View Full Version : Way better than 'Star Wars'... fasten your seatbelt and watch 'Galactic History'

9th January 2014, 11:34 AM
the only quote of Einstein that I endorse is: Imagination is more important than knowledge'

I have watched the galactic history 4 times now, the all 10 hours, and Andrew Bartzis seems to be genuine, he cannot make that stuff up... not that I believe it to be 100% true but many things that I know to be correct and which he explains, make me think that the akashic records shouldn't be dismissed.

Even if you think this is a hoax, you should watch it for entertainment purpose only. You wont be disappointed if you are into SCI-FI.

Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning "sky", "space" or "aether" (and yes it picked the attention of infamous Blavatsky, but don't worry this video is not about Theosophy)


if you find it entertaining enough, you will find the rest on the youtube page

9th January 2014, 11:36 AM
akashic records

Supposedly those records is what Edgar Cayce used to diagnose patients from across the world, and read anyones history. As long as they consented. Apparently from what I read if someone did give consent then their records were "blank" to him.