View Full Version : State of the Union

28th January 2014, 06:52 PM
If this room full of people disappeared, would anyone miss them?

Sickening to watch this shit. I need another drink...

Stop Making Cents
28th January 2014, 07:11 PM
If this room full of people disappeared, would anyone miss them?

Sickening to watch this shit. I need another drink...

A den of vipers.

He who is first will be last and he who is last will be first.

Please return soon Lord.

28th January 2014, 08:21 PM
I haven't watched it, I did DVR it ,

I'm sure lies were just spewing forth from his lizard tongue, with all the puppets smiling as though they've been hypnotized, clapping and waving, standing and smiling waiting for the next lie to fall out of his mouth, tongues hanging out with anticipation of his every breath ?

EDIT to add ; And did they all curtsy and bow to the great one?

Is that how it went? :)

Silver Rocket Bitches!
28th January 2014, 08:26 PM
You would think our country is entering a boom the way he touted the pseudo recovery. His use of prop people was sickening, like the wounded warrior. His message about bypassing congress to get gun control into law was scary. They never did show the duck dynasty guy who was in the audience.

28th January 2014, 08:52 PM
The SOTU speech is useless filler. It's based on an old archaic tradition.

I don't even pay attention. Nobody should.

mick silver
28th January 2014, 09:48 PM
it bad when all he has talk about was how to get the people back to work and it all i have seen him talk about so far . oh more kids need to go to college also in debt for there life . oh the gov need to tax the rich less the poor more then we could grow more jobs . oh my belly hurts . oh the clapping seals did there part also . get out of gov way and he will make more jobs after he taxes more from the poor