View Full Version : Trans-Pacific Partnership not good for Liberty

24th January 2014, 05:58 PM
Trans-Pacific Partnership not good for Liberty
1 day ago | US (http://benswann.com/category/politics/us/) | Posted by Joshua Cook
January 23, 2014

Noam Chomsky recently told the Huffington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/13/noam-chomsky-obama-trans-pacific-partnership_n_4577495.html)that the Trans Pacific Partnership (or TPP) is a “neoliberal assault” to further corporate domination. While most of the author/activist’s basic assertions and concerns are correct, his focus on the corporate world is one aspect of this dangerous treaty. It’s not simply corporate power which would increase and become more centralized; it is all power.

It is true that the pact would benefit corporations (http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2012/0215/Obama-proposes-bringing-jobs-home-from-overseas.-Would-his-plan-work) in certain ways. High-wage American workers and Union members would face more direct competition from low-wage Malaysian, Vietnamese and Mexican workers because the Partnership would create a free trade zone with no tariffs or barriers. Manual labor would be sent abroad even more readily than it currently is.

The TPP (http://www.truth-out.org/buzzflash/commentary/item/18231-jim-hightower-the-trans-pacific-partnership-is-a-corporate-coup-in-disguise) would also eliminate American regulations and safeguards in the name of free trade. Environmental, consumer safety and animal welfare regulations are just some of those which would be dismantled to ensure free trade. Even labeling law would no longer be allowed – unless passed by the Partnership as a whole – because labels could sway consumer choices by identifying country of origin, either directly or indirectly.

Chomsky also notes that the treaty would give corporations a direct way to object to and even override individual countries’ democratically passed laws. An international tribunal would have the power to overrule individual nations’ legal standards and impose economic penalties. Corporations would be able to directly address the international tribunal in order to oppose individual countries’ regulations.

It is true that this benefits corporations, and that unregulated corporations with corrupt ties to the government are extremely problematic for any democratic society.

Chomsky’s focus on a single aspect of the problem, however. The fact that an international organization could override American (or Australian, or Canadian, or New Zealander) laws would mean that anyone who wanted to override the democratic process would have a venue to do so.

The ceding of American sovereignty to newly and secretively formed international bodies is an incredibly dangerous concept for many reasons. Noam Chomsky’s criticisms of the TPP are valid, and his concerns are very real. They only cover one aspect of probable corruption and reduction of American freedom, though.

Many progressives and libertarians are both fighting the TPP. They are trying to bring awareness to this dangerous treaty which is one of the most under reported issues in the media today.

Read more: http://benswann.com/trans-pacific-partnership-not-good-for-liberty/#ixzz2rN56uyKd
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Hatha Sunahara
25th January 2014, 08:55 AM
Is Ben Swann deliberately avoiding using the word 'sovereignty' in this piece? The TPP is an agreement by all the nations involved to give up their sovereignty to Global corporations.

Maybe it's no big deal, because all these nations already gave up their sovereignty to their central banks. The people negotiating it are keeping it secret because they don't want the people of the nations involved to know that it is a plan to enslave all the people of the nations involved. If it goes through, there will be something similar for Europe, Middle East and Africa.


25th January 2014, 09:40 AM
Is Ben Swann deliberately avoiding using the word 'sovereignty' in this piece? The TPP is an agreement by all the nations involved to give up their sovereignty to Global corporations.

Maybe it's no big deal, because all these nations already gave up their sovereignty to their central banks. The people negotiating it are keeping it secret because they don't want the people of the nations involved to know that it is a plan to enslave all the people of the nations involved. If it goes through, there will be something similar for Europe, Middle East and Africa.


Actually, he didn't avoid using the word 'sovereignty'.

He writes, "The ceding of American sovereignty to newly and secretively formed international bodies is an incredibly dangerous concept for many reasons."

Of course he's correct, and so are you when you point out the central banks, which essentially own the corporations...including the corporate governments involved.

mick silver
25th January 2014, 11:29 AM
The One World Government Gangsters OWN Obama: left to right: Brzezinski, Kissinger, Rockefeller





25th January 2014, 04:43 PM
The One World Government Gangsters OWN Obama: left to right: Brzezinski, Kissinger, Rockefeller

True.. These three goons have had a man in the White House in every adminstration since Jimmy Carter. Brzezinski grooms the Democrat's man while. Kissinger grooms the Republican. They could care less which one gets elected because they control both.

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25th January 2014, 05:16 PM