View Full Version : Teachers Say They Are Being Put in Harm's Way in Unsafe School

mick silver
13th January 2014, 10:31 AM
Teachers Say They Are Being Put in Harm's Way in Unsafe School
By Jonathan Vigliotti (http://www.nbcnewyork.com/results/?keywords=%22Jonathan+Vigliotti%22&byline=y&sort=date)| Friday, Dec 6, 2013 | Updated 3:38 AM ESTView Comments (22
) (http://www.nbcnewyork.com/investigations/unsafe-schools-bronx-nyc-public-schools-safety--234632861.html#comments)|

NBC 4 New YorkSchool administrators are putting teachers in harm's way by turning a blind eye on troubled teens, seven teachers at one Bronx school allege. Jonathan Vigliotti reports


School administrators are putting teachers in harm's way by turning a blind eye on troubled teens, seven teachers at one Bronx school allege.Reinaldo Felix, a teacher at Wings Academy in the Bronx, told NBC 4 New York the simmering problem came to a full boil when he was attacked by students on Nov. 6 while overseeing detention.
"I was told to take her into the dean’s office," said Felix, recounting the coordinated attack. "I noticed her texting on her phone but before I could say something a bunch of kids started prying the door open. It was like a jail break."
Felix, an art teacher whose 20 years experience include five years at Wings Academy, says he called school security and the NYPD but the police ended up responding before school security guards did. The NYPD filed a report, which describes Felix being punched in the face by a female student. Several other teens then pinned him down, kicking him in the side, he said.
"I've been back and forth to the DA's office and the doctor," Felix said. "My spine has been fractured. My jaw was cracked."
The Department of Education has what officials call an “occurrence report” on file.
Felix says school administrators are not taking any action, refusing to discipline the students and guards who he says failed to help him. So he has filed assault charges against three students, and now has an order of protection against them. Two of the three were allowed back to class just days after the attack.
Felix says the administrators don't want to suspend students because it will reflect poorly on the school's reputation.
"There is a new unspoken rule to not suspend children, regardless of the crime," Felix said. "That way, at the end of the year, this school will look safer than it really is. Every teacher knows it."
Another teacher at the school backed up Felix's claim, saying it's "absolutely" true.
"The principal is new and she doesn't want it getting out how unsafe the school is," said Nucian Butler, a biology teacher.
Butler is among seven teachers who told NBC 4 New York that administrators are putting teachers in jeopardy by not holding troubled teens accountable.
The school's principal, Lorraine Gutierrez, declined comment. The DOE said it was probing the matter.
"We are currently in the middle of a full investigation," the DOE said in a statement. "Any case of violence is taken very, very seriously, and if the allegations prove true, there will be significant repercussions."

Twisted Titan
13th January 2014, 05:02 PM
Liberal sociolist create these monsters.

Let them live with them.

willie pete
13th January 2014, 06:31 PM
but we're all the same.....::)

14th January 2014, 05:09 AM
What about the hundred million or so innocent individuals who are robed at gunpoint to pay for 'teachers'? Are they being put in 'harms way'?

What exactly is the moral principle these 'teachers' are standing on?

7th trump
14th January 2014, 05:36 AM
What about the hundred million or so innocent individuals who are robed at gunpoint to pay for 'teachers'? Are they being put in 'harms way'?

What exactly is the moral principle these 'teachers' are standing on?

What innocent individuals being robbed at gunpoint Sui.

Twisted Titan
14th January 2014, 03:09 PM
What innocent individuals being robbed at gunpoint Sui.

These people?


14th January 2014, 03:24 PM
What innocent individuals being robbed at gunpoint Sui.

Do i need to get all the names of every single person who is extorted for property taxes in this country? Thats gonna be a long list.

Hell i could at least give you a list of hundreds of thousands of people WHO DONT EVEN HAVE FRICKEN CHILDREN who are violently extorted every year to pay for MARXISM to be taught to innocent children.

7th trump
14th January 2014, 04:14 PM
Do i need to get all the names of every single person who is extorted for property taxes in this country? Thats gonna be a long list.

Hell i could at least give you a list of hundreds of thousands of people WHO DONT EVEN HAVE FRICKEN CHILDREN who are violently extorted every year to pay for MARXISM to be taught to innocent children.

Property taxes?....take the property off the assessors registry book and "BINGO" the assessor cannot assess any taxes..................however!
You may have to take your garbage to the dump yourself instead of the public doing it for you.....(being responsible for your own waste).
You may have to pay the fire fighters to come and put out a fire instead of the public to pick up the tab.....(being responsible for your own actions and decisions).
You might even be billed for the police to come for any disturbances instead of the public to pick up the tab.....(that's being responsible for your own decisions).

Seems to me Sui is just wants to bitch about his taxes, but doesn't feel he should be responsible to pay for public services he takes for granted.
Nothing is free Sui when you are on the public dole!

You know you wouldn't look like an ass if you did some freaken "research" and asked some questions down at city hall.

As for Marxism being taught in "PUBLIC" schools...it'll still be taught even when you don't pay property taxes!
This "Marxism" is a separate discussion no where near property taxes....humble yourself so you can learn some control to not let your emotions over-ride your ability to properly think!
That's your problem....you think like a girl....allowing your emotions to guide your thought process.
Leave emotions out of it and ask yourself the hard questions which is........being honest with yourself!

14th January 2014, 04:29 PM
Property taxes?....take the property off the assessors registry book and "BINGO" the assessor cannot assess any taxes..................however!
You may have to take your garbage to the dump yourself instead of the public doing it for you.....(being responsible for your own waste).
You may have to pay the fire fighters to come and put out a fire instead of the public to pick up the tab.....(being responsible for your own actions and decisions).
You might even be billed for the police to come for any disturbances instead of the public to pick up the tab.....(that's being responsible for your own decisions).

Seems to me Sui is just wants to bitch about his taxes, but doesn't feel he should be responsible to pay for public services he takes for granted.
Nothing is free Sui when you are on the public dole!

You know you wouldn't look like an ass if you did some freaken "research" and asked some questions down at city hall.

Asset forfeiture, eminent domain and taxes are the legalese for what we the commoner calls theft. Dress it up anyway you like, but, its still theft. Income tax was suppose to be a "temporary" measure, but, that bullsh*t legalese got involved again and voila, robbed again. I don't "need" a lot of these "services" you advocate (brainwashing), thank you very much. I've research enough to know its still theft. Its just wrapped up in bizarro world legalese to justify itself. Let me keep my money and let me decide for myself where it is best utilized.........

7th trump
14th January 2014, 05:37 PM
Asset forfeiture, eminent domain and taxes are the legalese for what we the commoner calls theft. Dress it up anyway you like, but, its still theft. Income tax was suppose to be a "temporary" measure, but, that bullsh*t legalese got involved again and voila, robbed again. I don't "need" a lot of these "services" you advocate (brainwashing), thank you very much. I've research enough to know its still theft. Its just wrapped up in bizarro world legalese to justify itself. Let me keep my money and let me decide for myself where it is best utilized.........

Its only bullshit legalese because "you" refuse to do any real research and/or have allowed yourself to become infected with the highly attractive internet hearsay armchair lawyerism from doing any real research.....that's your own damn fault!
Suck it up....boy!
You believe its brainwashing....exercise your brain and law isn't so "brainwashing"!

Asset forfeiture I will not argue about being theft......beings its a form of "state" confiscation without any conviction.

The income tax, however, can be stopped....stop participating in Social Security and you wont be earning reportable "income" defined as 26usc 3121(a) "wages" that are also defined as 26usc 3401(a) "wages" for the purpose of withholding and deducting.
The courts ruled the "income tax" is an "excise" tax...see 26usc 3111 (a social security statute of all statutes to tell you this) to understand that participating in Social Security (earning 3121(a) "wages" that is IN RESPECT to 3121(b) "employment") is the "EXCISE activity"!
Do you get that?
Do you understand that 26usc 3121(a) "wages" can only be earned when being 26usc 3121(b) "employed"?
You do not earn 3121(a) "wages" when the earnings are NOT IN RESPECT to 3121(b) "employment".
Do you understand that bit of law?
The IRS will not, and cannot, go after you if your earnings are not 3121(a) "wages".
Trust me, I know, the IRS backed off...the IRS cannot tell anyone they MUST participate in Social Security to earn 3121(a) "wages".
The IRS is NOT an agency of welfare....they are a collection agency of the US Treasury.

Ever wondered why the IRS is the only agency besides the SSA who can issue out SSN's (Social Security Numbers)?
You never asked that question have you BLINK, SUI and Twisted Titan (you're not much of a "titan" are you twisty...cant even think for yourself)?
All three of you lack critical thinking skills!
Resorting to violence (Larkin Rose and Sui Juris style) isn't going to solve a damn thing in legal land. All Larkin is doing is throwing the baby out with the bath water to start over.....for what?

Its quite telling why the IRS can issue ssn's!
They need your "sweat of the brow" earnings attached to Social Security so they can be deemed 3121(a) "wages" for them to be able to legally collect the tax.
One more thing about the IRS....they'll be glad to help you get a ssn.... however, they need your signature (your permission) in doing so.
You people have the last say....the power has always been with you....but you don't see it to understand it.

Eminent domain is a tuff road to go down to defend yourself. Its authorized by the US Constitution....nothing, unfortunately, you can really do about that.

15th January 2014, 09:38 AM
Seems to me Sui is just wants to bitch about his taxes, but doesn't feel he should be responsible to pay for public services he takes for granted.
Nothing is free Sui when you are on the public dole!

YOU are an insanely DISHONEST person.

Show me 1 single post, i have ever made where i said i wanted something for 'free'. YOU CANT! You literally just PM'd me about 'taxes' and i told you that I should be able to decide where my money is spent. I told you that i would want sewer, runnning water and roads, AND THAT I WOULD PAY FOR THEM. And then you attempt to LIE and DECIEVE here?

Is this what a 'Christian' does? I wouldnt think so, but this is the actions of a STATIST, and there is not a shred of difference between a religious person and a STATIST. NOT A SHRED.

This is known as a 'strawman'. You set up an argument, that i have never said, and then attempt to discredit it.

A straw man, is a common type of argument (http://gold-silver.us/wiki/Logical_argument) and is an informal fallacy (http://gold-silver.us/wiki/Informal_fallacy) based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position. To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having denied a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet inequivalent proposition (the "straw man"), and to deny it, without ever having actually denied the original position.This technique has been used throughout history in polemical (http://gold-silver.us/wiki/Polemical) debate, particularly in arguments about highly charged, emotional issues. In those cases the false victory is often loudly or conspicuously celebrated.

Im not going to be nice to you anymore, you STATIST.

Why wont you debate me on the issue of 'taxes' if you are so confident on your position? Because you are a little scared child with the intellectual acumen of a thumbtack.

15th January 2014, 09:41 AM
Its only bullshit legalese because "you" refuse to do any real research and/or have allowed yourself to become infected with the highly attractive internet hearsay armchair lawyerism from doing any real research.....that's your own damn fault!
Suck it up....boy!
You believe its brainwashing....exercise your brain and law isn't so "brainwashing"!

Asset forfeiture I will not argue about being theft......beings its a form of "state" confiscation without any conviction.

The income tax, however, can be stopped....stop participating in Social Security and you wont be earning reportable "income" defined as 26usc 3121(a) "wages" that are also defined as 26usc 3401(a) "wages" for the purpose of withholding and deducting.
The courts ruled the "income tax" is an "excise" tax...see 26usc 3111 (a social security statute of all statutes to tell you this) to understand that participating in Social Security (earning 3121(a) "wages" that is IN RESPECT to 3121(b) "employment") is the "EXCISE activity"!
Do you get that?
Do you understand that 26usc 3121(a) "wages" can only be earned when being 26usc 3121(b) "employed"?
You do not earn 3121(a) "wages" when the earnings are NOT IN RESPECT to 3121(b) "employment".
Do you understand that bit of law?
The IRS will not, and cannot, go after you if your earnings are not 3121(a) "wages".
Trust me, I know, the IRS backed off...the IRS cannot tell anyone they MUST participate in Social Security to earn 3121(a) "wages".
The IRS is NOT an agency of welfare....they are a collection agency of the US Treasury.

Ever wondered why the IRS is the only agency besides the SSA who can issue out SSN's (Social Security Numbers)?
You never asked that question have you BLINK, SUI and Twisted Titan (you're not much of a "titan" are you twisty...cant even think for yourself)?
All three of you lack critical thinking skills!
Resorting to violence (Larkin Rose and Sui Juris style) isn't going to solve a damn thing in legal land. All Larkin is doing is throwing the baby out with the bath water to start over.....for what?

Its quite telling why the IRS can issue ssn's!
They need your "sweat of the brow" earnings attached to Social Security so they can be deemed 3121(a) "wages" for them to be able to legally collect the tax.
One more thing about the IRS....they'll be glad to help you get a ssn.... however, they need your signature (your permission) in doing so.
You people have the last say....the power has always been with you....but you don't see it to understand it.

Eminent domain is a tuff road to go down to defend yourself. Its authorized by the US Constitution....nothing, unfortunately, you can really do about that.

Stockholm Syndrome (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome)

Stockholm syndrome, or capture–bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them.

7th trump
15th January 2014, 10:23 AM
YOU are an insanely DISHONEST person.

Show me 1 single post, i have ever made where i said i wanted something for 'free'. YOU CANT! You literally just PM'd me about 'taxes' and i told you that I should be able to decide where my money is spent. I told you that i would want sewer, runnning water and roads, AND THAT I WOULD PAY FOR THEM. And then you attempt to LIE and DECIEVE here?

Is this what a 'Christian' does? I wouldnt think so, but this is the actions of a STATIST, and there is not a shred of difference between a religious person and a STATIST. NOT A SHRED.

This is known as a 'strawman'. You set up an argument, that i have never said, and then attempt to discredit it.

Im not going to be nice to you anymore, you STATIST.

Why wont you debate me on the issue of 'taxes' if you are so confident on your position? Because you are a little scared child with the intellectual acumen of a thumbtack.

Ohhh PA-lease sui.......stop this "statist" drama.
Yes, I pm'd you to see if you want to learn the tools the government uses to extract the income taxes.
But you refused to learn how they are extracting the income taxes and instead blame it on someones "scribbles".

I'm not afraid of nothing you have to say.....I'll cut right to the chase...why debate when you can learn how to STOP the extraction?
Why?....what are you afraid of?
The fact is...you would rather debate useless dramatics than learn the way out........what a childish fool!
I dont need to argue with you or anyone else.....I already stopped the employer from extracting taxes from my paycheck (I'm afraid of what Sui?)......it obvious you havent stopped the extractions otherwise the issue wouldnt be such a mental brain freeze.
Anyone willing to argue dramatics over learning the root cause of a problem to correct it ...........is just plain worthless.

You're just looking for drama....me...I'll pass the drama!
Go find someone else stupid enough to agree with your drama.....cause thats all you want.
You just want people to agree with your dramatics!

News flash for you Sui.....you're preaching to the chior!

7th trump
15th January 2014, 10:27 AM
Stockholm Syndrome (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome)

Nothing "stockholm" about being able to navigate through legal waters SUi.
The IRS doesnt bother me...and I dont bother them.
If anything I put the IRS in check.
Do you have the balls to stand up for yourself and do as I did....or are you going to just stand around argueing about it?
Go find someone else to argue with....I'm not biting!

16th January 2014, 05:14 PM
Its only bullshit legalese because "you" refuse to do any real research and/or have allowed yourself to become infected with the highly attractive internet hearsay armchair lawyerism from doing any real research.....that's your own damn fault!

An assumption on your part, not factual, irrelevant.......

Suck it up....boy!
You believe its brainwashing....exercise your brain and law isn't so "brainwashing"!

I do exercise my brain and that is how I know its brainwashing. Only the ignorant do not understand and bow to your worship of "man-made rules/laws"........

Asset forfeiture I will not argue about being theft......beings its a form of "state" confiscation without any conviction.

Ah, we agree......

The income tax, however, can be stopped....stop participating in Social Security and you wont be earning reportable "income" defined as 26usc 3121(a) "wages" that are also defined as 26usc 3401(a) "wages" for the purpose of withholding and deducting.

And I agree with you wholeheartedly, but, since I am in the minority, taking a stand on income tax at this moment in time would cause me far more harm than benefit. "I choose" to participate for the time being so as to get my things in order. Its not a excuse, just a prudent course of action......

Ever wondered why the IRS is the only agency besides the SSA who can issue out SSN's (Social Security Numbers)?
You never asked that question have you BLINK, SUI and Twisted Titan (you're not much of a "titan" are you twisty...cant even think for yourself)?
All three of you lack critical thinking skills!
Resorting to violence (Larkin Rose and Sui Juris style) isn't going to solve a damn thing in legal land. All Larkin is doing is throwing the baby out with the bath water to start over.....for what?

You're a pretty presumptuous individual, aren't you. Btw, your love of legalities is commendable, but, I'm afraid it is you that is lacking in the "critical thinking" department (my opinion).......

Eminent domain is a tuff road to go down to defend yourself. Its authorized by the US Constitution....nothing, unfortunately, you can really do about that.

I love when people think they have the "authority" to dictate what "can" or "cannot" be done.........