View Full Version : US to let visa-free travel for Israelis

28th January 2014, 01:42 PM
Seems fair, they call all the shots anyway

US to let visa-free travel for Israelis

The Foreign Affairs Committee is expected to vote Wednesday on legislation that would label Israel a “major strategic partner.”Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:9AM GMT

The US House of Representatives will pick up a bill this week which would allow Israelis enter the United States without a visa.

The Foreign Affairs Committee is expected to vote Wednesday on a piece of legislation that would label Israel a “major strategic partner,” the Hill reports.

According to one provision, Israelis should be permitted to enter the US without a visa “when Israel satisfies the requirements for inclusion in such program.”

The bill, authored by Middle East panel chairman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), has 349 co-sponsors and is projected to sail through the committee.

Meanwhile, a similar attempt, made by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) in the Senate, has attracted 53 co-sponsors.

The move has angered critics who say the bill could allow Israel to legally discriminate against US Muslims and Arabs or anyone critical of Israel.

The Arab-American advocates charge that Congress should not offer such a concession, unless Israel ceases “the violation of American Muslims’ civil rights.”

“From our perspective, it should be the opposite,” said Maya Berry, executive director of the Arab American Institute. “It should be members of Congress asking questions and perhaps drafting legislation that says, 'How do we fix this problem?' As opposed to suggesting that it can be included in this broader bill that says Israel's our best friend forever.”

This is while the US State Department itself warns Americans traveling to Israel that they would be denied entry without any reason.

Kevin Barrett, a senior member of Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance also blasted the bill, saying that it is “completely outrageous” since the “genocidal, racist, Zionist regime” denies entry for many US Muslims.


28th January 2014, 01:57 PM
We all need to start claiming Jewish status and cash in on some of these benefits. Start our own sect with our own special customs and needs. The flying spaghetti people did it, we can do it too.

28th January 2014, 02:12 PM
We all need to start claiming Jewish status and cash in on some of these benefits. Start our own sect with our own special customs and needs. The flying spaghetti people did it, we can do it too.



mick silver
28th January 2014, 02:30 PM
stop posting shit about my family and please remove the picture of my aunt . if not i will have to email the mods . were my checks

28th January 2014, 03:37 PM
There is a certain pungent stink from the creature that us Gentiles could never imitate. It is the smell of greed, sexually immorality, the blood from those they have had murdered, every theft, every false business transaction penetrates the lowest hell... and the highest heavens reek from the smoke of their conduct.

They are in bed with TPTB. Why should they be accounted for any differently?

28th January 2014, 06:07 PM
Makes things easier for the teraists

28th January 2014, 06:33 PM
It would tie in with the prediction that Israel won't exist 10 years from now. Let all the Israelis come to USA in the event the SHTF there. After ruining all the other countries, including their own, they come to the USA for its final annihilation.

28th January 2014, 06:45 PM
We all need to start claiming Jewish status and cash in on some of these benefits

It will help if you have the nose for it


28th January 2014, 09:04 PM
This is while the US State Department itself warns Americans traveling to Israel that they would be denied entry without any reason.

:rolleyes: seems fair enough

28th January 2014, 10:08 PM
It will help if you have the nose for it

Implants like tits or biceps.

29th January 2014, 05:47 AM
:rolleyes: seems fair enough


awww book is mad that they won't let him into israel, to be with the others


29th January 2014, 06:28 AM
Homeland security doing its job on credential checking here, I see.

There is also the same thing in the works for all of the E.U. in the future, I am told.

What more evidence do you need that the entire "War on Terror" is a complete hoax?

29th January 2014, 07:14 AM
Why not give all Israeli's "Diplomatic Immunity" while they're here as well? WTF. Why not go all out and require us to get on our knees and supplicate while in the presence of an Israeli.
They are god's chosen ones, after all.

29th January 2014, 08:21 AM
Oh, so they are planning a massive new False Flag Attack! This is the Troyan Horse!

mick silver
29th January 2014, 11:27 AM
anyone know were you get the paper work to become a jew . need some help herehttp://gold-silver.us/forum/images/smilies/300%20(114).gif. someone kick my dog i need some money

29th January 2014, 12:51 PM
anyone know were you get the paper work to become a jew . need some help herehttp://gold-silver.us/forum/images/smilies/300%20(114).gif. someone kick my dog i need some money

The paperwork is right in your wallet, in the form of FRN's. Want more? Just jew a goy out of some. :)

29th January 2014, 01:05 PM
Just because they where behind 9/11 and the fukushima disaster dosnt mean they need to have a visa..............