View Full Version : Some very interesting stats

4th January 2014, 11:05 PM
Some very interesting stats

What Canadian Organization having a little more than 300 employees is guilty of these statistics? 30 have been accused of spousal abuse.
9 have been arrested for fraud.
14 have been accused of writing bad cheques.
95 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses.
4 have done time for assault.
55 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit.
12 have been arrested on drug related charges.
4 have been arrested for shoplifting.
16 are currently defendants in lawsuits.
62 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year!
Can you guess which organization this is?


It is the 301 (MP's) Members of Parliament that form the Federal Government of Canada. The same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws designed to keep the rest of us in line!

5th January 2014, 12:04 AM
Yes every Government on the planet is filled up with game players...That is all they do...play games...Just like all of you...You all are game players...trying to win a game designed by the owners so they win by default...you are just chattel...always have been and always will be...

You all are constantly committing suicide fighting to remain asleep (ignorant of Truth) to continue to enjoy the daydream (cherished delusion/lie you worship as Truth) that you are awake (knowledgeable of Truth)

The higher you are in the hierarchy the greater the perks...Been like this for all of recorded history.

The only person with a gun to your head forcing you to believe all the lies you believe are Truth...is you.

5th January 2014, 02:53 AM
Yes every Government on the planet is filled up with game players...That is all they do...play games...Just like all of you...You all are game players...trying to win a game designed by the owners so they win by default...you are just chattel...always have been and always will be...

You all are constantly committing suicide fighting to remain asleep (ignorant of Truth) to continue to enjoy the daydream (cherished delusion/lie you worship as Truth) that you are awake (knowledgeable of Truth)

The higher you are in the hierarchy the greater the perks...Been like this for all of recorded history.

The only person with a gun to your head forcing you to believe all the lies you believe are Truth...is you.

Im fighting every day to see the truth.

We are you and you are us.

Wake up....................