View Full Version : The big day is here! Super Bowl (whatever) Sunday!

1st February 2014, 02:58 AM
A sea of drunken fat White people, worshipping millionaire Fit Black heroes who couldn't care any less about them.

photos: http://www.tomatobubble.com/id444.html
By Mike King

About the only thing more crass than pre-Christmas hype is pre-Super Bowl Mania. To prolong the idiotic and tiresome drama, the National Football League maintains a two-week lag between its semi-final games and the Super Bowl Championship game.

Make it stop already!

Before the Super Bowl actually begins, viewers are must sit through not only the National Anthem, but also "America the Beautiful", usually sung by some no-talent, America hating degenerate. That America the Ugly has deviated so far from the vision of its founders, that it is now unrecognizable, is lost upon the brain dead masses who get all choked up over the empty rituals.

Left: Beyonce the Obama-loving, anti-White Communist Go-Go whore skank lip syncs the National Anthem.

Right: Ugly American self worship: a flag as big as the football field itself!

As helicopter gunships, bombers, and Predator drones murder children in faraway lands, idiot America is dazzled by pre game fighter jet flyovers and marching Marines. No one even questions how such a vulgar display of miltary power fits in with a football game.

"USA! USA! USA!"......Damn morons.


In the old days, a player would score a touchdown and then hand the ball to the referee. An exuberant one might "spike" the ball or high-five a fellow player; and that was the end of it. Today however, the self aggrandizing clowns of the NFL feel the need to strut and dance before the game even starts, and again after every minor play. They display their most "creative" antics for the Super Bowl. It is annoying as it is childish.

"Then you get a modern athlete, and they score a touchdown and they go do a buck dance in the end zone. They voluntarily take us back to the stereotypical things that we (Blacks) fought so hard to get rid of. That's why I'm so adamant against that." - 1960's NFL legend Jim Brown

From Janet Jackson's bare breast performance of 2004, to washed up Madonna's booty grinding Satanic symbolism of 2012, to Beyonce's street whore outfit of 2013, the Super Bowl halftime show has degenerated into a spectacle symbolizing everything that is wrong with America's so-called "culture". Whatever happened to marching bands?

2004: Janet Jackson exposes her breast.

2012: Washed up old whore Madonna grinds her ass with a gal pal.

2013: Half naked Beyonce acting like an alley cat bitch in heat.

In terms of alcohol consumption / drunkenness, Super Bowl Sunday is second only to New Year's Eve. Millions of lemmings who don't even follow football during the season, and would never think to show up for an election or a political meeting, will damn sure turn out for an opportunity to scoff down pizza, wings, and beer.

Try getting these people to read a good book, or to show up at a political meeting.


Under the guise of "preventing terrorism", the Feds have expanded their harassment of American citizens. Super Bowl attendees are now screened and monitored just as airline passengers are. The ironic tragedy of this farce is that it is the Feds themselves who are staging the terror attacks for political purposes.

As long as my team wins, I don't care about the Bill of Rights.

The commercials during the Super Bowl are not only longer, but far more numerous than usual. We understand that the networks have bills to pay and a profit to make; but there comes a point where the legitimate needs of commerce turn into undignified money grubbing. The endless and overly dramatic Super Bowl ads now overshadow the game itself.

How much is enough?

We hold no animosity towards Black players in the NFL. However, any self-respecting White person should be alarmed and ashamed that so few Whites are playing football on a professional level these days. It was not always like this.

Some of this has to do with natural Black athleticism and "hunger". But much of it is the result of an entire generation of suburban White children having become too soft and lazy to excel in a rough sport such as football. To watch a 97% White audience in the stands, full-throat cheering for a 90% Black player base, is as bizarre as it is worrisome.

A sea of fat White people, worshipping millionaire Black heroes who couldn't care any less about them.


The growing number of White "metrosexual" girly boys reduces the potential pool of football players.

Nothing wrong with a little diversion and fun cheering for your hometown team; but many of these "fans" display a passion so intense that a straight jacket is warranted. If only they would get as agitated about Obongo and Fed robbing them blind, or their children's future in a permanently depressed economy, or the innocent people in faraway lands being killed by the US-Israel led Axis of Evil, or the coming wars with Iran, Syria, (and maybe Russia & China), or the fact that their elementary school kids are being forced to learn of the joys of homo-anal sex. What pathetic losers these people are!

1st February 2014, 04:44 AM
I was listening to the radio yesterday. Don't remember the am station. Anyhow, a caller brought up to saying "The Big Game" vs "Super Bowl" for the advertising. I don't watch teevee and rarely listen to commercials. I was astonished that the label advertising at the store used "The Big Game". "Are You Ready for the Big Game?" "Snacks for the Big Game". On and on.

Then I watched that Audi commercial. At the end is "The Big Game".


Twisted Titan
1st February 2014, 06:10 AM
I was just seeing a news in background playing .

All i saw in that reel was the average sheep walking up to various checkpoints to open their bag, purse or backpack rifled through.

1st February 2014, 06:26 AM
Didn't you hear/read about their new "Bag" policy? http://www.nfl.com/qs/allclear/index.jsp Women not happy they're supposed to use ziplock baggies for a purse!

mick silver
1st February 2014, 07:02 AM
did i miss it , is it all over . just one more wasted day on the farm:rolleyes:

1st February 2014, 07:06 AM
Game is tomorrow night mick

mick silver
1st February 2014, 07:09 AM
i know . i was being a smart ass .... A parody made up by Richard Pryor copying SupermanFaster then A bowl of chittlins,able to leap A slum with A single bound,Look up in the sky ,its A crow its A bat no its ....Super Nigger!!

1st February 2014, 07:11 AM
I don't have tv and I have no interest in football at all but I did do a google search to see what this was all about. I typed in "Super Nigger Bowl" and it was very entertaining to read what came up. :-)

mick silver
1st February 2014, 07:13 AM
your not kidding were you weed .... check this one out it a forum ... http://downloadpolitics.com/showthread.php?25054-If-you-watch-the-Super-Bowl-tonight-you-re-sucking-nigger-dick

mick silver
1st February 2014, 07:14 AM
https://www.google.com/search?q=Super+Nigger+Bowl&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=fflb ... Nothing but nigger worship on holy sunday. Unfucking real how disrespectful this is to the Lord our God. I can't believe they insult God by ...

1st February 2014, 07:55 AM
I was listening to the radio yesterday. Don't remember the am station. Anyhow, a caller brought up to saying "The Big Game" vs "Super Bowl" for the advertising. I don't watch teevee and rarely listen to commercials. I was astonished that the label advertising at the store used "The Big Game". "Are You Ready for the Big Game?" "Snacks for the Big Game". On and on.

Then I watched that Audi commercial. At the end is "The Big Game".


The friendly NFL sues anyone who dares utter "Super Bowl" without paying them, so they're forced to refer to it as something else.

1st February 2014, 08:19 AM
Who's playing?

1st February 2014, 08:30 AM
I was listening to the radio yesterday. Don't remember the am station. Anyhow, a caller brought up to saying "The Big Game" vs "Super Bowl" for the advertising. I don't watch teevee and rarely listen to commercials. I was astonished that the label advertising at the store used "The Big Game". "Are You Ready for the Big Game?" "Snacks for the Big Game". On and on.

Then I watched that Audi commercial. At the end is "The Big Game".


The term "Super Bowl" is trademarked. Only official sponsors light A-B Inbev and Coors are allowed to use it in their advertising.

1st February 2014, 09:02 AM
i would need to buy a TV antenna.

not a priority, but - there are times when i like mindless entertainment.

ALSO - the Volcom Pipe Pro is on, maybe, depends on conditions. Free Webcast.


1st February 2014, 02:26 PM
Woohoo! The Big "Toilet Bowl" Sunday.

mick silver
1st February 2014, 02:48 PM
we have a TV antenna and pick up trash a 150 miles away .............. by the way only paid 5 bucks at a yard sale

1st February 2014, 03:00 PM
Sunday Night?
I attend Sunday evening services with singing praises to my God, scripture reading and Bible preaching.
I suppose those in the NFL religion will be doing the same.
Faithful men and women coming to their PICTURE viewer to pay homage to their "gods"

Numbers 33:52 Then ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their pictures, and destroy all their molten images, and quite pluck down all their high places:

2nd February 2014, 01:55 AM
If you watch the super bowl and enjoy it...you are gay.

2nd February 2014, 04:17 AM
Who's playing?

The Denver Brongros vs. Seattle Seamonkies

2nd February 2014, 05:15 AM
The Denver Brongros vs. Seattle Seamonkies

The Denver Brokebacks vs. Seattle Semen

2nd February 2014, 06:09 AM
The Denver Brokebacks vs. Seattle Semen

today is the only football game i watch all year. i make pizza and homemade crackers, some other stuff and take it over to my 86 and 84 year old mother and father in law and watch the game with them. my fil and i will drink 2 or 3 beers. they'll talk about it for the next 4 months. it's a fun day.

2nd February 2014, 06:48 AM
Obama should mandate it as a National Holiday, in remembrance of all the big black hero's who gave their lives for money, drugs, and fame.

2nd February 2014, 07:18 AM
The Roman citizens couldn't give up their gladiators, why would we expect any different this time around. History repeats and nobody learns a thing from it.........

2nd February 2014, 10:04 AM
The Roman citizens couldn't give up their gladiators, why would we expect any different this time around. History repeats and nobody learns a thing from it.........

It's different this time. We watch it on Flat screen TV's.

2nd February 2014, 10:37 AM
What about the under privileged in Rome?

mick silver
2nd February 2014, 11:53 AM
are we there yet

mick silver
2nd February 2014, 02:02 PM
hey hillbilly is that your picture in your avatar if so you look like a real big guy so what football team did you play for--)

2nd February 2014, 03:06 PM
Anyway I can see the game in my laptop?


2nd February 2014, 03:23 PM
Anyway I can see the game in my laptop?


2nd February 2014, 03:27 PM
hey hillbilly is that your picture in your avatar if so you look like a real big guy so what football team did you play for--)

Never played football....I knew it was gay even as a kid. I was too busy building things and educating myself for gay sports like that.

2nd February 2014, 03:44 PM
I will admit I'm watching this and allowing myself to get into it a bit.

Safety on the first play! That should fuck up the spread a bit.

Good thing it's all just theater... can you imagine the agony of Broncos fans when they saw that snap sail?

2nd February 2014, 03:48 PM
Only game that I like.........THE BIG ONE.......and I don't care who wins, only want to see a good game.


2nd February 2014, 03:49 PM
Good thing it's all just theater... can you imagine the agony of Broncos fans when they saw that snap sail?

I lived in Denver for 5 years, huge sports town. I bet the bars in Lodo are going insane.

I'm getting into this game as well. A safety on the first snap, wow!

2nd February 2014, 03:58 PM
I'm watching it, but I'm not going to let myself enjoy it...I don't want anyone to think I'm gay.
I'm rooting for the Seamonkeys

2nd February 2014, 04:24 PM
I've said before I don't know anything about football or this game but if the story below is true I think it's kind of funny.

Demaryius Thomas’ mother, grandmother will watch him play Super Bowl from prison

http://l.yimg.com/os/publish-images/sports/2013-10-01/06dc06c6-576d-4127-8e43-1c7a2693dcc2_ed.jpg (http://sports.yahoo.com/author/eric-edholm/) By Eric Edholm (http://sports.yahoo.com/author/eric-edholm/)January 27, 2014 6:49 PMShutdown Corner (http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/)

View gallery
Demaryius Thomas (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/players/23997) (USA Today Sports Images)
Denver Broncos (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/teams/den) wide receiver Demaryius Thomas won't be able to give out Super Bowl tickets to two of his biggest fans. Both his mother and grandmother are in prison, his mother in the midst of serving a 20-year sentence and his grandmother a life sentence for cocaine distribution. (You can read more about Thomas' story in this fascinating 2012 New York Post feature (http://nypost.com/2012/01/11/mother-grandmother-in-prison-does-not-stop-broncos-thomas/).)But Thomas will hit the field in Super Bowl XLVIII Sunday night knowing that they will be watching him play (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/01/27/demaryius-thomass-mother-grandma-will-watch-him-from-prison/)in the biggest game of his life from their prison in Tallahassee, Fla.
“My momma, she just told me, ‘I told you you would make it.’ We haven’t really talked about it much but I talked to my grandma and she said the same thing,” Thomas said Monday, via Pro Football Talk.
“She got emotional and all, but they just said, ‘You were going to make it.’ They get to watch every game that comes on TV there and they’ve got the t-shirts. All of the ladies have the t-shirts and watch me, so that’s special.”
The two women were arrested on March 15, 1999 when their house was raided by police in Georgia. Thomas witnessed the event but has maintained a strong bond with them since, and he had a ritual at one point of talking to his mother before every game.
“They drive me more to know that they’re there and they’re watching me,” Thomas said. “I try to go out there and play my best because they’re going to talk about it to the people in the jailhouse.”

Want to watch the Big Game ads? Check them out here:

2nd February 2014, 05:07 PM
I've said before I don't know anything about football or this game but if the story below is true I think it's kind of funny.

Demaryius Thomas’ mother, grandmother will watch him play Super Bowl from prison

http://l.yimg.com/os/publish-images/sports/2013-10-01/06dc06c6-576d-4127-8e43-1c7a2693dcc2_ed.jpg (http://sports.yahoo.com/author/eric-edholm/) By Eric Edholm (http://sports.yahoo.com/author/eric-edholm/)January 27, 2014 6:49 PMShutdown Corner (http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/)

View gallery
Demaryius Thomas (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/players/23997) (USA Today Sports Images)
Denver Broncos (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/teams/den) wide receiver Demaryius Thomas won't be able to give out Super Bowl tickets to two of his biggest fans. Both his mother and grandmother are in prison, his mother in the midst of serving a 20-year sentence and his grandmother a life sentence for cocaine distribution. (You can read more about Thomas' story in this fascinating 2012 New York Post feature (http://nypost.com/2012/01/11/mother-grandmother-in-prison-does-not-stop-broncos-thomas/).)But Thomas will hit the field in Super Bowl XLVIII Sunday night knowing that they will be watching him play (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/01/27/demaryius-thomass-mother-grandma-will-watch-him-from-prison/)in the biggest game of his life from their prison in Tallahassee, Fla.
“My momma, she just told me, ‘I told you you would make it.’ We haven’t really talked about it much but I talked to my grandma and she said the same thing,” Thomas said Monday, via Pro Football Talk.
“She got emotional and all, but they just said, ‘You were going to make it.’ They get to watch every game that comes on TV there and they’ve got the t-shirts. All of the ladies have the t-shirts and watch me, so that’s special.”
The two women were arrested on March 15, 1999 when their house was raided by police in Georgia. Thomas witnessed the event but has maintained a strong bond with them since, and he had a ritual at one point of talking to his mother before every game.
“They drive me more to know that they’re there and they’re watching me,” Thomas said. “I try to go out there and play my best because they’re going to talk about it to the people in the jailhouse.”

Want to watch the Big Game ads? Check them out here:

Life sentence for a victimless crime. God bless Amurikkkka!

2nd February 2014, 05:18 PM
Where is the white folks? Not during the half time show. The only white dude on the field seems to be Manning. And he's getting his ass kicked.

2nd February 2014, 05:39 PM
Where is the white folks? Not during the half time show. The only white dude on the field seems to be Manning. And he's getting his ass kicked.

It's like watching a Tarzan movie

mick silver
2nd February 2014, 05:43 PM
did the cowboys win

2nd February 2014, 05:47 PM


2nd February 2014, 05:54 PM
Where is the white folks? Not during the half time show. The only white dude on the field seems to be Manning. And he's getting his ass kicked.

four of the refs are white.

2nd February 2014, 06:10 PM
Remember GSUS-ers... the Stooper Bowl, and everything associated with it, exists for us to study in terms of the effects it has on society, and what we know about those effects. Don't forget that.

More than enough to chew on.

willie pete
2nd February 2014, 07:32 PM
what a boring crappy game, the Denver negro team showed up not to play

2nd February 2014, 07:33 PM
what a boring crappy game, the Denver negro team showed up not to play
Well, they did have Wes Welker, their star "white receiver"... LOL

3rd February 2014, 05:24 AM
Mick silver posted a link to a forum earlier in this thread that had a good comment that I think is to good not to include here.


"Niggers who belong behind bars are putting on a show for you tonight, sponsored by greedy companies that promote inebriation and gluttony. Furthermore, an illegal trade in child sex is going on under your noses. By watching it, you're submitting to these filthy apes who undeservedly make more money in one season than you, the White middle-class, expect to make in a dozen lifetimes. You're also facillitating the illicit child trafficking transactions that occur. But you probably all don't care. You'll pig out on junk food, drink yourself into a coma and shout victoriously like a buffoon after every big teabagging play. All for the sake of watching coons in helmets play fetch with one another. How pathetic can you get? http://downloadpolitics.com/images/smilies/wallbash.gif"

mick silver
3rd February 2014, 07:14 AM
'911 truther' at Super Bowl says he used old festival credential to get past securityhttp://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/tO3Idghvzr_t2hIshgPqPQ--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTQwO3E9NzU7dz00MA--/http://media.zenfs.com/208/2011/06/21/blogger-stableford-40_041211.jpg

By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo News (http://news.yahoo.com/author/dylan-stableford/) | Yahoo News – 1 hr 58 mins agShare (http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.yahoo.com%2F911-truther-super-bowl-135800473.html&t=%27911%20truther%27%20at%20Super%20Bowl%20says%2 0he%20used%20old%20festival%20credential%20to%20ge t%20past%20security%20-%20Yahoo%20News)




The 30-year-old man who interrupted Super Bowl MVP Malcolm Smith's postgame news conference to demand an investigation into 9/11 (http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2014/02/02/mvp-malcolm-smith-interrupted-by-man-calling-for-911-probe/) says he used an old festival credential to get past what was supposed to be air-tight security at MetLife Stadium.
Matthew Mills, an independent journalist from Brooklyn and self-described 9/11 truther, told NJ.com (http://www.nj.com/super-bowl/index.ssf/2014/02/super_bowl_2014_911_truther_says_he_snuck_into_met lefe_stadium.html) he wanted to see how close he could get to the game and conduct "some fan interviews."
Whenever security personnel noticed his badge was different than those given to credentialed media, Mills said he explained he was in a hurry.
"I just said I was running late for work and I had to get in there," Mills said. "It was that simple.
"I didn't think that I'd get that far," he continued. "I just kept getting closer and closer. Once I got past the final gate and into the stadium, I was dumbfounded."
After the game (http://sports.yahoo.com/news/manning-broncos-begin-super-bowl-234455516--nfl.html), Mills says he walked into the media tent, where Smith was being interviewed. He walked up to the podium and grabbed the microphone.
“Investigate 9/11," Mills said as Smith looked on. "9/11 was perpetrated by people within your own government.”
A public relations staffer moved to grab the mic, and Mills walked off.
"Check his press pass," Smith said, smiling.
According to NJ.com (http://www.nj.com/super-bowl/index.ssf/2014/02/super_bowl_2014_911_truther_says_he_snuck_into_met lefe_stadium.html), Mills was arrested by New Jersey state police and charged with trespassing. He was later released on his own recognizance.
"I just saw my opportunity to get my word out there, and I took it," Mills said.
It apparently worked. Early Monday, "#Investigate911 (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Investigate911&src=tren)" was trending on Twitter.

3rd February 2014, 07:24 AM
what a boring crappy game, the Denver negro team showed up not to play

The NFL was finished after it introduced salary caps.

Looking back in history it will be noted that the U.S. empire died about the same time.

mick silver
3rd February 2014, 07:33 AM
did the taco crew beat the comboys ?

3rd February 2014, 08:16 AM
I was able to see the game for only five minutes but to me the guys in white should have won........did they?