View Full Version : Pope Francis fires all but one cardinals who run Vatican bank just 11 months into the

16th January 2014, 06:47 PM
I wonder what this means...

Pope Francis fires all but one cardinals who run Vatican bank just 11 months into their five-year term

comments (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2540454/Pope-Francis-fires-one-cardinals-run-Vatican-bank-just-11-months-five-year-term.html#comments)
All but one of a five-member panel that oversees the controversial Vatican bank has been fired by Pope Francis.
Four cardinals were given their marching orders by Francis on Wednesday.
Those sacked were former Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone SDB, Cardinals Odilo Scherer from Brazil, Telesphore Toppo from India and Domenico Calcagno, from within the Vatican.


Clear out: Pope Francis has sacked four of his Vatican bank cardinals, according to a newspaper
Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, head of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, kept his job, according to The Tablet (http://www.thetablet.co.uk/news/329/0/francis-sacks-four-cardinals-on-vatican-bank-commission-11-months-into-their-five-year-term).

The Catholic paper explained that with the exception of Calcagno, the cardinals were all just eleven months into a second, five-year team, having been appointed by Benedict XVI.


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The Vatican bank was caught in a money-laundering row in 2010 after Italian prosecutors uncovered allegedly suspicious financial activity within the organisation.

Bank chairman Ettore Gotti Tedeschi and his deputy Paolo Cipriani were investigated after financial police seized 23million euros from a Vatican bank account.


Fired: Former Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone was one of those who lost his job

It was claimed that even as the bank was claiming to tackle money-laundering, it broke the law by trying to transfer money without identifying the sender or recipient, or what the money was being used for.
It was an accusation furiously denied by the Vatican.
Francis may not be showing much love for his banking cardinals, but he is for engaged couples, as he’s extended an invitation to them to spend Valentine’s Day with him.
A note, entitled 'The Joy of Yes Forever' issued by Vatican city invites engaged, heterosexual couples to a private audience with the Pontiff next month.

Organised by the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Family, participants are required to register by January 30 to secure their place

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2540454/Pope-Francis-fires-one-cardinals-run-Vatican-bank-just-11-months-five-year-term.html#ixzz2qcVHS8mx
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16th January 2014, 07:06 PM

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPOfurmrjxo

16th January 2014, 07:08 PM
Wow! A wise decision by a world leader? A Jesuit to boot? I'm flabbergasted... He'll probably get snuffed.

16th January 2014, 07:15 PM
the problem with George is that he's blaming God for the bad stuff. I think we pretty sure the story includes another Dude. A bad dude who does bad stuff. So I don;t get the blaming God for the bad stuff when he's not the one doing it. It's a pretty straight forward premise. God and Satan act through others, always.

It doesn't matter what you believe it's what they believe and by they I mean the ones who act in the hand of the bad dude. They believe and act on their beliefs in Satan. While George is a funny guy with great insight, the blaming of God for bad things happening is a limited view of things. And people doing bad things while saying their are acting in the name of God means you're looking at a fraud. There are many out there.

So his target is not really God but the frauds who pretend to follow God and the first thing they do is form a "church/temple" which right away is an act against God.

mick silver
18th January 2014, 12:43 PM
George Carlin was ahead of his time , and made a living doing it

18th January 2014, 05:52 PM
George Carlin was ahead of his time , and made a living doing it

But he died.

20th January 2014, 06:25 AM
Wow! A wise decision by a world leader? A Jesuit to boot? I'm flabbergasted... He'll probably get snuffed.
Yes, those are good questions! Those that were fired were appointed after the banking scandal in 2010, were they too honest? Or were they appointed to cover up for Ratzinger? Will the new ones be Jesuits (iow a Jesuit power grab)? Impossible to tell at this point, IMO...

20th January 2014, 06:28 AM
the problem with George is that he's blaming God for the bad stuff. I think we pretty sure the story includes another Dude. A bad dude who does bad stuff. So I don;t get the blaming God for the bad stuff when he's not the one doing it. It's a pretty straight forward premise. God and Satan act through others, always.

It doesn't matter what you believe it's what they believe and by they I mean the ones who act in the hand of the bad dude. They believe and act on their beliefs in Satan. While George is a funny guy with great insight, the blaming of God for bad things happening is a limited view of things. And people doing bad things while saying their are acting in the name of God means you're looking at a fraud. There are many out there.
So God isn't omnipresent and all-powerful then?

20th January 2014, 06:52 AM
So God isn't omnipresent and all-powerful then?

Production facilities have currently been relocated offshore.

Who is the remaining Cardinal?

20th January 2014, 10:32 AM
But he died.

He believes the Bible NOW
He knows Jesus Christ is the Saviour NOW

Too late though...the TIME to decide to trust Jesus Christ was HERE

Luke 16:23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments...

20th January 2014, 11:04 AM
So God isn't omnipresent and all-powerful then?

Yes. You need to know the background to the story. God gave man dominion over the earth. Man allowed evil to become his master, alienating him from God. That is death. So God cursed the earth to make it a fit habitation for fallen man. The choice was made by man to reject God. God created man with choice, so that choice was honored and man is born into an enemy kingdom without the full rights of the kingdom of God.

This makes me think of an interesting idea. People have no true rights until they are washed in the blood of Messiah, by faith, being awarded the rights of free and just men. And, as being new creatures in Messiah, man is able to reject the devil and the calls of this world.

And all of this is bound in a time bubble. Soon it will all be reconciled when God returns in judgment. The evil is on a leash. It will not be tolerated forever.

20th January 2014, 12:21 PM
The evil is on a leash. It will not be tolerated forever.

Are you the remaining Cardinal?

7th trump
20th January 2014, 01:08 PM
Yes. You need to know the background to the story. God gave man dominion over the earth. Man allowed evil to become his master, alienating him from God. That is death. So God cursed the earth to make it a fit habitation for fallen man. The choice was made by man to reject God. God created man with choice, so that choice was honored and man is born into an enemy kingdom without the full rights of the kingdom of God.

This makes me think of an interesting idea. People have no true rights until they are washed in the blood of Messiah, by faith, being awarded the rights of free and just men. And, as being new creatures in Messiah, man is able to reject the devil and the calls of this world.

And all of this is bound in a time bubble. Soon it will all be reconciled when God returns in judgment. The evil is on a leash. It will not be tolerated forever.

Yep Michael has lucifer in chains (the leash) and a war is about to open up in Heaven.
Michael will unleash lucifer and his minions and they'll be kicked to earth......we're going to see this unleashing (666) take place here real soon
When the real Christ appears this "time bubble" (earth age as Arnold Murray calls it) is complete.

20th January 2014, 01:19 PM
Are you the remaining Cardinal?

You know I am not. Any figure in the Roman church heirarchy is openly in rebellion against God. They swear allegiance to the pope first. They elevate the Roman organization above the directives of Yashuah. There is one Messiah, one mediator, one sacrifice for all. The Roman church says there are multiple mediators, multiple sacrifices and multiple objects of faith.

Twisted Titan
20th January 2014, 02:38 PM

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPOfurmrjxo

You the thing about that skit that WASNT funny?

The only religion he could bust on was christianity.

Why not didnt Buddhism or indian reglion get a few stabs?

And he wouldn't touch a rabbi joke with a 90 ft pole.

But Christianity. ....it was the entire routine.

I didnt realize its be under attack for that long....

20th January 2014, 02:53 PM
The god of this world hates YHWH and hates the Messiah. The tactic is to slander true christianity and make the counterfeits seem like everything. The devil wants to discredit anything and anyone who speaks about the pathway to fellowship with YHWH. What you are witnessing is a bar in the gates of hell. The gates of hell keep the lost people away from salvation. All are born into sin and separation from YHWH. Only those who are washed in the Spirit can slip through the bars fo the gate but the filthy flesh is trapped in death. Choose the ways of the flesh or the Spirit. Choose death or life.

20th January 2014, 03:39 PM
All are born into sin and separation from YHWH. Only those who are washed in the Spirit can slip through...filth

Aha, you're Poseidon & Aquarius bearing water.

Perhaps the other 4 Cardinals had bad bathing habits, this is why they were relieved.


20th January 2014, 03:52 PM
Domenico CalcagnoIt was announced on 6 January 2012 that he would be created a cardinal on 18 February along with 21 others. He was created and proclaimed as Cardinal-Deacon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal-Deacon) of Annunciazione della Beata Vergine Maria a Via Ardeatina (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Annunciazione_della_Beata_Vergine_ Maria_a_Via_Ardeatina&action=edit&redlink=1).
