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2nd February 2014, 05:35 AM
Fukushima Radiation causing U.S. Insurance Companies to EXCLUDE all Coverage for Radiation Claims
Sunday, 02 February 2014 00:21

February 2, 2014 -- (TRN) -- Insurance Companies in the United States have begun notifying customers they will no longer have ANY coverage whatsoever for anything relating to nuclear energy claims. Fallout, radiation sickness, property damage from radiation - all EXCLUDED. This begs the question: If the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima power plant in Japan is as harmless to Americans as the government and "scientists" are telling us, why are Insurance companies specifically EXCLUDING coverage for nuclear energy related claims? (Hint: The government is lying about the danger.)

TRN has a PDF of one such notice being sent by Traveler's Insurance Company. You can read it for yourself below.

Letters being sent by U.S. Insurance companies are notifying policy holders of an important change to their coverage. Letter sent by one major insurance company read as follows:

Dear Policyholder;
Thank you for choosing Travelers. We are providing advance notice of changes affecting your renewal policy or notification of renewal premium. Please consult Travelers Service Center for guidance in reviewing the information contained in this notice.

Your renewal policy will provide changes in coverage because of underwriting judgment based on an evaluation of your
individual risk exposures and/or loss history.

The following is changed on your renewal:
Coverage Change Details

The accompanying paperwork gets very specific about what they mean. It says, in part:

1. The insurance does not apply:

A. Under any Liability Coverage, to "bodily injury" or "property damage":

B. Under any Medical Payments coverage, to expenses incurred with respect to "bodily injury" resulting from the "hazardous properties" of "nuclear material" and arising out of the operation of a "nuclear facility" by any person or organization.

2. As used in this endorsement:

"Hazardous properties" includes radioactive, toxic or explosive properties. "Nuclear material" means "source material", "special nuclear material" or "by-product material" . . . . Spent fuel . . . . Waste . . . . .

The letters further make clear:

"Property damage" includes all forms of radioactive contamination of property."

That last item, about radioactive contamination of property, THAT's the "biggie." THAT is the issue that will shortly become evident to people who live on the west coast of north America. One day, when folks in places like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego wake up and hear evacuation orders on radio and TV telling them to run for their lives because the radiation levels from the Pacific Ocean have made their homes uninhabitable, THEN all those folks will understand the implications of this nasty little change in Insurance coverage.

The Turner Radio Network has been warning people about the coming radiation from Fukushima. For months, we have been issuing radiation alerts when local background radiation levels start "spiking." For months, we have been closely monitoring developments at the Fukushima disaster site and publishing news stories about those developments and the dangers they pose to North America.

Sadly, for months, critics have claimed our coverage was "sensationalism" or "designed to scare people." That was never the case, but it didn't stop the critics from claiming such.

So here we are, February, 2014, and Insurance Companies are now specifically EXCLUDING coverage for radioactive contamination of property. Let's be clear about what this means; if you have to move away from your home because the area is contaminated with lethal levels of radiation, don't bother calling your insurance company. YOU HAVE NO COVERAGE AT ALL for this type of event. Of course, you still have to pay your mortgage for the house you can no longer live in, but that's your problem, right?

Now, stop and think for a moment about other types of disasters. Homes in "Tornado Alley" in the USA routinely suffer horrific destruction from tornadoes. Have any insurance companies stopped covering such damage? No. They may charge a higher premium in those geographic areas, but they don't flat-out EXCLUDE coverage. How about places that routinely suffer wildfires? California, Arizona, New Mexico come to mind. Have you ever heard of any insurance companies specifically EXCLUDING coverage for wildfires for people who live in those area? Nope!

So why, if the government and so-called "experts" are all publicly telling us that the radiation from Fukushima will be diluted by the Pacific Ocean and will not harm us, are Insurance companies beginning to absolutely and specifically EXCLUDE coverage for radiation-related damage, injuries and claims?

Could it be that the radiation from Fukushima, which has been spewing into the Pacific Ocean since March 11, 2011, is not nearly as "diluted" as the government and "experts" would have us believe? Could it be that the Insurance companies know (maybe from their pals in government) that entire STATES on the west coast of North America may have to be evacuated because of the incoming radioactive water in the Pacific? Does this start to make more sense to you now? Such events would utterly wipe out Insurance companies. You know it, the government knows it and the insurance companies darn sure know it. THAT is why insurance companies are excluding coverage; they KNOW what's coming and they don't want to be wiped out by it. Can't blame them, but where does that leave you?

Some advice: If you live on the west coast of north America, sell your house fast and cheap to some illegal aliens. Get whatever you can for the house, take the money, and run like hell.

Whatever you get for the house will be more than you'll get from your insurance company once the radiation arrives. Oh, about the illegal aliens to whom you sell . . . . well . . . . who cares what happens to them, they shouldn't be here anyway!

Click HERE to read a PDF of the actual notice being sent to policy holders by Traveler's Insurance Company

2nd February 2014, 07:38 AM
It'll be interesting to see what the reaction to these changes will elicit from the public, if anything. I'm guessing it'll pass like wind with no stink whatsoever.........

mick silver
2nd February 2014, 08:06 AM
if this is going to take place then we all know now that this nuke crap is here , people in power and with all the money alway know what taking place way before the sheeps do ......... thanks for this forum we all are light years a head

2nd February 2014, 08:23 AM
It'll be interesting to see what the reaction to these changes will elicit from the public, if anything. I'm guessing it'll pass like wind with no stink whatsoever.........

Yep, they have the mindset of "oh well I'm not being radiated so it doesn't make sense to have that kind of coverage". Never even bothering to ask the question, why would they drop that type of coverage? Not knowing because MSM is deadly silent about this topic of Fukushima radiating most of the west coast.