View Full Version : How the NFL/College football fleeces taxpayers

25th January 2014, 06:21 AM
You arent surpised are you?


Example: "Each student at the University of Maryland is charged $400 per year to subsidize the football program, even though the college makes $30-40 MILLION IN PROFIT AFTER TAXES each year in revenue through television spots and gate receipts, etc."

I do not watch ANY sports, at all.I stopped watching about 10 years ago or so. Once i realized it is all controlled, there is no real organic 'game' being played, inside mobsters run the field, and money/politics is what is really behind ALL SPORTS.You are literally watching 2 Corporations having a meeting about MONEY AND POWER when you are watching.

25th January 2014, 06:54 AM
Very informative.

Thanks, and passing it on.

25th January 2014, 07:06 AM
Truly makes one yearn for the days when gladiators drew blood and christians fed lions, tigers and bears.

7th trump
25th January 2014, 07:47 AM
You arent surpised are you?


Example: "Each student at the University of Maryland is charged $400 per year to subsidize the football program, even though the college makes $30-40 MILLION IN PROFIT AFTER TAXES each year in revenue through television spots and gate receipts, etc."

I do not watch ANY sports, at all.I stopped watching about 10 years ago or so. Once i realized it is all controlled, there is no real organic 'game' being played, inside mobsters run the field, and money/politics is what is really behind ALL SPORTS.You are literally watching 2 Corporations having a meeting about MONEY AND POWER when you are watching.

Two things Sui..

1. Not watching sports doesnt stop the fleecing.
2. Why are you still a tax payer?.......Social Security is a voluntary federal benefit program that designed to generate revenue.....why are you bitching about it and not doing anything?

Twisted Titan
25th January 2014, 09:50 AM

25th January 2014, 11:25 AM
Speaking of the NFL...the superbowl I hear is taking it in the ass. Ticket prices are plumetting. No one wants to sit in the frigid weather that long. On top of that, the teams are both from across the country...so no local fans to create demand.
The lodges are fine. The corporate elite fly in their corporate jets and are limoed to their nice warm seats.
It was stupid having the game there. Some Jew must have pulled some strings to get it there. It bite em in the ass.

mick silver
25th January 2014, 11:37 AM
please america! for the sake of our kids...

turn off the idiot box and...

wake up!!!

27th January 2014, 03:24 PM

Did you guys know the NFL is a non-profit 501c3? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Football_League#Corporate_structure)

See here: 501(c)(6)

http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/501 (http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/501)

Uncle Salty
27th January 2014, 06:07 PM
please america! for the sake of our kids...

turn off the idiot box and...

wake up!!!

I am awake and I love football.

Ha ha ha.

27th January 2014, 09:07 PM

Did you guys know the NFL is a non-profit 501c3? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Football_League#Corporate_structure)

See here: 501(c)(6)

http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/501 (http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/501)

Yeah, I found that out in the OP vid and I've been following the NFL since I was a kid.

I never knew.

Damn, the system is rigged.

28th January 2014, 04:36 PM
men who watch other men get sweaty and roll around together in tight uniforms are gay.

28th January 2014, 05:03 PM
men who watch other men get sweaty and roll around together in tight uniforms are gay.

They get paid a lot.

28th January 2014, 05:05 PM
Northwestern football players have just attempted to organize today.

Northwestern football players seek to join labor union (http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/college/chi-northwestern-football-players-labor-union-20140128,0,182603.story)

29th January 2014, 09:57 AM
They get paid a lot.

Yes, the players are usually homos too, but the fans who watch them have no monetary incentive, so they are usually all closet cases trying to act like a "real man" when all they want is to be balls deep in their favorite player.

mick silver
29th January 2014, 11:30 AM
there all jewish ....please america! for the sake of our kids...

turn off the idiot box and...

wake up!!!

29th January 2014, 12:35 PM
NFL is a circus........just like the "bread and circuses" before the fall of Rome.

30th January 2014, 02:41 PM
Sports Fanatics are just a bunch of fudge packers they day dream all day about butt-pussy. Real men, spend their time buidling and creating then having sex with women.

31st January 2014, 07:49 AM
Yes, the players are usually homos too, but the fans who watch them have no monetary incentive, so they are usually all closet cases trying to act like a "real man" when all they want is to be balls deep in their favorite player.

Report: Martin Threatened to Send Someone to Sodomize Incognito with 'Sandpaper Condoms'

In a series of back-and-forth texts, Jonathan Martin, who left the Dolphins earlier this season due to what he described as a "hostile work environment," allegedly threatened to send someone to sodomize Richie Incognito with "sandpaper condoms" and ejaculate on his face. Incognito reportedly responded, "hahaha."
Incognito, who has been tagged as the lead harasser who threatened to kill Martin's family and called him the "N-word," is going on the offensive, hiring the aggressive public relations firm Sitrick & Co. as he seeks to make a comeback next year in the NFL.

According to text messages obtained by Fox News, Martin allegedly threatened to send someone to Incognito's home to sodomize him with "sandpaper condoms." Martin’s spokeswoman, Ann Marchant, told Fox News that NFL investigators have "the entire series of texts and it's more accurate to look at all of them." She added that "to the extent Martin had made crude comments to Incognito, it was in the context of trying 'to be a friend to Richie and to fit in' with the team." She also said that Incognito sent emails to Martin in which he discussed "gang raping (Martin's) mother and sister. They are very vile."

Incognito's attorney Mark Schamel said that "Jonathan Martin sent text messages to Richie Incognito which included threats to send someone over to Richie Incognito's home with a 'tranquilizer gun and sandpaper condoms' to homosexually rape him. There was another where Jonathan Martin indicated he would ejaculate in Richie’s face."

On Dec. 17, 2012, Martin reportedly texted Incognito that, “Ima egg your house & light a bag of s--- on fire then ring your doorbell":

A minute later Incognito responded: "I'm going to shoot you and claim self-defense," adding: "Im white ur black I’ll walk."

Martin shot back: "Im gonna give McDonald bath salts & lock him in your house with a tranquilizer gun & a box of sand paper condoms."

Incognito responded a minute later "hahaha."

Martin left the Dolphins in the middle of the season due to what he said was a "hostile work environment." After Incognito was identified as the lead harasser, the Dolphins indefinitely suspended Incognito, who is now a free agent. Incognito has claimed that the two engaged in what was vulgar banter. The NFL hired lead investigator Ted Wells, a high-profile attorney, to conduct an independent investigation into the matter. Wells reportedly has conducted his interviews, and his report will reportedly be available after the Super Bowl.


5th February 2014, 05:45 PM
Holy crap! Molyneux breaks this entire thing down even further, analyzing a lot of the 'legal' stuff the NFL was able to accomplish (using 'Government' monopoly as a protection racket) as far back as 1961.


6th February 2014, 03:55 PM
Want to know why football is so important to tptb? read "one second after" and see how the "local team" is used.