View Full Version : Understanding

23rd January 2014, 10:45 PM
how screwed up this forum is..

The last time I looked and noted there was an an admin, that I was accused of being you a nutzoid.

listed as a new member on the forum.

Now I look and see there is another new member that has a join date last year.


It is good to grow, and this forum has been frozen in place for quit a while, think when is the last time anyone here has saw a new member.

Tho they would have been torn up and driven off quicker than old established members here , fact!

Any whoo

At least the new member part of our forum Is showing something other than egaleman which I have not a clue of ??

This forum needs new members to grow, and old members to come back, but for dam sure, welcome new members and not burn them down with them being lashed on a steak.

Until proven that they deserve it , we are all different and do not quiet think alike, that is gusto..

This forum is or may I say the software maybe funky...

When is the last time have we seen new blood?


other than turning into an echo chamber?


23rd January 2014, 11:12 PM
In the time since the original forum started, conspiracy has gone mainstream. Ron Paul and anti-Fed has gone mainstream. The global financial crisis has happened and is in full view of all to see. The Libor scandal happened and it is widely admitted that metals are manipulated. Websites like zerohedge are as well-read as many professional news sites. Cryptocurrencies are now bringing the concept that money can be anything people want it to be, into the mainstream. Many people know 911 was an inside job. When Sandy Hook happened, the thread here lasted maybe a month, but basically the whole internet came to the conclusion it was fake. Israel's reputation is badly damaged and pretty much everyone generally knows what they're about, though depths of it come at a slow trickle.

Perhaps the time for forums like this is fading, and we're all just a bunch of guys who are trying to figure out what happens next. But I think we succeeded in helping things get to where they are today.

23rd January 2014, 11:40 PM
In the time since the original forum started, conspiracy has gone mainstream. Ron Paul and anti-Fed has gone mainstream. The global financial crisis has happened and is in full view of all to see. The Libor scandal happened and it is widely admitted that metals are manipulated. Websites like zerohedge are as well-read as many professional news sites. Cryptocurrencies are now bringing the concept that money can be anything people want it to be, into the mainstream. Many people know 911 was an inside job. When Sandy Hook happened, the thread here lasted maybe a month, but basically the whole internet came to the conclusion it was fake. Israel's reputation is badly damaged and pretty much everyone generally knows what they're about, though depths of it come at a slow trickle.

Perhaps the time for forums like this is fading, and we're all just a bunch of guys who are trying to figure out what happens next. But I think we succeeded in helping things get to where they are today.


Your post was single spaced, the world had maybe changed , but that happens abt ever year or sol

gloom and doom, it is part of life chat master.

Shit happens beyond anyones control..

This forum at one time had very good people that were almost like remote family, even in they never met. But as you know and anyone with intelligence above a rock there were some here that hated people being and developing human contact.

I will not mention names, tho I will mention a nick name called maggie.

Which same called person, has sufficiently driven off some very interesting people just because they did not toe or follow his line of thought.

There are those that are intolerant to life and living unless you agree with him, then there are that that see the gusto, despite the crap....and try and live their lifes despite the krap.

It was worth my ban, maggie needs to vacate forever.

23rd January 2014, 11:52 PM
In the time since the original forum started, conspiracy has gone mainstream. Ron Paul and anti-Fed has gone mainstream. The global financial crisis has happened and is in full view of all to see. The Libor scandal happened and it is widely admitted that metals are manipulated. Websites like zerohedge are as well-read as many professional news sites. Cryptocurrencies are now bringing the concept that money can be anything people want it to be, into the mainstream. Many people know 911 was an inside job. When Sandy Hook happened, the thread here lasted maybe a month, but basically the whole internet came to the conclusion it was fake. Israel's reputation is badly damaged and pretty much everyone generally knows what they're about, though depths of it come at a slow trickle.

Perhaps the time for forums like this is fading, and we're all just a bunch of guys who are trying to figure out what happens next. But I think we succeeded in helping things get to where they are today.

You raise good points, but methinks i do also,

very long day for me, over or close to 30 hours.

I do have a issue

with maggie..


I am water it is oil..

I have no respect, because no respect was never given..then the being dragged into imaginary gutters.

24th January 2014, 02:16 AM


Your post was single spaced, the world had maybe changed , but that happens abt ever year or sol

gloom and doom, it is part of life chat master.

Shit happens beyond anyones control..

This forum at one time had very good people that were almost like remote family, even in they never met. But as you know and anyone with intelligence above a rock there were some here that hated people being and developing human contact.

I will not mention names, tho I will mention a nick name called maggie.

Which same called person, has sufficiently driven off some very interesting people just because they did not toe or follow his line of thought.

There are those that are intolerant to life and living unless you agree with him, then there are that that see the gusto, despite the crap....and try and live their lifes despite the krap.

It was worth my ban, maggie needs to vacate forever.
Obviously, the ban wasn't enough... Take another week to reconsider your strategies, tactics and antics. If it is any comfort to you, I will ban Magnes again if he continues the spam, and eventually either of you may end up vacating forever. Which I think would be sad, considering both of you have a lot to offer this forum.

24th January 2014, 04:35 AM
what happened to GoD?

24th January 2014, 05:05 AM
what happened to GoD?
I enjoyed his posting. Hope he comes back. By the way vacuum, excellent post. Although I take issue with dogman posting his vomit, he is right about there being issues with the software here. Perhaps it is just me, something wrong with my machine, but I am unable to hit enter to start a new line or paragraph. This has been going on for about a week.

24th January 2014, 05:50 AM
what happened to GoD?

God?........as usual, God only reads how his children play and laughs like hell hahahahahahaha


24th January 2014, 06:42 AM
The Germans seem to be animated about receiving their gold, perhaps we're all typing in the wrong language.

Didn't our scheme to dominate the world with English work?

24th January 2014, 08:04 AM
what happened to GoD?

He isn't banned, but I understand he has some personal things he is dealing with. I think I can safely speak for us all that we wish him the best and will welcome him back when he returns.

24th January 2014, 10:52 AM
Why the pluck are you banning members Neuro... is this the first in a series of a mega power trip we can expect from you? What do they say, ...

"For Fucks Sake ...."

OMG! You should step down as a mod. dude...

24th January 2014, 10:56 AM
WAITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT A MINUTE........is Neuro a site cop?.........I thought that we decided to have a free forum with out a mini dictator..............who is he? Obama Jr?........... get him off his high horse......or pony that he thinks is a horse.


24th January 2014, 11:40 AM
Why the pluck are you banning members Neuro... is this the first in a series of a mega power trip we can expect from you? What do they say, ...

"For Fucks Sake ...."

OMG! You should step down as a mod. dude...

24th January 2014, 11:43 AM
Why the pluck are you banning members Neuro...

Dogman was obviously posting drunk again so Neuro did the right thing to prevent Dogman slurring and puking in the next fifty threads.


24th January 2014, 12:20 PM
OK, the title of this thread is understanding, so let's show some understanding Dogman's way. Each one of us contributes personality, knowledge, and information to make this site what it is. Dogman contributes a lot here, and we all know he might have a drink or two to blow off some steam on the rare occasion.

Think about it this way. An analogy, imagine the whole internet is our country, and GSUS is a small town tucked away somewhere. Madfranks and Neuro are the cops. Getting banned is getting thrown in the slammer. If a townsman gets a little drunk and disorderly, is a 7 day trip to jail really just? Most places, one night in jail to sleep it off, and then send the man on his way...

So, it's been a day. Free the Dogman!!!

24th January 2014, 12:21 PM


24th January 2014, 12:58 PM
OMG! You should step down as a mod. dude...

There's a new sheriff in town.

24th January 2014, 01:21 PM
ooh, yeah the whole forum is afraid of a little drunk...not.

It's ban hammer abuse ...wake up idiots

and take advice from Sam Elliot "Take it easy boys"


midnight rambler
24th January 2014, 01:29 PM
Dogman was obviously posting drunk again so Neuro did the right thing to prevent Dogman slurring and puking in the next fifty threads.


Yeah, PWI - posting while intoxicated.

24th January 2014, 01:42 PM
OK, the title of this thread is understanding, so let's show some understanding Dogman's way. Each one of us contributes personality, knowledge, and information to make this site what it is. Dogman contributes a lot here, and we all know he might have a drink or two to blow off some steam on the rare occasion.

Think about it this way. An analogy, imagine the whole internet is our country, and GSUS is a small town tucked away somewhere. Madfranks and Neuro are the cops. Getting banned is getting thrown in the slammer. If a townsman gets a little drunk and disorderly, is a 7 day trip to jail really just? Most places, one night in jail to sleep it off, and then send the man on his way...

So, it's been a day. Free the Dogman!!!
Dogman was just back from a one week ban, and he continue the exact same behavior he was banned for. What would you do if you were in my shoes? Obviously one week ban was not enough, Dogman said that himself, another week was the least I can do. My job as a moderator is just to maintain the forum rules. Nothing else... Those who think that the forum shouldn't have any rules at all, or iow rules shouldn't be enforced, take it up with JQP, or start your own forum. Or you can petition to JQP to have me removed! I promise not to hold any grudges.

24th January 2014, 01:44 PM
It's ban hammer abuse ...wake up idiots


24th January 2014, 01:48 PM
ooh, yeah the whole forum is afraid of a little drunk...not.

It's ban hammer abuse ...wake up idiots

and take advice from Sam Elliot "Take it easy boys"


Perfect Ximmy , Love that movie!

24th January 2014, 02:01 PM
uFFFFFFFFFFFFFF I JUST NOTICE HIS "MODERATOR" UNDER HIS NAME....................heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I was the 2nd person to sign at this site, I SHOULD BE THE SITE COP..........Neuro? you are banned for EVERRRRRRRRRR AND EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR AND EVERRRRR AMEN.


24th January 2014, 02:04 PM
uFFFFFFFFFFFFFF I JUST NOTICE HIS "MODERATOR" UNDER HIS NAME....................heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I was the 2nd person to sign at this site, I SHOULD BE THE SITE COP..........Neuro? you are banned for EVERRRRRRRRRR AND EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR AND EVERRRRR AMEN.


How's your foot for marching?


24th January 2014, 02:27 PM
How's your foot for marching?

Ah the battle of Poltava, the turning point of the Swedish empire building in 1709. The king of Sweden Charles or Carl XII was injured in the prior battle, and so couldn't lead his troops properly (he always used to be in the frontlines, but this time he was sweating out the infection on a stretcher), instead responsibility was divided among several of the generals. Not a good idea. Sweden lost this battle, most of Swedish army were taken prisoners or killed. The king and a couple of thousand soldiers managed to escape to modern day Moldovia, then Ottoman Empire, and remained there until 1715. The main reason why in IKEA today you can eat meatballs at their restaurant.

A relative who was a lieutenant or captain was a POW in Russia for about 20 years before he was allowed to go home.

24th January 2014, 02:54 PM
Dogman...we all know he might have a drink or two to blow off some steam on the rare occasion.


Let Dogman sleep it off for another week Barney

:rolleyes: nice try Hitcher

24th January 2014, 03:19 PM
You think this is bad, just wait... oh just wait... for Magnes to get back. I am anticipating with baited breath the eruption coming from him when he returns and sees Neuro's new title.

24th January 2014, 03:21 PM
You think this is bad, just wait... oh just wait... for Magnes to get back. I am anticipating with baited breath the eruption coming from him when he returns and sees Neuro's new title.

I don't see him posting at the other site either, kinda strange. I highly doubt he was banned there.

24th January 2014, 03:31 PM
Hitch, I appreciate your sentiment but Neuro did the best thing he could have done for Dogman. I'll bet that Dog would agree and more than likely knew the probable outcome but did it anyway, he might have been drunk as shit but he's not stupid and even when sober he'd still probably say it was worth it.

Having said that...I'd say a 3-4 dayer would suffice, a week seems a little much in this case.

24th January 2014, 03:34 PM
You think this is bad, just wait... oh just wait... for Magnes to get back. I am anticipating with baited breath the eruption coming from him when he returns and sees Neuro's new title.

ROFLMFAO!! Nail meet hammer! Now that's entertainment :)

24th January 2014, 03:37 PM
The thing is I do think this forum has great potential. But as Dogman says in the first post, we have problems. We really do have in our midst incredible minds, analyzing and digging through the propaganda of news media, great discussions of ideas, the conspiracies against us, world history, and even some gold and silver discussions occasionally... However a new visitor who most probably found this place because he/she is concerned about his/her future survival, would find page after page of heated discussions re people of this forum. I do think this is the main reason people have been leaving, and why we haven't been able to attract new blood here... I would NEVER EVER dream of banning someone for ideological reasons, no matter how politically correct or incorrect it is, even if i vehemently is opposed to it. But personal attacks are not OK, and it is against this forums rule. I really don't take any pleasure in banning anyone....

24th January 2014, 04:14 PM
Neuro? I just to like you, as everyone else, but to shake your dick on everyone faces does not a hero makes you....to me you are now a frisking cop and this is the last time that I will talk to you until you stop being a cop.

I like I said long ago, the day that I am kick out even for one day that will be the day that I will stop posting here...and it will show the kind of AHOLE that you are..........to bring a cop here is to ask for trouble........MEDFRANK? shame on you for allowing this to happen, we can police ourselves.........crap, crap and TRIPLE CRAP.


midnight rambler
24th January 2014, 04:18 PM
Neuro? I just to like you, as everyone else, but to shake your dick on everyone faces does not a hero makes you....to me you are now a frisking cop and this is the last time that I will talk to you until you stop being a cop.

I like I said long ago, the day that I am kick out even for one day that will be the day that I will stop posting here...and it will show the kind of AHOLE that you are..........to bring a cop here is to ask for trouble........MEDFRANK? shame on you for allowing this to happen, we can police ourselves.........crap, crap and TRIPLE CRAP.


So Ponce...kindly elaborate on how we are to 'police ourselves' when a chronic drunk runs amuck...

24th January 2014, 04:25 PM
You're wrong Ponce, even Dogman would probably agree that you're wrong! Hell, I got a 7 dayer for telling you something or was that someone else? I don't remember but I knew what I was doin and did it anyway!

Why didn't you scream from the rooftops when Mags or HT got the temp ban?

24th January 2014, 04:47 PM
Neuro (Latin: Neuro Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus;[2] 15 December 37 – 9 June 68)[3] was Roman Emperor from 54 to 68, and the last in the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Neuro was adopted by his great-uncle Claudius(MadFrankus) to become his heir and successor, and succeeded to the throne in 54 following Claudius' death.

During his reign, Neuro focused much of his attention on diplomacy, trade, and enhancing the cultural life of the Empire. He ordered theaters built and promoted athletic games. During his reign, the redoubtable general Corbulo conducted a successful war and negotiated peace with the Greco-Magnesian Empire. His general Suetonius Paulinus crushed a revolt of angry veterans in Britain. Neuro annexed the Bosporan Kingdom to the Empire and began the First Roman–Jewish War. :)

24th January 2014, 04:54 PM
You're wrong Ponce, even Dogman would probably agree that you're wrong! Hell, I got a 7 dayer for telling you something or was that someone else? I don't remember but I knew what I was doin and did it anyway!

Why didn't you scream from the rooftops when Mags or HT got the temp ban?

That's a good point, LT. I deserved all the bans I've gotten as well. You guys are right....Dogman is an adult, and knows what he's doing. 7 days really is nothing when you think about it. A 7 day ban basically says "take a break, but you are welcome back."

24th January 2014, 04:55 PM
Neuro? I just to like you, as everyone else, but to shake your dick on everyone faces does not a hero makes you....to me you are now a frisking cop and this is the last time that I will talk to you until you stop being a cop.

I like I said long ago, the day that I am kick out even for one day that will be the day that I will stop posting here...and it will show the kind of AHOLE that you are..........to bring a cop here is to ask for trouble........MEDFRANK? shame on you for allowing this to happen, we can police ourselves.........crap, crap and TRIPLE CRAP.

Sorry Ponce! I don't think I will ever ban you. You have more than 15,000 posts, and I don't ever remembering you personally insulting anyone... However I do remember you on a few occasions leaving for a long time, because you didn't get responses to your posts, maybe sometimes because of infighting at the forum elsewhere, taking the attention away. I have probably read most of your posts, I find them valuable and interesting, and I hope you continue posting here. :)

24th January 2014, 05:04 PM
Neuro (Latin: Neuro Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus;[2] 15 December 37 – 9 June 68)[3] was Roman Emperor from 54 to 68, and the last in the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Neuro was adopted by his great-uncle Claudius(MadFrankus) to become his heir and successor, and succeeded to the throne in 54 following Claudius' death.

During his reign, Neuro focused much of his attention on diplomacy, trade, and enhancing the cultural life of the Empire. He ordered theaters built and promoted athletic games. During his reign, the redoubtable general Corbulo conducted a successful war and negotiated peace with the Greco-Magnesian Empire. His general Suetonius Paulinus crushed a revolt of angry veterans in Britain. Neuro annexed the Bosporan Kingdom to the Empire and began the First Roman–Jewish War. :)
LMFAO! I hope Claudius won't die though. But I would like peace with the Greco-Magnesian empire, so we can focus on the Roman-Jewish war... ;D

24th January 2014, 06:12 PM
You're wrong Ponce, even Dogman would probably agree that you're wrong! Hell, I got a 7 dayer for telling you something or was that someone else? I don't remember but I knew what I was doin and did it anyway!

Why didn't you scream from the rooftops when Mags or HT got the temp ban?

You know why? I don't even know when someone is gone........I really don't pay attention to the messengers but to the message, unless I directly type to someone as I am doing now.........as far as policing ourselves?, if you don't like what someone is saying then you simply ignored them and take them off your screen...........someone is a problem only if you make it into a problem and having a cop in site IS A PROBLEM..........Medfrank is the only cop that we should have because he would think twice about doing something where a wanabe cop would do something just to show their power. When you ban someone it is like killing someone.


24th January 2014, 06:33 PM
You know why? I don't even know when someone is gone........I really don't pay attention to the messengers but to the message, unless I directly type to someone as I am doing now.........as far as policing ourselves?, if you don't like what someone is saying then you simply ignored them and take them off your screen...........someone is a problem only if you make it into a problem and having a cop in site IS A PROBLEM..........Medfrank is the only cop that we should have because he would think twice about doing something where a wanabe cop would do something just to show their power. When you ban someone it is like killing someone.


Is like killing them? Get real dude, that's BS.

Ask madfranks if he might have made the same decision, maybe he would have let it go on for awhile but the outcome would probably been the same.

So, you don't know or care when someones gone? You don't pay attention..that says something.

Franks needed help and Neuro got the nod to help him out, hopefully Ares will lend a hand too. Franks has openly stated that he would rather not be a mod anymore, this is that step in that direction.

Wrong again....sometimes people are a problem, if they're spamming, insulting assholes or purposely screwing with threads...those ARE problems!

24th January 2014, 07:49 PM
Where you live in the present I prepare for the future.......back in the old days I lost many "friends" till I found out that the best way was to have no friends.....even the three "friends" that I have today would give me no pain if they were to die today, this is a self defence mechanism that I have build in myself and another reason as to why I live alone and away from everyone......you think that I don't care about you guys? is the other way around...I care to much about every one and I am very sensitive to the coming and going of everyone, I laugh a lot and have fun because I keep my mind clean and away from problems........so think what you wish because you are not me and what you say doesn't hurt me because these are just words on a monitor...........amen.


24th January 2014, 08:05 PM
Neuro annexed the Bosporan Kingdom to the Empire and began the First Roman–Jewish War. :)

OK, wait a minute. This is the bastard that got the Jews all fired up! Couldn't he have just banned them instead? Oh, that's right. It's been tried in country after country for the last 1200 years.

24th January 2014, 08:24 PM
OK, wait a minute. This is the bastard that got the Jews all fired up! Couldn't he have just banned them instead? Oh, that's right. It's been tried in country after country for the last 1200 years.

They seem to be resilient, so they must be good?

25th January 2014, 06:04 AM
They seem to be resilient, so they must be good?
Treacherous my friend. Treachery is powerful. Lies, deceit, assassinations, usury, back-stabbing, murder, rape, environmental degradation, social degradation, moral degradation = bad. Not good. You've heard the phrase "life is like a cesspool, the biggest pieces of shit rise to the top." Nice guys finish last and all that.
I think religion has had more to do with it than anything however. The Christians and Muslims have had decrees against usury, yet it was politically expedient to let the Jews practice it. Probably the most powerful weapon on earth is the ability to direct other men's destinies by enslaving them through usury and the ability to print money out of thin air.