View Full Version : Feds moving employee pensions to treasury bonds without notice or permission

26th January 2014, 05:37 AM
Can anyone verify this?

Saturday, 25 January 2014 17:28

January 25, 2014 -- (TRN http://www.TurnerRadioNetwork.com ) -- U.S. Federal Employees are being shocked to find out their federal pensions funds have been moved from their normal investment vehicles to U.S. Treasury Bills, and the money was moved without notice and without permission!

This extraordinary and troubling development has severe implications for anyone with Pension money: If the U.S. government does what the Government of Poland did recently (ORDER all citizen pension money to be held in their own country's Treasury Bonds) then it will leave only one step remaining for the U.S. government to do what the government of Cypress did to their citizens: Seize 50% of their money or, worse, what Detroit did to its pensioners, reduce pensions by 83%!

Many people in the U.S. are now moving their pension cash into the purchase of physical gold and silver to prevent the government from grabbing their hard-earned retirement money.

Those who have been delaying moving their retirement funds out of the system on the account of early withdrawal taxes may want to take notice. It appears that predictions of forced movement of 401k, IRA, private & public pension funds into US Treasury bonds may be closer than ever.

As can be clearly seen via the document below, a retired former employee of the Social Security Administration has received official notice his entire 401k has been moved from where he allocated it, into US treasury bonds. He received his annual statement that shows all of his funds have been moved, without his permission or even notice!

Those of you who are thinking "They can't do that" should think again; they did it. How long will it be before they do it to you?

More importantly, once they do something like this, how hard would it be for the feds to simply do to you, what the City of Detroit did to its pensioners? You may recall that Detroit filed Bankruptcy and as a result, pensioners from that city saw their pensions cut by more than eighty percent (80%).

Does Detroit "care" that these folks worked all their lives and were contractually promised their money? Maybe. Does the fact that Detroit "cares" stop them from taking 84% of it? Nope!

This is the cold hard reality facing our entire country; the federal government is broke. They are utterly DESPERATE for money. They know they are going to have to SEIZE billions from U.S. citizens, which is why the Department of Homeland Security purchased 1.4 BILLION rounds of hollow-point ammunition and are equipping local police departments with Mine Resistant Armored Personnel carrier (MRAPS). The government knows they will be facing armed revolt once they take our money and they intend to defeat that armed revolt by killing anyone who dares challenge their outright theft.

Understand that taking delivery of physical gold or silver is not designed to "make" money; it is designed to "preserve" what you have left. Sure, you might actually make money, but you'll darn sure "preserve" what you have no matter what the government does.

Currency Reset

Another warning sign you will have that the government is preparing to seize your pensions will be a "currency reset."

This is being organized via the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and TRN has information that 204 countries around the world have already agreed to take part in such a "reset." What is a currency reset? It is a massive revaluation of money. One day, your dollar will be a dollar, but the day after the currency reset, those same "dollars" will only be something like sixty cents.

Of course, your mortgage won't go down. Your food and fuel costs won't go down. Just the cash you had will lose its value. Now ask yourself this: How will you pay your mortgage when your money just lost 40% or so, of its value? How will you buy food for your family? The simple answer is, you won't.

Given the choice of paying the mortgage or buying food, you'll buy food. As you default on your mortgage, the Bank will say OK, you can continue to live in (our) house, just pay us rent. And that's how they intend to grab your assets in one fell swoop and figure that you won't riot: make you feel like you're lucky to keep a roof over your head and continue to eat after they've stolen the value of your money and wrecked everyone's life savings. The question is, will their scheme work? Will they get to perpetrate this theft without violent retribution and civil war? THAT is the "$64,000 question."


26th January 2014, 06:38 AM
I'm glad I cashed out of my 401K when I was let go from my last job. I stopped contributing to it back in 08, but couldn't get any of it due to me still working there. Used the money to move down to NC.

26th January 2014, 07:29 AM
Seem they might have been safer moving it into Chinese bonds, If only they were allowed to

Hatha Sunahara
26th January 2014, 09:00 AM
The problem with doing that to government employees is that it won't take long before there will no longer be any government employees. If they do it to the retired Federal workers, the ones still working will take notice and evasive action.


26th January 2014, 09:38 AM
OK, OK.........I get the hint when I posted something and the comments goes to someone else who post the same article.
I'll stop posting any new article.