View Full Version : Man who tricked girlfriend into taking abortion pill sentenced to nearly 14 years in

28th January 2014, 07:25 PM
Man who tricked girlfriend into taking abortion pill sentenced to nearly 14 years in prison

9:05 PM 01/27/2014

The Florida man accused of tricking his (now ex) girlfriend into taking an abortion inducing drug to cause her to miscarry their unborn child has been sentenced to nearly 14 years behind bars.

U.S. District Judge Richard A. Lazzara sentenced 29-year-old John Andrew Welden Monday, saying that while he did not think Weldon was an evil person, his action was evil.

“[A]nd for that he is going to have to pay the consequences,” Lazzara said (http://www.tampabay.com/news/courts/criminal/john-andrew-welden-faces-sentencing-in-tampa-abortion-pill-case/2162858), according to the Tampa Bay Times, sentencing Welden to 13 years and eight months in prison.

Welden accepted (http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/local_news/5-things-you-need-to-know-happening-in-florida-on-monday-january-27) a plea deal last year to avoid a possible life sentence if convicted of murder under the federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act, instead pleading to product tampering and mail fraud.

Welden found himself facing a possible life sentence after his girlfriend Remee Jo Lee refused (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/florida-woman-speaks-lover-cruel-trick-caused-miscarry-article-1.1470500) to abort their baby and he tricked her into taking a Cytotec pill, resulting in her miscarriage.

She was nearly seven weeks pregnant.

“He took away the most precious thing I ever had.” Lee said during the sentencing, according to Bay News 9. “This isn’t just a case to me. This is the death of my child.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/01/27/man-who-tricked-girlfriend-into-taking-abortion-pill-sentenced-to-nearly-14-years-in-prison/#ixzz2rkpP9bmI

28th January 2014, 08:35 PM
He was probably trying to avoid having to pay child support.

28th January 2014, 08:44 PM
Now had he wanted to keep it, and she aborted it without his consent or knowledge. It would be chalked up as "womans right" and she'd walk away free without so much as an arrest report.

28th January 2014, 08:48 PM
Hard to have an opinion on this.

FL does seem like 'bible belt' area in the north.

My questions are:

1. Did she intentionally get pregnant w/out his consent?

2. How did she find out he gave here the pill? I suppose after the miscarriage she went to the Dr. for tests and the substance turned up.

28th January 2014, 08:52 PM
Welden accepted (http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/local_news/5-things-you-need-to-know-happening-in-florida-on-monday-january-27) a plea deal last year to avoid a possible life sentence if convicted of murder under the federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act...


The father aborts.................................... .....life murder sentence in Federal Prison.

The mother aborts.......................................her personal "choice".

:rolleyes: equal protection under the law

28th January 2014, 09:17 PM

The father aborts.................................... .....life murder sentence in Federal Prison.

The mother aborts.......................................her personal "choice".

:rolleyes: equal protection under the law

I understand what you guys are saying, and I agree with the double standard.

The fact of the matter is, what this guy did was wrong. He killed a child. Abortion is wrong, period. The women chanting "pro choice" should indeed, give a choice. A choice to the baby they want to kill.

I'm just waiting for the day where babies who are boys can be aborted after birth, but girl babies protected. It's obvious women are valued a lot more than men in our society today...sad truth

28th January 2014, 09:49 PM

The father aborts.................................... .....life murder sentence in Federal Prison.

The mother aborts.......................................her personal "choice".

:rolleyes: equal protection under the law

28th January 2014, 10:07 PM
She was still in the first trimester, 7 weeks, very early and well within the rules for an abortion. This punishment does not fit the crime. She makes it sound like this was the only chance in her lifetime of having a kid. Something about this article stinks. Could be pure propaganda to divide more people again.

28th January 2014, 10:19 PM
Could be pure propaganda to divide more people again.

Yes, divide men and women against each other. As if the feminists didn't succeed in their goal. :rolleyes:

Divide and conquer. That's the agenda.

28th January 2014, 10:30 PM
Yes, divide men and women against each other. As if the feminists didn't succeed in their goal. :rolleyes:

Divide and conquer. That's the agenda.

Exactly but this is going farther with men vs men and women vs women.

28th January 2014, 11:45 PM
Male's only choice is to abort preconception.

29th January 2014, 12:55 AM
I understand what you guys are saying, and I agree with the double standard.

The fact of the matter is, what this guy did was wrong. He killed a child. Abortion is wrong, period. The women chanting "pro choice" should indeed, give a choice. A choice to the baby they want to kill.

I'm just waiting for the day where babies who are boys can be aborted after birth, but girl babies protected. It's obvious women are valued a lot more than men in our society today...sad truth


29th January 2014, 02:48 AM
Male's only choice is to abort preconception.
Looking at breasts is unhealthy!

29th January 2014, 02:54 AM
I understand what you guys are saying, and I agree with the double standard.

The fact of the matter is, what this guy did was wrong. He killed a child. Abortion is wrong, period. The women chanting "pro choice" should indeed, give a choice. A choice to the baby they want to kill.

I'm just waiting for the day where babies who are boys can be aborted after birth, but girl babies protected. It's obvious women are valued a lot more than men in our society today...sad truth
In western judicial systems anywhere any time, women lives are valued more, usually... However what is different now is you have a system that pretends there is equality...

29th January 2014, 07:21 AM
Woman is God. She decides who lives and who dies. She also decides who is human and who is just a mass of cells.

How dare a man try to co-opt that sacred power.

Twisted Titan
29th January 2014, 01:22 PM
Im very interested to find out more of the particulars.

I would like to get trail testimony.

I would also warn any man to stay clear.

29th January 2014, 04:14 PM
A Man's Fairytale


29th January 2014, 05:11 PM
A Man's Fairytale


EE_, I'm confused, if a man remains single his whole life, isn't he supposed to be miserable? I don't think he's allowed to enjoy his life, by society's standards. :D

29th January 2014, 05:19 PM
A Man's Fairytale


Guy sounds like he's got some angst in him, must be the whiskey.

29th January 2014, 07:51 PM
He was probably trying to avoid having to pay child support.

Better 14 years then a life time of payments.........


29th January 2014, 08:28 PM
I think he should have had a vasectomy or rubbered it, if he didn't want to get her pregnant.

Funny how guys just can't figure that out?

29th January 2014, 08:40 PM
I think he should have had a vasectomy or rubbered it, if he didn't want to get her pregnant.

Funny how guys just can't figure that out?
Will Obamacare pay for a man's vasectomy?

Best AnswerAsker's Choice

Name (http://answers.yahoo.com/activity?show=4DE6PVIENAFVAJ5EHNRQ6EVWOE&t=g) answered 9 months ago

No, the PPACA doesn't provide for vasectomies.

From http://www.uhc.com/live/uhc_com/Assets/D... (http://www.uhc.com/live/uhc_com/Assets/Documents/ContraceptiveCoverage.pdf) :

"The health reform law only covers women’s contraception without cost-share. Male contraception and
sterilization are not covered without cost-share and standard/current benefits apply."

In other words, you're required to have private health insurance; and your private insurance company can decide whether they will or won't cover vasectomies; they're under no legal obligation to do so.


mick silver
30th January 2014, 10:51 AM
i'll done it on hogs so horn if you need it done for free i can do it;D

30th January 2014, 11:06 AM
i'll done it on hogs so horn if you need free i can do it;D
Now ain't THAT a generous offer!

mick silver
30th January 2014, 11:14 AM
watch horn it easy .... Woman Castrating a pig ** WARNING: GRAPHIC **
They say that cutting the balls off makes the meat more tender...

Could care less how tender, Poor bastard.

BTW: Turn the speakers down, it gets loud.

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30th January 2014, 12:20 PM
They say that cutting the balls off makes the meat more tender...

I want free vasectomy not castration, mick.

the meat must stay hard.

30th January 2014, 02:01 PM
I want free vasectomy not castration, mick.

the meat must stay hard.

You could change your username from Horn to Limp. ;D

mick silver
30th January 2014, 03:06 PM
horn did you watch the vid ............

30th January 2014, 11:32 PM
