View Full Version : Cops: using taser 'inconvenient', "Let's just kill this kid"

midnight rambler
6th January 2014, 11:26 AM
Holy shit!

"We don't have time for this (subduing with a taser, kid was ALREADY subdued down on the floor with two cops on top of him)" BANG! Dead child, weighing all of 90 lbs.


DIAL 911 AND DIE!!! (couldn't be more accurate)

I can see where there would have been a case of justifiable homicide had the father (or mother) acted in the heat of the moment (a VERY narrow window, a matter of only a few seconds) and utilized deadly force (since CLEARLY in the view of 'a reasonable person' the family's lives were ALL in danger at that moment).

If the trigger man isn't charged with at least manslaughter then this is just another indication where things are headed. Someone should start tracking these types of deaths at the hands of donut munchers on a website.

Fucking low life pond scum cowards hiding behind the 'authority' of the state.

6th January 2014, 11:50 AM
I believe thre is a site. Bad Cop, No Donut.

Just checked; yes memory serves. It is under Reddit, Badcopnodonut.

6th January 2014, 01:49 PM
1) Never call the cops

2) Record everything

3) Name names

6th January 2014, 02:36 PM
Cops and criminals, two sides of the same coin.

6th January 2014, 02:44 PM
Cops are brain surgeons, psychiatrists and heart surgeons. The problem with this, is that they only have one tool - an assault weapon. Don't expect a cop to help you unless the solution involves him shooting his assault weapon at any random target.

midnight rambler
6th January 2014, 02:54 PM
Cops and criminals, two sides of the same coin.

Well, there IS a distinction - the donut munchers are killers *officially* sanctioned by the state who get paid vacations for their wet work.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
7th January 2014, 09:22 AM
This one is just over the top. How can they possibly justify this one away. He should be tried as a criminal, not a simple paid leave of absence. We have a bunch of psychopaths policing our cities.

8th January 2014, 12:24 PM
For Police, Murder is a Time-Saving Device (http://www.lewrockwell.com/2014/01/william-norman-grigg/murder/)

“We don’t have time for this!” exclaimed a police officer as he shot and killed a psychologically troubled, 90-pound teenage boy who had already been tasered and was pinned down beneath two other officers. The victim, 18-year-old Keith Vidal, was “armed” with a screwdriver at the time of his death.

Vidal’s father, Mark Wilsey, had called the police for help when the boy suffered what was described as a psychotic episode on the afternoon of January 5. When the police arrived at the family’s home in Boiling Spring Lakes, North Carolina, they rendered the kind of “help” for which they have become so notorious – repeatedly tasering the troubled young man until one of them simply shot him as a time-saving measure.

“There was no reason to shoot this kid,” Wilsey told the local NBC affiliate. “We called for help and they killed my son.” During a press conference today (January 6), Wilsey recalled that he was helping the police try to calm down his son when one of the officers fired the fatal gunshot. In addition to killing Vidal, the officer imperiled the lives of several other people – including two of his comrades at risk. He later pointed his gun at Wilsey when the father reacted with predictable pain and outrage over the murder of his son.

midnight rambler
8th January 2014, 12:36 PM
He later pointed his gun at Wilsey when the father reacted with predictable pain and outrage over the murder of his son.

At that very instant, had the mother or father shot that pig it would have clearly been justifiable homicide.

8th January 2014, 01:11 PM
At that very instant, had the mother or father shot that pig it would have clearly been justifiable homicide.

Justifiable to God, but not to man's court system. Had the father killed the pig in self defense, the father would no doubt be tried and convicted of murder of a peace officer, and either put on death row or put in a cage for life.

8th January 2014, 01:15 PM
Justifiable to God, but not to man's court system. Had the father killed the pig in self defense, the father would no doubt be tried and convicted of murder of a peace officer, and either put on death row or put in a cage for life.

More likely, as an average guy without training, he would have either missed, hit the bulletproof vest, or inflicted a relatively minor wound. Then they would have killed him too.

8th January 2014, 01:35 PM

midnight rambler
8th January 2014, 03:05 PM
More likely, as an average guy without training, he would have either missed, hit the bulletproof vest, or inflicted a relatively minor wound. Then they would have killed him too.

That's the defeatist's way of looking at things. What if he wasn't 'an average guy' and was a better than average shot?

When I did ride-alongs one of the cops I rode with was a member of the PD's ad hoc SWAT team (this was in what would be considered a fair sized city, the PD how has a full time SWAT team of course). I went to the range with them one night while on a ride-along - these 'SWAT' guys couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if the muzzle of their gun were resting on the side of the barn ('cept for the guy I was riding with and one other cop). Pathetic. Do NOT think that in a instantaneous FTF showdown that cops mystically have any sort of advantage. It's like the Bible says, there's the quick and the dead...

8th January 2014, 03:08 PM
If two cops back the dirty cop, they are dirty too. They keep pushing these events and they are preparing a force of many thousands of hunters. When the balance is tripped, we will be as savage as Syria.

midnight rambler
8th January 2014, 03:14 PM
If two cops back the dirty cop, they are dirty too. They keep pushing these events and they are preparing a force of many thousands of hunters. When the balance is tripped, we will be as savage as Syria.

I'm willing to bet that the other two are willing to provide at least some cover for the shooter.

Hatha Sunahara
9th January 2014, 10:14 AM
They don't have to provide cover for the shooters. They are all compliance tools of the elite. They are authorized to perform summary executions. 'Cover' means simply that they have to watch the language they use so as not to inflame a larger segment of the public, It's a cost saving measure, and it also buys time for the elite. If they do manage to inflame a larger segment of the public, the elite will have to hire more of them, and it will cost more, and could eventually get out of control. The real issue is control. Not human life. The public is not supposed to see it that way.


midnight rambler
5th February 2014, 01:21 PM
The trigger happy thug in this case has been charged with voluntary manslaughter, bail has been set at a mere $50k* for the donut muncher -


*professional courtesy lol

5th February 2014, 05:29 PM
I don't think we have time for this. We should just go straight to the execution.