View Full Version : Klondike

21st January 2014, 04:05 PM
Anyone see Part I yet?
Really good show. Part I is starting right now 7:00 on the Discovery channel.
Part II is on tonight at 9:00 Eastern time. Part III tomorrow.


21st January 2014, 04:40 PM
Haven't watched it , but I did DVR it.

23rd January 2014, 06:21 AM
Did any of you get to see this show? It was really good and based on true events.
I've seen several shows/documentaries of the gold rush in AK and the Klondike and it just amazes me what these people had to do just to get there, how many died trying...and how they survived it.
It took real true grit and a much hardier bunch of people then we have today.

Abbie Cornish is the leading lady in the series


23rd January 2014, 05:50 PM
Saw it and am waiting for them to play again, totally based on true people. John London, and references to his book (s) think there were two, but I only caught for sure his "Call of the wild". The other people were also real, the main woman came up and became the richest woman in that town. There may have been enhancement, but who in the hell knows? There is no record of the true nature of what went on, but I think the gist is as close to true as it could or can be today.

True people in their time doing extraordinary things "compared to us in our times" living and trying to make it in life.

EE like you I have read all I could find on the rushes of the Klondike and also the Nome gold rush.

Worth the watch, several times, there was some human lessons taught or at least about human nature. Wonder how many did die? Bet there has never been a good solid total of the reality.

23rd January 2014, 07:43 PM
Saw it and am waiting for them to play again, totally based on true people. John London, and references to his book (s) think there were two, but I only caught for sure his "Call of the wild". .

Jack London. One of my favorite authors. Off topic, but if you are interested we can have a pint at the same tables he wrote some of his books, in an old saloon, in Oakland CA. The floor sank during the 1906 quake so you'll have to hang onto that pint as the bar is quite tilted, and the clock on the wall stopped at that time too. The saloon, the size of a small garage, holds a lot of history.

You can read about it here..


23rd January 2014, 07:54 PM
Jack London. One of my favorite authors. Off topic, but if you are interested we can have a pint at the same tables he wrote some of his books, in an old saloon, in Oakland CA. The floor sank during the 1906 quake so you'll have to hang onto that pint as the bar is quite tilted, and the clock on the wall stopped at that time too. The saloon, the size of a small garage, holds a lot of history.

You can read about it here..


I also like jack London..

As far as tilted there used or is still there? to be a bar in bayou vista la on the bayou teche waterway right outside of morbid city La. (Morgan) that the pool table was on a slope, the head of the table was the short end (elevation) and end of the table was at least 2 or so feet lower. Everything was leveled, made for some interesting playing. One of my jobs was on bayou teche and to get to it I had to walk through the bar and out on to the dock outside to the ww2 pby (plane) tender that was docked there. Helping to convert it to a divers platform for offshore salvage and general work..

Met some very good people there!

Edit: Had a tunnel screw.

23rd January 2014, 07:58 PM
Met some very good people there!

You meet a lot of good people in tilted bars. :) Everyone works together to maintain a civil drinking atmosphere. At Heinold's, being at the high end of the bar was a big responsibility. You lose your drink, and it washes down on everyone else, down the whole bar. I've seen it happen firsthand. Bunch of crazy sailors in that place, years ago.

23rd January 2014, 08:12 PM
You meet a lot of good people in tilted bars. :) Everyone works together to maintain a civil drinking atmosphere. At Heinold's, being at the high end of the bar was a big responsibility. You lose your drink, and it washes down on everyone else, down the whole bar. I've seen it happen firsthand. Bunch of crazy sailors in that place, years ago.

Still trying to think of that bars name, but no the bar was on two levels , the main part was level and had a dance floor, total cajon in style music and thought.

The pool table was in an extension from that to the glass door that went to the dock, where the pby tender was that I worked at the tme. Think after thought, but due to the slope and space they leveled the pool table. There was not any space to level the land for the table. Hard to describe, but I have some great memory's from that place..

Will do an edit when I remember the name..

Edit: The hideaway lounge.

23rd January 2014, 09:07 PM
Did any of you get to see this show? It was really good and based on true events.
I've seen several shows/documentaries of the gold rush in AK and the Kloddike and it just amazes me what these people had to do just to get there, how many died trying...and how they survived it.
It took real true grit and much hardier bunch of people then we have today.

Abbie Cornish is the leading lady in the series


I am an old fart in training, but, but

I am not dead.. Yet!

Think sinking submarine!!!!

Go down 5 times and come up 4 !


We are doomed!
