View Full Version : An Open Letter to a Person of Privilege

14th January 2014, 05:45 AM
To some joowess propagandist who's organized a "White Privilege Conference". The first YT is the author basically reading aloud his letter to this JAP.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdbOOalrTSA&feature=player_embeddedMonday, January 6, 2014An Open Letter to a Person of Privilege (http://libertarianrealist.blogspot.com/2014/01/dear-abby.html)
Dear Abby (http://www.uccs.edu/%7Esoc/faculty-profiles/abby-ferber.html),

As a professional pontificator against Privilege that is white, male, and heterosexual, you certainly have a nose for Privilege – of certain kinds. There is another kind of Privilege as yet unnamed that I think you are especially qualified to help make more visible. I’ll get to that in a moment.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-H_5CvE99fwU/UsuiK3oGEgI/AAAAAAAAAO4/Q7FoRSNdZy4/s1600/wpc.PNG (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-H_5CvE99fwU/UsuiK3oGEgI/AAAAAAAAAO4/Q7FoRSNdZy4/s1600/wpc.PNG)

www.whiteprivilegeconference.com (http://www.whiteprivilegeconference.com/)

But first, I’d like to compliment you on your courage. You’ve put together an annual White Privilege Conference (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqG4hMgcf5I) where you take on the power and privilege of the most powerful and privileged people in the country. I can only imagine the institutional resistance you face from white-controlled government agencies, universities, and corporations – at least the ones that aren’t funding your conference and paying the travel costs of attendees. I can only imagine the threats and intimidation you must persevere through year after year when white rowdies invoke their Privilege to harass speakers, attendees, and the facility provider in a campaign to shut down your conference. People who believe that their hurt feelings over racially provocative discussions entitle them to shut down such discussions reek of Privilege.

But hat’s off to you for making a career out of shaming people of whiteness for their oppressive skin shade. You could have taken the easy path to success by pursuing an academic career in one of the thousands of European-American studies departments – you know, those pseudo-intellectual ethnic advocacy platforms that colleges allow Privileged whites to set up so that they can propagandize for special Privileges, such as ending race-based admissions.

You could have taken the easy path by establishing a Moochers of Color Conference or a Black Criminality (http://libertarianrealist.blogspot.com/2013/07/trayvon-and-profiling.html) Conference. Then, you wouldn’t have risked getting pegged with the label of “anti-white.” In an environment of White Privilege, being called “anti-white” is about the worst thing that can happen to one’s reputation and career prospects.

Whites need never worry about the consequences of being branded “Racist.” Diversity industry careerists who hurl accusations of Racism from White Privilege Conferences, sprawling Affirmative Action bureaucracies, and the offices of the U.S. Justice Department are marginalized and have no power.

You know which side of a political debate is institutionally Privileged when you know which side can get the other fired, fined, or jailed over a disagreement. When it comes to the definition of “hate speech (http://libertarianrealist.blogspot.com/2013/09/free-speech-falls-to-thought-controllers.html),” one side gets to draw its own list of “protected groups (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zeEU17-TdJ4/UkdExOA3AOI/AAAAAAAAALM/PmsVOlnd6mE/s1600/%21hate.PNG)” and gets to take down YouTube videos and other communications it finds offensive. We all know which side that is.

Whites constantly use their power and privilege to advocate specifically for white interests. Whether it’s the Congressional White Caucus, the National Association for the Advancement of White People, the National Council for La Blanca, or White History Month being relentlessly promoted by old-white-male media moguls such as Chris Matthews, only whites enjoy the Privilege of engaging in organized ethnocentric agitation.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_kpIHyRxslQ/Usujk5NIFdI/AAAAAAAAAPI/A23zoovmuYo/s1600/ferb.PNG (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_kpIHyRxslQ/Usujk5NIFdI/AAAAAAAAAPI/A23zoovmuYo/s1600/ferb.PNG)

Anyhow, the reason why I’m writing you is because your White Privilege Conference inspired me to launch the logical – and morally necessary – offshoot to the White Privilege Conference. The particulars of your Privileged background make you eminently qualified to be the keynote speaker. So I hope you’ll join me at that upcoming Social Justice (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCvX2M3EVc4) activism extravaganza that will henceforth be known as the Jewish Privilege Conference.

Since Jews on a per capita basis hold more wealth, control more media outlets, lead more corporations, and occupy more spots in legislative, judicial, and central banking bodies than whites, Jews must be more Privileged than whites. Face it, you wouldn’t be where you are today without your Privilege. It’s time own it and speak out against it – or you, too, will be perpetuating Social Injustice.

If you deny Jewish Privilege, then you open the door for Racists to offer genetic explanations for why Jews excel. Of course, Social Justice requires that all populations be innately the same as Ashkenazi Jews. There can be no genetic differences between ethnic groups. The fact that some populations have differently shaped and sized skulls than others is just nature’s way of testing our a priori faith in innate equality.

If you deny Jewish Privilege, then you are consciously or unconsciously justifying cultural imperialism. We all know that no religions or cultures are better than any others; that all cultures have equal value and make equal contributions to humanity.

All cultures are equal, but some are more Privileged than others. Jews are only 0.2% of the world population and therefore should be only 0.2% of Nobel laureates. Instead, Jews are 22% of all Nobel Prize winners. In Physics, Chemistry, Medicine and Economics, Muslims hold just two Nobel Prizes. Jews hold 158.

It’s not merit. It’s not luck. It’s Privilege. The Nobel Committee Privileges Jewish science and Jewish logic and marginalizes People of Muhammed.

At elite Ivy League universities, people of Privilege can comprise more than 20% of student bodies despite being only 2% of the U.S. population.

It’s not merit. It’s not luck. It’s Privilege. The single biggest impediment to achieving full Diversity with 100% equal representation at universities and other American social, cultural, and political institutions is Jewish Privilege. Gentiles and people of color face institutional barriers throughout society’s upper echelons because of Jewish Privilege.

Stronger Diversity goals must be instituted at Harvard (http://libertarianrealist.blogspot.com/2013/09/why-are-jews-so-overrepresented-at.html), at your University, at the Federal Reserve, and everywhere else where Jewish overrepresentation exists. For example, at Harvard, our Diversity goal must be to replace 90% of the extant Jewish student body with representative numbers of gentile whites and students of color. This is the kind of Affirmative Action that’s needed – by any means necessary.

But first we need to raise awareness about the problem. That’s why we need a Jewish Privilege Conference. I’m counting on you to help make Jewish Privilege more visible by throwing your weight around and wearing your Privilege.

Some of your fellow White Privilege indoctrination specialists have demanded that white people wear White Privilege wrist bands in order to make their Privilege more visible. I couldn’t think of a more important cause for a wrist band to symbolize.

At the Jewish Privilege Conference, I’m sure you’ll find gentiles who are willing to hold you accountable for your Privilege. In the meantime, I think what you can do to help raise awareness about Jewish Privilege is to wear a yellow Star of David.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1_mwJSTwWIY/UsujE_xY85I/AAAAAAAAAPA/m5jpVNtKsSE/s1600/ferber4.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1_mwJSTwWIY/UsujE_xY85I/AAAAAAAAAPA/m5jpVNtKsSE/s1600/ferber4.jpg)

It’s not about scapegoating the Privileged Ones or trying to make them feel guilty. Not at all! It’s just about making the arbitrary social construct of Jewishness, and the Privilege that flows from it, more visible.

Set the example – make your oppressive social Privilege visible so that your unearned social standing as a public intellectual can be deconstructed. It’s for Social Justice.






14th January 2014, 05:58 AM
"People of privilege (Absolute capitalists) will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage. (Power)"--John Kenneth Galbraith

The time for talk is over...Either start killing those you hate...Or STFU Morons...Grow some BALLS or GUTS or BRAINS.

I'm tired of listening to your pathetic moronic sobbing.


The only people that are Jewing me and have ever Jewed me is all of you...there just happens to be a small group of people that claim to be Jews...and they have never ever jewed me like all you so called non Jews have been Jewing me since the day I was born.

You all are Jewing each other for fun and profit...Like animals...

2% of the population slaves to produce 1000's of times more food that they require = Gentiles.

That is taxed from them to feed the 98% of the privileged = Jews.

You all are equally idiotic morons.

14th January 2014, 06:04 AM
"People of privilege (Absolute capitalists) will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage. (Power)"--John Kenneth Galbraith

The time for talk is over...Either start killing those you hate...Or STFU Morons...Grow some BALLS or GUTS or BRAINS.

I'm tired of listening to your pathetic moronic sobbing.


The only people that are Jewing me and have ever Jewed me is all of you...there just happens to be a small group of people that claim to be Jews...and they have never ever jewed me like all you so called non Jews have been Jewing me since the day I was born.

You all are Jewing each other for fun and profit...Like animals...

2% of the population slaves to produce 1000's of times more food that they require = Gentiles.

That is taxed from them to feed the 98% of the privileged = Jews.

You all are equally idiotic morons.

someone ban this fuck head already, now he's advocating violence & killing people.

14th January 2014, 06:30 AM
someone ban this fuck head already, now he's advocating violence & killing people.

I don't understand WTF he's talking about 99% of the time. You can translate that?

14th January 2014, 07:02 AM
Thank you for the OP.

Ahh....college professor living in a ....bubble.

This woman is really in touch!

The US has become a charade.....

14th January 2014, 07:25 AM
You all are advocating killing people...It is no secret...except to those ignorant of Truth.

You think you are hiding?

Pretending to be ignorant until proven knowledgeable?

Irresponsible until proven responsible?

Innocent until proven guilty?

Like Hells angels wandering around?

You think I can not see right through all of you?

yes I'm sure you have all sorts of deep dark secrets you foolishly believe I'm ignorant of...the devil is in the details...I do not need confessions from any of you to pass Judgement.

Hurry up an banish me....Cry to the Government to save you from the tyranny of Truth...

One second you are moaning about the Government and how you can exist without it...the next minute you are begging the Government with tears streaming down your cheeks to save you.

You all are the purest of pure hypocrites.

If I snapped my fingers and all the rules you call LAW became LAW and were self enforcing or unbreakable...the lie you all worship as Truth would implode to oblivion and kill you all.

You all are ignorant of Truth.

The only reason you have the privilege of banishing me if you so choose to...Is because I chose to become visible to and allow it.

You think I'm ignorant of the consequence or logical conclusion of my free will choice to become visible to be toyed with by all of you digital electronic computerized game players?

In real life I'm invisible and the judge jury and executioner...I do the banning from existence of the ignorant game players...

In this fake world I'm at the mercy of the absolute dictator of it.

Hurry up and banish me so all of you game players can get back to Resting In Peace daydreaming that you are good people on a glorious crusade to spread the gospel.

14th January 2014, 07:25 AM
I don't understand WTF he's talking about 99% of the time. You can translate that?

Borderline schizoaffective disorder overlaid with mania and delusions of grandeur?

14th January 2014, 07:28 AM
Borderline schizoaffective disorder overlaid with mania and delusions of grandeur?
I believe you nailed it. He is deteriorating fast.

14th January 2014, 07:30 AM
Some of your fellow White Privilege indoctrination specialists have demanded that white people wear White Privilege wrist bands in order to make their Privilege more visible. I couldn’t think of a more important cause for a wrist band to symbolize.

At the Jewish Privilege Conference, I’m sure you’ll find gentiles who are willing to hold you accountable for your Privilege. In the meantime, I think what you can do to help raise awareness about Jewish Privilege is to wear a yellow Star of David.

Ha ha! Classic!!

14th January 2014, 07:31 AM
someone ban this fuck head already, now he's advocating violence & killing people.

Can't you just ignore him? I do.

14th January 2014, 07:34 AM
You do not want to understand...You only understand what you want to understand...That is why you do not understand.

You come here to be entertained...that is all you understand...and if you do not like the program you are watching...You just change the channel to a program you like...simple.

That is what you all do...It's why you connect to the Internet...You are seeking support for or to promote your cherished delusions.

That is what the millions and million and ultimately billions of people that connect to the Internet created by DARPA are doing...It's the ratings for broadcast television are dropping and news papers are going out of business...The Internet is more entertaining.

It supplies what you want better than television or newspapers.

14th January 2014, 07:36 AM
Out of sight and out of mind is the religion of the BLIND.

I do not ignore any of you.

14th January 2014, 08:19 AM
Can't you just ignore him? I do.


I guess this explains why most of the threads now at GSUS are clogged with this mentally ill shit.


14th January 2014, 08:53 AM
You are the one suffering from delusions of grandeur.

The psychiatric profession feeds off society by supplying who or what with what they want for a paycheck? What service to they supply to the paymaster...Who do you gobble for sustenance?...Because you must...You are a normal or sane person...and normal sane people all lick or polish the boots of their paymasters...That is who the trained professional credentialed monkeys serve.

I'm suffering from...I do not drop to my knees and gobble for a paycheck syndrome...like the rest of the trained chimps masquerading as adult Human beings.

I decide whether to supply the demand for yield or not...I'm the master of my destiny...I'm not a slave to want.

I do not have a Jew or anyone or anything with a gun to my head forcing me do what I'm doing...I choose to do what I do and when I notice that a person thinks I'm their property...I say...Sorry game player...I do not play games...You claimed that you needed help...and now it appears you do not need my help anymore...good bye...go find a new play thing to play with....But you all just whine and cry behind your masters back...until the master shows up...then you turn into academy award brown nosers...Until your whole head is rammed up their asses.

You all are nothing more than hypocritical sophists...Pure and simple.

"The essential claim of sophistry is that the actual logical validity of an argument is irrelevant (if not non-existent); it is only the ruling of the audience which ultimately determines whether a conclusion is considered "true" or not. By appealing to the prejudices and emotions of the judges, one can garner favorable treatment for one's side of the argument and cause a factually false position to be ruled true."--Sophistry A.K.A Democracy or Truth by Popular delusion/consensus

Gang rapists.

14th January 2014, 08:57 AM
You are the one suffering from delusions of grandeur.

The psychiatric profession feeds off society by supplying who or what with what they want for a paycheck? What service to they supply to the paymaster...Who do you gobble for sustenance?...Because you must...You are a normal or sane person...and normal sane people all lick or polish the boots of their paymasters...That is who the trained professional credentialed monkeys serve.

I'm suffering from...I do not drop to my knees and gobble for a paycheck syndrome...like the rest of the trained chimps masquerading as adult Human beings.

I decide whether to supply the demand for yield or not...I'm the master of my destiny...I'm not a slave to want.

I do not have a Jew or anyone or anything with a gun to my head forcing me do what I'm doing...I choose to do what I do and when I notice that a person thinks I'm their property...I say...Sorry game player...I do not play games...You claimed that you needed help...and now it appears you do not need my help anymore...good bye...go find a new play thing to play with....But you all just whine and cry behind your masters back...until the master shows up...then you turn into academy award brown nosers...Until your whole head is rammed up their asses.

You all are nothing more than hypocritical sophists...Pure and simple.

"The essential claim of sophistry is that the actual logical validity of an argument is irrelevant (if not non-existent); it is only the ruling of the audience which ultimately determines whether a conclusion is considered "true" or not. By appealing to the prejudices and emotions of the judges, one can garner favorable treatment for one's side of the argument and cause a factually false position to be ruled true."--Sophistry A.K.A Democracy or Truth by Popular delusion/consensus

Gang rapists.

i hope i am here the day he turns on the webcam. i'm thinking 90 pounds, frazzled hair, newton shooter big wide eyes, and crumpled dirty clothes. probably cheeto hands as well.

14th January 2014, 09:00 AM
You all can drop to you knees and shatter your knee caps and leave blood splatters and hope or pray with tears streaming down your faces that I'm suffering from a mental problem.

Sorry but I just do not see how worshiping the ground you all walk upon is sane...I have been taking what you all post into consideration for at least a decade now...And I'm just not convinced...and I figure giving you all the benefit of doubt for 10 years is long enough to deliberate.

In real life what would you do to me?

Nothing...because in real life I know you would do everything in your power to make pay dearly for refusing to supply your tyrannical demands for what you want...support for your cherished delusions of grandeur...That you are the champions of the one true religion.

In real life I'm invisible....Because you can not murder what you can not see.

14th January 2014, 09:05 AM
umm, you've already admitted you have a mental problem and that your wife had mental health people come to your house. or maybe it was one of the other people in you that did that?

14th January 2014, 09:11 AM
"cheeto hands".......lmao..good one.

14th January 2014, 09:26 AM
i hope i am here the day he turns on the webcam. i'm thinking 90 pounds, frazzled hair, newton shooter big wide eyes, and crumpled dirty clothes. probably cheeto hands as well.


14th January 2014, 09:33 AM
i hope i am here the day he turns on the webcam. i'm thinking 90 pounds, frazzled hair, newton shooter big wide eyes, and crumpled dirty clothes. probably cheeto hands as well.



14th January 2014, 09:34 AM
The battle for human survival, by John Kaminski (http://www.darkmoon.me/2014/the-battle-for-human-survival-by-john-kaminski/) Posted on January 5, 2014 (http://www.darkmoon.me/2014/the-battle-for-human-survival-by-john-kaminski/) by Montecristo (http://www.darkmoon.me/author/admin/)

http://cdn.darkmoon.me/uploads/Bloodsucking-Jew-241x300.jpg (http://cdn.darkmoon.me/uploads/Bloodsucking-Jew.jpg)

“For the past one hundred years, through their manipulation of public opinion via the mass media, Jews have organized and triggered a constant string of wars based upon false information, resulting in millions of unnecessary murders of innocent people. For these and myriad other reasons, Jews need to be banned from holding any positions of responsibility in government, education, media, and in all other fields that provide them with opportunities to inflict misery on mankind . . .”
To read the article in full, click HERE (http://therebel.org/news/kaminski/the-battle-for-human-survival/).

Note from Lasha Darkmoon. As readers are currently being denied access to therebel-org, including myself, I am copying and pasting the entire article here. Fortunately, I had saved a copy of the article earlier.


The battle for human survival
[email protected] (http://www.cloudflare.com/email-protection)
http://therebel.org/news/kaminski/ Americans have lost their right to privacy and all their other Constitutional rights because of the malignant influence of Jews on every aspect of American life.

For the past one hundred years, the creation of the Federal Reserve, which is owned by 13 Jewish families, has resulted in the destruction of the American economy and the well-being of the vast majority of American citizens. The dollar has lost 95 percent of its value and a multi trillion dollar debt has been created that can never be paid off. Today, millions of people face starvation and ruin directly as a result of these criminal Jewish deceptions.

For the past one hundred years, a Jewish construct known as the American Medical Association has unilaterally suppressed healthy remedies for diseases and instead fabricated new illnesses that now ravage the American population. These medical maniacs now distribute debilitating pills and shots that produce diminished brain function and lifelong addictions designed to shorten lives. Ubiquitous childhood vaccinations guarantee that the average IQ will continue to plummet.

For the past one hundred years, through their manipulation of public opinion by means of their mass media, Jews have organized and triggered a constant string of wars based upon false information resulting in millions of unnecessary murders of innocent people and untold misery for everyone in the world — except for that small percentage of very rich cynics with offshore bank accounts who do their bidding and are complicit in this ever growing spectrum of Jewish crimes against humanity.

For these and myriad other reasons, Jews need to be banned from holding any positions of responsibility in government, education, media and any other field that provides them with an opportunity to inflict upon their unsuspecting non Jewish victims this exploitative and homicidal mania that is the hallmark of their shameful and universally loathed history.

But who can stop the criminal Jews?

What makes combatting this massive Jewish plague a daunting proposition is the fact that Jews — via their control of money, media, medicine and the educational system itself — have taken control of everyone’s minds, depriving them of the knowledge of how to resist this worldwide kosher tyranny. So ingrained has Jewish control become that you will find those who are being misled, fleeced and killed actually defending their killers, because of the gross deceptions put in their minds that they now believe implicitly.

Because Jews control law enforcement, the courts and the legal profession in general — having taught lawyers to conspire among themselves to fleece their own clients — no avenue of redress to these monstrous Jewish atrocities is available through conventional means. Everyone knows by now that slavish obedience to the Jewish principles of rapine and plunder is solidly entrenched in the U.S. Congress and the American court system.

And this is the bind in which all social critics find themselves. One may not accurately describe the problems we are face or rectify the crimes committed against us because to do so guarantees our expulsion from the consensus social process that has been hijacked by Jews. Jewish artificial reality corruptly determines the parameters of social discourse and deems any criticism of Jews at all to be beyond the confines of sane thinking. In many places, Jewish control of everyone’s mind results in all opposition to be declared illegal.

This exclusion of rational arguments can be best observed in the Holocaust laws and prosecutions now in effect throughout Europe in which defendants who question the veracity of Jewish-produced World War II propaganda are prohibited from even defending themselves, lest they face additional charges and, with the help of corrupt judges owned by Jews, longer prison terms.

Welcome to this brave new Jewish world. You won’t have to worry about it much longer. Because either it will have to go, or you will.

Famous writers pull their punches

It must seem laughable to the demonic Jews who control trillions of dollars and virtually all the commercial enterprises in the world — not to mention all the governments — that an indigent writer like myself would put forth such a preposterous proposal that Jews should be excluded from participating anywhere in civil society — yet the fact remains that the survival of the human species — the continuance enabling the conditions of all life on this planet — depends upon it.

Yet across time, all the writers who achieved fame and fortune for their insights gave the Jews a pass for their egregious manipulation of reality, typified by a mastery of bribery and a knack for furnishing forbidden delights that precious few would admit publicly to ever wanting.

Mark Twain was one of the most beloved American writers and had nothing but high praise for the Jews.

The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed; and made a vast noise, and they are gone; other people have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?”

But Twain conveniently neglected to mention the Jews’ dark side, which assassinated or bought off the leaders of every country they came to, and preyed on humanity by catering to their weaknesses, selling alcohol to the Indians, illicit sex to the pious and, once they took power, triggering mass slaughters and capturing totalitarian control, as they did with their bloody abuse of the French, the Russians, and the Germans.

Even John F. Kennedy, the most noble of American presidents, at least feigned respect for the Jews. He said,
Israel was not created in order to disappear. Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom.

Though JFK was later to utter his famous words about “a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” that was to cost him his life, he failed to name the Jew outright, and as a result left people in the dark about who the world’s most vicious abusers really were.

And this is the situation today, with the Jewish state of Israel immune from all the laws of civilization, where criminals hide from the laws of man. When writers accepted into the mainstream wax poetic about the nastiness of a tyrannical U.S. government, they nevertheless fail to mention the principal villains of world history, because if they do, they immediately disappear from the world’s stage, owing to the sheer, ubiquitous power the Jews have forged over everyone’s mind, the prohibition on talking about them that keeps everyone silent, ineffective and enslaved.

Jews control everything

There is an irrefutable correlation between the negative actions and criminal activities of the U.S. government and the slavish obedience of the U.S. congress to Israeli leaders and Jewish financial kingpins. Just as England rose to prominence driven by the Jewish Bank of England, the highest levels of the American government are dominated by dual Israeli American citizens, and nobody doubts which half of this schizoid allegiance is dominant. Jewish behavior constitutes bonafide acts of treason against the American republic, as it does in any country in which they have usurped control.

There is a clear reality that the major networks, publishing houses, newspapers, movie studios, and universities are all either owned or controlled by Jews, which is why you never hear how Jews control them. They remain invisible and unmentioned, immune from prosecution for their endless array of crimes. It is also why you hear every conceivable religious denomination or ethnic group vilified in the most depraved terms, as with the notorious piece of “art” titled “Piss Christ.” But Jews, despite their de facto dominance of all the crime categories, are constantly portrayed as thoughtful and noble heroes by media that they own.

There is a sickening relationship among the American Federation of Teachers, the American Psychological Association and the pharmaceutical industry — all of which are controlled by Jews — which approves the sabotage of school curricula, administers poison vaccinations that cripple young minds, and promotes rampant homosexuality, making it impossible for all American children to mature in a healthy way and attain a normal family life.

There is an unmistakable connection between the government’s failure to talk about Fukushima radiation bringing death to the West Coast, poison ingredients in the chemtrails that pollute the world’s skies, control of the world’s food supply by a Jewish weapons making company named Monsanto, and control of the world’s media by Jews. The connection derives from the commands of the Talmud, the Jews’ unholy book, which instructs them to kill or enslave all the non Jews of the world, a policy that all Jews follow but never mention to non Jews.

The principal threats we face

The food supply has been poisoned. Roadside hamburgers contain on average 12 percent meat. GMO feed renders the third generation of test animals absolutely sterile. Monsanto, the Jewish entity that now controls the world’s food supply and has poisoned it, got started selling slaves in the 19th century. Having cemented its reputation as a manufacturer of sophisticated weaponry, it is now in the business of killing those slaves — us — by poisoning our food.

Iatrogenic quackery — or death by doctors — is the third leading cause of death in the United States. When you go into a hospital, you will likely emerge less healthy than when you went in. Doctors routinely prescribe medicines that are harmful, or give you new diseases you didn’t have before you went to see them. Most medications cause permanent damage. Doctors never mention that your health totally depends on what you eat.

With lethal new plots being hatched and deployed every day, there is no longer any reasonable expectation that humanity will survive this Jewish onslaught against natural life.

It has already killed off the sardines and the starfish, and is in the process of taking the bald eagles. Herring are bleeding from their eyes. The forests are turning brown. The oxygen content of the atmosphere is plummeting. For people not to realize that they are also on this list of the soon-to-be extinct is both the height of human ignorance and the ultimate triumph of Jewish perfidy.

The scariest news of all comes from environmental scientists Dane Wiggington and Guy McPherson, who view the government’s environmental tinkering as the reason that the conditions for continuing life on this planet will soon disappear. McPherson in particular says it’s too late to remediate our problems, and the best thing we can do is to make ourselves comfortable until we go extinct. He says that will occur in this century.

The Jews like this kind of talk. It’s exactly what they had in mind when they undertook this 360-degree murder plot, which was created hundreds, if not thousands of years ago.

You must understand that the inventions of Google, Facebook and Twitter are not the beneficial instruments that they pretend to be. Google is gradually shrinking the volume of the world’s knowledge into a standardized version of Jewish history. Eventually there will be no consciousness at all, only the prescribed Jewish schedule of slave behavior (this may already be the case).

Facebook and Twitter are recording the details of everyone’s lives so that at some point, the Jews’ world government will know everything about everyone in the world, for the purpose of more efficiently running their world prison.

The scariest person in the world is Ray Kurzwell, the Jewish Dr. Frankenstein now running Google. It is Kurzweil’s intention to arrange a world where most of the population is artificial, and the remaining Jews will create and maintain them as perfectly obedient robots in a world devoid of conscience and compassion.

This is the fate of humanity, already pretty much achieved, if the world allows the Jews to remain in power.
When the wolf is trying to eat you, you don’t try to reason with it

There are still those self-congratulatory delusionals who insist that Jews are not the creators of our world prison, who claim it is a coalition of rich predators of whom the Jews are only a part. These are the people who neglect to note that the royal family of England is satiated with Jewish blood. <http://northerntruthseeker.blogspot.com/2012/12/the-truth-about-so-called-british-royal.html>

They ignore the fact that the Department of Homeland Security was created not to protect the American people, but to protect the Jews. <http://mondoweiss.net/2012/07/islamophobia-shmislamophobia-97-of-homeland-security-security-grants-go-to-jewish-orgs.html>

They refuse to believe the world consensus is that Israel deliberately caused Fukushima to explode, realizing it would harm the entire world with its radioactive poison. <http://jinnwe.com/quest.php?id=419> They turn away from the sheer horror of Israel’s appalling lack of humanity as it steals the organs of children that it murders. <http://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-agrees-to-return-stolen-organs-of-dead-palestinians/5358247>
And as they go broke, lose their homes and wonder how they’re going to feed themselves, they fail to take note that the average CEO in America, who is typically Jewish, makes more in an hour than his average worker makes in a month. <http://investmentwatchblog.com/wealth-inequality-in-america-the-reality-is-often-not-what-we-think-it-is/> It may seem like a foolish task to advocate the removal of the Jews from human society. After all, it’s pretty clear that they own the place and everything in it. And yet the frightening fact remains — they are running the place into the ground, and most of us, most of our children, will not survive the diabolical plans they have for it. When Jews run the world, the world will be destroyed. Just look around you. How much more information do you need?
Posted in Other Writers (http://www.darkmoon.me/category/other-peoples-contributions/) | 41 Comments (http://www.darkmoon.me/2014/the-battle-for-human-survival-by-john-kaminski/#comments)

14th January 2014, 09:38 AM
I can not help it if all the ignorant game players around me decide to play games with me when I refuse to supply their demands for yield...Like the ever popular try to convince me I have a mental problem game.

You all just do not know what freedom is...I try to avoid you all in real life as much as possible...Because you all do not take no for an answer when you believe you are entitled to yes.

in real life I try as hard as I can to convince people that 1+1=2...but if they believe 1+1=3

There is not much I can do about it.

Unless they try to force me to do something about it...

In here...This is a complete fantasy realm...So there is not much I can do except put up with you all...I think I've done pretty good for years and years...

Of course you all think you are totally innocent and in no way shape or form contribute to any of the problems of the world and it's me that is the cause of all the evil in the world and must be annihilated from existence.

ya that is the way it works.


please supply the demand for what is wanted of be annihilated.

You are the Government and demand I supply what you want...the tax...and I refused...and now it's time to kill me.

Turn or burn.

You all do not know what freedom is.

It's like Bush said.

There is nothing wrong with a dictatorship...As long as I'm the dictator.

14th January 2014, 09:48 AM
All your demands from the system for power from it have become greater than the power you all supply to the system.

In 2008 it became visible...but you all have been taking more than you give from the system for decades...It just took from 1944 till 2008 for the maximum potential of the Bretton woods global trade system to be reached.

Now you all are yield starved and basically cannibalizing yourselves desperately trying to satisfy your hunger...You are killing yourselves....You have been since 1944 in the USA.

You can find the principle threat you face by looking into a mirror.

The Jews are an effect of the cause...not the cause of the effect.

Of course It does not matter to me...I'm just pointing something out...You all are doomed regardless...

If you wish to blame the Jews for what you all mindlessly contribute to every day...have fun.

I guess all that matters is that you are happy and getting what you want makes you happy.

I only supply what you need.

So then you must beg the lord to eliminate me and then replace me with an obedient subject.

14th January 2014, 10:30 AM
Posting the same thing again and again and again and again and again and again and again..........It's called fucking SPAM!

14th January 2014, 01:46 PM
Can't you just ignore him? I do.

It's one thing to ignore one or two nonsensical posts in a long thread, but at some point, post after post after post, crosses the line of just being annoying to becoming spamming the threads. With that being said, and the fact that this isn't the first time it's happened, I banned hyperkitty for a month.

14th January 2014, 02:04 PM
It's one thing to ignore one or two nonsensical posts in a long thread, but at some point, post after post after post, crosses the line of just being annoying to becoming spamming the threads. With that being said, and the fact that this isn't the first time it's happened, I banned hyperkitty for a month.

thank god. now i can read threads about silver without 23 pages of nonsense.

14th January 2014, 02:41 PM
It's one thing to ignore one or two nonsensical posts in a long thread, but at some point, post after post after post, crosses the line of just being annoying to becoming spamming the threads.

Thank goodness... I do read some of his/her crap but like you said over and over like a broken record it is hard to ignore and way too much to read between the lines for a message, if in fact there is a message.

14th January 2014, 02:52 PM
....probably cheeto hands as well.

Why bring me into this shit?

14th January 2014, 04:09 PM
It's one thing to ignore one or two nonsensical posts in a long thread, but at some point, post after post after post, crosses the line of just being annoying to becoming spamming the threads. With that being said, and the fact that this isn't the first time it's happened, I banned hyperkitty for a month.

I've had the gibberish-bot on ignore for around 1/2 year, along with only 2 others, both 'pious' Bible verse spambots. Anyone know if the gibberish-bot has any history at GIM2.adl.gov? How did they manage it?

Anywho, Merlin Miller (pres candidate) message:

Merlin Miller: U.S./Israel Special Relationship (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/01/merlin-miller-usisrael-special.html)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlQyH0DVFlk




source: http://merlinmiller.com/?p=671

14th January 2014, 05:13 PM
RE the Harvard portion of the OP, I recalled DDuke had done some articles about the joosh-supremacist ethno-crime-cult-nepotism in play there. Segregated dining?! :o Some startpage search results:

Jewish Racist Discrimination Against Better-Qualified Students at ... (http://davidduke.com/jewish-racist-discrimination-against-better-qualified-students-at-harvard/)
www.davidduke.com (http://www.<strong>davidduke.com</strong>)/ jewish-racist-discrimination-against-better-qualified-students-at-har vard/ - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=4d674e4662697357515274564d7a3942577751316 56c46655656735953306b694746427a56564d5159526b4f4b5 45650447831644c43495841474d794a6b39524631774d56424 637486c303441687755505355334267494e566878575968743 7663277464532743349577772626c493945554e6f54426f4d6 34268435a326859554252414b795a54564564344a465a56584 67757454163774845413254456756644273494b795a6647514 a58505842665231496d4b316857464530595742466f4746777 95341634c614530565044646256426b504f5441555268382b4 d30314956677334476b5954574141545141384f61513863505 3784f43685a644d6e4d416455677a4d46424c4778554c58686 338446b5a345141634c59786b524a533546525146624d44676 6556b55334c6c644c4278556257674168474542345652735a6 241496549534a5043515a474b6a4a585856596c616c684d586 c41595451493044315a77466968656451385a5043595745554 5425044525843304d30636c7863463130644230557748416f3 3455167654e46684f654855625145303d&epile=4q6n41784r4441784q5455774q5638334s5335725n58 6o3q&edata=f8537641b7c1a690b8cfb505637eb039&ek=55327434534563724n485579583159794q794n57527n6o3 4637n68355033525666544n564n473534&ekdata=68a20d7adf5d40135ecf6abda9f152c9) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=harvard+host%3Adavidduke.com&rl=NONE&rid=MILNSTRORTRQ&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/search&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&mtpl=ff&u=http:%2F%2Fdavidduke.com%2Fjewish-racist-discrimination-against-better-qualified-students-at-harvard%2F)
17 Apr 2013 ... The Jewish researcher, former Harvard graduate Ron Unz in his research paper “ The Myth of American Meritocracy” reveals that European ...

Jewish Supremacists Demand Segregated Dining at Harvard ... (http://davidduke.com/jewish-supremacists-demand-segregated-dining-at-harvard/)
www.davidduke.com (http://www.<strong>davidduke.com</strong>)/ jewish-supremacists-demand-segregated-dining-at-harvard/ - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=4d674e4662697357515274564d7a3942577751316 56c46655656735953306b694746427a56564d5159526b4f4b5 45650447831644c43495841474d794a6b39524631774d56424 637486c303441687755505355334267494e566878575968743 7663277464532743349577772626c493945554e6f54426f4d6 34268435a326859554252414b795a54564564344a465a56584 67757454163774845413254456756644273494b795a6647514 a58505842665231496d4b316857464530595742466f4746777 95341634c614530565044646256426b504f5441555268382b4 d30314956677334476b5954574141545141384f61513863505 3784f43685a644d6e4d416455677a4d46424c4778554b53675 16e474638305277634c644268564c434a47525274576369565 85646417a4946684d466c785557783037464677794351384d4 c514d5a4f6a464b5668455862524155526b59334d316746537 7744a4230413353515533467774494e676b626633416245455 a5762323841414563306341774146316f3d&epile=4q6n41784r4441784q5455774q5638334s5335725n58 6o3q&edata=313dc5b991a72271291bfcd7ff99cb08&ek=55327434534563724n485579583159794q794n57527n6o3 4637n68355033525666544n564n473534&ekdata=551f0a153ec0c0b2cc8796eb9d657497) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=harvard+host%3Adavidduke.com&rl=NONE&rid=MILNSTRORTRQ&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/search&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&mtpl=ff&u=http:%2F%2Fdavidduke.com%2Fjewish-supremacists-demand-segregated-dining-at-harvard%2F)
12 Mar 2013 ... In complete contrast to the supposed “anti-segregationist” stance of Jews when it comes to the rest of America, Jewish Supremacists at Harvard ...

Want to get into Harvard? Tell them you're Jewish! - David Duke.com ... (http://davidduke.com/want-to-get-into-harvard-tell-them-youre-jewish/)
www.davidduke.com (http://www.<strong>davidduke.com</strong>)/want-to-get-into-harvard-tell-them-youre-jewish/ - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=4d674e4662697357515274564d7a3942577751316 56c46655656735953306b694746427a56564d5159526b4f4b5 45650447831644c43495841474d794a6b39524631774d56424 637486c303441687755505355334267494e566878575968743 7663277464532743349577772626c493945554e6f54426f4d6 34268435a326859554252414b795a54564564344a465a56584 67757454163774845413254456756644273494b795a6647514 a58505842665231496d4b316857464530595742466f4746777 95341634c614530565044646256426b504f5441555268382b4 d30314956677334476b5954574141545141384f61513863505 3784f43685a644d6e4d41645655334b5530564231645557424 568554673375541465661416f4b50695a5a514668474f6a706 5486c592b496c5156436c634d5452463446316369545230514 a566b2b626a4a5052514654596d425442785675496c3964455 67761576b5a694867526b46315a4b5a51704d66484959456b3 0424f6a4a58&epile=4q6n41784r4441784q5455774q5638334s5335725n58 6o3q&edata=ec6cbc4e04255bdf41f2045a8a371de4&ek=55327434534563724n485579583159794q794n57527n6o3 4637n68355033525666544n564n473534&ekdata=09756a573dd8369feea98974701bbbb1) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=harvard+host%3Adavidduke.com&rl=NONE&rid=MILNSTRORTRQ&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/search&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&mtpl=ff&u=http:%2F%2Fdavidduke.com%2Fwant-to-get-into-harvard-tell-them-youre-jewish%2F)
20 Dec 2012 ... I have crunched the numbers, at least for Harvard. A Hispanic, not even factoring in qualifications, has an 80% higher chance of being accepted ...

Bizarre Incident at Harvard - David Duke.com | David Duke.com (http://davidduke.com/bizarre-incident-at-harvard/)
www.davidduke.com (http://www.<strong>davidduke.com</strong>)/bizarre-incident-at-harvard/ - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=4d674e4662697357515274564d7a3942577751316 56c46655656735953306b694746427a56564d5159526b4f4b5 45650447831644c43495841474d794a6b39524631774d56424 637486c303441687755505355334267494e566878575968743 7663277464532743349577772626c493945554e6f54426f4d6 34268435a326859554252414b795a54564564344a465a56584 67757454163774845413254456756644273494b795a6647514 a58505842665231496d4b316857464530595742466f4746777 95341634c614530565044646256426b504f5441555268382b4 d30314956677334476b5954574141545141384f61513863505 3784f43685a644d6e4d416455412f5056684b4156315556686 f3246465977536870565952395649435a5a556852414f334d4 16451516a4931684d4567564c4445646b5246466c4531394a5 a516c4d6358394e466b554761323443415552756677674c526 7455958513d3d&epile=4q6n41784r4441784q5455774q5638334s5335725n58 6o3q&edata=df6231443004932b8b9c72a5a2c2aeaa&ek=55327434534563724n485579583159794q794n57527n6o3 4637n68355033525666544n564n473534&ekdata=d6f80e92965f5209466ce4b95e3d296d) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=harvard+host%3Adavidduke.com&rl=NONE&rid=MILNSTRORTRQ&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/search&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&mtpl=ff&u=http:%2F%2Fdavidduke.com%2Fbizarre-incident-at-harvard%2F)
27 Dec 2010 ... Bizarre Incident at Harvard. by Ian Mosley. The Establishment's paranoia about so-called hate crimes in this society sometimes reaches levels ...

Does Harvard Hate the White Race? - David Duke.com | David Duke ... (http://davidduke.com/does-harvard-hate-the-white-race/)
www.davidduke.com (http://www.<strong>davidduke.com</strong>)/does-harvard-hate-the-white-race/ - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=4d674e4662697357515274564d7a3942577751316 56c46655656735953306b694746427a56564d5159526b4f4b5 45650447831644c43495841474d794a6b39524631774d56424 637486c303441687755505355334267494e566878575968743 7663277464532743349577772626c493945554e6f54426f4d6 34268435a326859554252414b795a54564564344a465a56584 67757454163774845413254456756644273494b795a6647514 a58505842665231496d4b316857464530595742466f4746777 95341634c614530565044646256426b504f5441555268382b4 d30314956677334476b5954574141545141384f61513863505 3784f43685a644d6e4d4164555935496b6f5647316b4c53525 56e4752383952526f644c5238514c577063544278474f6e744 1556b457a5967742b565530645867413051414e6c45316b625 9776c4a6633464a514546545a6d49464278517964413049514 16f64586b5177546c4e6a&epile=4q6n41784r4441784q5455774q5638334s5335725n58 6o3q&edata=2399ce03e378ffccc88101f8b4dfbb42&ek=55327434534563724n485579583159794q794n57527n6o3 4637n68355033525666544n564n473534&ekdata=ddd19ce2e922e5648339bee0c4a8f698) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=harvard+host%3Adavidduke.com&rl=NONE&rid=MILNSTRORTRQ&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/search&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&mtpl=ff&u=http:%2F%2Fdavidduke.com%2Fdoes-harvard-hate-the-white-race%2F)
8 Sep 2008 ... Now comes Harvard educated Noel Ignatiev, an academic at Harvard's W.E.B. DuBois Institute for African-American Research. Dr. Ignatiev is ...

Harvard Academic: "Abolish the White Race" - David Duke.com ... (http://davidduke.com/harvard-academic-abolish-the-white-race/)
www.davidduke.com (http://www.<strong>davidduke.com</strong>)/harvard-academic-abolish-the-white-race/ - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=4d674e4662697357515274564d7a3942577751316 56c46655656735953306b694746427a56564d5159526b4f4b5 45650447831644c43495841474d794a6b39524631774d56424 637486c303441687755505355334267494e566878575968743 7663277464532743349577772626c493945554e6f54426f4d6 34268435a326859554252414b795a54564564344a465a56584 67757454163774845413254456756644273494b795a6647514 a58505842665231496d4b316857464530595742466f4746777 95341634c614530565044646256426b504f5441555268382b4 d30314956677334476b5954574141545141384f61513863505 3784f43685a644d6e4d4164556f334e55395a4156785558686 330475663345451315659516b584a433559544668474e7a4d6 652456f2f4d31775641566b61576c466e4f7851675141384d5 956596166434d66466852554f544d4b56524d7a49316f41454 6704a426b517754565a695256305a5a41385a66513d3d&epile=4q6n41784r4441784q5455774q5638334s5335725n58 6o3q&edata=af60c9bc9866481355ab825ce79dff73&ek=55327434534563724n485579583159794q794n57527n6o3 4637n68355033525666544n564n473534&ekdata=6e7925cc1643b210b6f2433d8bc39f3b) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=harvard+host%3Adavidduke.com&rl=NONE&rid=MILNSTRORTRQ&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/search&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&mtpl=ff&u=http:%2F%2Fdavidduke.com%2Fharvard-academic-abolish-the-white-race%2F)
24 Nov 2008 ... In this 9 1/2 minute video Scott Roberts exposes Harvard academic, Dr. Noah Ignatiev, a Jewish supremacist who seeks the destruction of the ...

Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery Disprove the Notion of Jewish Intellectual ... (http://davidduke.com/today-dr-duke-and-dr-slattery-disprove-the-notion-of-jewish-intellectual-superiority/)
www.davidduke.com (http://www.<strong>davidduke.com</strong>)/ today-dr-duke-and-dr-slattery-disprove-the-notion-of-jewish-intellect ual-superiority/ - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=4d674e4662697357515274564d7a3942577751316 56c46655656735953306b694746427a56564d5159526b4f4b5 45650447831644c43495841474d794a6b39524631774d56424 637486c303441687755505355334267494e566878575968743 7663277464532743349577772626c493945554e6f54426f4d6 34268435a326859554252414b795a54564564344a465a56584 67757454163774845413254456756644273494b795a6647514 a58505842665231496d4b316857464530595742466f4746777 95341634c614530565044646256426b504f5441555268382b4 d30314956677334476b5954574141545141384f61513863505 3784f43685a644d6e4d416456593549316842586c774c45684 167466c6434525141634c51384b5a545248525146474f69524 c486b592f4e456c4b48453463456741394742383753786f526 27756564a794547546842464e695661486b73344d317855483 13061537745304552386d55523464636749584f69356658564 1414758424856304d694a6752614656704c5868647452564e6 c45566b645a67314b65694e49463031555a6d6344436842766 367454246673d3d&epile=4q6n41784r4441784q5455774q5638334s5335725n58 6o3q&edata=bc757cf381ea5a9e0c33a649e04bcb12&ek=55327434534563724n485579583159794q794n57527n6o3 4637n68355033525666544n564n473534&ekdata=00e7a7124c105609fa5de348c0d73d98) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=harvard+host%3Adavidduke.com&rl=NONE&rid=MILNSTRORTRQ&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/search&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&mtpl=ff&u=http:%2F%2Fdavidduke.com%2Ftoday-dr-duke-and-dr-slattery-disprove-the-notion-of-jewish-intellectual-superiority%2F)
27 Mar 2013 ... Gentile Jewish Phi Beta Kapa recipents Harvard Today Dr. Duke and Patrick Slattery continue the discussion of yesterday with Dr. MacDonald.

29th January 2014, 03:37 PM
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
The Realist Report - Brad Trun: Libertarian Realist (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/01/the-realist-report-brad-trun.html)



On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Brad Trun, author of the Libertarian Realist (http://libertarianrealist.blogspot.com/) blog. Brad and I will be discussing a variety of subjects, particularly his article entitled An Open Letter to a Person of Privilege (http://libertarianrealist.blogspot.com/2014/01/dear-abby.html).

You can download the mp3 for this program here (http://blogtalk.vo.llnwd.net/o23/show/5/999/show_5999261.mp3), or visit The Realist Report (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-realist-report) on BlogTalkRadio to subscribe via iTunes and view past programs.

Below are relevant links for this program:

An Open Letter to a Person of Privilege (http://libertarianrealist.blogspot.com/2014/01/dear-abby.html) - Libertarian Realist
Basic Questions for the White Privilege Conference (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/01/basic-questions-for-white-privilege.html) - John Friend
White Privilege Conference (http://www.whiteprivilegeconference.com/)
What is the White Man March? (http://whitemanmarch.com/what-is-the-white-man-march-all-about/)

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 9:30 AM No comments: (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/01/the-realist-report-brad-trun.html#comment-form)

18th May 2018, 02:03 PM
i did a YT search for the OP vid here; keywords "Jewish Privilege (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Jewish+Privilege)"; didn't find. These interesting finds came up though,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/GVDWnqzXu60/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCPYBEIoBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDfUMxv9ILGvtORBbtv6AACobvjCw 4:17
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVDWnqzXu60) Anti-Semitic "End Jewish Privilege" Poster Circulated at College Campus (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVDWnqzXu60)
David Pakman Show (https://www.youtube.com/user/MidweekPolitics)
19K views1 year ago
An anti-Semitic poster is circulating at the University of Illinois at Chicago that reads “ending white privilege starts with ending ... CC

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tUHnIrn-hHg/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCPYBEIoBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLA0q5gSlEFlZk51bApOzihWxl0cHg 2:28
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUHnIrn-hHg) Wave of Anti Semitic Threats Puts US Jewish Community on Edge (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUHnIrn-hHg)
VOA News (https://www.youtube.com/user/VOAvideo)
724 views1 year ago
Since the beginning of the year, Jewish schools and synagogues in the U.S. have been the victims of bomb threas -- more than ...

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/OvJmayudXQM/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCPYBEIoBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLBD2zPtManLy-1b7VvZ4p8_6ZECfQ 6:31
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvJmayudXQM) Forget White Privilege, How About Jewish Privilege (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvJmayudXQM)
Whiteboy Rising (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJMNOq8sfUmE-rBg9CaxG0A)
987 views1 year ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/N31FCEaXtl4/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCPYBEIoBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLC_KpfDrPG4FDPWM33yoLJV848LPw 2:56
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N31FCEaXtl4) Dana Antiochus Confronts Jewish Privilege on RT (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N31FCEaXtl4)
Renegade Broadcasting (https://www.youtube.com/user/renegadesinamerica)
6.6K views4 years ago

more @ https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Jewish+Privilege

27th October 2019, 02:17 AM
Surprised that OP vid is still up @ jootube! I've searched for it since 2014, couldn't find, & thought surely the YT dinjooz gassed it! That instance @ YT reporting 14,656 views atm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdbOOalrTSA

I gather this 6m 30s viddy was pub'd ~3y ago by screen-name "Crusader Girl"

Did You Mean Jewish Privilege?

4th March 2020, 10:48 AM
Another (((false flag 'whitey'))) beating up on whites

1m 23s clip inside: https://twitter.com/UNIA_ACL_/status/1235033942195044353

Jewish woman pretending to be white complaining about how whites only want to date whites

midnight rambler
4th March 2020, 11:14 AM
Another (((false flag 'whitey'))) beating up on whites

1m 23s clip inside: https://twitter.com/UNIA_ACL_/status/1235033942195044353

Jewish woman pretending to be white complaining about how whites only want to date whites

That was choice.

4th March 2020, 03:52 PM
Another (((false flag 'whitey'))) beating up on whites

1m 23s clip inside: https://twitter.com/UNIA_ACL_/status/1235033942195044353

Jewish woman pretending to be white complaining about how whites only want to date whites

So if a homo wants other men to stick their penises into his anal cavity, you have to respect that because he was born that way, but if you're White and are attracted to other Whites, well you can't because that's racist, even if you're born that way.

4th March 2020, 04:04 PM
These Jews are so obviously trying to destroy us. It is out in the open and blatant. But of course it would be 'racist' and anti-semetic to point it out. Virtue Signalling should be punishable by public flogging.

5th March 2020, 08:56 AM
These Jews are so obviously trying to destroy us. It is out in the open and blatant. But of course it would be 'racist' and anti-semetic to point it out. Virtue Signalling should be punishable by public flogging.

Western civilization is a lost cause because the alternative is to be mean.

5th March 2020, 11:17 AM
Western civilization is a lost cause because the alternative is to be mean.

... I'm not gonna lie... I didn't see that coming.

6th March 2020, 10:55 AM
open to see 2 images inside :rolleyes: https://twitter.com/ProxyWay/status/1235703881373540352

Susan Goldberg: The editor-in-chief, who's behind the "New Europeans" propaganda in National Geographic magazine.

13th July 2020, 07:44 AM
posted yest in another thread,

I resisted starting a new thread on this, but #JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hashtag_click) is actually trending on twatter today!

here's an EMJ twatt noting it, with screenshot,

Adam Green has turned his timeline https://twitter.com/know_more_news into sort of a clearinghouse of some of the best #JewishPrivilege twatts, including many joke twatts by goyim starting off "My fellow jews..." then going on about "acknowledging OUR privilege/racism/supremacism" etc, IE flipping the trick the dinjooz have been doing against Whites forever.

I really don't know the backstory re how this forbidden truth started to trend just today, & esp WHY twatter hasn't silenced it, in favor of artificially boosting their (((anti-White inversion/projection narrative?))). Was this a 4chan stunt?

@ leading Israhell daily Haaretz; open story @ link for embedded images...:rolleyes:

White Supremacists Trigger Twitterstorm by Using #JewishPrivilege Hashtag to Bait Jews (https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-white-supremacists-trigger-twitterstorm-by-using-jewishprivilege-hashtag-1.8990556?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter)

Sarah Silverman, Josh Gad and David Simon among those pushing back by sharing their experiences of antisemitism

Allison Kaplan Sommer (https://www.haaretz.com/misc/writers/WRITER-1.4969038)
Published at 06:28

A Twitterstorm erupted on the social media site Sunday night after antisemitic accounts began posting tweets bearing the hashtag #JewishPrivilege – causing the term to shoot to the top of the site’s U.S. trending topics.

The source of the tweets was far-right, white supremacist Twitter profiles and bots, which used the hashtag to post a mixture of classic conspiratorial theories involving Jewish domination and control of the media, Holocaust denial and accusations of underwriting social unrest movements so that Jews could displace whites with minority groups.

Some of the tweets revived the attempt to pass themselves off as being Jewish (https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-fake-jewish-profiles-flood-twitter-in-anti-semitic-4chan-campaign-to-subvert-jews-1.7725793) and “confessing” their sins of privilege.

One wrote that he felt “guilty that our people’s role in slavery dwarfed Whites, but it’s important we pay for that dominant role that hurt so many millions of blacks. We jews are 1/3 of billionaires and MUST give much more to blacks.”

Almost immediately, Jews across Twitter pushed back, using the same hashtag to share their experiences with antisemitism. By early Monday, the hashtag had been largely “flipped”: #JewishPrivilege was dominated by reminders of antisemitism over the years and stories of struggles with modern antisemitism.

The responses that drew the most attention came from celebrities, including actor Josh Gad, television producer David Simon, comedian-actress Sarah Silverman and former presidential contender Marianne Williamson.

Open gallery

Actor Josh Gad at The W Hotel in Los Angeles, November 9, 2020.Credit: Rebecca Cabage,AP

“Guess we’re at the #JewishPrivilege part of 2020 because Neo-Nazis have a social platform. Where to start? Is it the privilege of my mom never getting to meet her grandparents because they were murdered or is it her parents being robbed of their childhoods by being put in camps?” Gad tweeted.

Guess we’re at the #JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) part of 2020 because Neo-Nazis have a social platform. Where to start? Is it the privilege of my mom never getting to meet her grandparents because they were murdered or is it her parents being robbed of their childhoods by being put in camps?
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/joshgad/status/1282421570888073216?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Simon, best known as the creator of “The Wire,” wrote: “My #JewishPrivilege? Garden-variety stuff. Eleven dead relatives at Auschwitz and in the Russian woods and a father who was a hostage and suffered PTSD years after the Jewish non-profit where he worked was stormed by angry dudes with guns & scimitars who threatened to behead him.”

My #JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)? Garden-variety stuff. Eleven dead relatives at Auschwitz and in the Russian woods and a father who was a hostage and suffered PTSD years after the Jewish non-profit where he worked was stormed by angry dudes with guns & scimitars who threatened to behead him.
— David Simon (@AoDespair) July 13, 2020 (https://twitter.com/AoDespair/status/1282494475118563328?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Exposing Jordan Peterson’s Barrage of Revisionist Falsehoods About Hitler, the Holocaust and Nazism (https://www.haaretz.com/world-news/.premium-jordan-peterson-s-barrage-of-revisionist-falsehoods-on-hitler-and-nazism-1.8955174)
Trump Boosts Georgia Candidate Who Peddles Antisemitic, QAnon Conspiracy Theories and Posed With a neo-Nazi (https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/trump-boosts-georgia-candidate-who-peddles-antisemitic-qanon-conspiracy-theories-1.8919489)
TikTok Users Target Young People With Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial, Study Finds (https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/study-tiktok-users-target-young-people-with-antisemitism-and-holocaust-denial-1.8945175)

After Silverman tweeted: “My dad getting the shit kicked out of him everyday at school 4 being a kike to kids in NH throwing pennies at me on the bus to pastors in Florida calling for my death and telling their congregation that knocking my teeth out and killing me would be God’s work. #JewishPrivilege,” Williamson responded with her own experiences: “It’s people emailing & tweeting to me that Jews need to be quiet now & that ‘that’s not just a suggestion’ or friends who don’t realize I’m Jewish making it clear how anti-Semitic they are or family members afraid to wear a Star of David in their own neighborhood.#JewishPrivilege.”

It’s people emailing & tweeting to me that Jews need to be quiet now & that “that’s not just a suggestion” or friends who don’t realize I’m Jewish making it clear how anti-Semitic they are or family members afraid to wear a Star of David in their own neighborhood.#JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) https://t.co/pYusLEa8NP
— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/marwilliamson/status/1282442651892174851?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Many of the high-profile Jews tweeting experienced hostile backlash. Silverman in particular was called out for discussing racism against Jews, with many people tweeting out photographs from when she did an episode of her television show in blackface. She had apologized for that in 2018, saying she was “horrified” by the fact she had done it (https://www.gq.com/story/sarah-silverman-i-love-you-america-profile): “I don’t stand by the blackface sketch. I’m horrified by it, and I can’t erase it. I can only be changed by it and move on.”

Other tweets came from Jewish activists and representatives of Jewish advocacy organizations, as well as individual Jews sharing their experiences with antisemitism.

Rabbi Elchanan Poupko, for example, wrote: “#JewishPrivilege is my cousin Reb Nochum Moshe Twersky of the Chernobyl Hassidic dynasty being asked to come and bless Ukrainian soldiers just for them to shoot him dead later.”

#JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) is my cousin Reb Nochum Moshe Twersky of the Chernobyl Hassidic dynasty being asked to come and bless Ukrainian soldiers just for them to shoot him dead later. https://t.co/6j8HVPsnEU pic.twitter.com/zkAQsbSp4T (https://t.co/zkAQsbSp4T)
— Rabbi E. Poupko- WEAR A MASK (@RabbiPoupko) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/RabbiPoupko/status/1282429251296296961?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

I am a member of #JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw). Let’s just say that I’ve been hated for being born Jewish. I’ve been called “kike” and have had to avoid putting up the Star of David in my neighborhood because of Antisemitism and the rise of Neo-Nazis. I didn’t ask for this bullshit.
— VoteBlue! (@LuvWillPrevail) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/LuvWillPrevail/status/1282435001691148288?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

#JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) is having rocks thrown at you for being a “dirty kike,” being told “you’re not American enough” to join Boy Scouts, having your neighbors call you a “dirty Jew,” frequently overhearing anti-Semitic drivel in Berkeley, and knowing your family was murdered here. pic.twitter.com/YzLNLhX9pX (https://t.co/YzLNLhX9pX)
— Stuart Rojstaczer (@StuartEtc) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/StuartEtc/status/1282430910629998592?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

The Jewish tweets triggered their own wave of reaction, both on Twitter itself and on Gab – the alternative platform infamous for its far-right users and tolerance for hate speech, with posters complaining that the Jews on the hashtag were engaging in “arrogant kvetching,” “whining” about discrimination, and “complaining about how persecuted they are for no reason.”


14th July 2020, 06:02 PM
Adam Green pub'd this yest 7/13, w guest Angelo John Gage, discussing the #JewishPrivilege twatterstorm, + Netflix/Bernays thing. Adam titled it differently between his YT & Bitchute accts, presumably trying to keep the YT version 'innocent' sounding to dodge the YidTube censorship ovens.

YT: Netflix Founder & CEO is Descendant of Freud & Bernays (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRQgXmLZ0WA)

BC: J-wish Privilege Trending (https://www.bitchute.com/video/rRQgXmLZ0WA/)



^ EDIT - after watching that, it turns out it was a 'tease', they then transfer over to DLive where the remainder of the show is 2 more hrs!

This replays that part 2, https://dlive.tv/p/dlive-dylkfhbicx+UyYmgNnMg

14th July 2020, 06:31 PM
I love how when daJooz are confronted with statistically verifiable evidence of privilege, they defend themselves with old muhHollowcost anecdotes. Never do they address the NOW.

midnight rambler
15th July 2020, 06:14 AM
I love how when daJooz are confronted with statistically verifiable evidence of privilege, they defend themselves with old muhHollowcost anecdotes. Never do they address the NOW.

There's a reason for that...NEVER FORGET!!!

Yet not only do we need to forget American history, it needs to be obliterated.

15th July 2020, 11:42 AM
...apologized for saying the museum would still collect art by white men

13 JULY 2020/ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT (https://sfist.com/arts-entertainment/)/JAY BARMANN (https://sfist.com/author/jay-barmann/)

SFMOMA Senior Curator Resigns Following Uproar Over Comment About White Artists
Yet another management figure at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art has resigned amid roiling controversy among the museum's staff over race and representation.

moar https://sfist.com/2020/07/13/sfmoma-curator-resigns-following-uproar-over/

16th July 2020, 05:33 AM
I just rolled by the "don't play well with others" kids' news site Renegade Tribune, and noticed Kyle posted this on Sun 7/12, the day #JewishPrivilege snuck into twatter's top trending. some images inside, + 17 comments atm

#JewishPrivilege Trends on Twitter and Causes Massive Kvetching
July 12, 2020 (http://www.renegadetribune.com/jewishprivilege-trends-on-twitter-and-causes-massive-kvetching/) Kyle (http://www.renegadetribune.com/author/kyle/) 17 Comments (http://www.renegadetribune.com/jewishprivilege-trends-on-twitter-and-causes-massive-kvetching/#comments)

White privilege needs to discussed and dismantled ad nauseum. It happens on TV, in movies, in books, newspapers, social media, etc. Our entire “culture” is now dedicated to waging war on “White privilege,” and if you don’t like it, then you’re a bigoted Nazi racist who needs to have his or her life CANCELED!

Most Whites have been scared by this intense psychological warfare and shut their mouths. This is a key component to the White genocide agenda.

If you try to bring up jewish privilege, however, jewish people go nuts! They ignore the definition of privilege and deny that they could possibly have privilege because… well… never forget the Holocaust, goyim!

Four days after I published the above article #JewishPrivilege started to trend on Twitter. I honestly do not know how this started, but I am loving it.


Most of the tweets are now from jews endlessly kvetching about their fake Holocaust.

Here’s a VERY small sampling.

#JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) is being less than 0.2% of the world's population but being accused of controlling global wealth and the media. https://t.co/uJp7sRUyDB
— Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll (@skjask) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/skjask/status/1282437695063625730?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Guess we’re at the #JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) part of 2020 because Neo-Nazis have a social platform. Where to start? Is it the privilege of my mom never getting to meet her grandparents because they were murdered or is it her parents being robbed of their childhoods by being put in camps?
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/joshgad/status/1282421570888073216?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

The #JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) hashtag appears to be an eclectic mix of Jews telling their stories of anti-Semitism and anti-Semites popping in to illustrate their point.
— (((Yair Rosenberg))) (@Yair_Rosenberg) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/Yair_Rosenberg/status/1282426513590296584?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

The hashtag #JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) is deeply offensive. What ’privilege’? The privilege to be hated? Is this someone’s idea of a sick joke? Pls stop it.
— Tarek Fatah (@TarekFatah) July 13, 2020 (https://twitter.com/TarekFatah/status/1282498902864920591?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

I had the #JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) of growing up without grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins because my parents’ family were nearly entirely wiped out by Hitler.
— Dov Hikind (@HikindDov) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/HikindDov/status/1282448539281391617?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

My dad getting the shit kicked out of him everyday at school 4 being a kike to kids in NH throwing pennies at me on the bus to pastors in Florida calling for my death and telling their congregation that knocking my teeth out and killing me would be God’s work. #JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/SarahKSilverman/status/1282423737128611840?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

People like Jews when they’re suffering. Less comfortable with jews if they’re thriving. … tbh Jews basically feel the same… Pooh Pooh Pooh #JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/SarahKSilverman/status/1282425654202388481?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

#JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) is trending, but that’s an incorrect term. There is no such thing.
& it’s great ppl are using this incorrect hashtag to highlight their testimonies of discrimination.
The irony is, some of these ppl giving their testimonies,have a history of anti-Black racism pic.twitter.com/13DexvZrPd (https://t.co/13DexvZrPd)
— Tariq Nasheed https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/12.0.0-1/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg (@tariqnasheed) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/tariqnasheed/status/1282444968359911424?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Just go see for yourselves: https://twitter.com/hashtag/jewishprivilege


17th July 2020, 12:42 AM
Adam G's whole 2h show w Angelo John Gage monday, re #JewishPrivilege trending


Adam tonight; prior to this blowup I couldn't have told U the first thing about who he was - I gather he's some kind of 'personality' for talmudvision-watchers; 65m:

'ANTI-SEMITE' Nick Cannon Wild 'n Out! | KMN LIVE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0ssit1xSJA)


Really Graceful twatt re Nick Cannon

Nick Cannon publicly says white people are "a little less," "closer to animals," "the true savages," "acting out of a deficiency so the only way they can act is evil," but the actual reason he gets fired from Viacom is anti-semitism, not any of the aforementioned remarks.
Nick Cannon Dropped by ViacomCBS After Making Anti-Semitic Comments (https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/nick-cannon-dropped-viacomcbs-anti-semitic-comments-podcast-1234706748/)

20th July 2020, 07:15 AM
pub'd last Thu 7/16 - open @ link coz many screencaps of tweets,

CANARDS (http://dissident-mag.com/category/canards/)

#JewishPrivilege Lights Up Twitter
4 days ago on
July 16, 2020
Gunnar Latham (http://dissident-mag.com/author/gunnarlatham/)

The Hashtag #JewishPrivilege has taken Twitter by storm; it began circulating on July 11th and became the #1 Hashtag on the site. It likely spawned from a #JewishLivesMatter Hashtag that began trending a few days prior. Ironically, Jews on Twitter began circulating the Hashtag in order to highlight their “oppression”.

moar http://dissident-mag.com/2020/07/16/jewishprivilege-lights-up-twitter/