View Full Version : Watch for the Death Cult to make a move - FOUR 'blood moons' in the next 21 months

midnight rambler
2nd January 2014, 06:46 PM
I just had dinner with a believer friend of mine and he pointed this out to me. He also said the last blood moons were in 1948/1950 and 1967/1968 - both time frames tied to major events in IsraHell. Blood moons are very rare, but to have FOUR blood moons in 21 months is extremely rare...things that make you go "Hmmm...."

Top Zionist apologist John Hagee is totally on board with this, so we KNOW there is something to this, that the Zionists have big plans - http://www.wnd.com/2013/10/blood-moons-expert-watch-2014-and-2015/

midnight rambler
5th January 2014, 02:31 AM
This thread didn't even garner a post by Twisted Kitty, and Twisted Kitty posts to virtually every thread, relevant or not (usually not). lol

5th January 2014, 02:56 AM
the Zionists will devour themselves in their own excrement...........(I visited Hypers litter tray)

5th January 2014, 05:39 AM
This thread didn't even garner a post by Twisted Kitty, and Twisted Kitty posts to virtually every thread, relevant or not (usually not). lol

his torazole hasn't worn of yet.

5th January 2014, 12:05 PM
I just had dinner with a believer friend of mine and he pointed this out to me. He also said the last blood moons were in 1948/1950 and 1967/1968 - both time frames tied to major events in IsraHell. Blood moons are very rare, but to have FOUR blood moons in 21 months is extremely rare...things that make you go "Hmmm...."

Top Zionist apologist John Hagee is totally on board with this, so we KNOW there is something to this, that the Zionists have big plans - http://www.wnd.com/2013/10/blood-moons-expert-watch-2014-and-2015/

Well... actually the zionists have nothing to do with this. It is rare... but nearly impossible that they fall on special Hebrew feast days. We are in the end days and the next 3 years will be amazing.

mick silver
5th January 2014, 01:11 PM
they have a nut for Iran

6th January 2014, 07:54 AM
1. give security of our nuclear arsenal to israel, CHECK!

2. act surprized that a few soon go "missing" (ahhem,clears throat)- CHECK

3.use this as an opportunity to purge high level military people who would oppose the jarrett administration.. CHECK

4. when these are used in a false flag, blame patriots and white gun owners and let martial law begin...

6th January 2014, 08:14 AM
..as well as ariel sharon near death (why is israel trying so hard to keep him alive??) some- rabbi K made a prophecy saying when sharon kicks, the "messiah" will be revealed...we know WHO THIS kosher actor will be now dont we??

6th January 2014, 09:38 AM
..as well as ariel sharon near death (why is israel trying so hard to keep him alive??) some- rabbi K made a prophecy saying when sharon kicks, the "messiah" will be revealed...we know WHO THIS kosher actor will be now dont we??

Not "revealed" but would soon return.

This is dangerous for those who love lies. They will believe a false messiah. Either way, time is short and when Sharon kicks off, there is no turning back. It is a greased chute into the last days.


Hatha Sunahara
6th January 2014, 10:09 AM
A blood moon is a lunar eclipse. It's when the earth is positioned between the sun and the moon, so that the moon is in the earth's shadow and not exposed to direct sunlight. It has no significance in human affairs--any connection between the timing of a blood moon and significant events in human affairs is the stuff astrology is made of. Or numerology. Knowing when these events will happen makes it possible for plotters and schemers to disguise their plots and schemes behind astronomical events so that people believe those events have some larger significance connected to religion--particularly 'acts of god'. Whatever happens are not acts of god, but acts of humans who know the schedule for astronomical events. I'm not attaching any significance to these blood moons. Reverend Hagee is a 'priest'. He's selling Zionism. What could be a better endorsement for Zionism than an "act of god'.


7th trump
6th January 2014, 10:32 AM
Not "revealed" but would soon return.

This is dangerous for those who love lies. They will believe a false messiah. Either way, time is short and when Sharon kicks off, there is no turning back. It is a greased chute into the last days.


Yes Sr
The false messiah comes before the real Messiah......6 comes before 7...........and all 7 seals will be broken before any of the 7 trumpets have sounded.

Problem is this rabbi looks to be setting up the world to worship the false messiah.

According to this rabbi

1. Sharon dies
2. coming of the messiah (fake)

6th January 2014, 11:08 AM
Lets not forget this is supposedly the last pope.

7th January 2014, 03:40 PM
Only another 6-8 months till DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!

Prepare accordingly.

7th January 2014, 03:45 PM
Only another 6-8 months till DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!

Prepare accordingly.

nah, it's going to be another great year.
People really need to turn on CNBC to see the strong recovery for themselves

7th January 2014, 04:46 PM
Not 6 months... althoough some tremendous doom could start by then.

I would think that if you have 4 years' of supplies, you have enough to last past the end of the world. But we will need to see some key signs before we know for certain. Still watching.

7th trump
7th January 2014, 06:15 PM
Not 6 months... althoough some tremendous doom could start by then.

I would think that if you have 4 years' of supplies, you have enough to last past the end of the world. But we will need to see some key signs before we know for certain. Still watching.

4 years?
Are you saying if right now you had four years of supplies it would last until the return of the Messiah?

Last I read it was 7 years of tribulation.
The first half is without satan being on earth and the last 3.5 years (42 months) was with satan being on earth.
Christ further reduced the last 3.5 years to only 5 months for the elects sake (the half hour of peace in heaven).

I believe we are already in the first 3.5 years....all that's needed is a complete collapse to bring in satan and we are at the door steps of that happening.

7th January 2014, 07:49 PM
I watch the death cult members since you all are the power to the invisible hand making the moves of the pieces on the real bored game.




7th January 2014, 07:49 PM

7th January 2014, 08:13 PM
4 years?
Are you saying if right now you had four years of supplies it would last until the return of the Messiah?

Last I read it was 7 years of tribulation.
The first half is without satan being on earth and the last 3.5 years (42 months) was with satan being on earth.
Christ further reduced the last 3.5 years to only 5 months for the elects sake (the half hour of peace in heaven).

I believe we are already in the first 3.5 years....all that's needed is a complete collapse to bring in satan and we are at the door steps of that happening.

I believe satan is already here having defeated christ over 2000 years ago. What we are waiting for is someone to release christ from the eternal bondage he was cast into when defeated. I say this because everything else I've been told is just about 100% back to front so I'm figuring the story of satan is back the front too, told to us as a misdirect.

Its clear that christ was sacrificed according to the practices of the jewish faith and a practice which has been repeated over the millenia, documented and brought to trial and found factual in those cases.

7th January 2014, 09:05 PM
Satan (ignorance of Truth (GOD) or the false GOD has ruled for all of recorded history...That mind blowing revelation is only a revelation to those ignorant of Truth.

With GOD being Truth and Truth being GOD.

And GOD being the supply of power and lies that want to become Truth being the demand from power from GOD

All the trillions of cells in your body are ignorant of Truth...or worship ignorance...and die when they are forced to become knowledgeable of this revelation they are ignorant of until they demand more power than they can obtain from Truth to sustain their continued existence as Truth.

The end of the positive phase of the lie believed to be Truth and the beginning of the negative phase of the lie believed to be Truth.


There is never a lasting victory over lies while the war against truth has no exit strategy an always ends in defeat.

That is why there is matter than antimatter nanosecond to nanosecond when anyone tries to figure out why there is more matter than antimatter.

but who cares about that...because that war ended billions of years ago and what matters won...and what does not matter did not win...

You only see the effect of Truth...not Truth.

The lies you believe are Truth are what you use to measure Lies you believe are Truth to find Truth.

visible matter makes up around 5% of the known Universe...the rest is all invisible matter that can not be seen or measured...but is know about since...all the calculations are ultimately just reasonable assumptions.

Not logical conclusions.

So called non linear events are linear when you know Truth.

But everyone demands to know when they are going to be forced to see what they do not want to see and can not see.

Maybe eventually becomes a certainty.

fake heaven is powered by fake hell...that is fighting the Universe to sustain it's continued existence.

The universities do not sustain the Universe.

The Universe supplies the power all the universities demand to sustain their continued existence.

The Universe is supplied power from the same place I'm supplied from...But the Universities demand me to believe that they are the source of the power I supply to them to attempt to illuminate me as to who or what is the supply of power to sustain their continued attempts to mind control me into believing a lie is Truth.

But like all the followers of the just think positive ignore negative religion keep telling me...there is not anything impossible if you put your mind to it and if at first you do not succeed turning a lie into Truth...try try again.

Of course Satan is an eternal optimist that worships ignorance as bliss.

Or Ignorance as GOD.

As opposed to Knowledge.

There is no convincing ignorance until ignorance chooses to become knowledgeable or is forced to become knowledgeable.

Truth is the bully Satan runs from in the end crying when of course Satan becomes knowledgeable of the fact that GOD can no be bullied...or course Satan has a very poor memory and quickly forgets and tries again.

You all are mortals...So you have to survive to give it another shot...fortunately you all can reproduce faster than you ceased to exist according to recorded history.

What about you Hyper.

Well if you can figure out how to get me right where you want me and torture me to death to prove I can be punished for refusing to supply the demand for yield by Satan...Then have fun.

Steven Hawking thinks he is GOD and the people operating con CERN (https://www.google.ca/search?q=god+of+death+cern&rls=com.microsoft:en-CA:IE-Address&rlz=1I7GGNI_enCA533&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=WtrMUvTXOMzjoASYxoG4Aw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1519&bih=748#q=shiva+cern&rls=com.microsoft:en-CA:IE-Address&tbm=isch) think they are GOD as well.

There is no speculation required by me on this dark matter to know of it's existence.

8th January 2014, 04:59 AM
I believe satan is already here having defeated christ over 2000 years ago. What we are waiting for is someone to release christ from the eternal bondage he was cast into when defeated. I say this because everything else I've been told is just about 100% back to front so I'm figuring the story of satan is back the front too, told to us as a misdirect.

Its clear that christ was sacrificed according to the practices of the jewish faith and a practice which has been repeated over the millenia, documented and brought to trial and found factual in those cases.

Actually, what you wrote is totally inverted. The Messiah had a mission- to seek and save the lost so that all who would come to Him would be saved. He made it clear that the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. The story of ancient Israel was one of odd sacrifice rituals for atonement... covering of sin. The Messiah was the perfect sacrifice to provide the necessary atonement that a perfect God requires. Animals sacrificed could not pay the price. A single perfect human could not either. The Messiah was both human and divine, able to cover all of mankind if they would have it.

The death (and resurrection) of Messiah was a death-blow to Satan. It crushed Satan's hold over men, providing an escape for mankind from this fallen world and from their fallen natures.

Most of mankind has rejected Messiah as did the Jews. You are in the same boat as the zionist devils, under the control of Satan.... the father of lies, the Deceiver, the Accuser.

8th January 2014, 05:37 AM
I think its inverted to the story of the good book. But then I got to thinking, who is behind its publication. Would they not write themselves in as the heros. Given that everything else done by them is upside down, why not this?

I got to thinking about the mass and that there are so many rituals in there. Then I looked at these rituals which are movements and invocations. Spells by invocation but accompanied by movement and energy that is focused by the movement of the rituals. Then I considered who the target was and I wondered what energy does it impart. It doesn't matter if the participants understand so long as they can invoke in the correct way. Invoke the right spirit and target another. I know that is what it's about. Its the energy thats important.

Then I considered the story of a young boy from many centuries ago who died from loss of blood and how this was effected. How it was brought to trial and found by conviction to be true at fact. How it happened other times as well.

So I ask, if things were upside down, who would be who and what would be going on. Others more religiously literate than me might know about Satan being cast down somewhere for a long time. But how long? It wasn't for eternity was it? Has that time expired and if so then what? It is expected to happen but what if it happened a long time ago.

What if the energy of 1 billion people was being used to bind someones soul? And the spell was recast every 7 days. And it was all back the front. That it was preventing the second coming because of spell binding.

8th January 2014, 05:51 AM
[Glass;684269]I think its inverted to the story of the good book. But then I got to thinking, who is behind its publication. Would they not write themselves in as the heros. Given that everything else done by them is upside down, why not this?

The problem with that line of reasoning is that the bible shows all the world controllers as evil.

I got to thinking about the mass and that there are so many rituals in there. Then I looked at these rituals which are movements and invocations. Spells by invocation but accompanied by movement and energy that is focused by the movement of the rituals. Then I considered who the target was and I wondered what energy does it impart. It doesn't matter if the participants understand so long as they can invoke in the correct way. Invoke the right spirit and target another. I know that is what it's about. Its the energy thats important.
So I ask, if things were upside down, who would be who and what would be going on. Others more religiously literate than me might know about Satan being cast down somewhere for a long time. But how long? It wasn't for eternity was it? Has that time expired and if so then what? It is expected to happen but what if it happened a long time ago.

What if the energy of 1 billion people was being used to bind someones soul? And the spell was recast every 7 days. And it was all back the front. That it was preventing the second coming because of spell binding.

By "mass" I presume you refer to the Roman Catholic mass. Yes, it is loaded with things which go against the bible. The organization is also loaded with corruption as are all human organizations. But Satan has not been chained. That happens soon- for a thousand years, before he is let loos again for awhile.

Here is the warning about the deceiver-
1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
1Pe 5:9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.
1Pe 5:10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

7th trump
8th January 2014, 07:52 AM
The problem with that line of reasoning is that the bible shows all the world controllers as evil.

By "mass" I presume you refer to the Roman Catholic mass. Yes, it is loaded with things which go against the bible. The organization is also loaded with corruption as are all human organizations. But Satan has not been chained. That happens soon- for a thousand years, before he is let loos again for awhile.

Here is the warning about the deceiver-
1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
1Pe 5:9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.
1Pe 5:10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

Satan most certainly is chained....the angel Micheal guards over him.
satans spirit is allowed to roam the earth.
He'll be unchained and booted to earth to play act as christ here real soon.
Then when the real Christ returns at the 7th trumpet satan is chained once again during the 1000 year rule of a rod of iron.
During this 1000 years satan is basically put in solitary confinement where his spirit cannot roam the earth while those who never really got an education in the Word get one from Christ and the elect. Once this 1000 years of correction is finished then satan is released for a short time to test them.
Those who were corrected for a 1000 years and dont make this second test go to the second death where they are put into the lake of fire along with satan and destroyed (uncreated) and all memory of them is wiped and earth is rejuvenated back to its original state (paradise) before satans (lucifer) revolt.

8th January 2014, 08:17 AM
Well... actually the zionists have nothing to do with this. It is rare... but nearly impossible that they fall on special Hebrew feast days. We are in the end days and the next 3 years will be amazing.

The Hebrew (Israelite )calendar that was given to Enoch (Enoch book 3 chapter 72) by the Messenger Uriel, is actually different than the Jewish calendar. The start of the new year is the spring equinox, which according to the calendar that we go by now (Gregorian) is March 20th. If you count 14 days from the new year to passover , that puts it about April 2nd.
Chapter 6 in Jubiless says :
And all the children of Israel will forget and will not find the path of the years, and will forget the new moons, and seasons, and Sabbaths and they will go wrong as to all the order of the years. For I know and from henceforth will I declare it unto thee, and it is not of my own devising; for the book (lies) written before me, and on the heavenly tablets the division of days is ordained, lest they forget the feasts of the covenant and walk according to the feasts of the Gentiles after their error and after their ignorance. For there will be those who will assuredly make observations of the moon -how (it) disturbs the seasons and comes in from year to year ten days too soon. For this reason the years will come upon them when they will disturb (the order), and make an abominable (day) the day of testimony, and an unclean day a feast day, and they will confound all the days, the holy with the unclean, and the unclean day with the set apart; for they will go wrong as to the months and sabbaths and feasts and jubilees. For this reason I command and testify to thee that thou mayst testify to them; for after thy death thy children will disturb (them), so that they will not make the year three hundred and sixty-four days only, and for this reason they will go wrong as to the new moons and seasons and Sabbaths and festivals, and they will eat all kinds of blood with all kinds of flesh.

Half Sense
8th January 2014, 11:59 AM
More Zombuffs ordered...CHECK.

11th January 2014, 11:57 AM
Satan most certainly is chained....the angel Micheal guards over him.
satans spirit is allowed to roam the earth.
He'll be unchained and booted to earth to play act as christ here real soon.
Then when the real Christ returns at the 7th trumpet satan is chained once again during the 1000 year rule of a rod of iron.
During this 1000 years satan is basically put in solitary confinement where his spirit cannot roam the earth while those who never really got an education in the Word get one from Christ and the elect. Once this 1000 years of correction is finished then satan is released for a short time to test them.
Those who were corrected for a 1000 years and dont make this second test go to the second death where they are put into the lake of fire along with satan and destroyed (uncreated) and all memory of them is wiped and earth is rejuvenated back to its original state (paradise) before satans (lucifer) revolt.
Does your belief include reincarnation? That is how I read it anyway. Or do you believe souls are kept in limbo after death, and there allow corrections of their way/mentality before being saved or being burned? Please I am not trying to be funny or anything, it is a serious question.

Do the dead, not totally evil souls get a second chance, through reincarnation and/or limbo?

11th January 2014, 12:07 PM
..as well as ariel sharon near death (why is israel trying so hard to keep him alive??) some- rabbi K made a prophecy saying when sharon kicks, the "messiah" will be revealed...we know WHO THIS kosher actor will be now dont we??
And now he kicked... Just out of curiosity, what made you post this, just a few days before dying. I don't suspect you of being a disinformant, or anything like that. But did you read about this on a site or something like that, that mentioned it. Or was it 'divine inspiration'?

The thing is I haven't heard anything about Ariel Sharon in many months. And then you post this within days of his death, and it sets up a scenario in many minds... I have a hard time believing it is a coincidence, and as I said I don't believe you are a disinformant...

16th January 2014, 01:46 PM
Does your belief include reincarnation? That is how I read it anyway. Or do you believe souls are kept in limbo after death, and there allow corrections of their way/mentality before being saved or being burned? Please I am not trying to be funny or anything, it is a serious question.

Do the dead, not totally evil souls get a second chance, through reincarnation and/or limbo?

Chapter 22 http://www.ecmarsh.com/crl/enoch/enoch1_01.htm

1 And thence I went to another place, and he mountain (and) of hard rock.

2 And there was in it four hollow places, deep and wide and very smooth. How smooth are the hollow places and deep and dark to look at.

3 Then Raphael answered, one of the holy angels who was with me, and said unto me: 'These hollow places have been created for this very purpose, that the spirits of the souls of the dead should 4 assemble therein, yea that all the souls of the children of men should assemble here. And these places have been made to receive them till the day of their judgment and till their appointed period (till the period appointed), till the great judgment (comes) upon them.' I saw (the spirit of) a dead man making suit, 5 and his voice went forth to heaven and made suit. And I asked Raphael the angel who was 6 with me, and I said unto him: 'This spirit which maketh suit, whose is it, whose voice goeth forth and maketh suit to heaven ?'

7 And he answered me saying: 'This is the spirit which went forth from Abel, whom his brother Cain slew, and he makes his suit against him till his seed is destroyed from the face of the earth, and his seed is annihilated from amongst the seed of men.'

8 The I asked regarding it, and regarding all the hollow places: 'Why is one separated from the other?'

9 And he answered me and said unto me: 'These three have been made that the spirits of the dead might be separated. And such a division has been make (for) the spirits of the righteous, in which there is the bright spring of 10 water. And such has been made for sinners when they die and are buried in the earth and judgment has not been executed on them in their 11 lifetime. Here their spirits shall be set apart in this great pain till the great day of judgement and punishment and torment of those who curse for ever and retribution for their spirits. There 12 He shall bind them for ever. And such a division has been made for the spirits of those who make their suit, who make disclosures concerning their destruction, when they were slain in the days 13 of the sinners. Such has been made for the spirits of men who were not righteous but sinners, who were complete in transgression, and of the transgressors they shall be companions: but their spirits shall not be slain in the day of judgment nor shall they be raised from thence.'

3rd March 2014, 04:55 AM

Zionist apocalypse coming? (http://presstv.com/detail/2014/02/10/350122/zionist-apocalypse-coming/)

http://previous.presstv.ir/photo/20140210/350122_Israel-Netanyahu.jpgBenjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister

Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:11PM
By Dr Kevin Barrett
Related Interviews:

Will a Zionist apocalypse erupt during the coming two years?

Some Zionists seem to think so. They are predicting that an unusual series of lunar eclipses or “blood moons” expected in 2014 and 2015 augurs war and disaster on an epic scale.

One Zionist website warns: “It cannot be regarded as coincidence that all four blood moons of 2014/15 occur on religious festivals of Israel, together with two eclipses of the sun also on important days in 2015...According to NASA - Four 'blood-red' TOTAL lunar eclipses WILL fall again on Passover and Sukkoth in 2014 and 2015… the same back-to-back occurrences at the time of 1492, 1948 and 1967” (sic).

more: http://presstv.com/detail/2014/02/10/350122/zionist-apocalypse-coming/

3rd March 2014, 10:01 PM
..as well as ariel sharon near death (why is israel trying so hard to keep him alive??) some- rabbi K made a prophecy saying when sharon kicks, the "messiah" will be revealed...we know WHO THIS kosher actor will be now dont we??

Well Sharon is gone and it was uneventful. Forgot where I heard it but word was his kids were striving to keep him alive so they could keep collecting his pension! How joowey is that! :o

3rd March 2014, 10:43 PM
Any inklings as of yet who the "messiah" is? Two months since Ariel Sharon kicked the bucket, may his soul rot in piss...

4th March 2014, 03:42 AM
I wouldnt say so Hatha.. the magnetic influence of the moon causes tides, look at the sun's influence on Nature... The amount of water in the human body ranges from 50-75%. The average adult human body is 50-65% water, averaging around 57-60%. So the moon surely influences our moods.

electro-magnetism holds the Universe together and earth is subjected to the influence of its sister planets in our solar system and otherwise. This is a proven fact. The brain is an electric device and hence highly receptive. We live in an electric Universe, hard to refute this. And mathematics backs it up 100%.

Maybe the day people will endorse that very science (applying the Laws of electro-magnetism to human behaviors), astrology and numerology will be regarded differently and LOSE their secret/occult power overnight. That is why astrology still has bright days ahead. All politicians use it... hence the NWO. They use as a tool of knowing WHEN the Collective Consciousness is the most sensitive/weak/gullible.

why do *they* have so many electro-magnetic/silent weapons?

That is why ALL religions are based on Astro-Theology. They ALL worship Planets, the sun (male principle) and the moon, (female principle) especially. Why do you think monotheism banned astrology in the first place? To keep this Knowledge for the initiates! Alchemy was/is too closely related to Astrology.

The moon representing the 'hidden" and being a female principle, has led this war on women throughout the ages, the witch hunt in the middle ages. Why do you think Islam wants women to wear burkas? In fact patriarchal societies are based on the 'sun worship'.

Instead of blasting the knowledge of the NWO as satanic, we'd gain a lot understanding of what and why so much evil happens by studying Astrology first. But for some reasons, many people freak out when confronting the idea that "a cosmic/electro-magnetic vibration" influences their lives.

NOTHING is random in the Universe... it is all about *synchronicity*, everything happens for a reason...


In the Old Testament, the prophet Joel states, “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.” (Joel 2:31)

In the New Testament, Jesus is quoted as saying: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light. … And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” (Matthew 24:29-30)

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/10/blood-moons-expert-watch-2014-and-2015/#d6La45aLYSPKTtbs.99

A blood moon is a lunar eclipse. It's when the earth is positioned between the sun and the moon, so that the moon is in the earth's shadow and not exposed to direct sunlight. It has no significance in human affairs--any connection between the timing of a blood moon and significant events in human affairs is the stuff astrology is made of. Or numerology. Knowing when these events will happen makes it possible for plotters and schemers to disguise their plots and schemes behind astronomical events so that people believe those events have some larger significance connected to religion--particularly 'acts of god'. Whatever happens are not acts of god, but acts of humans who know the schedule for astronomical events. I'm not attaching any significance to these blood moons. Reverend Hagee is a 'priest'. He's selling Zionism. What could be a better endorsement for Zionism than an "act of god'.


4th March 2014, 04:57 AM
Hey Goldissima it is actually the moons gravity, not its magnetism, that create tides on earth. The gravity effect of the moon on individual water molecules, is extremely small. It has only a meassurable effect when grouping water molecules together in vast quantities, called Oceans...

4th March 2014, 05:06 AM
and what is gravity... how can one explain gravity without explaining electro-magnetism :) I am listening...

it is denial Neuro... our body is composed by 50+% of water... if it influences oceans, it influences us too. Deprive a individual from seeing sunlight, s/he will go crazy much faster.

as above so below... everything is GLUED by electro-magnetism

but like I said: But for some reasons, many people freak out when confronting the idea that "a cosmic/electro-magnetic vibration" influences their lives.

in fact a planet is given a certain influence, depending on its position in the skies. since most people were illiterate in the ancient times, so they were told to worship planets... BUT it is all maths in fact...


4th March 2014, 05:30 AM
Just because one can't explain gravity doesn't mean it becomes synonymous with electro-magnetism. It is quite easy to prove that gravity isn't the same as magnetism, take a magnet and drop it towards earth, it will drop at the same rate no matter if you drop it South or North Pole down... Iow gravity isn't magnetism...

Take a big lake and measure the tidal variations in it? Why doesn't it vary? I have no problem recognizing that the moon influences cycles, what I have a problem with is that you try to attach a physical phenomena as an explanation, which is easily disproven, and then claim I am in denial...

As for why the moon influences cycles. I don't know! Try that sometimes instead of making up bullshit explanations...

4th March 2014, 05:33 AM
hehehe... caught... everything spins coze everything is ELECTRIC in nature and in the Universe, sorry :) where do you think plasma theories come from? Even frequencies are electric that why the NWO turned them into weapons.

The Electric Universe - Plasma Cosmology .net

electric universe, video

There isnt any *one world religion* out there but a lack to access knowledge.

the fact that this thread has gotten 1,024 Views so far, rather means that people are interested in the occult (another word for the hidden). Thats fairly good news, so maybe we'll beat "them" at some point.

4th March 2014, 08:34 AM
hehehe... caught... everything spins coze everything is ELECTRIC in nature and in the Universe, sorry :) where do you think plasma theories come from? Even frequencies are electric that why the NWO turned them into weapons.

The Electric Universe - Plasma Cosmology .net

electric universe, video

There isnt any *one world religion* out there but a lack to access knowledge.

the fact that this thread has gotten 1,024 Views so far, rather means that people are interested in the occult (another word for the hidden). Thats fairly good news, so maybe we'll beat "them" at some point.
I listened to that interview re Electrical Universe, and sure gravity could very well be electrical in nature, but moons gravity works not only on water it works on all molecules and atoms equally on earth. The main difference is how they react, solid and gaseous materials not so much, solids because they are very tightly bound together, and gases because they are very loosely connected with each others. Great masses (oceans) of liquids on the other hand are in between and moons gravity can move them in a semi connected unit thus you have tides...

4th March 2014, 10:22 AM
the moon has a HUGE influence, in farming for example, planting certain seeds will be more successful if one is aware of the moon's cycles, planting during the new moon is often better for crops.

Gardening by the Phases of the Moon
At the new moon, the lunar gravity pulls water up, and causes the seeds to swell and burst. This factor, coupled with the increasing moonlight creates balanced root and leaf growth. This is the best time for planting above ground annual crops that produce their seeds outside the fruit. Examples are lettuce, spinach, celery, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and grain crops. Cucumbers like this phase also, even though they are an exception to that rule.
In the fourth quarter there is decreased gravitational pull and moonlight, and it is considered a resting period. This is also the best time to cultivate, harvest, transplant and prune. Mow lawns in the third or fourth quarter to retard growth.

Unless a woman takes contraceptive pills, her menstruation cycles will often go along with moon cycles/full moon.

Gravity is electricity and electricity cannot circulate without electromagnetism ... anything that is made of water reacts to electro-magnetism, it is a conduit. Even the sun is composed of water. :)

there are 5 elements. fire, water, earth, air, and the Aether which is generally left out by modern physicists. Thats why Alchemy was banned, because its science was including the Aether... Why do you think water is the only element that can change: liquid, solid, vapor, because only water can affect air, earth and fire. Water is considered "magic" therefore... it binds all elements together. Even water has a memory.

and electro-magnetism is produced by the Aether. Nobody knows how but thats there. Well God likely is the only explanation.

FOUR 'blood moons' in the next 21 months got 1500 hits in 36H, not bad... :)

I listened to that interview re Electrical Universe, and sure gravity could very well be electrical in nature, but moons gravity works not only on water it works on all molecules and atoms equally on earth. The main difference is how they react, solid and gaseous materials not so much, solids because they are very tightly bound together, and gases because they are very loosely connected with each others. Great masses (oceans) of liquids on the other hand are in between and moons gravity can move them in a semi connected unit thus you have tides...

4th March 2014, 10:44 AM

4th March 2014, 11:55 AM
the moon has a HUGE influence, in farming for example, planting certain seeds will be more successful if one is aware of the moon's cycles, planting during the new moon is often better for crops.

Gardening by the Phases of the Moon
At the new moon, the lunar gravity pulls water up, and causes the seeds to swell and burst. This factor, coupled with the increasing moonlight creates balanced root and leaf growth. This is the best time for planting above ground annual crops that produce their seeds outside the fruit. Examples are lettuce, spinach, celery, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and grain crops. Cucumbers like this phase also, even though they are an exception to that rule.
In the fourth quarter there is decreased gravitational pull and moonlight, and it is considered a resting period. This is also the best time to cultivate, harvest, transplant and prune. Mow lawns in the third or fourth quarter to retard growth.

Unless a woman takes contraceptive pills, her menstruation cycles will often go along with moon cycles/full moon.

Gravity is electricity and electricity cannot circulate without electromagnetism ... anything that is made of water reacts to electro-magnetism, it is a conduit. Even the sun is composed of water. :)

there are 5 elements. fire, water, earth, air, and the Aether which is generally left out by modern physicists. Thats why Alchemy was banned, because its science was including the Aether... Why do you think water is the only element that can change: liquid, solid, vapor, because only water can affect air, earth and fire. Water is considered "magic" therefore... it binds all elements together. Even water has a memory.

and electro-magnetism is produced by the Aether. Nobody knows how but thats there. Well God likely is the only explanation.

FOUR 'blood moons' in the next 21 months got 1500 hits in 36H, not bad... :)
I can guarantee you there is no water on/in the sun. It's a ball of plasma, even the coldest part is 5700° C, water can't exist at those temperatures. Sure it has oxygen and hydrogen ions in the plasma, but they are not together like a water molecule. It is simply to hot!

I would like to see some evidence that it is better to plant at new moon...

4th March 2014, 01:48 PM
Pretty funny to read the stuff from singularity. She would have done well to take some basic science classes before spouting silly and contradictory concepts as "facts".

BTW... the sun is millions of degrees because it is hotter than the earth core. And the earth core is millions of degrees...... I got it from another scientist.... Al Gore.


4th March 2014, 02:41 PM
Spectrism and Neuro... please consider the following.

Neuro: I persist. any cosmic phenomenon is the consequence of electro-magnetism, it is the "prime" cause of the spinning motion... without it, group of atoms/cells wouldnt stick together and/or cooperate. Even the DNA spins.

ps:Spectrism you are so narrowed minded, instead of asking me for an evidence/article FIRST, you IMMEDIATELY accuse me of being an Al Gore replica.. the world is going from bad to worse because of people like you, sorry pal.


let's throw a few drops at the time onto a fire... what do we get? the fire intensifies. :) Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen, which is fuel for the Sun's fusion ???

Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen... Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen... Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen... Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen...Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen... Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen... Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen... Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen...

How did water get on the Sun? - Stanford Solar Center
Water consists of tiny particles called molecules. You can't see them, not even under a microscope, they are much smaller than that. But even each water molecule consists again of smaller particles called atoms. Each water molecule consists of three: one oxygen atom (called O) and two hydrogen atoms (called H). Therefore, the formula for water is H2O.

So how can there be water molecules on the sun? Well, there are a few cool places, just cool enough that some hydrogen (H) atoms and oxygen atoms (O) can team up to become a water molecule (H2O). Those are the centers of sunspots on the outside of the sun. Sunspots are dark places on the sun with a lot of magnetic field, much much stronger than the earth's magnetic field which pushes your compass needle to the direction of the North pole. In sunspots, the magnetic field is so strong that it pushes the gas largely aside and makes it cool as well. The remaining gas is so cool that there can be a bit of water by H atoms joining O atoms. That is still water vapor, not fluid! You can't go surfing on the sun - and I can't go kayaking there (that's my sport).

Water-Vapor in Sun-Spots - NASA Astrophysics Data System
(not highly convincing, but...)

Researchers Confirm that Water Exists On The Sun July 17, 1997
"The calculations were so good that they were close enough to the observations for us to make sense of the spectrum," said Bernath, who led the team that carried out the laboratory spectroscopy. Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction of light and matter.

The Moon's Water Comes From the Sun

had to remove the video because it was not with eric dollard as I thought..

midnight rambler
4th March 2014, 02:47 PM

The facts notwithstanding, what matters is what the clever tribe believes and how they act upon those beliefs.

4th March 2014, 06:11 PM
I watched the debunking vid... and it was lacking.

5th March 2014, 12:59 AM
Spectrism and Neuro... please consider the following.

Neuro: I persist. any cosmic phenomenon is the consequence of electro-magnetism, it is the "prime" cause of the spinning motion... without it, group of atoms/cells wouldnt stick together and/or cooperate. Even the DNA spins.

ps:Spectrism you are so narrowed minded, instead of asking me for an evidence/article FIRST, you IMMEDIATELY accuse me of being an Al Gore replica.. the world is going from bad to worse because of people like you, sorry pal.


let's throw a few drops at the time onto a fire... what do we get? the fire intensifies. :) Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen, which is fuel for the Sun's fusion ???

Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen... Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen... Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen... Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen...Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen... Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen... Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen... Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen...

How did water get on the Sun? - Stanford Solar Center
Water consists of tiny particles called molecules. You can't see them, not even under a microscope, they are much smaller than that. But even each water molecule consists again of smaller particles called atoms. Each water molecule consists of three: one oxygen atom (called O) and two hydrogen atoms (called H). Therefore, the formula for water is H2O.

So how can there be water molecules on the sun? Well, there are a few cool places, just cool enough that some hydrogen (H) atoms and oxygen atoms (O) can team up to become a water molecule (H2O). Those are the centers of sunspots on the outside of the sun. Sunspots are dark places on the sun with a lot of magnetic field, much much stronger than the earth's magnetic field which pushes your compass needle to the direction of the North pole. In sunspots, the magnetic field is so strong that it pushes the gas largely aside and makes it cool as well. The remaining gas is so cool that there can be a bit of water by H atoms joining O atoms. That is still water vapor, not fluid! You can't go surfing on the sun - and I can't go kayaking there (that's my sport).

Water-Vapor in Sun-Spots - NASA Astrophysics Data System
(not highly convincing, but...)

Researchers Confirm that Water Exists On The Sun July 17, 1997
"The calculations were so good that they were close enough to the observations for us to make sense of the spectrum," said Bernath, who led the team that carried out the laboratory spectroscopy. Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction of light and matter.

The Moon's Water Comes From the Sun

had to remove the video because it was not with eric dollard as I thought..
Sure you would get hydrogen atoms bumping into oxygen atoms on the sun, giving the impression of water on a spectrometer analysis. However the bond between hydrogen atoms and the oxygen atom would be so weak it would almost instantaneously break apart. A water molecule wouldn't last a second on the suns surface even in a cooler sunspot....

5th March 2014, 03:05 AM
Sure you would get hydrogen atoms bumping into oxygen atoms on the sun, giving the impression of water on a spectrometer analysis. However the bond between hydrogen atoms and the oxygen atom would be so weak it would almost instantaneously break apart. A water molecule wouldn't last a second on the suns surface even in a cooler sunspot....

whatever, this proves that water's molecule components, are fuel. Period. and please do some home work, I could come up with more links... but the whole point is that water is the only element that INTERACTS with the 4 other ones. remember? And that the human body is sensitive to the the moon's influence because we are made of 50% of water.

If the water instantly evaporates, that doesnt mean that water isnt there.. it is a half-full/half empty glass issue.

Water around massive young stars (2010)
Water is critical to human life, but also plays an important role in the life of stars and their planetary systems. As a gas, water helps to cool collapsing clouds of interstellar material so that they can form new stars.
In the form of ice, water acts as a glue on dust grains to help them coagulate into planetesimals and then into planets around the new stars. Finally, liquid water transports molecules on planetary surfaces, helping bring them together for complex chemistry.

Star Shooting Intense Water Jets Into Space Spotted By Herschel Telescope
A star shooting water is almost an oxymoron.
But a young sun-like star seems to have been spotted 750 light-years from Earth doing just that, as researchers have apparently discovered, according to PopSci. Their findings indicate that the proto-star is shooting water from its poles at about 124,000 miles per hour......... The really interesting part of this discovery however, is just how far the water is propelled and the possibility that this stage may be a part of the life of many more protostars. If this is the case, the prospect of stars like these distributing water throughout the universe is incredible, considering the implications for life that water brings.

Water in Stars and Planets


By banning Alchemy(study of Aether's influence on the 4 elements: air, water, earth, fire) and Astrology (study of planetary electro-magnetism and its influence on psyches and nature), the church has delayed scientific exploration by centuries... thanks to the Church's other book burning episode. More knowledge concealed playing in the hands of the NWO/freemasons/zionists/illuminati/etc... we got into this mess because they know how to wage war on Consciousness (universal awareness)... and using astro-theology and Alchemy against us.

It is all about maths! Why are sciences a complete scam, because scientists today never take into consideration (education being a deception) this very ancient knowledge explaining the Whole we all are part of. Eventually, they will have to face it.

indeed how could 'fire' and 'water' be so intrinsically linked?? something that Alchemists knew centuries ago? (wikipedia.org) Alchemy covers several philosophical traditions spanning some four millennia and three continents. .... The start of European alchemy may generally be traced to Hellenistic Egypt. The Hellenistic city of Alexandria was a center of Greek alchemical knowledge, and retained its preeminence through most of the Greek and Roman periods.[29]

it all leads to the Mystery Schools..

5th March 2014, 04:06 AM
Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

We know very little of what happens in and on stars. So... we make guesses and keep checking FACTS against those guesses. One very good guess is that all elements are created in the stars as the smallest (hydrogen) fuses to itself and surrounding elements.... as they grow. The larger atomic weight elements, then, are formed later than the smaller elements.

A strong preacher of star water, electric universe and solar studies is a guy whose YT videos I check every day. Suspicious Observers also has his own website... for cost... with more info. The more we learn, the less we know we know. I think there are more energy forms yet to be discovered. Right now we can talk in terms of magnetic and electrical fields, electromagnetic radiation from gamma to daio waves. But we know very little.




5th March 2014, 04:27 AM
glad to see that your mind is becoming more balanced, Spectrism. Though I suspect that you use the feature to blind my postings.

Right now we can talk in terms of magnetic and electrical fields, electromagnetic radiation from gamma to daio waves. But we know very little.

know little? sorry pal, SOME are in the know. **High level-NWO approved scientists know**... the knowledge has been out there for MILLENNIA.

plz, when you get a chance, start watching videos about Alchemy, good ones, not those ridiculing it. :)

------------ willing to help a bit here

Uploaded on Dec 9, 2011

In Alchemy - Sacred Secrets Revealed we take an in-depth look at this most Sacred Science, what are some of the myths, and how it relates to consciousness and spirituality. Alchemy has been shrouded in mystery and kept out of new adepts hands by secret societies, hermetic and fraternal orders for centuries.

In this film, we focus primarily on the spiritual aspects of Alchemy and Hermeticism.


it is sickening to see concealed knowledge KILLING us and then have people asserting that this knowledge is evil. If we keep thinking this way, maybe do we deserve to be enslaved...

5th March 2014, 04:28 AM
When you take valid science and apply nonsensical BS, it does nothing but destroy your credibility. You have an agenda... to push new age religion with your emotional "science". It is as wrong as the "religion" or "church" you decry.

By banning Alchemy(study of Aether's influence on the 4 elements: air, water, earth, fire) and Astrology (study of planetary electro-magnetism and its influence on psyches and nature), the church has delayed scientific exploration by centuries... thanks to the Church's other book burning episode. More knowledge concealed playing in the hands of the NWO/freemasons/zionists/illuminati/etc... we got into this mess because they know how to wage war on Consciousness (universal awareness)... and using astro-theology and Alchemy against us.

That is such a load of crap. Your "4 elements" are the initial savage man try to make sense of the world. We have gone a bit beyond caveman understanding. When you talk about "the church" you lump all christianity into one seething pot of corruption. Again, you show your lack of knowledge & understanding. Yes- it is infuriating to try to take you seriously. You want the "hidden knowledge" but you have no clue about the cost of having it.

You talk of "universal consciousness". That is crap that is fed by the demons to the gullible.

It is all about maths! Why are sciences a complete scam, because scientists today never take into consideration (education being a deception) this very ancient knowledge explaining the Whole we all are part of. Eventually, they will have to face it.

indeed how could 'fire' and 'water' be so intrinsically linked?? something that Alchemists knew centuries ago? (wikipedia.org) The start of European alchemy may generally be traced to Hellenistic Egypt. The Hellenistic city of Alexandria was a center of Greek alchemical knowledge, and retained its preeminence through most of the Greek and Roman periods.[29]
it all leads to the Mystery Schools..

You blame the "church" but the same scams are going on without the church. It is the corrupt human nature that perverts truth and seeks to make gains for self. You flounder in confusion and stab at your perceived beasts with your steely knives.

Celtic Rogue
5th March 2014, 04:45 AM
Gravity and magnetism are not the same thing. In fact, they are completely separate forces. Gravity is a force that acts between any two objects with mass. No matter what they are made of, both objects get pulled towards each other just because they have mass. Unlike gravity, which occurs between any objects, magnetism depends on specific properties of objects. The pull of the moons gravity does have some effect on thing on the earth. Tides and behavior are the two that come to mind right away. I am not sure if it is all coincidental but on full moon nights the rate of crazy/violent behavior increases. You just have to look at the police logs on full moon nights to see the increases. This is a fact that can be quantified. Hence the word lunatic that is centuries old..

As far as water on the sun...It is impossible because as Neuro stated... the molecular bonds are shattered at the temperatures on the sun. Water is a molecule and if the temperature reaches above 212F then the bonds start to shatter. Water is not an element as it can be broken down into Hydrogen and Oxygen. But there is no way to recombine in the heat of the sun. However there are some that say that in the sun spots there is water vapor. http://solar-center.stanford.edu/news/sunwater.html

5th March 2014, 04:49 AM
You have an agenda... to push new age religion with your emotional "science"...You talk of "universal consciousness". That is crap that is fed by the demons to the gullible.


Exactly. She also intentionally excuses and diverts our attention away from the jews.

5th March 2014, 04:55 AM
Gravity is a consequence of electro-magnetism, which causes every atom/cell to spin, hence increases or decreases gravity. We have to look at the prime cause, not its side effects...

the mass of an object is defined by its own electro-magnetism (field) it is all about plasma/electricity, it is not the first time that sciences got it wrong... another deception.

Einstein's constant speed of light was debunked in the early 1900s, yet they still teach it in colleges. Newton didnt get it all either.

almost 100 years LATER!!!

SYDNEY (Reuters) - A team of Australian scientists has proposed that the speed of light may not be a constant, a revolutionary idea that could unseat one of the most cherished laws of modern physics -- Einstein's theory of relativity. ... If so, physicists will have to rethink many of their basic ideas about the laws of the universe. "That means giving up the theory of relativity and E=mc squared and all that sort of stuff," Davies told Reuters. http://www.rense.com/general28/erin.htm

Newton is on his way out too... they all end up becoming INfamous. :)

however, sciences have always been working that way... this to "regulate' the flow of knowledge in order to control it.. and how: 6000 years of concealed knowledge. Go and ask the "Vedic from ancient India" and why today Ayurveda is more and more regarded as the most potent medicinal knowledge.

Much like the medicine of classical antiquity, Ayurveda has historically taken the approach of enumerating bodily substances in the framework of the five classical elements (Sanskrit [maha]panchabhuta, viz. earth, water, fire, air and aether. (wikipedia)


Gravity and magnetism are not the same thing. In fact, they are completely separate forces. Gravity is a force that acts between any two objects with mass. No matter what they are made of, both objects get pulled towards each other just because they have mass. Unlike gravity, which occurs between any objects, magnetism depends on specific properties of objects. The pull of the moons gravity does have some effect on thing on the earth. Tides and behavior are the two that come to mind right away. I am not sure if it is all coincidental but on full moon nights the rate of crazy/violent behavior increases. You just have to look at the police logs on full moon nights to see the increases. This is a fact that can be quantified. Hence the word lunatic that is centuries old..

as Neuro stated... the molecular bonds are shattered at the temperatures on the sun. Water is a molecule and if the temperature reaches above 212F then the bonds start to shatter. Water is not an element as it can be broken down into Hydrogen and Oxygen. But there is no way to recombine in the heat of the sun. However there are some that say that in the sun spots there is water vapor. http://solar-center.stanford.edu/news/sunwater.html

5th March 2014, 05:04 AM
Spectrism the day you realize that ALL Religions are written by man, then maybe we can have a decent conversation.... additionally, you mention yourself that is man's mind that is corrupt, yet fail to see the whole picture... ever heard that Christ, when disappearing between 12 and 30 of age, went to the Mystery Schools? dont you find strange that He died at age 33, as there are 33 masonic degrees? And disappeared at age 12 as they are 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 tribes of Judas?

please explain why this big blank about His life in the scriptures ??? so plz and try to come up with a decent answer. And if you dont wanna know, its fine by me... but then stop accusing me of willing to dig much deeper than you.

and yes emotions rule over knowledge/wisdom (hence spirituality) and our hearts... saying that it is new age crap doesnt make one look smarter. Only the fear(emotion) to know can block one's awareness.

these questions above are for Book too.


When you take valid science and apply nonsensical BS, it does nothing but destroy your credibility. You have an agenda... to push new age religion with your emotional "science". It is as wrong as the "religion" or "church" you decry.

That is such a load of crap. Your "4 elements" are the initial savage man try to make sense of the world. We have gone a bit beyond caveman understanding. When you talk about "the church" you lump all christianity into one seething pot of corruption. Again, you show your lack of knowledge & understanding. Yes- it is infuriating to try to take you seriously. You want the "hidden knowledge" but you have no clue about the cost of having it.

You talk of "universal consciousness". That is crap that is fed by the demons to the gullible.

You blame the "church" but the same scams are going on without the church. It is the corrupt human nature that perverts truth and seeks to make gains for self. You flounder in confusion and stab at your perceived beasts with your steely knives.

5th March 2014, 06:31 AM
Yes Book, its all about the jews... unfortunately, the Bible is a masonic textbook, just like any organized religious teachings for the masses. This is because organized religions must embed sacred numbers into human' psyches for people to submit. When it is done using people's ignorance, it brings about evil.

example: Pythagoras still is a prominent figure in mathematics, yet he is the father of Numerology... and not so surprisingly attended the Mystery Schools.

I am still trying to see who is really into new age crap here... you or me?
you turning your back to real questions... or me trying to see through the fog of a multi-layer deception?

if you can do with a 18 year blank in Jesus' history... and that I cannot accept it, need to know... well you see what I mean :)

Exactly. She also intentionally excuses and diverts our attention away from the jews.

5th March 2014, 06:45 AM
Yes Book, its all about the jews... unfortunately the Bible is a masonic textbook...


:rolleyes: back to your old tricks...lol.

5th March 2014, 07:43 AM
Newton on his way out? Unfortunately Newton went out when Einstein and his groupies the church of quantum mechanics came in 60-70 years ago. The great thing about gravity, is that it works whether you believe in it or not.

5th March 2014, 09:40 AM
The great thing about gravity, is that it works whether you believe in it or not. -Neuro

Quote worthy.


5th March 2014, 12:41 PM
I can guarantee you there is no water on/in the sun. It's a ball of plasma, even the coldest part is 5700° C, water can't exist at those temperatures. Sure it has oxygen and hydrogen ions in the plasma, but they are not together like a water molecule. It is simply to hot!

I would like to see some evidence that it is better to plant at new moon...

planting by the moon is old as the hills , not every one believes it ,I do though

5th March 2014, 02:03 PM
I am not saying there is no evil jews, yes there are... and Vatican is a nest of vipers too.


:rolleyes: back to your old tricks...lol.

5th March 2014, 02:10 PM
planting by the moon is old as the hills , not every one believes it ,I do though
It could very well be something behind it, but it shouldn't be too difficult to prove it though, you just plant one half of the field at new moon, and one half at full moon, and repeat it for a few years, so that you get an average planting time equal for full and new moon, exclude years where earlier crops were destroyed by night frost... And just measure the harvest!

5th March 2014, 02:13 PM
I am not saying there is no evil jews, yes there are... and Vatican is a nest of vipers too.Greed has no lock on any religion, it is universal, Been that way since before history started to be recorded. We just like to have certain scape goats to dump our own problems on. When in reality greed will rear its head in any family or people of any country or race.

Just saying.

5th March 2014, 02:16 PM
It could very well be something behind it, but it shouldn't be too difficult to prove it though, you just plant one half of the field at new moon, and one half at full moon, and repeat it for a few years, so that you get an average planting time equal for full and new moon, exclude years where earlier crops were destroyed by night frost... And just measure the harvest!

Do or have known some that planted by moon cycles, and crazy as it seems it seems to have worked for them.

Just like people going nuts at a full moon, some will say it is bull crap, others will swear it is truth, police/hospitals come to mind.
But it seems there is no hard truth proven.

5th March 2014, 02:57 PM
sure, couldnt agree more. I dont mind pointing at the culprits but nobody can take over the world without the help of like-minded insiders. the chinese experiment with fiat money and hyperinflation, spread over centuries (from 618 to 1309 AD), yet never anything is said about the evil chinese in this regard. How about the Swedish then? I am sure that after so much track records of failed paper money, there has been a race for which would perfect it. Vatican ended condemnation of usury in the 16th century, opening the door for whatever jew smart enough as jews had been handling usurious matters for centuries already. That jews took over the banking system is the consequence of giving them power to do so in the first place... I am not saying that it explains everything, but there is an trail of facts that cannot be refuted. In short thats what happens when you allow somebody to do the dirty job... you either end up being gobbled up alive or are forced to team up to survive, then a conspiracy takes shape...

the history of usury is fascinating, somehow, but saying it is all about a specific culture is not entirely true... nor false

Paper money went westward when the Mongols printed Chinese-style note in Iran in 1291 and led to the usual inflation. The earlist European paper money was printed in Sweden in 1601. It is possible that Europeans learned the art of printing and paper currency through the examination of Chinese paper money which were either obtained in Westeren asia during the Yuan dynasty or had been brought back from China by traveling Europeans. http://www.silk-road.com/artl/papermoney.shtml

Greed has no lock on any religion, it is universal, Been that way since before history started to be recorded. We just like to have certain scape goats to dump our own problems on. When in reality greed will rear its head in any family or people of country or race.

Just saying.

5th March 2014, 02:59 PM
Greed has no lock on any religion, it is universal, Been that way since before history started to be recorded. We just like to have certain scape goats to dump our own problems on. When in reality greed will rear its head in any family or people of country or race.

About 12-15 years ago the woman who was selected to become the next leader of the Social Democratic Party in Sweden, Mona Sahlin, was found to have payed for a toblerone bar, with her parliament credit card, about a week or two later she was forced to resign, due to the media storm this created. Meanwhile now the last couple of weeks the prime minister of Turkey, Recep Tayip Erdogan, had a leaked phone conversation with his son Bilal, on what they should do with €30 million in cash, that they kept at different houses they have, money he embezzled in business deals and government contracts. TV media is totally silent about this, some news papers not under Erdogans control speak about it. People who are his supporters, probably, if they can think at all, figure he has embezzled the money, but they think it is good, one of "their" people has made it, and politicians from other parties are crooks too, when they are in power. And he sits safe and unthreatened. Just a week ago, arrest warrants were issued for 30 businessmen close to Erdogan by prosecutors, but the police refused to carry them out. The police is controlled by Erdogan...

My point? Greed may indeed be universal, but there are many magnitudes of difference between people depending on ethnicity and culture. In Sweden an elected leader is expected to be honest and clean, while in Turkey they are expected to be corrupt and brutal. Middle Easterners are different from Northern Europeans in moral attitude.

5th March 2014, 03:04 PM
About 12-15 years ago the woman who was selected to become the next leader of the Social Democratic Party in Sweden, Mona Sahlin, was found to have payed for a toblerone bar, with her parliament credit card, about a week or two later she was forced to resign, due to the media storm this created. Meanwhile now the last couple of weeks the prime minister of Turkey, Recep Tayip Erdogan, had a leaked phone conversation with his son Bilal, on what they should do with €30 million in cash, that they kept at different houses they have, money he embezzled in business deals and government contracts. TV media is totally silent about this, some news papers not under Erdogans control speak about it. People who are his supporters, probably, if they can think at all, figure he has embezzled the money, but they think it is good, one of "their" people has made it, and politicians from other parties are crooks too, when they are in power. And he sits safe and unthreatened. Just a week ago, arrest warrants were issued for 30 businessmen close to Erdogan by prosecutors, but the police refused to carry them out. The police is controlled by Erdogan...

My point? Greed may indeed be universal, but there are many magnitudes of difference between people depending on ethnicity and culture. In Sweden an elected leader is expected to be honest and clean, while in Turkey they are expected to be corrupt and brutal. Middle Easterners are different from Northern Europeans in moral attitude. I still hold that greed of any magnitude has no lock on any ethically/race and it is universal. That is not saying some will call a ethically/race card.

I do not care if they are black/brown/red/yellow or any shade of white or purple, all are subject to greed for economic advantage and or power. No race/creed and or religion has a lock on it. Individuals of all creeds strive for it no matter the cost to get theirs, wealth and or power, with with the first you have the latter.

5th March 2014, 03:15 PM
I still hold that greed of any magnitude has no lock on any ethically/race and it is universal. That is not saying some will call a ethically/race card.

I do not care if they are black/brown/red/yellow or any shade of white or purple, all are subject to greed for economic advantage and or power. No race/creed and or religion has a lock on it. Individuals of all creeds strive for it no matter the cost to get theirs, wealth and or power, with with the first you have the latter.
What would you consider the opposite of greed? Altruism? Do you think that is also spread equally around the world?

5th March 2014, 03:24 PM
Neuro, maybe quantum mechanics will lead somehwere, maybe not... but forget about terminology for a few seconds... no scientific theory can hold long enough when discarding the Aether, all the darkness in the heavens that births Life. And physicists are beinging to understand that... meaning BACK to square one: ancient knowledge, which is deemed esoteric because it was concealed on purpose.

unfortunately, people prefer to blast the word 'esoteric" (ooh thats evil!) instead of 'the purpose... the problem we have here is that when looking into the purpose honestly, everything falls apart... and many are not yet ready for that.

Newton on his way out? Unfortunately Newton went out when Einstein and his groupies the church of quantum mechanics came in 60-70 years ago. The great thing about gravity, is that it works whether you believe in it or not.

5th March 2014, 03:25 PM
What would you consider the opposite of greed? Altruism? Do you think that is also spread equally around the world?
Dam good question that at this time right now I have no good answer, but let me think on it. Not everyone is cold hearted and care about their neighbors, history is full of such people.

But I still hold to what I think about greed, methinks that is one not listed or was about religious outlook on "sin"!

5th March 2014, 03:33 PM
wait, do you mean that because earth has a "stonger" electro-magetic field, the apple falls onto the ground and that we do not fall off the earth :)

yes gravity is real :)
it works all the time.

we have to start paying attention to the terminology, because it often comes down to another "divide to conquer "

Newton on his way out? Unfortunately Newton went out when Einstein and his groupies the church of quantum mechanics came in 60-70 years ago. The great thing about gravity, is that it works whether you believe in it or not.

5th March 2014, 03:38 PM
wait, do you mean that because earth has a "stonger" electro-magetic field, the apple falls onto the ground and that we do not fall off the earth :)

yes gravity is real :)
it works all the time. As far as I understand it , electro magetic fields have nothing to do with gravity. Mass yes, tho at the beginnings electro-magnitic force does seem to help clump super light stuff together, until that clump grows big enough that gravity takes over. Are they related, probably, proven hell no one has figured out what in the hell gravity is or knows how it works other than it is related to mass.

5th March 2014, 03:40 PM
Neuro, pls try to be genuine one minute... that is the enforcement of altruism that is EVIL!

anything enforced and/or using peoiple ignorance bring about destruction.

I dont think greed would be that much of an evil, IF not fueled by ignorance. When I look at those wallstreet shareholders running into a trap, I pitty them. I dont see them as evil individuals, if they only knew they were destroying mankind, they wouldnt go for it but keep their gold/silver Under their matrasses :).

]Posted by Neuro
What would you consider the opposite of greed? Altruism? Do you think that is also spread equally around the world?

5th March 2014, 03:42 PM
[QUOTE=singular_me;694858]Neuro, pls try to be genuine one minute... that is the enforcement of altruism that is EVIL!

anything enforced and/or using peoiple ignorance bring about destruction.

[QUOTE]]Posted by Neuro

What would you consider the opposite of greed? Altruism? Do you think that is also spread equally around the world?

Agree, but the cat love to play, and act , who ..Me!

Nothing I have posted is new to anyone that is well read, and has an open mind.

5th March 2014, 03:48 PM
okay lets say mass then...

its is because the electro magnetic mass of a black hole is monstruous that everything falls into it... same with Newton's apple.

I think it is obvious that gravity is the interaction of two electromagnetic fields

As far as I understand it , electro magetic fields have nothing to do with gravity. Mass yes, tho at the beginnings electro-magnitic force does seem to help clump super light stuff together, until that clump grows big enough that gravity takes over. Are they related, probably, proven hell no one has figured out what in the hell gravity is or knows how it works other than it is related to mass.

5th March 2014, 03:52 PM
it is all about benevolence and not playing tricks... it is the major tenet of Free Will... thats the way I see it.

[QUOTE=singular_me;694858]Neuro, pls try to be genuine one minute... that is the enforcement of altruism that is EVIL!

anything enforced and/or using peoiple ignorance bring about destruction.

[QUOTE]]Posted by Neuro

What would you consider the opposite of greed? Altruism? Do you think that is also spread equally around the world?

Agree, but the cat love to play, and act , who ..Me!

Nothing I have posted is new to anyone that is well read, and has an open mind.

5th March 2014, 03:57 PM
Neuro, maybe quantum mechanics will lead somehwere, maybe not... but forget about terminology for a few seconds... no scientific theory can hold long enough when discarding the Aether, all the darkness in the heavens that births Life. And physicists are beinging to understand that... meaning BACK to square one: ancient knowledge, which is deemed esoteric because it was concealed on purpose.

unfortunately, people prefer to blast the word 'esoteric" (ooh thats evil!) instead of 'the purpose... the problem we have here is that when looking into the purpose honestly, everything falls apart... and many are not yet ready for that.
The phycisists that start understanding that are with no exception quantum mechanics, that believe in Big Bang religion, everything was created out of nothing. If you don't believe in that, things will start falling in its place. I have no problem accepting that all water is ultimately created in stars, but the plasma of the star doesn't have water in it, but they do have nucleuses of Hydrogen and Oxygen, that form water molecules away from the star as it leave it in coronal mass ejections. The gravity pull of the moon on water in the human body is no different than the gravity pull it excerts on proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Sorry a gram of any material is equally pulled by gravity. As for why menstrual cycles coincide with moon cycles, the likeliest theory is probably because it is a bright night and you would have more difficulty sleeping so you might as well copulate, and nature just arranged it so the greatest chance of hornyness and pregnancy in women coincided with the full moon. And it is so romantic too! There is no mysterious moon magnetism pulling water to the sexual organs!

5th March 2014, 04:01 PM
okay lets say mass then...

its is because the electro magnetic mass of a black hole is monstrous that everything falls into it... same with Newton's apple.
God damn it Goldissima the video conversation you posted earlier on the electrical universe, the guy said there is no such thing as black holes at the center of galaxies. They can't exist it is physically impossible...

5th March 2014, 04:09 PM
Neuro, pls try to be genuine one minute... that is the enforcement of altruism that is EVIL!

anything enforced and/or using peoiple ignorance bring about destruction.

I dont think greed would be that much of an evil, IF not fueled by ignorance. When I look at those wallstreet shareholders running into a trap, I pitty them. I dont see them as evil individuals, if they only knew they were destroying mankind, they wouldnt go for it but keep their gold/silver Under their matrasses :).
Really you can't enforce altruism, either people think beyond themselves and do things that are good for the many. Or they only think about what is good for themselves and don't care of others or if the net of their actions is a minus for the people surrounding them. Those are the sociopaths, and sure they may cloth what they do under a mantle of altruism, and they fool the naive altruists to become followers. I have not been anything but genuine in this discussion!

5th March 2014, 04:17 PM
sure, Neuro :)

I have my water waste/depletion analysis to write and this thread has detered me enough from my work, I said anything I could to explain my position, and posted many links for people to see where I come from... leave or take it.

Water is a veryyyy special element.... its full properies are not out in the mainstream and since you are not intersted in the past of Mankind, what can I say? Wait and see :)

And when truth will come out, many will look back and say: F#/*^%k, I wished I had known about "it". All the knowledge we should know is been out there since about millennia. Nothing new has been found since then.

The phycisists that start understanding that are with no exception quantum mechanics, that believe in Big Bang religion, everything was created out of nothing. If you don't believe in that, things will start falling in its place. I have no problem accepting that all water is ultimately created in stars, but the plasma of the star doesn't have water in it, but they do have nucleuses of Hydrogen and Oxygen, that form water molecules away from the star as it leave it in coronal mass ejections. The gravity pull of the moon on water in the human body is no different than the gravity pull it excerts on proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Sorry a gram of any material is equally pulled by gravity. As for why menstrual cycles coincide with moon cycles, the likeliest theory is probably because it is a bright night and you would have more difficulty sleeping so you might as well copulate, and nature just arranged it so the greatest chance of hornyness and pregnancy in women coincided with the full moon. And it is so romantic too! There is no mysterious moon magnetism pulling water to the sexual organs!

5th March 2014, 04:25 PM
I thought I had posted the video that represents my view, am going to look for another one... or wait, are you trying to pigeonhole me now that I have stipulated that gravity is the "result" of two electro magnetic fields?

5th March 2014, 04:25 PM
Good night Goldissima, way past my bed time now. I am a student if history so why would you say I am not interested in the past of humankind, I don't understand...

5th March 2014, 04:39 PM
not interested in the past of mankind... that is a very serious and disturbing statement!

if I indeed posted the video I had watched, then I may have forgotten about the anti-black hole theory. In which case I am going to watch it again... I wished my brain could recall better sometimes... but maybe I am wrong to find examples that match the mainstream mindsets in the first place :)

5th March 2014, 04:51 PM
Good night Goldissima, way past my bed time now. I am a student if history so why would you say I am not interested in the past of humankind, I don't understand...

not interested in the past of mankind... that is a very serious and disturbing statement!

if I indeed posted the video I had watched, then I may have forgotten about the anti-black hole theory. In which case I am going to watch it again... I wished my brain could recall better sometimes... but maybe I am wrong to find examples that match the mainstream mindsets in the first place :) That is one of humanity's major failures, because we do not learn from the past. And the mainstreams thoughts are mostly transit and based on the fad of the day and the hell with reality. I would rather be my semi-oldfartintraining self and stay stuck in the mud with my values that have been proven and tried and tested, no matter how outdated they maybe.

5th March 2014, 04:57 PM
sure, Neuro :)

I have my water waste/depletion analysis to write and this thread has detered me enough from my work, I said anything I could to explain my position, and posted many links for people to see where I come from... leave or take it.

Water is a veryyyy special element.... its full properies are not out in the mainstream and since you are not intersted in the past of Mankind, what can I say? Wait and see :)

And when truth will come out, many will look back and say: F#/*^%k, I wished I had known about "it". All the knowledge we should know is been out there since about millennia. Nothing new has been found since then.
If you wondered, where I got it from...

5th March 2014, 05:07 PM
I misread you Neuro... apologies... indeed you assert being interested in the past of mankind...

and yes, the black hole example was wrongly chosen by me as it does not fit my state of mind regarfing mainstream sciences... and yes, I wish to investigate the anti-black hole theory within an electric universe. Thank you for recalling me that one. :)

but I wont change my mind about gravity being the result of 2 electromagnetic fields though, sorry

sorry, Dogman, for misleading you. I wont remove my thank because what you say holds true in any circumstances

I had that 'electric universe' video universe on a hard drive in fact and I rewatched it partially... Neuro is right, the vid contends that black holes are the assumption of a distorted obervation, and that they shouldnt be callled as such . Will watch it in full again this weenkend and perhaps if I have enough amunitions, I will start a thread about it.

I think sciences cant progress fast as long as the nature of Light (male principle) and Water (female principle) continue to be avoided. And electro-magnetism is all about male-female polarities. We live in a left brain (male) oriented society that is more interested in what is coming out (male/explosion) than what is coming in (female/implosion) ... it is not without a reason as why women have been so much repressed throughout history... it is not about women per se, but the suppression of the right brain which is female. Feminism is a left brain concept. :) this bring us back to the Moon, feminine element in the solar system... oh yeah, isnt the thread about "blood moons"?

8th April 2014, 12:13 AM
Jim Stone: http://jimstonefreelance.com/

April 7 2014

Tetrad of 4 blood moons actually has serious ramifications for Israel

Israel has a high probability of becoming dangerous over the next couple of years for religious reasons alone. I don't usually post on religious topics because they are virtually always speculation, but this upcoming sequence of lunar eclipses is anything but ordinary and Israel will take them very seriously.


A tetrad, which is a sequence of four total lunar eclipses is a rare event, and the upcoming tetrad will be the last of this century. Though lunar eclipses which are known as "blood moons" happen often, it is unusual to get four in a sequence, and even more unusual to have them fall on significant Jewish holidays. And history has proven that every time this happens, the Jews have something big happen, often a disaster. The Talmud says that "When the moon is in eclipse, it is a bad omen for Israel."

This is not just hype or religious speculation, there is hard factual history that proves this to be the case. There have only been 7 tetrads with blood moons that have fallen on Jewish holidays in back to back years since ad 01, and the 8th tetrad pair will happen in 2014 and 2015. Every time a tetrad happens the Jews have had a major event occur, usually a disaster. Though the calendars cannot be confirmed prior to 1492, every tetrad since has been huge for the Jewish community and Jewish history has everything seriously bad for them happening during blood red moons. And a tetrad is super bad.

One happened in 1492, and during it the Jews were expelled from Spain. One happened in 1949, just after Israel became a state and unrest was rampant. One happened in 1967, and during it the Jews almost totally lost the Yom Kippur war, which remains an absolute event of dread for Jews. And this next one which starts on April 15 is happening amidst a background of world turmoil that the Jewish community has caused, and I strongly believe that flight 370 was taken by them with this in consideration, to be used as a weapon to put the world in a state of sympathy for Israel in the hopes of stopping anything bad from happening to them this time around.

Now I don't talk religion, but from Abrahamic religion perspective, the number 8 symbolizes a new beginning. That makes this upcoming tetrad even more ominous for Israel and the Jewish community, because if it really does involve a new beginning as the numbers indicate, will this new beginning include them? And six is a sacred Jewish number, is that why Israel was not seriously harmed during the sixth tetrad?

Who knows. But I know one thing for certain - the Jews take this stuff VERY SERIOUSLY, and when you add the fact that these tetrads have accomanying solar eclipses, which is DOUBLE BAD, (http://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/messianic-blood-moon-rising-on-passover-seder/2013/10/06/)they are definitely all holding their breath hoping nothing bad happens this time around. This could make them very dangerous over the next year or so, heads up, there is a reason why I posted on a religious topic when I virtually never do, this one could be significant. Here is a well put together chart of it all. (http://www.sonoma.edu/users/v/vegalu/eschatology_files/Lunars.pdf)

8th April 2014, 12:34 AM
i guess they dont really sinc with mother nature very well........haha

8th April 2014, 01:18 AM
that would make it 7 days hence??

8th April 2014, 01:33 AM

April 2014 – Cardinal Grand Cross – Astrology


8th April 2014, 03:25 AM
so what this guy is saying is that astrology is for real

astrology has nothing to do with planets but the maths involved behind any planets move, their interactions and influences. It is easier to state planets position than long mathematical équations since the cosmic architecture remains unchanghed. Astrology is pure maths that tells us when there is a synchronicity or a dissonant aspect between Numbers. That is why astrology was prohibited for centuries, to prevent a better understanding of cosmic mathematics. What does it say about maths... we are surrounded by maths and there is absolutely nothing we can do without it, unfortunately the elites know when to use cosmic synchronicity and dissonnance at their advantages... and more rationally how to implement dissonant economics and biology to perpetuate slavery.

Numbers are esoteric, it is the only way to know the Univers' intentions. God is Maths and that is why we have so many Numbers in religious texts and which actually tell us that all religions come from the same source... The knowledge of *cosmic maths* is the only *one world religion* threat out there. and this science doesnt come from cavemen.

------------------------- Maths good or evil? ... ignorance surely is

Science and education is based on an assumption/belief, that the physical World ultimately is governed by mathematical laws imposed by the Creator of the World, which scientists can uncover by digging into the machinery of the World. This view is can be decribed as logical empirism, where the assumption is justified a posteriori by a perceived/observed mathematical nature of the World. In postmodern philosophy this is turned around and the mathematical nature is seen instead rather as a construction following from an a priori stipulation that nature has to be mathematical.

The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God. (Euclid)
•I believe the geometric proportion served the creator as an idea when He introduced the continuous generation of similar objects from similar objects. (Kepler)
•God created everything by number, weight and measure. (Newton)

Some believe that it is instead the Devil who is mathematician:
•The good Christian should beware of mathematicians and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell. (St. Augustine)

God and Math? Math from a Biblical Perspective

best of luck fighting the so-called one world religion

Jim Stone: http://jimstonefreelance.com/

[TD="align: left"] April 7 2014

Tetrad of 4 blood moons actually has serious ramifications for Israel

Israel has a high probability of becoming dangerous over the next couple of years for religious reasons alone. I don't usually post on religious topics because they are virtually always speculation, but this upcoming sequence of lunar eclipses is anything but ordinary and Israel will take them very seriously.

Who knows. But I know one thing for certain - the Jews take this stuff VERY SERIOUSLY, and when you add the fact that these tetrads have accomanying solar eclipses, which is DOUBLE BAD, (http://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/messianic-blood-moon-rising-on-passover-seder/2013/10/06/)they are definitely all holding their breath hoping nothing bad happens this time around. This could make them very dangerous over the next year or so, heads up, there is a reason why I posted on a religious topic when I virtually never do, this one could be significant. Here is a well put together chart of it all. (http://www.sonoma.edu/users/v/vegalu/eschatology_files/Lunars.pdf)

8th April 2014, 05:13 AM
yes I believe it is forbid for christ-ians to watch the movements of the planets and even the movement of time.... at least that's what the story says. I am unsure that the story is actually as is told.

I read that material food for the moon. I looked around for a source of it. I did find one however it seemed to contain a lot of repetition. The story was repeated maybe 6 times in the 30 pages that I could find. there was some discontinuity as if it were a compilation of excerpts from different sources.

gnostic texts? forbid or simply censored? even relevant here?

8th April 2014, 07:51 AM
yes I believe it is forbid for christ-ians to watch the movements of the planets and even the movement of time.... at least that's what the story says. I am unsure that the story is actually as is told.

Yeah... no.

Where do you get your info?

Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Luk 21:11And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

Act 2:18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
Act 2:19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:
Act 2:20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:

21st April 2014, 10:48 AM
advance to 9:10 for top of blood moons discussion,



21st April 2014, 11:23 AM
its a little bit of both... there are astronomical times, on a magnetic level and the brain being an electric device, that make it easier to embed mind control than other, so the fear level increases and opens the door to whatever bad event(s)... in short: a green light for the elites' whatever plans.

nothing is set in stone when awareness follows

rationally, astrology is the study of frequencies and electro-magnetism's influence on nature/cosmos and psyches. Its all about maths. Thats why it was banned for centuries, meanwhile the elites know how to esoterically take advantage of it, so now they are at it again with their blood moons.

advance to 9:10 for top of blood moons discussion,

