View Full Version : 'Ace of Spades' Heroin, must have been the good stuff

2nd February 2014, 06:38 PM
Philip Seymour Hoffman died with the needle still in his arm. Stupid ugly bastid had it all going for him...gone now.

2nd February 2014, 07:06 PM
have no idea who this guy is and does it matter. stupid royal family trafficking in heroin.

willie pete
2nd February 2014, 07:26 PM
...and another one bites the dust ::)

2nd February 2014, 07:28 PM
He was in only one movie I liked... Almost Famous (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0181875/)

2nd February 2014, 11:51 PM
The guy was a decent actor, even if you hated him otherwise... he was in a GREAT movie called Scent of a Woman also, as the cheesy jerk rich kid.

Really sad that a person , any person, would choose to off himself, either fast or slow methods.

3rd February 2014, 02:51 AM
Who said he offed himself?

3rd February 2014, 09:33 AM
They're saying it was a heroin OD. Considering his weight and age, injecting that shit into you is super risky. I feel bad, because I actually liked him as an actor, but didn't know he had a drug problem.

mick silver
3rd February 2014, 10:31 AM
i have never seen a dam thing he has done , so to me it no loss . just another day on the farm . there others i look up to , NOT the jews from fagsvill LIFE is to short for grow men acting like this

old steel
3rd February 2014, 10:36 AM
You would think a man in his late 40'ies who was a user most of his adult life would know what he was doing?

Done now.

Celtic Rogue
3rd February 2014, 11:18 AM
Trouble is that you cant really know what you are doing when the heroin is cut to varying degrees by the seller.

One dealer steps on it(cuts) 6-7 times and another might only step on it 3-4 times. So you really never know what dose you are injecting until its too late.

Maybe a batch got through without any cut... we will never know. This type of thing is one of the main reasons for overdosing on heroin.

The needle still being stuck in his arm indicated that it killed him very quickly as he never had the time to take the needle out.

What is sad however is that this low life actor get more news coverage for being stupid than the news coverage on the Libyan Ambassador or any of the many lies and fraud perpetrated by obamas administration! ever did!

willie pete
3rd February 2014, 03:06 PM
i have never seen a dam thing he has done , so to me it no loss . just another day on the farm . there others i look up to , NOT the jews from fagsvill LIFE is to short for grow men acting like this

I never was a big fan either, the only thing I remember are some of his bites from "Along came Polly"

"I just sharted"



3rd February 2014, 04:20 PM


3rd February 2014, 05:15 PM

Never even thought of Sunday being the 33rd day of the year.

3rd February 2014, 10:24 PM
Guy had either gay or addict written all over him.


3rd February 2014, 10:39 PM
Guy had either gay or addict written all over him.

That's where I remember that guy from, couldn't put my finger on it. The face looked familiar. The Big Lebowski. Good call, Horn.

He was a good butler. Hard to imagine a butler overdosing on heroin.

3rd February 2014, 10:58 PM
Someone that does their life dosing and suddenly overdosing comes to me as a hot load. Will never be investigated and a free way to kill someone. Have an associate killed this way also. Goo thing I dont do this shit, seems rather fucked up.

4th February 2014, 12:04 AM
Hard to imagine a butler overdosing on heroin.

Great actor.

7th February 2014, 05:49 PM
I smell bagels.

Philip Seymour Hoffman: Man arrested in connection with actor’s death was musician for Amy Winehouse, David Bowie, Mick Jagger (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/philip-seymour-hoffman-man-arrested-in-connection-with-actors-death-musician-for-amy-winehouse-david-bowie-mick-jagger-9114025.html)

A man arrested in connection with the death of Philip Seymour Hoffman following his suspected drug overdose (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/philip-seymour-hoffman-dead-in-new-york-city-apartment-oscarwinning-actor-dies-aged-46-from-apparent-drug-overdose-9102618.html) was a session musician who played for Amy Winehouse, David Bowie and Mick Jagger in the past.

Saxophonist Robert Vineberg, 57, performed on the late singer’s best-selling record Frank in 2003.

Vinberg lives in the same apartment building where Hoffman is believed to have bought drugs.

He was arrested alongside Thomas Cushma (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/philip-seymour-hoffman-death-arrests-four-people-detained-as-part-of-investigation-into-actors-death-9108283.html)n, 48, DJ Max Rosenblum, 22, Rosenblum’s art student girlfriend, Juliana Luchkiw, who is also 22, in connection with the 350 bags of drugs New York police are thought to have found in Hoffman’s flat.

7th February 2014, 05:56 PM
I smell bagels.

Philip Seymour Hoffman: Man arrested in connection with actor’s death was musician for Amy Winehouse, David Bowie, Mick Jagger (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/philip-seymour-hoffman-man-arrested-in-connection-with-actors-death-musician-for-amy-winehouse-david-bowie-mick-jagger-9114025.html)

One giant bagel, coming right up!


7th February 2014, 06:53 PM
I smell bagels.

Philip Seymour Hoffman: Man arrested in connection with actor’s death was musician for Amy Winehouse, David Bowie, Mick Jagger (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/philip-seymour-hoffman-man-arrested-in-connection-with-actors-death-musician-for-amy-winehouse-david-bowie-mick-jagger-9114025.html)

From Bro Nate's site

The Jews Surrounding Philip Hoffman’s Death
By Brother Nathanael Kapner February 7, 2014

ALTHOUGH PHILIP SEYMOUR HOFFMAN was not a Jew, the names surrounding him sound like a Jewish law firm: Vineberg, Rosenblum, Cushman and Katz.

The actor even sought Jewish companionship with David Bar Katz on the night he died.

Four of Hoffman’s drug-dealing acquaintances were arrested Tuesday eve (three of them Jews) in connection with the heroin sold to the actor of which he reportedly overdosed on.

The suspects being investigated are Robert Vineberg, 57; Max Rosenblum, 22; Thomas Cushman, 48; and Juliana Luchkiw, 22.

Both Rosenblum’s and Vineberg’s Jewish attorneys, Daniel Hochheiser and Ed Kratt, wasted no time declaring their clients were being ’scapegoated.’

“Searching for a scapegoat to solve the overdose of an addict is a fool’s errand,” said Hochheiser. … “I hope the District Attorney will not use Mr Vineberg as a scapegoat in that unfortunate incident,” echoed Kratt.

(It will be interesting to hear if the 70 bags of heroine found in Hoffman’s apartment chemically match the other 350 bags of heroin in Vineberg’s stash. BUT sometimes Jewish attorneys can work magic with money and bribes.)

Now enter the guru of the subconscious to the movers and shakers, the Jew Keith Ablow.

That’s right folks, Ablow works for Murdoch’s Fox News where he serves as the “the expert in psychiatry.”

Ablow is working cover for his tribe members making sure the focus of blame is fixed solely on Hoffman.

Surrounded by ALL these Jews—drug-dealers, attorneys, TV shrinks—it’s difficult not to be skeptical when it comes to another famous Hollywood actor’s sudden death.

From field to street, to Hollywood high rises, some form of Jewry plays a large role in the drug trade.

From Marilyn Monroe to Michael Jackson, the Judas geist (Jewish spirit) surrounds the sudden death of famous entertainers more often than not.

WHAT’S THE LESSON for Goys who hobnob with Jews? It’s clear. You’ll die.

As individuals go so do nations.

Turn out the lights Jewmerica.

You have overdosed on degenerate immorality, debt, and endless war supplied by the deep pipelines of Jewish treachery.

8th February 2014, 04:43 AM
...and another one bites the dust ::)

he just needed to go to the gym more.