Sanctam to the control of the Pontiff and his successors in perpetuity. Hence, all land is claimed as “crown land”.
This 1st Crown is represented by the 1st cestui Que Vie Trust created when a child is born, depriving them of all their beneficial entitlements and rights on the land at birth.
http://static.wix.com/media/0ad54b_4fec64125159dfe0faee20bb9fed05b1.jpg_srz_28 9_387_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz

The 2nd Crown of the Commonwealth
The second Crown was created in 1481 with the papal bull Aeterni Regis meaning “Eternal Crown” by Sixtus IV being only the 2nd of three papal bulls as deeds of testamentary trusts.
This Papal Bull created what is known as the “Crown of Aragon”, later known as the Crown of Spain, being the highest sovereign and highest steward of all Roman Slaves subject to the rule of the Roman Pontiff. Spain lost the crown in 1604 when it was granted to King James I of England by Pope Paul V after the successful passage of the “Union of Crowns” or Commonwealth in 1605 after the false flag operation of the Gunpowder Plot.
The Crown was finally lost by England in 1975 when it was returned to Spain and King Carlos I, where it remains to this day.
This 2nd Crown is represented by the 2nd cestui Que Vie Trust created when a child is
born being the sale of the birth certificate as a Bond to the private central bank of the nation, depriving them of ownership of their flesh and condemning them to perpetual servitude as a Roman person, or slave.
The 3rd Crown of the Ecclesiastical See
The third Crown was created in 1537 by Paul III through the papal bull Convocation also meant to open the Council of Trent being the third an final testamentary deed and will of a testamentary trust, being the trust set up for the claiming of all “lost souls”, lost to the See.
The Venetians assisted in the creation of the 1st cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 to use this papal bull as the basis of Ecclesiastical authority of Henry VIII. This Crown was secretly granted to England in the collection and “reaping” of lost souls.
The Crown was lost in 1815 due to the deliberate bankruptcy of England and granted to the Temple Bar, which became known as the Crown Bar, or simply the Crown.
The Bar Associations have been responsible ever since in administering the “reaping” of the souls of the lost and damned, including the registration and collection of Baptismal certificates representing the souls collected by the Vatican and stored in its vaults.
http://static.wix.com/media/0ad54b_7034d5c86fbb08c93b2b57304813348f.jpg_srz_29 3_386_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz

31st December 2013, 06:26 PM
This 3rd Crown is represented by the 3rd cestui Que Vie Trust created when a child is baptized being the grant of the Baptismal certificate by the parents to the church or Registrar being the gift of title of the soul. Thus, without legal title over one’s own soul, a man or woman may be “legally” denied right to stand as a person, but may be treated as a creature and thing without legally possessing a soul. Hence, why the Bar Association is able to legally enforce Maritime law against men and women- because they can be treated as things, cargo that does not possess a soul.
http://static.wix.com/media/0ad54b_845deaa74c7e4bb0627cb03dad7e2597.png_srz_51 7_386_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_png_srz

UCC Connection, Laws and How They Affect You.
The Redmption Manual Download (http://ageoflucidity.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/the20redmption20manual.pdf)
The frustrations many Americans feel about our judicial system can be overwhelming and often frightening; and, like most fear, is based on lack of understanding or knowledge. Those of use how have chosen a path out of bondage and into liberty are faced, eventually, with the seemingly tyrannical power of some governmental agency and the mystifying and awesome power of the courts. We have been taught that we must “get a good lawyer,” but that is becoming increasingly difficult, if not impossible. If we are defending ourselves from the government, we find that the lawyers quickly take our money and then tell us as the ship is sinking, “I can’t help you with that — I’m an officer of the court.”
Ultimately, the only way for us to have ever a “snowballs’ change” is to understand the RULES OF THE GAME and to come to and understanding of the true nature of the Law. The lawyers have established and secured a virtual monopoly over this area of human knowledge by implying that the subject is just too difficult for the AVERAGE PERSON to understand, and by creating a separate vocabulary out of English words of otherwise common usage. While it may, at times, seem hopelessly complicated, it is not that difficult to grasp. Are lawyers really as smart as they would have us believe?
Besides, anyone who has been through a legal battle against the government with the aid of a lawyer has come to realize that lawyers know procedure, not law.
Then answered one of the lawyers, and said unto him, master, thus saying thou reproachest us also. And he said, woe unto you also, ye lawyers! For ye made men with burdens grievous to be born, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers… Woe unto you, lawyers! For ye have taken away the key of knowledge; ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered. (Luke 11:45-52) Besides, anyone who has been through a legal battle against the government with the aid of a lawyer has come to realize that lawyers learn about procedure, not about law.
Mr. Freeman admits he is not a lawyer. And as such, he has a way of explaining law to us that puts it well within our reach.
Consider also that the framer of the Constitution wrote in language simple enough that the people could understand, specifically so that it would NOT have to be interpreted.
So again we find, as in many other areas of life, “THE BUCK STOPS HERE!” It is we who must take the responsibility for finding and putting to good use the TRUTH! It is we who must claim and defend our God given rights and our freedom form those who would take them from us. It is WE who must protect ourselves, our families, and our posterity from the inevitable intrusion into our lives by those who live parasitically off the labor, skill and talents of others.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/ee/GestatorialChair1.jpg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:GestatorialChair1.jpg)Pope Pius XII, wearing the traditional 1877 Papal Tiara, is carried through St Peter’s Basilica on a sedia gestatoria c. 1955. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

To these ends, Mr. Freeman offers a simple, hopeful explanation of our plight and a PEACEFUL method of dealing with it. Please take note that this lecture represents one chapter in the book of his understanding, which he is always refining, expanding, improving. It is, as all bits of wisdom are, a point of departure from which to begin our own journey into understanding, that we all might be able to pas on to others: greater knowledge and hope, and to God: the gift of lives lived in peace, freedom and praise.
“I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.” [Matthew 10:16]
================================================== =========THE UCC CONNECTION
*”I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.”*
================================================== ========
When I beat the IRS, I used Supreme Court (SC) decisions. If I had tried to use these in court, I would have been convicted.
I was involved with a patriot group and I studied Supreme Court cases. I concluded that the SC had declared that I was not a person required to file an income tax — that that tax was an excise tax on privileges granted by government. So I quit filing and paying income taxes and it was not long before they came down on me with a heavy hand. They issued a notice of deficiency, which had such a fantastic sum on it that the biggest temptation was to go in with their letter and say “Where in the world did you ever get that figure?” They claimed I owed them some $60,000. But even if I had been paying taxes, I never had that much money, so how could I have owed them that much?
SECTION1: Never Argue The Amount Of Deficiency.
Fortunately, I had been given just a little bit of information: NEVER ARGUE THE FACTS IN A TAX CASE. If you’re not required to file, what do you care whether they say you owe sixty dollars or $60,000. If you are not required to file, the amount doesn’t matter. DON’T ARGUE THE AMOUNT — that is a fact issue. In most instances, when you get a Notice of Deficiency, it is usually for some fantastic amount. The minute you say, “I don’t owe that much,” you have agreed that you owe them something, and you have given them jurisdiction. Just don’t be shocked at the amount on a Notice of Deficiency, (NOD) even if it is ten million dollars! If the law says that you are not required to file or pay tax, the amount doesn’t matter.
By arguing the amount, they will just say that you must go to tax court and decide what the amount is to be. By the time you get to tax court, the law issues are all decided. You are only there to decide HOW MUCH YOU OWE. They will not listen to arguments of law.
So I went to see the agent and told him that I wasn’t required to file. He said, “You ARE required to file, Mr. Freeman.” But I had all these SC cases, and I started reading them to him.
He said, “I don’t know anything about law, Mr. Freeman, but the Code says that you are required to file, and you’re going to pay that amount or you’re going to go to tax court.” I thought that someone there ought to know something about law, so I asked to talk to his superior. I went to him and got out my SC cases, and he wouldn’t listen to them. “I don’t know anything about law, Mr. Freeman….” Finally I got to the Problems Resolution Officer, and he said the same thing. He said that
the only person above him was the District Director. So I went to see him. By the time I got to his office, they had phoned ahead, and his secretary said he was out. But I heard someone in his office, and I knew he was there. I went down the elevator, around the corner to the Federal Building and into Senator Simpson’s office. There was a girl sitting there at a desk, and she asked me if she could help me. I told her my problem. I said that I really thought the District Director was up there. I asked her to call the IRS and tell them that it was Senator Simpson’s office calling and to ask if the District Director was in. I said, “If you get him on the phone, tell him that you are from the Senator’s office and you have a person who you are sending over to speak to him — if he is, can he wait just five minutes.” It worked.
He was there, and I ran back up to his office. His secretary met me when I am in and said, “Mr. Freeman, you’re so lucky – the Director just arrived.”
The Director was very nice and offered me coffee and cookies and we sat and talked. So he asked me what I wanted to talk to talk to him about. (If you never have someone say to you, “I’m from the government and I’m here to do you a favor” watch out! — But we can turn that around and approach them the same way.) So I said, “I thought you ought to know that there are agents working for you who are writing letters over your name that you wouldn’t agree with. Do you read all the mail that goes out of this office over your signature?” The Director said, “Oh, I couldn’t read everything — it goes out here by the bag full.” That was what I thought. I said, “There are some of your agents writing letters which contradict the decisions of the SC of the United States and they’re not doing it over their name, they’re doing it over YOUR name.”
He was very interested to hear about it and asked if I had any examples. I just happened to have some with me, so I got them out and presented them to him. [Supreme Court cases supporting his position] He thought it was very interesting and asked if I could leave this information with him, which I did. He said he would look it over and contact me within 3 days. Three days later he called me up and said, “I’m sure, Mr. Freeman, that you will be glad to know that your Notice of Deficiency has been withdrawn. We’ve determined that you’re not a person required to file. Your file is closed and you will hear no more from us.” I haven’t heard another word from them since. That was in 1980 and I haven’t filed since 1969.
SECTION2: The Supreme Court on Trial.
I thought sure I had the answer, but when a friend got charged with Willful Failure to File an income tax, he asked me to help him. I told him that they would have to prove that he _willfully_ failed to file and I suggested that he should put
me on the witness stand. He should ask me if I spoke at a certain time and place in Scott’s Bluff and did I see him in the audience. He should then ask me what I spoke of that day.
When I got on the stand. I brought out all of the SC cases I had used with the District Director. I thought I would be lucky to get a sentence or two out before the judge cut me off, but I was reading whole paragraphs and the judge didn’t stop me. I read one and then another and so on. And finally when I had read just about as much as I thought I should, the judge called a recess of the court. I told Bob I thought we had it made. There was just no way that they could rule against him after all that testimony. So we relaxed.
The prosecution presented it’s case and he [Bob] decided to rest his case on my testimony, which showed that he was not required to file and that the SC had upheld this position. The prosecution then presented it’s closing statements and we were just sure that he had won. But at the very end, _the judge spoke to the jury and told them, “You will decide the facts of this case and I will give you the law. The law required this man to file and Income Tax form; you decide whether or not he filed it.” What a shock! The jury convicted him. Later some of the members of the jury said, “What could we do? The man had admitted that he had not filed the form, so we had to convict him.”
As soon as the trial was over, I went around to the judge’s office and he was just coming in through his back door. I said, “Judge, by what authority do you overturn the standing decisions of the United States SC? You sat on the bench while I read that case law. Now how do you, a District Court Judge, have the authority to overturn decisions of the Supreme Court?”
He says, “Oh, those were old decisions.” I said, “Those are standing decisions. They have never been overturned. I don’t care how old they are; you have no right to overturn a standing decision of the US SC in a District Court.”
SECTION3: Public Law vs. Public Policy.
He said, “Name any decision of the Supreme Court after 1938 and I’ll honor it, but all the decisions you read were prior to 1938. He went on, “Prior to 1938, the Supreme Court was dealing with Public Law; since 1938, the Supreme Court has dealt with Public Policy. The charge that Mr. S was being tried for is a Public Policy Statute; not Public Public Law, and those Supreme Court cases do not apply to Public Policy.” I asked him what happened in 1938. He said that he had already told me too much — he wasn’t going to tell me any more.
SECTION4: 1938 And The Erie Railroad.
Well, I began to investigate. I found that 1938 was the year of the Erie Railroad
vs. Tompkins case of the Supreme Court. It was also the year the courts claim they blended Law with Equity. I read the Erie Railroad case. A man had sued the Erie railroad for damages when he was struck by a board sticking out of a boxcar as he walked along beside the tracks. The district court had decided on commercial (Negotiable Instruments) Law; that this man was not under any contract with the Erie Railroad, and therefore he lacked standing to sue the company. Under the Common Law (Natural Law), he was damaged and he would have had the right to sue.
This overturned a standing decision of over one hundred years. Swift “S. Tyson in 1840 was a similar case, and the decision of the Supreme Court then was that in a case of this type, the court would judge by the Common Law (Natural Law) of the state where the incident occurred – in this case Pennsylvania. In the Erie Railroad case, the Supreme Court now ruled that all federal cases will be judged under the Negotiable Instruments Law. There would be no more decisions based on the Common Law at the federal level. So here we find the blending of Law with Equity.
This was a puzzle to me. As I put these new pieces together I reasoned that all our courts since 1938 were Merchant Law courts and not Common Law courts. There were still pieces missing from the puzzle.
SECTION 5: A Friend In Court.
Fortunately, I made a friend of a judge. Now you won’t make friends with a judge if you go into the court like a “wolf in black sheep country.” You must approach him as though you are the sheep and he is the wolf. If you go into court as a wolf, you make demands and tell the judge what the law is — how he had better uphold the law or else… Remember the verse: I send you out as a sheep in wolf country; be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. We have to go into court and be wise and harmless, and not make demands. We must play a little dumb and ask a lot of questions. Well, I asked a lot of questions and boxed the judges into the corner where they had to give me a victory or admit what they didn’t want to admit.
I won the case and on the way out I had to stop by the clerk’s office to get some papers. One of the judges stopped and said, “You’re an interesting man, Mr. Freeman. If you’re ever in town, stop by and if I’m not sitting on a case we will visit.”
SECTION 6: America Is Bankrupt.
Later, when I went to visit the judge, I told him of my problem with the Supreme Court cases dealing with Public Policy rather than Public Law. He said, “In 1938, all the higher judges, the top attorneys, and the U.S. Attorneys were
called into a secret meeting and this is what we were told: ‘America is a bankrupt nation. It is owned completely by its creditors. The creditors own the Congress, they own the Executive, they own the Judiciary and they own all the State Governments. Take silent judicial notice of this fact, but never reveal it openly. Your court is operating under Admiralty Jurisdiction – call it anything you want, but do not call it “Admiralty.”
SECTION 7: Admiralty Courts.
The reason they cannot call it Admiralty Jurisdiction is that your defense would be quite different in Admiralty Jurisdiction from your defense under the Common Law. In Admiralty, there is no court, which has jurisdiction unless there is a valid International contract in dispute. If you know it is Admiralty Jurisdiction, and they have admitted on the record that you are in an Admiralty Court, you can demand that the international maritime contract, to which you are supposedly party, and which you supposedly have breached, be placed into evidence.
No court has Admiralty/Maritime Jurisdiction unless there is a valid international maritime contract that has been breached.
So you say, just innocently like a lamb, “Well, I never knew that I got involved with an international maritime contract, so I deny that such a contract exists. If this court is taking jurisdiction in Admiralty, then place the contract in evidence, so that I might challenge the validity of the contract.” What they would have to do is place the _national debt_ into evidence. They would have to admit that the international bankers own the whole nation, and that we are their slaves.
SECTION 8: Not Expedient.
But the bankers said it is not expedient at this time to admit that they own everything and could foreclose on every nation of the world. [My note: DAMN RIGHT! "At this time" That is the KEY behind the building up of the UN as a MILITARY FORCE! That is the KEY to disarming America. That is the KEY to "ending" the cold war. Like now we have no more enemy, so we can melt all our guns. WRONG. The Bankers PLAN to foreclose, they just don't want their HEADS BLOWN OFF WHILE DOING IT, so they DICTATE to the "congress" to get rid of the guns." eg]
The reason they don’t want to tell everyone that they own everything is that there are still too many privately owned guns. There are uncooperative armies and other military forces. So until they can gradually consolidate all armies into a WORLD ARMY, and all courts into a WORLD COURT, it is not expedient to admit the jurisdiction of the courts are operating under.
When we understand these things, we realize that there are certain secrets they don’t want to admit, and we can use this to our benefit.
SECTION 9: Jurisdiction.
The Constitution of the United States mentions three areas of jurisdiction in which the courts may operate:
SECTION 10: Common Law.
Common Law (Natural or Constitutional Law) is based on [the Creator's] Laws as originally presented by Moses. Anytime someone is charged under the Common Law, there must be a damaged party. You are free under the Common Law to do anything you pleases, as long as you do not infringe on the life, liberty, or property of someone else. You have a right to make a fool of yourself provided you do not infringe on the life, liberty, or property of someone else. The Common Law does not allow for any governmental action which prevents a man from making a fool of himself. For instance, when you cross state line 5, you will probably see a sign which says, “BUCKLE YOUR SEAT BELTS – IT’S THE LAW.” This cannot be Common Law because who would you injure if you did not buckle up? Nobody. This would be compelled performance. But Common Law cannot compel performance. Any violation of Common Law is a CRIMINAL ACT, and is punishable.
SECTION 11: Equity Law.
Equity Law is law which compels performance. It compels you to perform to the exact letter of any contract that you are under. So, if you have compelled performance, there must be a contract somewhere and you are being compelled to perform under the obligation of the contract. Now this can only be a civil action — not criminal. In Equity Jurisdiction, you cannot be tried criminally, but you can be compelled to perform to the letter of the contract. If you then refuse to perform as directed by the court, you can be charged with the contempt of court, this is a criminal action. Are our set belt laws Equity laws? No. They are not, because you cannot be penalized or punished for not keeping to the letter of the contract. [This has of course changed since the publishing of the article, so read on.... e.g.]
SECTION 12: Admiralty or Maritime Law.
This is a civil jurisdiction of Compelled Performance, which also has Criminal Penalties for not adhering to the letter of the contract, but this only applies to International Contracts.
Now we can see what jurisdiction the seat belt laws (and all traffic laws, building codes, ordinances, tax codes, etc) are under. Whenever there is a penalty for failure to perform (such as willful failure to file) that is Admiralty/Maritime Law and there must be a valid international contract in force.
However, the courts don’t want to admit that they are operating under Admiralty/Maritime Jurisdiction, so they took the international law or Law Merchant and adopted it into our codes. This is what the SC decided in the Erie Railroad case – that the decisions would be based on commercial law or business law and that it will have criminal penalties associated with it. Since they were instructed not to call it A/M Jurisdiction, they call it Statutory Jurisdiction.
[My note: I looked for Statutory Jurisdiction in the 4th edition of Black's. It's not there, so looked up Statue and under the definition is this paragraph: This word is used to designate the written law in contradistinction to the unwritten law. Foster v. Brown, 199 Ga. 444, 34 S.E.2d, 530 535 See Common Law.
Unwritten law is common law, contradistinction you can look up, but it means "as opposed to" "opposite to." Also I looked up Common Law (with my new understanding) and it's quite enlightening! :)]
SECTION 13: Courts Of Contract.
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4042/4347623505_e509d0da04_m.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/8804814@N08/4347623505)Trust Nokia? (Photo credit: Unlisted Sightings)
You may ask how we got into this situation where we can be charged with failure to wear set belts and be fine for it. Isn’t the judge sworn to up hold the Constitution? Yes, he is. But you must understand that the Constitution in Art. I, Sect. 10, gives us the unlimited right to contract as long as we do not infringe on the life, liberty, or property of someone else. Contracts are enforceable, and the Constitution gives two jurisdictions where contracts can be enforced, Equity or Admiralty. But we find them being enforced in Statutory Jurisdiction. This is the embarrassing part for the courts, but we can use this to box the judges into a corner in their own courts. We will cover this more later.
SECTION 14: Contracts Must Be Voluntary.
Under the Common Law, both parties must enter into every contract knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally or it is void and unenforceable. These are characteristics of a Common Law contract.
There is another characteristic – it must be based on substance. For example, contracts used to read, “For one dollar and other valuable considerations, I will paint your house, etc.” That was a valid contract — the dollar was a genuine silver dollar.
Now suppose you wrote a contract that said, “For one Federal Reserve Note and other considerations, I will paint your house.” And suppose for example, I painted your house the wrong color. Could you go into a Common Law court and get justice? NO, you could not.You see a Federal Reserve Note is a “colorable” dollar, as it has no substance, and in a Common Law jurisdiction, that contract would be unenforceable.
“Colorable: That which is in appearance only, and not in reality, what it purports to be; hence counterfeit, feigned, having the appearance of truth.” Black’s Law Dictionary, 5th ed.
SECTION 15: Colorable Money And Colorable Courts.
The word “colorable” means something that appears to be genuine, but is not. Maybe it looks like a dollar, and maybe it spends like a dollar, but it if is not redeemable for lawful money (silver or gold) it is “colorable.” If a Federal Reserve Note is used in a contract, then the contract becomes a “colorable” contract. And “colorable” contracts must be enforced under a “colorable” jurisdiction. So by creating Federal Reserve Note, the government had to create a jurisdiction to cover the kinds of contracts that use them. We now have what is called Statutory Jurisdiction, which is not a genuine Admiralty jurisdiction. It is a “colorable” Admiralty Jurisdiction the judges are enforcing because we are using “colorable money.” Colorable Admiralty is now known as Statutory Jurisdiction. Let’s see how we got under this Statutory Jurisdiction.
SECTION 16: Uniform Commercial Code.
The government setup a “colorable” law system to fit the “Colorable” currency. It used to be called the Law Merchant or the Law of Redeemable Instruments, because it dealt with paper, which was redeemable in something of substance. But once Federal Reserve Notes had become unredeemable, there had to be a system of law, which was completely “colorable” from start to finish. This system of law was codified as the Uniform Commercial Code, and has been adopted in every state. This is “colorable” law, and it is used in all the courts.
I explained one of the keys earlier, which is that the country is bankrupt and we have no rights. If the master says “Jump!” Then the slave had better jump, because the master has the right to cut his head off. As slaves we have no rights. But the creditors/masters had to cover that up, so the created a system of law called the UCC. This “colorable” jurisdiction under the UCC is the next key to understanding what has happened.

[h=6]Related articles

The Papal Bull (http://trolldens.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-papal-bull.html) (trolldens.blogspot.com)
Corpus juris canonici, a 1661 Edition. (http://jamesgray2.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/corpus-juris-canonici-a-1661-edition/) (jamesgray2.wordpress.com)
Papal Bull (http://psicaptain.wordpress.com/2013/03/03/papal-bull/) (psicaptain.wordpress.com)
Papal Bull (http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20130330/blogs/papal-bull.463478) (timesofmalta.com)
Bird on a Briar: a 700-year-old mystery (http://bennisonbooks.wordpress.com/2013/04/08/bird-on-a-briar-a-700-year-old-mystery/) (bennisonbooks.wordpress.com)
The truth about Templars!! Chronicon militaris ordinis equitum Templariorum (http://jamesgray2.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/the-truth-about-templars-chronicon-militaris-ordinis-equitum-templariorum/) (jamesgray2.wordpress.com)


2nd January 2014, 02:12 PM
please notice the gold and silver keys in the emblem of the Papacy :)

great info Serpo, I don't know if you have seen that one with Santos Bonacci yet...

this thread should get as many hits and replies as when Zionists are targeted,
but it aint so... the bias works both ways it seems ???

unfortunately, resolving this mess will demand the dismantlement of all world churches... right the revelation is coming

Law and Language - Santos Bonacci Part One


part 2 on YT page

3rd January 2014, 12:09 PM
yesterday I watched Know Thyself with Santos Bonnaci .. . I will not post it on here, if you wish to hear the truth, a quick search will direct you to this highly valuable knowledge.

Great presentation saying that basically 666 is actually the number of Roman Church. The nemeses are inside the gate, as usual. There still are beautiful parables worth mastering in the Bible but it has been so infiltrated with corrupt spiritual notions that the roman church wont survive it. Bonnacci points to all astrological positions of the planets to explain biblical events, and that from other beliefs. 12 months/astrological signs 12 apostles, 12 tribes of Judas... why the virgin birth, the Assumption in Virgo... irrefutable, I am afraid.. be VERY upset, we have been had.

in two words, astro-theology is here to stay and IS a science perfectly well understood by those waging this war on Consciousness. One finds the same elements/principles in all myths and religions.

how clever: astrology is evil, the one world religion is evil.... absolutely laughable. Divide and conquer at its finest. This is the B-I-G-G-E-S-T SCAM EVER... nefarious usury comes second

we cannot go after the zionists without taking down the Roman Church - and otherwise. Sorry folks :(

3rd January 2014, 12:59 PM
i always find it amusing that all of the catholic bashers aren't catholic, have never set foot in a catholic church, and get the majority of their info about the church from the exorcist and sorcha faal.

3rd January 2014, 01:51 PM
The original Norwegian constitution banned Jesuits, jews and monk orders from entering the country. Of course today the removal of that part from it is celebrated as progress.

3rd January 2014, 01:58 PM
You have it back-assward. The Zionist Jews are the head of the hydra and the catholic church is one of their tentacles.

You are incorrect and serpo is correct. The "Zionist Jews" are the current scapegoats and the ones made to have fingers pointed at.
The Roman Catholic church has been around way longer than this currect bunch of scapegoats.

The head of wickedness (humanly speaking) is THEM.

3rd January 2014, 02:02 PM
i always find it amusing that all(?) of the catholic bashers aren't catholic, have never set foot in a catholic church, and get the majority of their info about the church from the exorcist and sorcha faal.

100% incorrect. I was baptised (water sprinkled) Roman Catholic and raised Roman Catholic.

I got SAVED...and got OUT of this system of wickedness. I KNOW not just book knowledge but from personal experience Roman Catholicism and what "spirit" is behind it

Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

3rd January 2014, 02:24 PM
i always find it amusing that all of the catholic bashers aren't catholic, have never set foot in a catholic church, and get the majority of their info about the church from the exorcist and sorcha faal.

You may find this "amusing" but I sure dont.

If you want to believe in an institution for your spiritual wealth then so be it .

The exorcist and source fail? ,now you are making stuff up.........................

3rd January 2014, 02:31 PM
100% incorrect. I was baptised (water sprinkled) Roman Catholic and raised Roman Catholic.

I got SAVED...and got OUT of this system of wickedness. I KNOW not just book knowledge but from personal experience Roman Catholicism and what "spirit" is behind it

Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Mine is from personal experience also.

People dont like the catholic church being bashed so they fail to wake up and understand the true reality of the world and choose instead to hide behind the Papal frock...........

3rd January 2014, 02:37 PM

3rd January 2014, 02:41 PM
where's the rolling my eyes thingy?

3rd January 2014, 02:44 PM
where's the rolling my eyes thingy?

in church

3rd January 2014, 02:49 PM
so tell me knowers of the eviiiil catholic church, did you just get dragged to church as kids and that's where you got your inside knowledge, or did you become an active member of the church, actually do things, and that's where you got your knowledge of the eviiil catholic church?

i suspect many of you were just drug there and never actually did anything other than sit in a pew for 55 minutes. then again, maybe you all were big volunteers and helped out with charity but then saw the light. as for myself, i'm still in the "actually do stuff phase." i guess i have not yet reached a high enough super secret level where the evilness is disclosed to me. i'm a lowly work at the homeless shelter with my priest last saturday for 7 hours level. maybe they will let me in on it tomorrow morning when we deliver food baskets.

shit! maybe i shouldn't show to help with the food baskets for poor people tomorrow, that is probably helping the devil! maybe i should stay home and read wordpress websites instead, that is probably a bigger help.

3rd January 2014, 03:08 PM
What a big bunch of baloney.

How many times have you seen/heard of pedo Catholic Priests? now how many pedo Rabbis?

3rd January 2014, 03:17 PM
First of all I do not claim to be a knower of anything as that is basically a past tense phrase.

Second of all it is the truth about ALL things I have ever been interested in.

Third of all my explanation would take hours of typing .

Fourth of all ,I am sorry if my statements may upset some people and their beliefs.

My awakening was spiritual first and foremost with understanding all the other stuff coming later(stuff we talk about here a lot)

A lot of my close friends are catholic.

It is up to yourself to see the truth of anything .

It isnt really my place too criticize (notice I do this very rarely) religions and I mean ALL religions.

Until we see or realise things for ourselves then believe no one ,including me.

I also understand that no answer I give is going to satisfy a believer.

I teach tai chi (for free)in a catholic school hall through an organisation that has its office (photocopying) in a masonic lodge building..............

Keep up the good work Chad .

Its just unfortunate that I truly believe that the Catholic Church is indeed the Anti Christ.

3rd January 2014, 03:33 PM
First of all I do not claim to be a knower of anything as that is basically a past tense phrase.

Second of all it is the truth about ALL things I have ever been interested in.

Third of all my explanation would take hours of typing .

Fourth of all ,I am sorry if my statements may upset some people and their beliefs.

My awakening was spiritual first and foremost with understanding all the other stuff coming later(stuff we talk about here a lot)

A lot of my close friends are catholic.

It is up to yourself to see the truth of anything .

It isnt really my place too criticize (notice I do this very rarely) religions and I mean ALL religions.

Until we see or realise things for ourselves then believe no one ,including me.

I also understand that no answer I give is going to satisfy a believer.

I teach tai chi (for free)in a catholic school hall through an organisation that has its office (photocopying) in a masonic lodge building..............

Keep up the good work Chad .

Its just unfortunate that I truly believe that the Catholic Church is indeed the Anti Christ.

i appreciate that, at the end of the day, although we may disagree sometimes, i still consider you a class act. peace.

3rd January 2014, 04:59 PM
You are ruled by what you believe rules you if you are ignorant of Truth.

Most are slaves to their emotions which are their master.

Truth governs all and everything since Truth is the supply of power while lies which are finite and fragile and want to become infinite and indestructible are the demand for power.

Of course Truth only supplies what is needed not what is wanted...The life and death (duality) of lies is governed by Truth (singularity)

The greatest enemy you face was born the exact same instant you were born and can be found by looking into a mirror.

3rd January 2014, 06:28 PM
You are incorrect and serpo is correct. The "Zionist Jews" are the current scapegoats and the ones made to have fingers pointed at.
The Roman Catholic church has been around way longer than this currect bunch of scapegoats.

The head of wickedness (humanly speaking) is THEM.

Dunno, it can go either way but just like an earlier post stated that to look at who's in power, just look at whom you cannot criticize. The RCC has been controlled ever since they let the Rothschilds take control of their finances.....

3rd January 2014, 07:06 PM
I have no vendetta on anything although the TRUTH is important to me......

The world is expecting the antichrist to come in the near future. Will the antichrist announce his arrival when he gets here? An essence of evil surrounds the term antichrist, and evil rarely works openly. Instead, evil usually wears a facade of righteousness to cover its real character in order more easily to deceive. THE ANTICHRIST HIDES BEHIND A FACADE. What better facade than a “church” to cover the antichrist’s real identity? The Bible tells us that Satan, the devil, “deceives the whole world.” (Revelation 12:9). Everyone in the world has been deceived by the devil and by his agent, the antichrist. ATROCITY Hitler has been thoroughly condemned by the world for murdering six million Jews during the Second World War. This holocaust is frequently talked about even today, and many books have been written on this subject condemning Hitler and his associates. THE GREATEST ATROCITY During the Dark Ages the Catholic Church slaughtered over 150 million Christians, and this atrocity is never mentioned today! The world has almost completely forgotten the many millions of people who were burned at the stake by the papacy because they wanted to worship God according to the Bible. The slaughter in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, and Croatia is a direct result of the Vatican’s involvement in this area, but you will never hear about it because the Jesuit-controlled news media not only refuse to mention it but they lie about the situation to keep the papacy from being suspected of their true involvement. FROM HISTORY A secular history book declares: “That the Church of Rome has shed more innocent blood than any other institution that has ever existed among mankind, will be questioned by no Protestant who has a competent knowledge of history.” — W. E. H. Lecky, History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe, (reprint: New York: Braziller, 1955), Vol. 2, pp. 40-45. The papacy still claims that it has a right to slaughter so-called “heretics,” as it did in the Dark Ages. “The Church of Rome says that she has a right to punish with the confiscation of their goods, or the penalty of death, those who differ in faith from the Pope.” Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, The Wickliffe Press, Protestant Truth Society, Wickliffe Avenue, 104 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London, N3., 1885, p. 376. FROM BIBLE PROPHECY Soon the papacy will once again attain enough raw political power to repeat the atrocities of the Dark Ages. Once again the Catholic Church will slaughter true Christians for wanting to worship God according to the Bible. Regardless of how impossible this seems to us today, once again the papacy and its agents will plunge the world into another dark age. A QUOTE FROM ABRAHAM LINCOLN ABOUT THE CIVIL WAR “This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to Popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and North, on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor any one of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promise of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholics, even the arms of France, were at their disposal if they would attack us.” Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, The Wickliffe Press, Protestant Truth Society, Wickliffe Avenue, 104 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London, N3., 1885, p. 388. FROM CATHOLIC STATEMENTS We are determined . . . to take possession of the United States, and rule them; but we cannot do that without acting secretly and with utmost wisdom. If our plans become known, they will surely be defeated. — ibid, p. 373. How sad will their awakening be, when, with our out-numbering votes, we will turn them, for ever, from every position of honor, power and profit! What will those hypocritical and godless sons and daughters of the fanatical Pilgrim Fathers say, when not a single judge, not a single teacher, not a single policeman will be elected if he be not a devoted . . . Roman Catholic? What will those so-called giants think of their matchless shrewdness and ability, when not a single Senator or member of Congress will be chosen, if he be not submitted to our holy father the Pope? What a sad figure those Protestant Yankees will cut when we will not only elect the President, but fill and command the armies, man the navies, and hold the keys of the public treasury?
Then, yes! then, we will rule the United States, and lay them at the feet of the Vicar of Jesus Christ [the pope], that he may put an end to their godless system of education, and sweep away those impious laws of liberty of conscience which are an insult to God and man!
. . . The American people must be very blind indeed, if they do not see that if they do nothing to prevent it, the day is very near when the Jesuits will rule their country, from the magnificent White House at Washington, to the humblest civil and military department of this vast Republic. — ibid, p. 374.
The papacy has made colossal fools of untold millions of people down through history, and it is still doing so today. To find out just how devious and underhanded the papacy is, read our page on The United States of America. (http://www.pacinst.com/america.htm) Comparing the facts of history with many Bible verses, our incredible books, Earth’s Final Hours (http://www.pacinst.com/efh/preamble.html), The Secret Terrorists (http://www.pacinst.com/terrorists/preamble.html), and When the United States Passes the National Sunday Law as Predicted in the Bible (http://www.pacinst.com/nslaw/preamble.html), show conclusively that the pope is the antichrist. After reading these books you will have no doubt about what the papacy really is or what it intends to do to the world in the near future. The complete texts of these books are available for downloading on these web pages. http://www.pacinst.com/antichri.htm

3rd January 2014, 07:35 PM
Dunno buds.... but when I see "Hitler" and "holocaust" in the same sentence, I start to tune out. When I see "Jesuit-controlled news media", I tune out even more....

3rd January 2014, 07:50 PM
Dunno buds.... but when I see "Hitler" and "holocaust" in the same sentence, I start to tune out. When I see "Jesuit-controlled news media", I tune out even more....

Everyones been tuning out on this subject forever....................

dosnt really worry me exactly ,its just my view point which of course can sound rather extreme ....................

3rd January 2014, 07:50 PM
Serpo is just trying to force the data to fit her preconceived myopic worldview. The roman catholic church doesn't control the vast majority of nations via the jewish run BIS and their central bank minions but this fact doesn't fit her model so it is discarded as anomalous, to you and I though it is a pivotal and defining datapoint.


3rd January 2014, 08:03 PM
Serpo is just trying to force the data to fit her preconceived myopic worldview. The roman catholic church doesn't control the vast majority of nations via the jewish run BIS and their central bank minions but this fact doesn't fit her model so it is discarded as anomalous, to you and I though it is a pivotal and defining datapoint.


Thank you for your response ,except I havnt had a sex change lately,although its not a bad idea mmmmmmmmmmmmm...........na

3rd January 2014, 10:11 PM
Also interesting that the one institution attacked for "not doing enough" to help the jews during the holocaust was... the Catholic Church (and Pius XII specifically).

3rd January 2014, 10:26 PM
Thank you for your response ,except I havnt had a sex change lately,although its not a bad idea mmmmmmmmmmmmm...........na

Like I care.

Notice how serpo doesn't refute the Jewish control of nations through central banking, she simply ignores this fact when asserting its the Jesuits. Either she is just plain ignorant with a fierce myopia or she is paid disinfo.

Doesn't matter either way, most here know the score so you're just waisting your time.


4th January 2014, 05:43 AM
Like I care.

Notice how serpo doesn't refute the Jewish control of nations through central banking, she simply ignores this fact when asserting its the Jesuits. Either she is just plain ignorant with a fierce myopia or she is paid disinfo.

Doesn't matter either way, most here know the score so you're just waisting your time.


And you are the complete FOOL

Notice how you have said nothing but attack my points with what ....nothing

and you think Im a women which makes you a complete idiot

The Jews through the Rothschild s run world finance for the CATHOLIC CHURCH............

This Jew thing has been stated over one million times on this forum, why do I need to state the obvious.

The jews drop phosphorus bombs on innocent children.

This is my belief and if you have a decent argument then explain it yourself if you are so clever .

Or is the only thing you are good at is attacking me ,calling me a disinfo agent ect is pathetic new comer.

4th January 2014, 01:06 PM
No, again you choose to ignore what has previously been posted on the subject. I'm not about to provide you with another history lesson.

Last time I gave you ample evidence and you simply ignored it. Remember this is not the first time you've tried to give this bull shit a run.

The Jews have always been at the apex of power in western society indirectly through their control of the fiat system. Who is the god of the Catholic Church again? That's right it 'the god of Abraham' and what is it's origin? It's Semitic. You are ignoring all good evidence in place of your flawed pet theory, what annoys you is that apart from singular, nobody here is listening as they know your viewpoint is just plain whacky.

Haha. :D

4th January 2014, 01:12 PM
again nothing, at least you are consistant

4th January 2014, 01:22 PM
Wilfully ignorant AND blind, that's a bad combination you dumb smuck.

What annoys you is that nobody listening, but if you need to use me as your whipping boy, then go for it!


4th January 2014, 01:33 PM
This thread would of faded except for your BUMPING hahah ............................. hurry now you will be late for church Irish Catholic

4th January 2014, 01:54 PM
This thread would of faded except for your BUMPING hahah ............................. hurry now you will be late for church Irish Catholic

What's funny is that you're having a hard time convincing anybody about Jesuit world domination.

The only recognition you've gotten is ridicule, which I need to inform you is the wrong kind...;)

4th January 2014, 02:10 PM
This is one thread of many I post , Im not craving approval for what I post at all ,even if no one agrees with me at all ,then thats alright also.

Do you think I am here to win approval from others and that I should just post stuff that everyone approves of,kinda boring dont you think.

And thanks for the bump ,you maybe interested in reading this ..................

http://www.catholic.cephasministry.com/bar.gif A List of Masons in The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church I. Introduction The essence of the Third Secret of Fatima is that Satan has entered the Catholic Church, bringing with him agents to occupy highest positions in the Church. Here are the revelations by the Blessed Virgin Mary and Our Lord Jesus Christ through Veronica Lueken as a voice box:

"How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." (Our Lady through Veronica, May 13, 1978.)
"Satan, Lucifer in human form, entered into Rome in the year 1972. He cut off the rule of the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI. Lucifer has controlled Rome and continues his control now." (Our Lady through Veronica, September 7, 1978.)
"I say this evening, as your God, that on that date, as promised at Fatima, satan entered My Church upon earth. He brought with him his agents -- and satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind -- sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort My doctrines and distort the truth ... You will speak out and say that satan is in the Church, My Church upon earth. He knows his time is growing short." (Our Lord through Veronica Lueken, June 18, 1986.)
"Yes, My child, even with Vatican II, it started out with the best resolves, but then satan took over the scene. And with his agents he reached into the highest professions, the highest league of the Hierarchy, until, it saddens Me to say that many priests are now on the road to perdition and taking many others with them." (Our Lord through Veronica Lueken, July 25, 1985.)
Editor's Note: For additional information see http://www.cephasministry.com/world_church_black_magick_pope.html

These are confirmed by at least another source: The Blessed Virgin Mary's words to Father Don Stefano Gobbi:

"I am weeping because the Church is continuing along the road of division, of loss of the true faith, of apostasy and of errors which are being spread more and more without anyone offering opposition to them. Even now, that which I predicted at Fatima and that which I have revealed here in the third message confided to a little daughter of mine (i.e. Sister Lucia) is in the process of being accomplished. And so, even for the Church the moment of its great trial has come, because the man of iniquity will establish himself within it and the abomination of desolation will enter into the holy temple of God." (To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, No. 362, September 15, 1987, p. 572.)
"The black beast like a leopard indicates Freemasonry; the beast with the two horns like a lamb indicates Freemasonry infiltrated into the interior of the Church, that is to say, ecclesiastical Masonry, which has spread especially among the members of the hierarchy. This Masonic infiltration, in the interior of the Church, was already foretold to you by me at Fatima, when I announced to you that Satan would enter in even to the summit of the Church. If the task of Masonry is to lead souls to perdition, bringing them to the worship of false divinities, the task of ecclesiastical Masonry on the other hand is that of destroying Christ and his Church, building a new idol, namely a false christ and a false church." (To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, No. 406, June 13, 1989, p. 649) (Source: To The Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, 12th English Edition,1991, The Marian Movement of Priests, Rev. Albert G. Roux, P.O. Box 8, Francis, Maine 04774-0008. Also available in many foreign languages.)

This is the prediction of a combined forces of Communists and Masons gradually taking control of the Church and ultimately succeeding in installing an Anti-Pope who will be a henchman of the coming Anti-Christ. Then, it will be the completion of the mystery of iniquity.

"The Black Beast is also Masonry which has infiltrated the Church and attacks it, wounds it, and seeks by its subtle tactics to demolish it. Like a poisonous cloud, its spirit seeps in everywhere, to paralyze faith, extinguish apostolic ardor and produce an ever greater alienation from Jesus and his Gospel." (To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, No. 267, June 29, 1983, p. 391.)

Please see other messages given to Father Gobbi on the Huge Red Dragon, The Beast Like A Leopard, and the Beast Like a Lamb.
In this article we present some concrete evidence of the infiltration of Masons into highest levels of the Church except the Papal throne (so far, not yet). Virtually in all messages to true seers throughout the world, Pope John Paul II has been called "The Pope chosen by God." Our Lady calls him "He is my Pope" "The Pope of my light" (To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, No. 359, August 13, 1987, p. 564) and She asks all the Priests to support him and defend him (To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, No. 162, October 17, 1978, p. 225.) Our Lord in December 6, 1996 Message given to John Leary called him "My Pope":

Jesus said: "My people, I have sent you Pope John Paul II as the pope for the end times. He represents Me on earth and he is living the message to go out aud teach all nations. His faith is strong and resolute as the Holy Spirit guides what he is to say. He is My authority on earth and he guides My Church on the right path. Some have hesitated to recognize him as that authority, since they wish to follow their own agenda, which is not always in conformity with Church teachings. I tell you, My pope is following My Will for you and you should listen and follow what he tells you. Many want to change the traditions of the Church, but you should not listen to those who believe only in change for its own sake. My words are forever, and should not be changed or misinterpreted. Let Me guide you on your path to heaven, and do not waver by listening to today's false witnesses." (John Leary, Prepare for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace, Vol. 5, 1997.)

Our Lady has warned repeatedly on the assassination attempts against Pope John Paul II. She said:

"As I directed you before, Lucifer seeks to remove your Vicar, so that the Chair of Peter will be empty. Confusion then will abound ... And then, without your prayers and acts of penance, will come ... the end!" Our Lady through Veronica Lueken, October 2, 1979.)
"Unless you pray for your Vicar Pope John Paul II, he will be removed from among you. And if this takes place, there will be far worse sacrilege committed in the city of Rome and the parishes throughout the world ... When Pope John Paul II is removed, the Church shall be divided among itself. United it will stand, divided it will fall." ( Our Lady through Veronica Lueken, March 18, 1983.)

The Papacy has been an obstacle for the election of the Anti-Pope. Thus, Lucifer wants to remove Pope John Paul II from the Papal throne before the Anti-Christ can be revealed. This is indicated by 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-10:

"For unless there come a revolt first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God. Remember you not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now you know what withholdeth, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of the iniquity already worked: only that he who holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way. And then that wicked one shall be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: him, whose coming is according to the working of satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, and in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish: because they receive not the love of the truth that might be saved."

The following is a reprint with minor updates of the article Masons in Fidelis et Verus (Faithful and True), Issue 9, March-June, 1987, P.O. Box 409, Bethany, Missouri 64424, U.S.A.
II. Masons in the Catholic Church Masonry undermines all religion. Numerous Popes have spoken and written about the great evils of this secretive and infiltrative organization. In this article, we present our third exposé on Masonry and Freemasonry in an effort to alert the Faithful to a sobering fact: Masonry has entered the Church; or as Pope Paul VI himself said: "The smoke of Satan has entered the Church." We make no claim to be the authors of the information below. Rather, we have collected it from books and other reliable sources, all of which we give credit to accordingly. The reader is free to draw his own conclusions.
We begin with an excerpt from Humanum Genus, Pope Leo XIII's Encyclical on Freemasonry:

"If other proofs are wanting, this fact would be sufficiently disclosed by the testimony of men well informed, of whom some at other times, and others again recently, have declared it to be true of the Freemasons that they especially desire to assail the Church with irreconcilable hostility and that they will never rest until they have destroyed whatever the Supreme Pontiffs have established for the sake of religion.
"If those who are admitted as members are not commanded to abjure by any form of words the Catholic doctrines, this omission, so far from adverse to the designs of the Freemasons, is more useful for their purposes. First, in this way they easily deceive the simple-minded and the heedless, and can induce a far greater number to become members. Again, as all who offer themselves are received whatever may be their form of religion, they thereby teach the great error of this age -- that a regard for religion should be held as an indifferent matter, and that all religions are alike. This manner of reasoning is calculated to bring about the ruin of all forms of religion, and especially of the Catholic religion, which, as it is the only one that is true, cannot, without great injustice, be regarded as merely equal to other religions."

Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824), a German Augustinian nun, stigmatist (bore the wounds of Christ), and miracle-worker, who subsisted entirely on water and Holy Communion for many years, received numerous visions of the future crisis in the Church and the infiltration of the Masons. In her visions, she describes men in aprons destroying the Church with a trowel, The Masons wear aprons and their symbol is the Mason's trowel. The following excerpts are from page 565 of Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich, Vol. 1, by Rev. K.E. Schmö:ger, Tan Books, 1976:

"I saw St. Peter's. A great crowd of men was trying to pull it down whilst others constantly built it up again. Lines connected these men one with another and with others throughout the whole world. I was amazed at their perfect understanding.
"The demolishers, mostly apostates and members of different sects, broke off whole pieces and worked according to rules and instructions. They wore WHITE APRONS bound with blue riband. In them were pockets and they had TROWELS stuck in their belts. The costumes of the others were various.
"There were among the demolishers distinguished men wearing uniforms and crosses. They did not work themselves but they marked out on the wall with a TROWEL where and how it should be torn down. To my horror, I saw among them Catholic Priests. Whenever the workmen did not know how to go on, they went to a certain one in their party. He had a large book which seemed to contain the whole plan of the building and the way to destroy it. They marked out exactly with a TROWEL the parts to be attacked, and they soon came down. They worked quietly and confidently, but slyly, furtively and warily. I saw the Pope praying, surrounded by false friends who often did the very opposite to what he had ordered..."

The following is a list of Masons reprinted with some updates from the Bulletin de l'Occident Chrétien Nr.12, July, 1976, (Directeur Pierre Fautrad a Fye - 72490 Bourg Le Roi.) All of the men on this list, if they in fact be Masons, are excommunicated by Canon Law 2338. Each man's name is followed by his position, if known; the date he was initiated into Masonry, his code #; and his code name, if known.

Albondi, Alberto. Bishop of Livorno, (Leghorn). Initiated 8-5-58; I.D. # 7-2431.
Abrech, Pio. In the Sacred Congregation Bishops. 11-27-67; # 63-143.
Acquaviva, Sabino. Professor of Religion at the University of Padova, (Padua). 12-3-69; # 275-69.
Alessandro, Father Gottardi. (Addressed as Doctor in Masonic meetings.) President of Fratelli Maristi. 6-14-59.
Angelini Fiorenzo. Bishop of Messenel Greece. 10-14-57; # 14-005.
Argentieri, Benedetto. Patriarch to the Holy See. 3-11-70; # 298-A.
Bea, Augustin. Cardinal. Secretary of State (next to Pope) under Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI.
Baggio, Sebastiano. Cardinal. Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops. (This is a crucial Congregation since it appoints new Bishops.) Secretary of State under Pope John Paul II from 1989 to 1992. 8-14-57; # 85-1640. Masonic code name "SEBA." He controls consecration of Bishops.
Balboni, Dante. Assistant to the Vatican Pontifical . Commission for Biblical Studies. 7-23-68; # 79-14 "BALDA."
Baldassarri Salvatore. Bishop of Ravenna, Italy. 2-19-58; # 4315-19. "BALSA."
Balducci, Ernesto. Religious sculpture artist. 5-16-66; # 1452-3.
Basadonna, Ernesto. Prelate of Milan, 9-14-63; # 9-243. "BASE."
Batelli, Guilio. Lay member of many scientific academies. 8-24-59; # 29-A. "GIBA."
Bedeschi, Lorenzo. 2-19-59; # 24-041. "BELO."
Belloli, Luigi. Rector of Seminar; Lombardy, Ita- ly. 4-6-58; # 22-04. "BELLU."
Belluchi, Cleto. Coadjutor Bishop of Fermo, Italy. 6-4-68; # 12-217.
Bettazzi, Luigi. Bishop of Ivera, Italy. 5-11-66; # 1347-45. "LUBE."
Bianchi, Ciovanni. 10-23-69; # 2215-11. "BIGI."
Biffi, Franco, Msgr. Rector of Church of St. John Lateran Pontifical University. He is head of this University and controls what is being taught. He heard confessions of Pope Paul VI. 8-15-59. "BIFRA."
Bicarella, Mario. Prelate of Vicenza, Italy. 9-23-64; # 21-014. "BIMA."
Bonicelli, Gaetano. Bishop of Albano, Italy. 5-12-59; # 63-1428, "BOGA."
Boretti, Giancarlo. 3-21-65; # 0-241. "BORGI."
Bovone, Alberto. Substitute Secretary of the Sacred Office. 3-30-67; # 254-3. "ALBO."
Brini, Mario. Archbishop. Secretary of Chinese, Oriental, and Pagans. Member of Pontifical Commission to Russia. Has control of rewriting Canon Law. 7-7-68; # 15670. "MABRI."
Bugnini, Annibale. Archbishop.Wrote Novus Ordo Mass. Envoy to Iran, 4-23-63; # 1365-75. "BUAN."
Buro, Michele. Bishop. Prelate of Pontifical Commission to Latin America, 3-21-69; # 140-2. "BUMI."
Cacciavillan, Agostino. Secretariat of State. 11-6-60; # 13-154.
Cameli, Umberto. Director in Office of the Ecclesiastical Affairs of Italy in regard to education in Catholic doctrine. 11-17-60; # 9-1436.
Caprile, Giovanni. Director of Catholic Civil Affairs. 9-5-57; # 21-014. "GICA."
Caputo, Giuseppe. 11-15-71; # 6125-63. "GICAP."
Casaroli, Agostino. Cardinal. Secretary of State (next to Pope) under Pope John Paul II since July 1, 1979 until retired in 1989. 9-28-57; # 41-076. "CASA."
Cerruti, Flaminio. Chief of the Office of the University of Congregation Studies. 4-2-60; # 76-2154. "CEFLA."
Ciarrocchi, Mario. Bishop. 8-23-62; # 123-A. "CIMA."
Chiavacci, Enrico. Professor of Moral Theology, University of Florence, Italy. 7-2-70; # 121-34. "CHIE."
Conte, Carmelo. 9-16-67; # 43-096. "CONCA."
Csele, Alessandro. 3-25-60; # 1354-09. "ALCSE."
Dadagio, Luigi. Papal Nuncio to Spain. Archbishop of Lero. 9-8-67. # 43-B. "LUDA."
D'Antonio, Enzio. Archbishop of Trivento. 6-21-69; # 214-53.
De Bous, Donate. Bishop. 6-24-68; # 321-02. "DEBO."
Del Gallo Reoccagiovane, Luigi. Bishop.
Del Monte, Aldo. Bishop of Novara, Italy. 8-25-69; # 32-012. "ADELMO."
Faltin, Danielle. 6-4-70; # 9-1207. "FADA."
Ferraioli, Giuseppe. Member of Sacred Congregation for Public Affairs. 11-24-69; # 004-125. "GIFE."
Franzoni, Giovanni. 3-2-65; # 2246-47. "FRAGI."
Gemmiti, Vito. Sacred Congregation of Bishops. 3-25-68; # 54-13. "VIGE."
Girardi, Giulio. 9-8-70; # 1471-52. "GIG."
Fiorenzo, Angelinin. Bishop. Title of Commendator of the Holy Spirit. Vicar General of Roman Hospitals. Controls hospital trust funds. Consecrated Bishop 7-19-56; joined Masons 10-14-57.
Giustetti, Massimo. 4-12-70; # 13-065. "GIUMA."
Gottardi, Alessandro. Procurator and Postulator General of Fratelli Maristi. Archbishop of Trent. 6-13-59; # 2437-14. "ALGO."
Gozzini, Mario. 5-14-70; # 31-11. "MAGO."
Grazinai, Carlo. Rector of the Vatican Minor Seminary. 7-23-61; # 156-3. "GRACA."
Gregagnin, Antonio. Tribune of First Causes for Beatification. 10-19-67; # 8-45. "GREA."
Gualdrini, Franco. Rector of Capranica. 5-22-61; # 21-352. "GUFRA."
Ilari, Annibale. Abbot. 3-16-69; # 43-86. "ILA."
Laghi, Pio. Nunzio, Apostolic Delegate to Argentina, and then to U.S.A. until 1995. 8-24-69; # 0-538. "LAPI."
Lajolo, Giovanni. Member of Council of Public Affairs of the Church. 7-27-70; # 21-1397. "LAGI."
Lanzoni, Angelo. Chief of the Office of Secretary of State. 9-24-56; # 6-324. "LANA."
Levi, Virgillio (alias Levine), Monsignor. Assistant Director of Official Vatican Newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano. Manages Vatican Radio Station. 7-4-58; # 241-3. "VILE."
Lozza, Lino. Chancellor of Rome Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas of Catholic Religion. 7-23-69; # 12-768. "LOLI."
Lienart, Achille. Cardinal. Grand Master top Mason. Bishop of Lille, France. Recruits Masons. Was leader of progressive forces at Vatican II Council.
Macchi, Pasquale. Cardinal. Pope Paul's Prelate of Honour and Private Secretary until he was excommunicated for heresy by Pope Paul VI. Was reinstated by Secretary of State Jean Villot, and made a Cardinal. 4-23-58; # 5463-2. "MAPA."
Mancini, Italo. Director of Sua Santita. 3-18-68; # l551-142. "MANI."
Manfrini, Enrico. Lay Consultor of Pontifical Commission of Sacred Art. 2-21-68; # 968-c. "MANE."
Marchisano, Francesco. Prelate Honour of the Pope. Secretary Congregation for Seminaries and Universities of Studies. 2-4-61; 4536-3. "FRAMA."
Marcinkus, Paul. American bodyguard for imposter Pope. From Cicero, Illinois. Stands 6'4". President for Institute for Training Religious. 8-21-67; # 43-649. Called "GORILLA." Code name "MARPA."
Marsili, Saltvatore. Abbot of Order of St. Benedict of Finalpia near Modena, Italy. 7-2-63; # 1278-49. "SALMA."
Mazza, Antonio. Titular Bishop of Velia. Secretary General of Holy Year, 1975. 4-14-71. # 054-329. "MANU."
Mazzi, Venerio. Member of Council of Public Affairs of the Church. 10-13-66; # 052-s. "MAVE."
Mazzoni, Pier Luigi. Congregation of Bishops. 9-14-59; # 59-2. "PILUM."
Maverna, Luigi. Bishop of Chiavari, Genoa, Italy. Assistant General of Italian Catholic Azione. 6-3-68; # 441-c. "LUMA."
Mensa, Albino. Archbishop of Vercelli, Piedmont, Italy. 7-23-59; # 53-23. " MENA."
Messina, Carlo. 3-21-70; # 21-045. "MECA."
Messina, Zanon (Adele). 9-25-68; # 045-329. " AMEZ."
Monduzzi, Dino. Regent to the Prefect of the Pontifical House. 3-11 -67; # 190-2. "MONDI."
Mongillo, Daimazio. Professor of Dominican Moral Theology, Holy Angels Institute of Roma. 2-16-69; # 2145-22. "MONDA."
Morgante, Marcello. Bishop of Ascoli Piceno in East Italy. 7-22-55; # 78-3601. MORMA."
Natalini, Teuzo. Vice President of the Archives of Secretariat of the Vatican. 6-17-67; # 21-44d. "NATE."
Nigro, Carmelo. Rector of the Seminary, Pontifical of Major Studies. 12-21-70; # 23-154. "CARNI."
Noe, Virgillio. Head of the Sacred Congregation of Divine Worship. He and Bugnini paid 5 Protestant Ministers and one Jewish Rabbi to create the Novus Ordo Mass. 4-3-61; # 43652-21. "VINO."
Palestra, Vittorie. He is Legal Council of the Sacred Rota of the Vatican State. 5-6-43; # 1965. "PAVI."
Pappalardo, Salvatore. Cardinal. Archbishop of Palermo, Sicily. 4-15-68; # 234-07. "SALPA."
Pasqualetti, Gottardo. 6-15-60; # 4-231. "COPA."
Pasquinelli, Dante. Council of Nunzio of Madrid. 1-12-69; # 32-124. "PADA."
Pellegrino, Michele. Cardinal. Called "Protector of the Church", Archbishop of Torino (Turin, where the Holy Shroud of Jesus is kept). 5-2-60; # 352-36. "PALMI."
Piana, Giannino. 9-2-70; # 314-52. "GIPI."
Pimpo, Mario. Vicar of Office of General Affairs. 3-15-70; # 793-43. "PIMA."
Pinto, Monsignor Pio Vito. Attaché of Secretary of State and Notare of Second Section of Supreme Tribunal and of Apostolic Signature. 4-2-70; # 3317-42. "PIPIVI."
Poletti, Ugo. Cardinal. Vicar of S.S. Diocese of Rome. Controls clergy of Rome since 3-6-73. Member of Sacred Congregation of Sacraments and of Divine Worship. He is President of Pontifical Works and Preservation of the Faith. Also President of the Liturgical Academy. 2-17-69; # 32-1425. "UPO."
Rizzi, Monsignor Mario. Sacred Congregation of Oriental Rites. Listed as "Prelate Bishop of Honour of the Holy Father, the Pope." Works under top-Mason Mario Brini in manipulating Canon Law. 9-16-69; # 43-179. "MARI," "MONMARI."
Romita, Florenzo. Was in Sacred Congregation of Clergy. 4-21-56; # 52-142. "FIRO."
Rogger, Igine. Officer in S.S. (Diocese of Rome). 4-16-68; # 319-13. "IGRO."
Rossano, Pietro. Sacred Congregation of Non-Christian Religions. 2-12-68; # 3421-a. "PIRO."
Rovela, Virgillio. 6-12-64; # 32-14. "ROVI."
Sabbatani, Aurelio. Archbishop of Giustiniana (Giusgno, Milar Province, Italy). First Secretary Supreme Apostolic Segnatura. 6-22-69; # 87-43. "ASA"
Sacchetti, Guilio. Delegate of Governors - Marchese. 8-23-59; # 0991-b. "SAGI."
Salerno, Francesco. Bishop. Prefect Atti. Eccles. 5-4-62; # 0437-1. "SAFRA"
Santangelo, Franceso. Substitute General of Defense Legal Counsel. 11-12-70; # 32-096. "FRASA."
Santini, Pietro. Vice Official of the Vicar. 8-23-64; # 326-11. "SAPI."
Savorelli, Fernando. 1-14-69; # 004-51. "SAFE."
Savorelli, Renzo. 6-12-65; # 34-692. "RESA."
Scanagatta, Gaetano. Sacred Congregation of the Clergy. Member of Commission of Pomei and Loreto, Italy. 9-23-71; # 42-023. "GASCA."
Schasching, Giovanni. 3-18-65; # 6374-23. "GISCHA," "GESUITA."
Schierano, Mario. Titular Bishop of Acrida (Acri in Cosenza Province, Italy.) Chief Military Chaplain of the Italian Armed Forces. 7-3-59; #14-3641. "MASCHI."
Semproni, Domenico. Tribunal of the Vicarate of the Vatican. 4-16-60; # 00-12. "DOSE."
Sensi, Giuseppe Mario. Titular Archbishop of Sardi (Asia Minor near Smyrna). Papal Nunzio to Portugal. 11-2-67; # 18911-47. "GIMASE."
Sposito, Luigi. Pontifical Commission for the Archives of the Church in Italy. Head Administrator of the Apostolic Seat of the Vatican.
Suenens, Leo. Cardinal. Title: Protector of the Church of St. Peter in Chains, outside Rome. Promotes Protestant Pentecostalism (Charismatics). Destroyed much Church dogma when he worked in 3 Sacred Congregations: 1) Propagation of the Faith; 2) Rites and Ceremonies in the Liturgy; 3) Seminaries. 6-15-67; # 21-64. "LESU."
Trabalzini, Dino. Bishop of Rieti (Reate, Peruga, Italy). Auxiliary Bishop of Southern Rome. 2-6-65; # 61-956. "TRADI."
Travia, Antonio. Titular Archbishop of Termini Imerese. Head of Catholic schools. 9-15-67; # 16-141. "ATRA."
Trocchi, Vittorio. Secretary for Catholic Laity in Consistory of the Vatican State Consultations. 7-12-62; # 3-896. "TROVI."
Tucci, Roberto. Director General of Vatican Radio. 6-21-57; # 42-58. "TURO."
Turoldo, David. 6-9-67; # 191-44. "DATU."
Vale, Georgio. Priest. Official of Rome Diocese. 2-21-71; # 21-328. "VAGI."
Vergari, Piero. Head Protocol Officer of the Vatican Office Segnatura. 12-14-70; # 3241-6. "PIVE."
Villot, Jean. Cardinal. Secretary of State during Pope Paul VI. He is Camerlengo (Treasurer). "JEANNI," "ZURIGO."
Zanini, Lino. Titular Archbishop of Adrianopoli, which is Andrianopolis, Turkey. Apostolic Nuncio. Member of the Revered Fabric of St. Peter's Basilica.


Fregi, Francesco Egisto. 2-14-63; # 1435-87.
Tirelli, Sotiro. 5-16-63; # 1257-9. "TIRSO."
Cresti, Osvaldo. 5-22-63; # 1653-6. "CRESO."
Rotardi, Tito. 8-13-63; # 1865-34. "TROTA."
Orbasi, Igino. 9-17-73; # 1326-97. "ORBI."
Drusilla, Italia. 10-12-63; # 1653-2. "'DRUSI "
Ratosi, Tito. 11-22-63; # 1542-74 "TRATO."
Crosta, Sante. 11-17-63; # 1254-65. "CROSTAS.

Created July 16, 1996. Ninth update March 14, 1997 by "The Enddays" Ministry Source: http://www..trance.org/essentials/apocalyps/enddays/masonlst.html


4th January 2014, 08:08 PM
Firstly, there are masons in my local council, that doesn't mean my council is at the apex of the worlds hierarchy. Secondly I'm an atheist so mad ramblings about Fatima are of no interest to me whatsoever.

You on the other hand have a propensity to believe anything when it comes to unsubstantiated spiritual hocus pocus. It's a wonder you managed to form any opinion whatsoever with the amount of garbage you place credence in.

Sure, I'll gladly bump your imbecilic thread if it gives me a chance to ridicule your pathetic beliefs. --L L--

4th January 2014, 09:04 PM
This message is hidden because aeondaze is on your ignore list (http://gold-silver.us/forum/profile.php?do=ignorelist).

First time Ive ever used it

4th March 2014, 07:33 PM
Hudes was recently on Red Ice Radio. Mami's posted the hour:

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Red Ice Radio February 21, 2014 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/03/red-ice-radio-february-21-2014.html)

Karen Hudes - Former World Bank Insider on the Corruption of the Global Elite

Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. For 21 years, Hudes was on the senior council of the World Bank (IMF). She established the Non Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association. Karen has become known as a whistleblower and she has been outspoken about her time at the World Bank and the corruption that she saw there. She speaks on issues related to economics, global policies and government organizations. In this program, we attempt to get to the root of what she has been blowing the whistle on. Karen shares how she sees the global network of corrupt elite being dismantled. She also speaks about how things are going to change in the next few years. Hudes reveals deep-rooted, systemic corruption at the core of the Bretton Woods institutions, as well as deep-rooted, systemic problems with the U.S.'s legal system, law-enforcement agencies, and government crime.

Download (http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/924a85ww2u/RIR-140221-karenhudes.mp3)

Red Ice Radio (http://www.redicecreations.com/)

Karen Hudes' Site (http://kahudes.net/)

A View from the Bog (http://outsideradio.blogspot.ie/)

Posted by delcroix (http://www.blogger.com/profile/04838891459471113991) at 6:51 PM 1 comment: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=1316004654670519614)

Jason Erb of fauxcapitalist blog, who was also on Red Ice a few months ago, commented pointing to his critique of Hudes. Hudes was among the commenters:

I’m blowing the whistle on World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes

February 27, 2014 by FauxCapitalist (http://fauxcapitalist.com/author/phonycapitalism/)

Updated 03/01/14 in response to a reader’s email to Karen Hudes, asking for clarification. See more in the comments below.
http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Karen-Hudes.jpg (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Karen-Hudes.jpg)

Thanks to Red Ice Radio (http://redicecreations.com) for conducting this February 21, 2014 interview with Karen Hudes (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2014/02/RIR-140221.php), confirming my suspicions about her since late 2013, when she claimed that the Jesuits were behind the corruption at the World Bank, and by extension, the international banking system.

This despite the last three World Bank presidents being Robert Zoellick, Paul Wolfowitz and James Wolfensohn, and the latest three Federal Reserve Bank chairs being Janet Yellen, Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan — none of whom are Jesuits.

Another alarm bell went off for me when she advocated giving back IMF gold to the member countries, so they could use it to back up their currencies. This is the pattern of the international banksters since the 1700s, in going to some gold-backed currency in order to boost confidence in it, with the full intention of removing the gold backing until usury has run its inevitable course and devalued the currency.

It’s no coincidence, therefore, that former World Bank President, Robert Zoellick, called for some sort of gold linkage for currencies (http://fauxcapitalist.com/2010/12/05/world-bankster-president-robert-zoellicks-yellow-brick-road/).

Then, with this interview, she’s claiming aliens are behind the Jesuits. Sorry — it’s too much — and I now have to blow the whistle on her.

For a fact-based, wide-ranging discussion of real economics, see my Red Ice Radio interview here (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2013/11/RIR-131104.php).
Here is my summary of her interview:

17m – Claimed a nuclear device was supposed to be detonated on Charleston
19m – Only started getting attention in 2013 from alternative media
21m – Said the Jesuits are the group behind the corruption at the World Bank, and there’s some groups behind them
22m – Said some are telling her to not say who’s behind the Jesuits
- Said a neurologist quoted someone who said the same thing and suddenly died at the age of 34
- Said picture of Akhenaten isn’t of a human
25m – Said some in Vatican wear “crazy” headdresses that hide high skulls
26m – She said it’s probably more believable than the nonsense they tell us about aliens
31m – Admits some have called her a disinfo agent for getting so much publicity
34m – Robert McNamara came to run the World Bank
35m – She talked to fellow World Bank whistleblowers and they said the World Bank could be part of a solution
36m – Said we’re on the verge of a collapse of paper currencies, and World Bank and IMF hold keys to gold and could be part of solution if it were given back to member countries
37m – Claimed no one knew that World Bank controls the world’s gold
- Her interview with Antal Fekete
39m – Antal suggests minting the gold
40m – Use certificates for gold because minting takes too long
41m – Said Jesuits and Homo Capensis (“coneheads”) were behind plan to steal gold
43m – Henrik asked how could an evil plan be for our benefit
44m – She said it’s a mystery how the whistleblowers got together — said it’s a mystery to themselves, too
48m – Said she didn’t realize that the media was part of the problem, she thought they’d be part of the solution
49m – Gentleman’s agreement that the u.s. would choose the head of the World Bank, and the Europeans would choose the head of the IMF
53m – She could sue the World Bank because she was a bondholder — otherwise, they have immunity
55m – Said Strauss-Kahn wanted to get gold into the world’s hands, so that’s why he was taken down, but he hired someone suing her
58m – She had been interviewed for the position of General Counsel
1h5m – Said fellow whistleblower who is into water issues was given top position by Jesuits and asked to sign a contract for 9 quadrillion
1h7m – (Updated) – Says we don’t have time for committees to study gold backwardation, and we need to move quickly to prevent it
1h8m – People in alternative media highly conditioned to not trust any government action
1h11m – She sees IMF and Bretton Woods as a springboard for reform
1h14m – She referred to so-called first 13th amendment barring bar members from government, in saying 14th amendment
1h17m – Said there’s more gold in the world than we know – referred to Wolfgang Struck — German banker living in Philippines for past two decades
1h18m – Said the world owes Ferdinand Marcos a huge debt for setting up a good legal system
1h19m – She said JFK was killed by Jesuits
1h20m – Said Hitler was related to Japanese emperor, etc.
1h25m – Silvio Gessel said local currencies are the best currencies
1h26m – (Updated) Said we’re going to have to use force (with armies) to get gold from World Bank to give to member countries (if they don’t voluntarily cooperate)
1h29m – Said there was a nuclear bomb that was supposed to explode on the 8th, but was stopped
1h31m – Said the Jesuits have been stopped
1h33m – She said look what’s happening with fiat money
1h36m – Henrik said he’s not seeing the tide turn any time soon
1h38m – She said there should be no ifs, ands, ors or buts about stopping gold backwardation

Hudes reminds me of "former CIA operative, 911 whistleblower" Susan Lindauer who was getting a lot of alt/truth interviews a couple years ago; and who, amidst all her tales of the harassment & persecution she's received for her "911 revelations", then maintains that scary moozlems did 911, LIHOP yada yada. {0}

4th March 2014, 07:50 PM
The Jews through the Rothschild s run world finance for the CATHOLIC CHURCH.

it is only obvious when we understand the Power of Vatican. Vatican is the brain behind the curtain, and the zionism, the general of the army. It is a pact they made when seeing that many jews were very good at practicing usury since the Catholic Church prohibited it for centuries. It was much too much $$$ for Vatican to let go, so the dark alliance came to fruition eventually.

Additionally Freemasonery and Kabalah have a lot in common, both originates in Mystery Schools, these two had to become partners in crime at some point. Putting too much emphasis on the culture/race is a distraction. "they" was the masses to fight over races/cultures... while WE fight, THEY take over

Increasingly thereafter, and despite numerous subsequent prohibitions by Popes and civil legislators, loopholes in the law and contradictions in the Church's arguments were found and along with the growing tide of commercialisation, the pro-usury counter-movement began to grow. The rise of Protestantism and its pro-capitalism influence is also associated with this change... As a result of all these influences, sometime around 1620, according to theologian Ruston, “usury passed from being an offense against public morality which a Christian government was expected to suppress to being a matter of private conscience


Mayer Amschel Rothschild, a court Jew to the Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel, in the Free City of Frankfurt, who established his banking business in the 1760s

edit: Hudes could very well be a "former CIA operative, and it wouldnt surprise me...

but does it change the story of Usury and Power?

Sounds like the chinese inspired many in the West

Hyperinflation in China

The first well-documented use of paper money comes with the "flying cash" of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) used around 800 A.D.

The Yuan Dynasty (1264-1368) forbade the use of Gold and silver as currency. It also demanded that a certain percentage of taxes be paid using paper money.

The Great Ming Precious Notes eventually disappeared from commerce and there are no known references to paper money being in circulation after 1455 thus ending China's first 650 years of experience with paper money.
http://goldnews.bullionvault.com/china_paper_money_chinese_printing_ming_marco_polo _072120083

To me it doesnt really matter - they are ALL guilty and deserve to be exposed - jews or not.

4th March 2014, 09:50 PM
I read quite a while ago, that Jesus was an Aryan (with blue eyes and blond hair) And the Vatican has promoted this possibility for centuries.... and not that I revere this organization, I think it could be true...

Who is the god of the Catholic Church again? That's right it 'the god of Abraham' and what is it's origin? It's Semitic.

15th July 2016, 09:12 PM
I'm sorry but the Vatican? All those guys do is ass rape little boys. You can criticize the Vatican/Jesuits/Catholics all day under Politic Correctness. You CANNOT make fun of anything remotely related to Judaism/Zionism under Political Correctness.

"To learn who rules you simply find out who you aren't allowed to criticize." ~Voltaire

I strongly believe Karen Hudes is as big a fraud as Benjamin Fulford. I wouldn't listen to this person for a second.

You have to believe her, look at her credentials --)

She is still promising you the global currency reset backed by gold, new Treasury Dollars to be printed in Texas

The World Bank


1818 H Street N.W.Washington, D.C. 20433U.S.A.

(202) 473-1000 (tel:(202) 473-1000)

Cable Address: INTBAFRADCable Address:

From: Karen Hudes <KarenHudes@hotmail.com>

Sent: Friday, July 15, 2016 12:44 PM

To: governor.mail@maryland.gov; linda.l.singh.mil@mail.mi (linda.l.singh.mil@mail.mil)l

Subject: Global Currency Reset

I refer to my conversation today with Jason, requesting proof of my authority as OverseerMandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility. I have frustrated many attempts to steal theworld's monetary gold reserves. The former Managing Director of the World Bank, BertrandBadré, had to leave the World Bank after his attempt to have me arrested by Interpoland expunge, delete and shred the Global Debt Facility from bank records.

https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.25.16.1.pdf https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter5.4.16.pdf


I also refer to our discussion about permanent gold backwardation, brought about by theinsolvency of the Federal Reserve Bank and the rest of the Network of Global CorporateControl identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich


The Global Debt Facility hasliens on all of the Federal Reserve Banks, including the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Allof the Ministers of Finance and Development cleared my letter to Jesse White, informing himthat his attempt to set aside the Global Debt Facility's UCC-1 Financing Statement filed in Illinois was invalid.


Finally, I refer to the Global Debt Facility's amnesty and guarantee that there will be noimprisonment and physical harm to agents of the Network of Global Corporate Control aspart and parcel of the Global Currency Reset to exchange unstable paper curencies fornational currencies minted out of the monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility.With this, I understand that the State Defense Forces will ensure that no harm comes to theTexas Lightfoot Militia as the Global Debt Facility prints constitutional Treasury Dollars inthe US Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Fort Worth Texas.


Karen Hudes

Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentOverseer Mandate Trustee,
Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666

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