View Full Version : BREAKING: China dumps all bonds, declares South China Sea closed zone

23rd January 2014, 06:48 PM
China has just announced, in response to what it calls US aggression, that it has placed all its US treasury bonds on the open market and simultaneously has declared the South China Sea a closed zone. This is a developing story, please check for updates.


Page already taken down....hummmm


23rd January 2014, 06:55 PM
Time will tell if anything to it or not. Did a quick text search and nothing from any source that I would call reliable.

Time will tell if true or not. If true there would be breaking news all over the msm and so far there is not a whisper.

Rumors and propaganda are forever, truth is fleeting.

23rd January 2014, 07:05 PM
China is doing something....

Japan tells world to stand up to China or face consequences

http://l.yimg.com/os/publish-images/news/2013-08-26/d19448d6-6aaa-4359-a768-eadacf5fbca9_afp-gif_new.gif (http://www.afp.com/) By Angus MacKinnon January 22, 2014 1:29 PM

http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/Jwkb8aFCdubaTAu41cEQBw--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTQyMTtweG9mZj01MDtweW 9mZj0wO3E9NzU7dz03NDk-/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/afp.com/141b969726cf0548a284f445b1407564b06ac5dc.jpg
Davos (Switzerland) (AFP) - Japan on Wednesday told the world it must stand up to an increasingly assertive China or risk a regional conflict with catastrophic economic consequences.


World View: China Threatens Military Seizure of South China Sea Island from Philippines

China threatens military seizure of South China Sea island from Philippines A Chinese media article published over the weekend says that China is preparing for a military invasion of the second-largest of the Spratly Islands. Pagasa Island is administered by the Philippines. China calls it the Zhongye Island and claims ownership, along with vast areas of the South China Sea including regions that have historically belonged to Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. China has threatened to use its vast military power to threaten and subdue any neighboring nation that disobeys its orders. This comes just a few days after China escalated tensions by demanding that any foreign fishing vessel ask permission from China's military before fishing in the South China Sea.


23rd January 2014, 07:18 PM
Agree, with them trying to expand their area of control, east china sea air corridor, which most nations promptly ignored. And the dispute over all of the islands from outside of japan to the spratly islands (which may sit over a huge oil/gas reserve) which other nations in the area claim ownership.

It would make sense for the ruling class to divert internal issues and problems outside of their borders. China may have internal problems keeping their people happy, and the best way to divert attention is to create or fab an outside bogy man to stay in power and keep the citizens happy and themselves in control.

The communist party is quickly becoming irrelevant, but also it is part of their culture, except the very old that are quickly dying off. Most of the last several generations have nothing to compair against, that population in general is totally controlled. They want to stay in power, so internal problems diverted externally saves their asses, for the time being.

Things are heating up over there, the area has been on simmer for years, but now will it boil over?

China will bring the world as we know it now, down, it is just a matter of time.

Just a matter of when and where.


23rd January 2014, 07:22 PM
This was a hack, as reported on Zero Hedge. If China dumps its bonds, it will be mainstream press. This thread is misleading, and should probably be closed.

23rd January 2014, 07:27 PM
This was a hack, as reported on Zero Hedge. If China dumps its bonds, it will be mainstream press. This thread is misleading, and should probably be closed.

I would think the price of gold and silver would skyrocket instantly. When I read the title to this thread, I instantly looked at the ticker and saw the same as we've been seeing...

Misleading thread, for sure. If the thread title were true, it's game on, everything we've been preparing for.

23rd January 2014, 07:28 PM
maybe it was one of those cases of a pre-prepared story. Similar to how they have 2 version of a story about someone who is on deaths door. They have the, "He's Dead Jim" headline and then the "It's life but not as we know it" head line etc.

Some times I see that News web sites automatically pipe some AFP And AP stories straight into their web sites and have editors review and yank them shortly after. Nothing on our local sites.

23rd January 2014, 07:30 PM
Hack or not the issues do remain.

And what I posted is as close to what may happen.

It would be world class national and world suicide for that country to do what the original op suggested.

23rd January 2014, 07:33 PM
Sparky? at one time I would be with you....but.....now days anything is possible, by hook or by croock...the best thing to do is to be ready for all and afraid of none........always think that is going to happen and get ready for it and that way when it really happen ready you will be.

Always have cash at hand and ready to run to the store.......if you are not ready yet.


23rd January 2014, 08:15 PM

Thursday's big time selloff on Wall Street had its roots 10,000 miles away. Investors were rattled by a report out of China this morning showing the manufacturing sector in the world's most populous nation is contracting. So, just as the pace of economic growth in the U.S. is picking up, there's concern that the worldwide economy could be headed for a slump.

The Dow Jones industrial average (^DJI (http://www.dailyfinance.com/quote/djindices/dow-jones-industrial-average/%5Edji)) tumbled 176 points, the Standard & Poor's 500 index (^GPSC (http://www.dailyfinance.com/quote/snpindex/sp-500-index/%5egspc)) slid 16, and the Nasdaq composite (^IXIC (http://www.dailyfinance.com/quote/nasdaqindex/nasdaq-composite/%5eixic)) lost 24 points. It was a broad-based decline, with losers outnumbering gainers by a wide margin.

The financial components of the Dow led the way, with American Express (AXP (http://www.dailyfinance.com/quote/nyse/axp)), Goldman Sachs (GS (http://www.dailyfinance.com/quote/nyse/gs)), JPMorgan (JPM (http://www.dailyfinance.com/quote/nyse/jpm)) and Visa (V (http://www.dailyfinance.com/quote/nyse/v)) all losing about 2 percent.

23rd January 2014, 08:37 PM

Thursday's big time selloff on Wall Street had its roots 10,000 miles away. Investors were rattled by a report out of China this morning showing the manufacturing sector in the world's most populous nation is contracting. So, just as the pace of economic growth in the U.S. is picking up, there's concern that the worldwide economy could be headed for a slump.

The Dow Jones industrial average (^DJI (http://www.dailyfinance.com/quote/djindices/dow-jones-industrial-average/%5Edji)) tumbled 176 points, the Standard & Poor's 500 index (^GPSC (http://www.dailyfinance.com/quote/snpindex/sp-500-index/%5egspc)) slid 16, and the Nasdaq composite (^IXIC (http://www.dailyfinance.com/quote/nasdaqindex/nasdaq-composite/%5eixic)) lost 24 points. It was a broad-based decline, with losers outnumbering gainers by a wide margin.

The financial components of the Dow led the way, with American Express (AXP (http://www.dailyfinance.com/quote/nyse/axp)), Goldman Sachs (GS (http://www.dailyfinance.com/quote/nyse/gs)), JPMorgan (JPM (http://www.dailyfinance.com/quote/nyse/jpm)) and Visa (V (http://www.dailyfinance.com/quote/nyse/v)) all losing about 2 percent.

And when China's internal problems become a problem for the rulers, they will direct the anger of the people to the outside world, and not for themselves for over reaching in such of a short time as they have done.

Almost no where in history has a country as large as china or any other country has had as much growth as china has because of stealing tech, and anything else they can import to make them grow.. In as short of a time, and for that country and leaders, when a crash happens , watch out world.

And it will bite them, and when it does the rest of the world will feel the pain.


Silver Rocket Bitches!
23rd January 2014, 08:54 PM
I'm wary of this kind of information, because, if CNN was hacked, who did it and for what was their motive?

It's one thing for the Comedy News Network formerly known as CNN to announce the opposite verdict on Obamacare as breaking news or that the TV studio formerly known as the NYSE is under 3 feet of water (based on what it saw on Twitter). It's something else entirely for it to report that China has declared semi-hot war on the US (unless of course CNN is merely reporting tomorrow's news today).
This is a cached version (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:E6OJcLJ10WQJ:politicalticker.blogs. cnn.com/2014/01/23/breaking-china-dumps-all-bonds-declares-south-china-sea-closed-zone/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=au&client=firefox-a)of a CNN website that appeared one short hour ago.
http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2014/01/CNN%20hacked_0.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2014/01/CNN%20hacked.jpg)
Luckily this time it was merely a a hack, as can be seen by the "article's" subsequent deletion from the live page (http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2014/01/23/breaking-china-dumps-all-bonds-declares-south-china-sea-closed-zone/)and CNN's mea culpa:


But perhaps more telling is the complete lack of market response to even the hacked article, so different to the AP hack from last summer when the market plunged if only briefly following a hacked AP tweet. Just goes to show how irrelvant the once upon a time only news network has become.

23rd January 2014, 10:32 PM
I'm wary of this kind of information, because, if CNN was hacked, who did it and for what was their motive?

Quick, everyone to the lifeboats!!


24th January 2014, 05:32 AM
Must be false. As hitcher said, gold and silver have not heard this news. It would be a suicidal move on China's part. Think things are bad for them in a downturn? Hell, just wait until 400 million Chinese are out of work because imports to the US and her allies have fallen off.

24th January 2014, 02:01 PM
Sparky? at one time I would be with you....but.....now days anything is possible, by hook or by croock...the best thing to do is to be ready for all and afraid of none........always think that is going to happen and get ready for it and that way when it really happen ready you will be.

Always have cash at hand and ready to run to the store.......if you are not ready yet.

I'm with you amigo, that you need to be prepared for as many possibilities as you can imagine.

China's bond dump is unlikely to be anything like this headline. It will be slow and subtle. If you have a lot of something to sell, you don't dump it all at once or you will destroy your own market. China's retreat from bonds will be like the tide going out. You will continue to see waves coming in to shore the whole time, even as the tide gradually retreats.

24th January 2014, 10:20 PM
If the thread title were true, it's game on, everything we've been preparing for.

I used to think something like that actually could happen in reality.

Now, I know it never will.

25th January 2014, 05:44 AM
I used to think something like that actually could happen in reality.

Now, I know it never will.
Well it is akin to shooting yourself in the foot before going on a thousand mile march to kick someone in the arse. I think that China has already sold most of their US bonds. The derivative market makes it very easy to do so in stealth, over time, and they probably have been doing this since 2007-8. Now they have trade deals with most their non-us partners that isn't quoted in USD, they still accept USD from the US with a smile, but they turn around and change it immediately into something they want, be it Oil, Gold, farmland, production capacity, mines. They can actually declare USD a worthless instrument for purchasing Chinese produce, and they will not lose anything on their balance sheet. I don't think that is very likely to happen, they just raise the prices in USD a bit quicker than of other currencies...