View Full Version : Ron Paul Coin Released December 28th

4th January 2014, 07:49 AM

RonPaulCoin, or RPC, has a hard-coded cap of only 2.1 million coins that will come into existence. This is significantly lower than Bitcoin, which has 21 million total coins.

There are a number of crypto-coins out that have a very high total coin count (hundreds of millions or even billions). Scarcity creates value-- not abundance. RonPaulCoin is built on this quality of scarcity, like gold, which Ron Paul so commonly speaks in support of. Because of this, RPC has 1/10th of the total coin supply that Bitcoin will ever have.

Notice the correlation between total coin supply and price per coin:

RonPaulCoin 2,100,000 $???? per coin*
Bitcoin 21,000,000 $730 per coin
Litecoin 82,000,000 $23 per coin
Feathercoin 336,000,000 $0.34 per coin
*RonPaulCoin's value will officially be determined on exchanges.
Currently you can acquire RPC by buying it or by mining it.
See the "Getting Started" Section

How RonPaulCoin Works

Each coin is slowly released into the real-world economy through the "mining" process, which also similar to Bitcoin, involves the computation of mathematical problems (also known as "hashing"). This collective amount of computing power is used to create a secure, worldwide, decentralized ledger of accounting called the "blockchain".

The blockchain is simply a globally maintained file that contains every transaction that has ever occurred on the RonPaulCoin network. This eliminates counterfeiting and spontaneous printing of money, since all RonPaulCoin units are accounted for at all times, albeit anonymously (per your choice).

Each contributor of computing power, known as a "miner", is then rewarded through an automated system with units of the currency, until all coins are in circulation around the year 2145. Once the mining process ends, small, automated transaction fees, which are also used to prevent spam attacks on the network, keep the miners incentivized to continue their efforts.

Taking part in this decentralized monetary system does not help to enrich it's creators. The creators started with 0 RonPaulCoins and had to mine or acquire them just like everyone else. The Bitcoin protocol started as an open source project in the same way. You're not helping to enrich a banker. You are in fact, helping to put the banker out of business, and ending a system of centuries of economic enslavement.

Ron Paul, although not a programmer, or strictly technically orientated person, has already begun to investigate and discuss the implications of this technology. Perhaps one day, he will hear of the fact that he has his own coin, and help to promote the cause of decentralized currency further.

If you are want to help in any aspect of RonPaulCoin, please contact us. We need more pool operators, exchanges, miners and promoters. Let us know what you have to bring to the table.


4th January 2014, 08:24 AM
I thought these crypto-coins took years to develope? These things are popping out like ghetto babies.

They really are turning into one big joke.

This RP coin being even a bigger joke. Just look at this sales pitch...did a 10 year old write it?

Scarcity creates value-- not abundance. RonPaulCoin is built on this quality of scarcity, like gold, which Ron Paul so commonly speaks in support of

So scarcity automatically creates value?...mm, okay. And these crypo's that are popping out of everyone ass, have a quality like gold?...mmm, ohhh K

4th January 2014, 08:27 AM
The code is already written. They basically just edit a few minor things and are all set. Almost anyone can start an alt-crypto now.

Right know the way you get a successful crypto is seniority or marketing.

It's currently being traded on Coined Up:

I also think that these cryptos need more decimal points. A Satoshi isn't small enough in my opinion.

4th January 2014, 08:36 AM
At this point, why are crypto's even discussed anymore? The premise of it's creation has been blown to smithereens, whether intentional or not to steer the public into thinking of alternative transactions of the "future". Day traders can have this scam sh*t all they want. Just feel sorry for those that will lose everything thinking somehow crypto's will save the world (and their wealth).........

4th January 2014, 08:39 AM
At this point, why are crypto's even discussed anymore? The premise of it's creation has been blown to smithereens, whether intentional or not to steer the public into thinking of alternative transactions of the "future". Day traders can have this scam sh*t all they want. Just feel sorry for those that will lose everything thinking somehow crypto's will save the world (and their wealth).........

And manipulated gold and silver will?

4th January 2014, 08:39 AM
At this point, why are crypto's even discussed anymore? The premise of it's creation has been blown to smithereens, whether intentional or not to steer the public into thinking of alternative transactions of the "future". Day traders can have this scam sh*t all they want. Just feel sorry for those that will lose everything thinking somehow crypto's will save the world (and their wealth).........

Bitcoin is still pretty solid. These alt-cryptos are giving Bitcoin more stability considering people are now buying Bitcoins to get into the alt-cryptos. In other words they don't buy Bitcoins, then sell into Dollars to take profits, they sell back into Bitcoins to take profits.

Other than that alt-cryptos are super risky. They are basically penny stocks.

4th January 2014, 08:45 AM
The code is already written. They basically just edit a few minor things and are all set. Almost anyone can start an alt-crypto now.

Right know the way you get a successful crypto is seniority or marketing.

It's currently being traded on Coined Up:

I also think that these cryptos need more decimal points. A Satoshi isn't small enough in my opinion.

I have a nephew that's a coder I'm trying to get in touch with to help me launch these coins.
Hopefully I've covered everything of interest that will reach each group of people


4th January 2014, 08:47 AM
I have a nephew that's a coder I'm trying to get in touch with to help me launch these coins.
Hopefully I've covered everything of interest that will reach each group of people


If you're serious about launching them, you'll need to announce them here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=159.0

Otherwise, without miners, seed nodes, and trading the coins die immediately.
Don't forget a "AmericaFuckYeahCoin" in tribute to Team America World Police :)

5th January 2014, 07:07 AM
And manipulated gold and silver will?

Sure, why not. Its been around for thousands of years (unlike BTC) and whenever its gone head to head with fiat, its always come out on top. Thats a "proven" track record, whereas crypto's don't even have a track yet (or they do and it exists in imaginary land along with its imaginary value).........

5th January 2014, 07:31 AM
So scarcity automatically creates value?...mm, okay. And these crypo's that are popping out of everyone ass, have a quality like gold?...mmm, ohhh K

Horn lays approximately 30ccm of pure gold waste daily, sometimes he skips a day to add to scarcity.

No mining allowed.

5th January 2014, 07:34 AM
I have a nephew that's a coder I'm trying to get in touch with to help me launch these coins.
Hopefully I've covered everything of interest that will reach each group of people


Some of those have been made in your list:





5th January 2014, 07:43 AM
Shami-Horn Coin!



5th January 2014, 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by Blink
At this point, why are crypto's even discussed anymore? The premise of it's creation has been blown to smithereens, whether intentional or not to steer the public into thinking of alternative transactions of the "future". Day traders can have this scam sh*t all they want. Just feel sorry for those that will lose everything thinking somehow crypto's will save the world (and their wealth).........

And manipulated gold and silver will?

If people had the ardent belief and confidence in gold and silver that you have in (fill in the blank)Coin and with your relentless promotion...gold and silver would, without a doubt, destroy the bankers system and their fiat dollar.

The promotion of BlankCoin has come at the perfect time to help the bankers extinguish what's left of precious metals in the US

5th January 2014, 07:44 AM
I'm not a very good programmer (I'm an artist, not a "logical" type thinker,) but if I were to start a cryptocurrency I'd do either "Credits" or "JewGold" as a cryptocurrency". "Credits" is an awesome name, and is like the decentralized virtual currency used in futuristic settings like Star Wars. "JewGold" because it it a good way to piss of the people who run things and would get a lot of negative publicity would would make it more successful.

5th January 2014, 07:46 AM
If people had the ardent belief and confidence in gold and silver that you have in (fill in the blank)Coin and with your relentless promotion...gold and silver would, without a doubt, destroy the bankers system and their fiat dollar.

You have to look at what younger generations are into. Younger generations are more interested in buying/mining cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin than buying Gold/Silver. These kids grew up on the Internet and breath this technology second hand. I am in my late 20s and already fear them as competition even though I'm at the top of my field.

Whether you like it or not, I think this is where things are headed and they won't go back to follow "history". Gold will be something that will be used to trade with nations and as a store of wealth in the physical world.

5th January 2014, 07:55 AM
You have to look at what younger generations are into. Younger generations are more interested in buying/mining cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin than buying Gold/Silver. Whether you like it or not, I think this is where things are headed and they won't go back to follow "history". Gold will be something that will be used to trade with nations and as a store of wealth in the physical world.

I understand that. So many of the younger generation are bored and without meaningful employment that all they have is their computer lives.
Many in my generation were also bored but without computers. I didn't, but they had to resort to things like trading cards and beanie babies. Most of which were short lived. Once bitcoin gets boring, they will move on to something else.

5th January 2014, 09:04 AM
Possible we could attach a Shami-Horncoin utility to the Thanks feature here at the forum?

That way we could quantify the amount of gratefulness in a single thanks for individual postings.

We could setup a mining project in the ladies forum.

5th January 2014, 02:33 PM
If people had the ardent belief and confidence in gold and silver that you have in (fill in the blank)Coin and with your relentless promotion...gold and silver would, without a doubt, destroy the bankers system and their fiat dollar.

The promotion of BlankCoin has come at the perfect time to help the bankers extinguish what's left of precious metals in the US

How? I know Silver and Gold have value. But in the grand scheme of things the common man will never have enough to make any meaningful impact. It's by design. They manipulate the price for THEM. Not us. Even if the Comex can't deliver they settle in cash. How can you or I, or anyone who believes in gold or silver be able to destroy their game when all we ever do is play their game with their rules?

5th January 2014, 02:35 PM
Some of those have been made in your list:


Ha ha, oh man that thread at bitcointalk is full of lols!!!

5th January 2014, 03:07 PM
Ha ha, oh man that thread at bitcointalk is full of lols!!!

Top post,


This thread confirms my suspicion that most people scheming with cryptocurrencies are infact Jews.

5th January 2014, 04:15 PM
Ha ha, oh man that thread at bitcointalk is full of lols!!!

A lot of those posters would have an aneurysm if they hung out here a while. What a bunch of pansies........

mick silver
6th January 2014, 10:53 AM
i just join the bitcoin forum , it so funny i dont know why others dont , whats you say there horn , ee ..... So did the Author of this post offend alot of jews or something?
Either way, anyone who acts like they're offended need to shut up. After all they let any other coin fly,even if it's a obvious pump and dump with no innovation.
Hell look at Moon Coin. The creators told everyone to jump on board to get rich.

6th January 2014, 12:02 PM
Mick, I dare you to join the bitcoin forum and announce your coin, mickcoin, to everyone there.

6th January 2014, 02:23 PM
Mick, I dare you to join the bitcoin forum and announce your coin, mickcoin, to everyone there.

Didn't you have to take some troll enforcement oath when you accepted office of the moderator?


6th January 2014, 02:24 PM
Didn't you have to take some troll enforcement oath when you accepted office of the moderator?

Aren't you a crypto-troll?

6th January 2014, 02:26 PM
Aren't you a crypto-troll?

Hey man, I have an empty Quark wallet that loads up on my machine every time it starts.

A 1/2 goblin possibly, not a full on troll. :)

7th January 2014, 03:36 PM
All of these crap coins was inevitable but I don't think a danger to crypto's as a whole.

Basically this is the free market at work. The coins that innovate and expand their markets will grow. Those that don't will die off. In some ways it is good because all of the shitcoins make the semi-shit coins easier to spot.

Remember that digital USD makes up 97% of the whole and have zero intrinsic value as well and it hasn't died yet.

8th January 2014, 08:28 AM
Remember that digital USD makes up 97% of the whole and have zero intrinsic value as well and it hasn't died yet.

The reason is because of no real competition. The U.S. government has made sure to keep it's dollar as the world reserve currency. I'm not sure what they're plans are for China who is actively working to remove the dollar from the global reserve currency pedestal.

Even now with Bitcoin having a 11 Billion dollar market cap, that is NOTHING compared to the dollar's 70 Trillion+ market cap.

10th January 2014, 01:25 AM
Jewcoin has arrived:
https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fs17.postimg.org%2F3mfm4aoi7%2Fcoin _export.png&t=536&c=oUb1VaBLAaVHYg

10th January 2014, 05:59 AM
Jewcoin has arrived:
https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fs17.postimg.org%2F3mfm4aoi7%2Fcoin _export.png&t=536&c=oUb1VaBLAaVHYg

You check out the comments?? LOL check out this gem.

lol 3rd jew coin this month)

Soon there will be one for each illegal settlement. Roll Eyes


Buying 1 Palestine coin for 1,000,000,000 Jews

Probaly 13million will be pre-mined and 300k will be available for mining, you know, jews.

Here's another one: lol

Pardon the edit but, please do not confuse Jewish people with zionists. Wink

So are we expecting a Zionist coin? Is that the one where you send a couple coins to someone else's Palestine coin wallet and it wipes their balance out?

10th January 2014, 06:24 AM
What a joke
At this rate, there will be 1,000 crypto-coins by the end of this year.
Remember, Scarcity = Quality!

Are they going to start naming these coins after Beanie Babies next?

10th January 2014, 06:54 AM
What a joke
At this rate, there will be 1,000 crypto-coins by the end of this year.
Remember, Scarcity = Quality!

Are they going to start naming these coins after Beanie Babies next?

There are a ton of different metals on this planet. Remember scarcity = Quality! It doesn't matter what number of metals are on this planet, or in the universe. What matters is which ones we determine to use for commerce.

Scarcity of a particular coin, MARKET ADOPTION, and use determines value. Nothing else. If you had your nephew help you code up all the number of coins you had listed, and no one mined them, used them or traded them. Where do you think they would go?

Bitcoin has first mover advantage it was the first. I like Litecoin / Worldcoin because it has much faster confirmation times. I see cryptos (If they're still around in this time frame) splitting up to be specialized. Litecoin / worldcoin for every day transactions (groceries, video rentals, gasoline etc), where bitcoin is used for much larger purchases. Like houses, cars, etc. With a 10 minute confirmation time it doesn't make much sense to sit in a grocery line making sure that the particular coin wasn't double-spent and isn't a copy. But it does make sense when purchasing a vehicle, or home. What's 10 minutes with 20,30, 50k in transaction? Right now payment processors like coinbase, and bitpay take the risk of the transaction confirmations.

10th January 2014, 07:01 AM
There are a ton of different metals on this planet. Remember scarcity = Quality! It doesn't matter what number of metals are on this planet, or in the universe. What matters is which ones we determine to use for commerce.

Scarcity of a particular coin, MARKET ADOPTION, and use determines value. Nothing else. If you had your nephew help you code up all the number of coins you had listed, and no one mined them, used them or traded them. Where do you think they would go?

Bitcoin has first mover advantage it was the first. I like Litecoin / Worldcoin because it has much faster confirmation times. I see cryptos (If they're still around in this time frame) splitting up to be specialized. Litecoin / worldcoin for every day transactions (groceries, video rentals, gasoline etc), where bitcoin is used for much larger purchases. Like houses, cars, etc. With a 10 minute confirmation time it doesn't make much sense to sit in a grocery line making sure that the particular coin wasn't double-spent and isn't a copy. But it does make sense when purchasing a vehicle, or home. What's 10 minutes with 20,30, 50k in transaction? Right now payment processors like coinbase, and bitpay take the risk of the transaction confirmations.

I can see all that. The system is electronic now and bitcoin is an even better payment system.
Where you and I might differ, is before long, every transaction will be tracked to your name. There will be no going back.
This is what I hate most about them!
All this is pushing me further to use cash instead of debit.
I don't plan on leaving the country anymore, so transfering money to other countries is of no value to me.

Don't forget that computer hacking and computer crime is sky-rocketing.
Anything can happen in cyber-world.

10th January 2014, 07:13 AM
I can see all that. The system is electronic now and bitcoin is an even better payment system.
Where you and I might differ, is before long, every transaction will be tracked to your name. There will be no going back.
This is what I hate most about them!
All this is pushing me further to use cash instead of debit.
I don't plan on leaving the country anymore, so transfering money to other countries is of no value to me.

Don't forget that computer hacking and computer crime is sky-rocketing.
Anything can happen in cyber-world.

Don't really differ in that respect and I see that as a very likely scenario. However with these crypto's it does offer us the ability to stash coins in an address that isn't linked to us. Kind of like how we operate now. Normal bank / credit union account. Linked to our name, if you use debit cards every transaction is recorded. We also use cash, or even barter depending on what you choose to do to make a transaction that is private. I keep a rainy day fund all in cash and locked away so only my wife and I know where it's at. I make purchases with it sometimes, and then take the money out of the credit union to put back what I spent.

It can work the same with crypto's as well. They'll only know what address is yours if you tell them it is yours. :)

10th January 2014, 07:13 AM
I can see all that. The system is electronic now and bitcoin is an even better payment system.
Where you and I might differ, is before long, every transaction will be tracked to your name. There will be no going back.
This is what I hate most about them!
All this is pushing me further to use cash instead of debit.
I don't plan on leaving the country anymore, so transfering money to other countries is of no value to me.

Don't forget that computer hacking and computer crime is sky-rocketing.
Anything can happen in cyber-world.

You keep a lot of different wallets in different places with various amounts. It's more secure than you think, you just have to be careful with it just like physical cash.

10th January 2014, 08:21 AM
I love how pretty much every thread discussing something in the crypto world becomes a back-and-forth between the pros and cons of the whole cryptocurreny movement. :)

10th January 2014, 08:32 AM
I love how pretty much every thread discussing something in the crypto world becomes a back-and-forth between the pros and cons of the whole cryptocurreny movement. :)

The Gold/Silver/Libertarian movement is generally split. It's mainly younger generations who are more tech savvy who are for it, and the older/wiser people are against it.

10th January 2014, 08:54 AM
I love how pretty much every thread discussing something in the crypto world becomes a back-and-forth between the pros and cons of the whole cryptocurreny movement. :)

I'm going to pretend I'm a bitcoin holder (say 50 bitcoins) and I'll answer to the cons...

con arguement:

I can see all that. The system is electronic now and bitcoin is an even better payment system.
Where you and I might differ, is before long, every transaction will be tracked to your name. There will be no going back.
This is what I hate most about them!
All this is pushing me further to use cash instead of debit.
I don't plan on leaving the country anymore, so transfering money to other countries is of no value to me.

Don't forget that computer hacking and computer crime is sky-rocketing.
Anything can happen in cyber-world.

My answer today:
I don't give a crap what any of you say, I'm making money! :)
Who cares if everyone is only speculating and not spending bitcoins...it's all about the money in my pocket.
As long as other saps are buying in and I'm making money, that's all I care about.
Bitcoin is completely safe and secure...of cource, as long as I'm making money! :)
You keep a lot of different wallets in different places with various amounts. It's more secure than you think, you just have to be careful with it just like physical cash...at least as long as I'm making money! :)

My answer later this year:
I lost my money when bitcoin crashed :(...bitcoin sucks! I knew the government was going to destroy it. The Jew bankers were behind it all along. I should have bought more gold when I was making money :( What a dumb idea...you guys were right. I never really believed in it...I just wanted money. :(

10th January 2014, 08:57 AM
I'm going to pretend I'm a bitcoin holder (say 50 bitcoins) and I'll answer to the cons...

con arguement:

My answer today:
I don't give a crap what any of you say, I'm making money! :)
Who cares if everyone is only speculating and not spending bitcoins...it's all about the money in my pocket.
As long as other saps are buying in and I'm making money, that's all I care about.
Bitcoin is completely safe and secure...of cource, as long as I'm making money! :)
You keep a lot of different wallets in different places with various amounts. It's more secure than you think, you just have to be careful with it just like physical cash...at least as long as I'm making money! :)

My answer later this year:
I lost my money when bitcoin crashed :(...bitcoin sucks! I knew the government was going to destroy it. The Jew bankers were behind it all along. I should have bought more gold when I was making money :( What a dumb idea...you guys were right. I never really believed in it...I just wanted money. :(

I've had a ton of money lost in Bitcoins (dumb trades) and had a crap load stolen before. I've always supported it. I like it since of it's possibilities and because "I'm making money". It's both.

If I thought the way you suggested I'd have gotten rid of all my Gold/Silver. Almost all of my wealth is in Gold/Silver.

10th January 2014, 04:18 PM
The Gold/Silver/Libertarian movement is generally split. It's mainly younger generations who are more tech savvy who are for it, and the older/wiser people are against it.

I wouldn't necessarily call them "tech savvy". More like tech brain dead. Just because you have an iphone or pad doesn't make one savvy. They know a lot less on how things work then the older generations do and knowing how to activate an app or sign onto FB doesn't mean you understand.........

10th January 2014, 04:24 PM
I wouldn't necessarily call them "tech savvy". More like tech brain dead. Just because you have an iphone or pad doesn't make one savvy. They know a lot less on how things work then the older generations do and knowing how to activate an app or sign onto FB doesn't mean you understand.........

I make software for a living pretty much. A lot of the Bitcoin people on the Bitcoin Talk forums are software engineers.

10th January 2014, 04:48 PM
I make software for a living pretty much. A lot of the Bitcoin people on the Bitcoin Talk forums are software engineers.

And your point?

1970 silver art
17th March 2014, 03:24 PM
........................And RonPaulcoin is down to currently under a $1.00 from the ~$40 that it was at not too long ago. The devs do not seem to care and I am guessing that no one is mining this coin.

http://coinmarketcap.com/img/RonPaulCoin.png RonPaulCoin (http://www.ronpaulcoin.com/)
$ 21,532
$ 0.66 (http://coinmarketcap.com/volume.html#rpc)
32,618 RPC (http://rpc_blockcrawler.miners-point.com/)
$ 681 (http://coinmarketcap.com/volume.html#rpc)
-24.92 %

17th March 2014, 03:41 PM
Ron Paul coin is just a joke. Bitcoins are anything but a Libertarian movement.
Anti-liberty vultures are swarming all over cryptos looking for a yield.

1970 silver art
18th March 2014, 04:43 PM
Ron Paul? It was nice knowing you. Thank you for introducing gold and silver to me in late 2006. I will give my condolences to you :( .............

http://coinmarketcap.com/img/RonPaulCoin.png RonPaulCoin (http://www.ronpaulcoin.com/)
$ 18,906
$ 0.58 (http://coinmarketcap.com/volume.html#rpc)
32,712 RPC (http://rpc_blockcrawler.miners-point.com/)
$ 1,099 (http://coinmarketcap.com/volume.html#rpc)
-11.70 %