View Full Version : Kit O' Beer #3 - Draught/Draft
7th February 2014, 10:53 AM
It seems like a good time to get Kit o Beer brew #3 going. This one is a Coopers Draught/Draft. Its from the standard range of cans. I didn't know what to expect from this. I'm not very familiar with this style of beer. I know by tradition it should be drawn from the tap and that it is a style of kegged beer.
For this one we have gone with Coopers fermentable ingredients and alternate yeast.
The recipe:
1 x 1.7kg Coopers Draught/Draft extract
1 kg Coopers Beer Enhancer #1
1 pkt Safale s-04 yeast - 11gms
1pk Safale s-04 11gms instead of the included Coopers brewing yeast 7gms
OG 1.037
Brew temp: 28C - ambient
Pitch temp: 22C - wort
Current temp: 22C - wort
The wort was slow to cool. I got the trough down to 15C however the wort was pretty stubborn. I had the swamp cooler thing going. Chilling the water. Fan. Waiting for it to cool down I dozed off. It was probably 4 hours before I pitched the yeast. It had cooled further than I needed but the extra time while I was asleep had it between 21-22C.
The smell of this beer is very nice. It tastes even better too. Caramel. I did a fair bit of can cleaning. because mmmmm.
The OG is just a tick higher than the last brew. Consistency? Maybe there is not enough sugars in 1kg of fermentables?
I was reasonable happy with the way the SO-4 yeast fermented in the primary in KoB #2. I am not sure about the bottle carbonation for this yeast. I bought the temp up on this before pitching. Other brews I have pitched cold from the fridge.
I now have a few 7gm pkts of coopers yeast. I will do a brew and double up the packets for the same amount of yeast and see how the two compare for both stages. safale vs coopers. See if one is stronger than the other in the bottle.
The long time I left it sitting and cooling down before pitching will be interesting to see of any affects to this. I don't anticipate any there's always the opportunity to learn a lesson.
7th February 2014, 11:41 AM
I worried too after I left the wort to cool overnight then pitched the next morning but it worked out, at least that time. I'll be interested when you do a batch using the Coopers yeast because from my experience it's the best, especially at higher temps. Until I get a cooling box built I won't use the saf-04 again and I might still not even then, it petered out way too quick IMO.
7th February 2014, 05:28 PM
I'm just throwing this out there but if you see your ferment slow to nothing quickly, maybe you could throw some Coopers to it? BT would know about this but it's just an idea in case.
7th February 2014, 06:37 PM
Thanks I think thats probably a good idea if nothing is happening. I've got another pack of the 04 as well. I don't know if there is any issue with mixing yeasts. Both ale type.11gm vs 7gms. I'm seeing the fermenter is at 19 this morning. Was only 22C ambient last night so that is a bit cool for what we want. I'll drift it up today and see how tight we can keep it 22-23. We'll be 32 - 36c for the next week with cool nights. I'll have a look inside this afternoon after its had some warmth.
8th February 2014, 05:16 AM
quick update. Fermenter temps drifted up to 21C tending to 22C. So we are in the zone. Was 32C today. Taking a look at the fermenter there is an even foam across the surface of the wort. It is maybe 1/2 - 2/3 cm. 1/5" - 1/4". So happy now that something is going on in there. Temps are up tomorrow to 36. After that the next week will be a repeat of today. Good news.
11th February 2014, 06:07 AM
You could be forgiven for thinking that the last few days and forecast the next 7 days is perfect ale brewing weather. 4 Days in the fermenter now. The fermenter temps have been around 20C - ~22C/70F. The ambient temp has been 31 - 32C/88F, nights around 16C/61F.
Original Gravity was 1.037.
1st reading was 1.020 (@22C Day 4).
Ambient today was 28C/82F Fermenter ran at 22C. Outside it was 31C. Humid. Storm coming from the tropics.
In terms of SG we are progressing at about the same pace as KoB #1 but slower than KoB #2. We did start with a tick higher OG from #2.
I am looking at the Canadian Blonde when I look at this beer. I'm comparing for the same time in the ferment. It is maybe slightly darker. It is slight. At this stage there are still a lot of bits floating about. It is cloudy. Lets see if it clears at the same number of days as #2. Around day 7.
Flavor seems sweet with a bitter finish. The extract had a rich caramel taste. That is there a bit watered down. I have been drinking bitters so I want try with a clean palette. I think it is bitter on the finish. Right now this is Canadian blonde with a bit of caramel and some bittering. This could be interesting.
13th February 2014, 04:14 AM
Day 6. I didn't bother doing a reading Day 5. Did not expect much.
Original Gravity was 1.037.
1st reading was 1.020 (@22C Day 4).
2nd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 6).
Ambient today was 28C/82F Fermenter ran at 23C. Outside it was 34C. Still humid. less.
Past the dreaded 1.020 lock. Casual progress. By now I'd be looking for 1.016.
We saw fermenter @ 24C on Day 5. Was hotter day than expected at 34C. Add some chill to bring fermenter back to 23C for Day 6.
Beer still has some floaties. It is clearing. The taste is very good. Basic but good. The caramel taste is not really there now but is it? I'm flumoxed. I want this one to be good and carb'd. It will not last.
Maybe I should do this one again for the Safale Vs Coopers yeast comparo and not the blonde.
14th February 2014, 04:11 AM
Day 7. Ground hog day weather wise today. Less humidity again. Westerly sea breeze is back.
Original Gravity was 1.037.
1st reading was 1.020 (@22C Day 4).
2nd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 6).
3rd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 7).
Ambient today was 28C/82F Fermenter ran at 23C. Outside it was 33C.
So no progress on SG today but we are clearer. Very little floating. There is no gas in the beer. Usually when taking an SG reading there are some bubbles on the hydrometer that you need to dislodge to get a good reading. Not happening in this beer yet. It is very still. I'm wondering if I should give things a bit of a rock. Stir up the yeast a bit.
We've been hovering on 24C as the day progresses. So there's a degree or two movement over 24 hrs.
Again the taste is very good. That caramel taste was back for me today. I am hooked on the flavour of this. Maybe it's a molasses.
14th February 2014, 06:42 AM
I wouldn't hesitate to give it a bit of a rock, it helped me out, I think.
On another note. If I don't respond to your posts Glass it's because there's no wifi connect where I'm going, for the next 10 days. There might be but I'm not sure and won't know till I get there. There will be lots of beer involved though :)
I get to spend this time at Daytona Speedway in an RV, it's part of my job so it's a work/play trip. The funny thing is, I hear this ticket is highly coveted, expensive as hell and a couple dudes have remarked how lucky I am but truthfully I could care less about it, though it will be a great party. So, here's to hoping there's a net connection there!
14th February 2014, 01:05 PM
Thanks. I will give that a try. Seems an ok practice. Not enough action IMO. I think the temps are in range.
yes nice one, the Daytona 500 is a big race. One of the two main ones on the calendar. Qualifies as a mecca. Will be an amazing experience to go there. Hope you get time to have some fun.
I'm looking forward to it watching it.
16th February 2014, 10:18 AM
Day 9. Gave things a bit of a gentle rock on morning Day 8. Let it go a day and a half before taking another reading
Original Gravity was 1.037.
1st reading was 1.020 (@22C Day 4).
2nd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 6).
3rd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 7).
4th reading was 1.017 (@23C Day 9).
Ambient today was 26C Fermenter ran at 21C. Outside it was 29C.
Been cool the past 2 days. Fermenter dropped a bit lower. Temps are picking up as the week progresses. Should have mid 30's+ buy Tuesday.
Again the taste is good. Clear. Taste seems more bitter finish. I hope that rocking the fermenter did no cause some krausen to wash off the sides. There is some signs of carbonation in there now. Very light but there. Steady as she goes then.
19th February 2014, 04:02 AM
Day 11. Was warm yesterday and near enough again today. Did not take a reading yesterday. We seem to be going slow as bro.
Original Gravity was 1.037.
1st reading was 1.020 (@22C Day 4).
2nd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 6).
3rd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 7).
4th reading was 1.017 (@23C Day 9).
5th reading was 1.016 (@23C Day 11).
Ambient today was 28C Fermenter ran at 23C. Outside it was 36C.
Mid 30's C for the week. The fermenter is hovering 23-24. 22 overnight so there is still a bit of swing. But we are in the supposed sweet zone temp wise for this yeast. I was hoping to bottle Friday. 2 days for 1 point SG. I may have stumbled on a technique for aging beer while fermenting it. raise eyebrow.
Slightly hotter tomorrow. Then down a few Friday. Don't think we will make it. I'm going to do a bit of motivational cheering later on. Have a few beers, maybe do a football chant. Give this beer a gee up.
20th February 2014, 05:18 AM
Day 12. Same same weather wise. I thought it was warmer today. Govt says on the money.
Original Gravity was 1.037.
1st reading was 1.020 (@22C Day 4).
2nd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 6).
3rd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 7).
4th reading was 1.017 (@23C Day 9).
5th reading was 1.016 (@23C Day 11).
6th reading was 1.0155 (@22C Day 12).
Ambient today was 28C Fermenter ran at 22C. Outside it was 37C.
I'm going to call it as 1.015 and a half. I think there is slight change. Beer has more floaties today. Not as clear as before. Still tastes good although is becoming less sweet. And the beer goes on.
21st February 2014, 05:58 PM
Day 13. Not sure if my day count is off by 1? Could be.
Original Gravity was 1.037.
1st reading was 1.020 (@22C Day 4).
2nd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 6).
3rd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 7).
4th reading was 1.017 (@23C Day 9).
5th reading was 1.016 (@23C Day 11).
6th reading was 1.0155 (@22C Day 12).
7th reading was 1.0145 (@23C Day 13).
Ambient today was 32C Fermenter ran at 23-24C. Outside it was 35C.
Some seditment visible. I think it is just stuff sitting on the small ledge above the spigot. Gets sucked down when I open the tap. The beer is lighter in colour now. Still an amber edge to it. I'm ready to bottle. The beer is not. quite. ready.
23rd February 2014, 08:28 PM
Day 14. Weather was a repeat of Saturday but a cooler over night temp by nearly 5 C. Did not seem like that to me.
Original Gravity was 1.037.
1st reading was 1.020 (@22C Day 4).
2nd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 6).
3rd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 7).
4th reading was 1.017 (@23C Day 9).
5th reading was 1.016 (@23C Day 11).
6th reading was 1.0155 (@22C Day 12).
7th reading was 1.0145 (@23C Day 13).
8th reading was 1.014 (@23C Day 14).
Ambient today was 32C Fermenter ran at 23C. Outside it was 35C.
Still some sediment visible. Beer is as it was 24 hours before. I think the beer may grab a bit higher temp today although we had forecast of 37C which has become 34C for today. I'm ok with that. Above 35C and I would normally drop a frozen bottle into the trough to drop 1-2C. Today I didn't do that. Had an ok chill on it already and I wanted to ride the higher temps that I was expecting, to see if we can make a run for the fermenting finish line. Oh well steady as she goes.
I paid a visit to another brew shop on Saturday. I used to go to this store when I was doing the other brewing. I could not find them listed anywhere and could not remember exactly where they were located. so I figured they had closed down. Well luckily they haven't closed. Their prices on somethings are cheaper than other LHBS and apart from one other located maybe 40kms from where I live, they have the largest range of yeasts and hops that I have found yet.
Also they have the best prices on kegs by a fair margin. While I was there I saw maybe 6 pallets of 2nd hand kegs. These were in very good shape compared to others I have seen. I got the impression that these were lightly used and maybe they were having trouble finding older used kegs these days. No complaints from me because this means a keg could be within reach sooner that I have hoped.
23rd February 2014, 10:25 PM
So that's where all the kegs are... what size are they? My (formerly) LHBS started having trouble sourcing the 5 gal. ball lock corny kegs, and the price went from about $40 to over $80. Now he has a few for $60ish. I still have at least two (though I think they are up at his shop), and I use a couple at work for both finings and yeast.
Glad the brewing is going well.
24th February 2014, 12:57 AM
So that's where all the kegs are... what size are they? My (formerly) LHBS started having trouble sourcing the 5 gal. ball lock corny kegs, and the price went from about $40 to over $80. Now he has a few for $60ish. I still have at least two (though I think they are up at his shop), and I use a couple at work for both finings and yeast.
Glad the brewing is going well.
I think they are 19L corny kegs. that is about 4 Gals? They were inaccessible to get up close and the place was pandemonium so I didn't ask about them. yes the price has gone up and up. They could be had ex Germany ebay for a good price but you need to grab a few to make the freight less of a hit. Not sure they can be had for the $40 mark ex germany any longer.
yes brewing is going A-ok. thanks. I'd like to have 2 ferments going at a time. In time I will. My plan is to do KoB #4 for the yeast experiment and then I want to move to bulk priming so will be acquiring a bottling bucket/fermenter around the time of brew #5. Thats the plan at least. I picked up an auto siphon at the LHBS on saturday for racking. Shall see how the rest of the plan goes.
26th February 2014, 08:24 AM
Day 15. Weather was a couple degrees short today. It felt like it was actually going to be hotter but was not.
Original Gravity was 1.037.
1st reading was 1.020 (@22C Day 4).
2nd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 6).
3rd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 7).
4th reading was 1.017 (@23C Day 9).
5th reading was 1.016 (@23C Day 11).
6th reading was 1.0155 (@22C Day 12).
7th reading was 1.0145 (@23C Day 13).
8th reading was 1.014 (@23C Day 14).
9th reading was 1.013 (@22C Day 15).
Ambient today was 31C Fermenter ran at 22C. Outside it was 32C.
26th February 2014, 08:33 AM
Day 16. Today continued the cooling trend. We lost another couple of degrees on the maximum.
Original Gravity was 1.037.
1st reading was 1.020 (@22C Day 4).
2nd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 6).
3rd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 7).
4th reading was 1.017 (@23C Day 9).
5th reading was 1.016 (@23C Day 11).
6th reading was 1.0155 (@22C Day 12).
7th reading was 1.0145 (@23C Day 13).
8th reading was 1.014 (@23C Day 14).
9th reading was 1.013 (@22C Day 15).
10th reading was 1.013 (@22C Day 16).
Ambient today was 29C Fermenter ran at 22C. Outside it was 30C.
did not have time to post yesterdays measurement then, so two in quick succession. No change today in the beers SG. I think the beer thinks it is done. I don't know if I can manage to bottle tomorrow. Friday would be better. Will see.
Beer is nice and clear. small amount micro carbonation visible. About same as KoB#2 but less than KoB#1. Very little sweetness.
27th February 2014, 04:49 PM
Day 17 and a half. Temps lifted 5 degrees today/yesterday. Back to 35C
Original Gravity was 1.037.
1st reading was 1.020 (@22C Day 4).
2nd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 6).
3rd reading was 1.018 (@23C Day 7).
4th reading was 1.017 (@23C Day 9).
5th reading was 1.016 (@23C Day 11).
6th reading was 1.0155 (@22C Day 12).
7th reading was 1.0145 (@23C Day 13).
8th reading was 1.014 (@23C Day 14).
9th reading was 1.013 (@22C Day 15).
10th reading was 1.013 (@22C Day 16).
11th reading was 1.013 (@22C Day 17.5).
Ambient today was 30C Fermenter ran at ~22C. Outside it was 35C.
Checked the beer this morning instead of last night. No change really. I think I will bottle this one tonight.
tip: testing beer in the morning is ok but the taste test is a bit of a struggle this early.
1st March 2014, 07:01 PM
Ok bottled yesterday. Day 19. I didn't take an FG reading. Going with 1.013. Only a day an half since the previous one.
Bottled 25, maybe 26 bottles. 740Ml/ 25oz. You would normally get 30 bottles. So here's the thing. When you take a gravity reading you are extracting beer from your batch. Each time I do a test is 1/4 of a quart or there abouts. So if you are doing 8 or 10 tests your are looking at 2 - 2 1/2 quarts/litres.
By the time we get to bottling we have 21 litres instead of 23 litres. KoB 1 & 2 both started as 25L batches not 23L. Trying to cool the wort down ended up a bit over. KoB #3 I got right at 23L from the get go, so the final volume was 21L after gravity readings.
I prepped for bottling the same as before. I used carbonation drops. I used all white bottle caps this time. I think bottles with these one actually carbonate up quicker. I think the seals in them are better but I don't know why there would be a difference in speed of carbonation. With this batch I took each bottle and squeezed it in until the beer was at the top of the bottle, then I capped them tight. I have one bottle I think I need to recap but all the others seemed to hold ok. So they are all a bit squished in. Obviously expecting them to expand with C02.
Weather wise the last 2 days have been blazingly hot. We were supposed to around 35 both days but we have 37 and 38. Today is 37 again. Only a couple of degrees but it makes a difference. Forecast is for mid 30's again later in the week. I may make plans to do KoB #4 on Friday.
Torn between repeating KoB #2 or #3. Number 2 is very tasty when it's carbonated properly. I'll drink a few more and decide before Friday.
1st March 2014, 07:28 PM
It seems like you could drastically cut down on your readings, for a couple reasons. 1, beer waste and 2, chances of contamination.
After I get it bottled I don't really care what the temps are but then again my temps are always right at 80F all the time.
Good idea about squeezing the bottles, makes sense.
1st March 2014, 07:48 PM
yes agreed. We're looking for 2 - 3 matching readings to show fermentation has stopped. I guess as I get more experienced I will not be testing until the last couple days of the ferment. My household temps are always just a couple of degrees C away from ambient all year round. The coolest place, laundry, is maybe -3C cooler than ambient but ambient can get to 30 - 31C on a 38-40C day. I'm thinking the bathroom might has some potential. I think it varies less. The cupboard in there could hold 12 cases of beer. I'm only using about half. we'll see. Winter will be different again.
3rd March 2014, 06:58 PM
ok so it's 2 full days in the bottle now. Into the 3rd day. I squished the bottles before capping them. The idea was to expel any oxygen in the head space at the top of the bottle. This left the bottles slightly out of shape. After 2 days all of the bottles have returned to normal shape. So either oxygen has been sucked in or internal carbonation has filled the void. Squeezing the bottles then capping them should create some vacuum in side the bottle. As a result of that vacuum, either the seal in the bottle cap will be sucked down harder and make a stronger seal or the vacuum is able to pull in air past the seal.
We're obviously going with option 1 - void filled with CO2.
I do not have these bottles covered with a damp towel like I did with KoB #2. I just have them sitting in a water bath and a fan passing over them every minute or so. The progress seems pretty good so far. I took all of the KoB #2 out of the water bath. They are just standing on a 1/2" thick layer of wet newspaper. Since I moved them, they have firmed up very well. The black caps are still slower but all are progressing.
The weather is trending colder. We have low mid 30C' during the week. I think thursday is a 38C but then we are down to high 20's. Night temps are down in the mid teens and we will see a 12C night before the week is done. I think our hot weather is over for another summer. We might get the odd hot day. Need to think about how to keep temps steady when we are fluctuating between 15C to 30C or 59F to 86F. I wonder what would happen if I had the fermenter in a water bath with a heat belt on it? I could end up with schizophrenic beer.
3rd March 2014, 07:19 PM
Don't stress out about it or over think it, beer will be beer. If it tastes good and gives a good buzz it's great! I'd love to control every aspect of my process but it's just not possible and the end result is still very good, maybe not award winning by others standards but great to me. Not that I don't want to strive to make the best beer I can but.....ya do what ya can and be happy about it.
8th March 2014, 11:20 PM
I have now tried two of these. In the first week they have shown good carbonation progress in that the bottles have firmed some. I cracked one bottle yesterday (Sat). The beer is a dark amber colour. It has less of that malt smell it had when in primary fermentation. I noticed the flavour changed 2 days before I bottled it. It seemed more bitter and less malt sweetness.
This flavour was evident in the first taster bottle. On the finish. It was a bit bitter in finish. I had been drinking other beer. Didn't trust my taste buds 100%.
That means you need to have another taste no? Sure it does. Today I have a second one. No different in carbonation. It's about where KoB #2 was after 4 -5 weeks. I am optimistic about this ones prospects. The malty-ness is there. There's a slight smell of bread or dough. Obviously it's a yeasty smell. Very faint. The finish is not as bitter. A slight bitterness but a sweet malt taste evens it out.
I think this will be a nice beer. No really character traits. Just beer. Agreeable and drinkable.
With 2 brews using Safale S 04 yeast and 1 using Coopers ale yeast the Safale finishes much cleaner. KoB #4 will use 11gms Coopers ale yeast. Lets see if it shows the smell of KoB #1 or finishes cleaner.
9th March 2014, 02:35 PM
Don't stress out about it or over think it, beer will be beer. If it tastes good and gives a good buzz it's great! I'd love to control every aspect of my process but it's just not possible and the end result is still very good, maybe not award winning by others standards but great to me. Not that I don't want to strive to make the best beer I can but.....ya do what ya can and be happy about it.
Doing a homebrew demo under less-than-ideal conditions yesterday reminded me again of the truth in this.
13th March 2014, 07:57 PM
Cracked a bottle yesterday. Rounding down the days, I'd say it has 12 full days on it in the bottle. I have good confidence for this batch. It is carbonating nicely. I'd say already slightly better than KoB #2 but only slightly. Head retention is still below average. Lacing is also light on but there is some. The beer is showing a slow but consistent carb release. Is good.
Flavour. The first glass I found the flavour to be bitter. I was real concerned the beer had spoiled. But I don't know what spoiled beer is like. By the second glass I'm getting the malt flavours, less bitterness on the finish. While not as sweet as the Canadian Blonde (KoB #2) and not as tart as the Aussie Larger (KoB #1) I think this fits just about in the middle on all factors, color, sweetness and bitterness.
I have been buying a few different macro brew Draught/Draft beers to see what they are like. This one is a close match to the two I have tried. James Boags Draught and Sail and Anchor Draught. These two beers are actually pretty good. I've never had before. I would buy either one again.
I would brew this one again also. If I had to make a choice of only one brew. Between the Lager or the Draught I'd probably go the Lager first. I think this is a good beer. I'd recommend it.
14th March 2014, 09:00 AM
When/if you run into a skunked or spoiled beer you'll know it instantly.
16th March 2014, 10:44 AM
Doing a homebrew demo under less-than-ideal conditions yesterday reminded me again of the truth in this.
23rd March 2014, 01:15 AM
My earlier hope seems miplaced. I think this must be an Obama beer. Simply is not carbing up. About the same as KoB #2. So we have 2 x KoB's with the Safale. Low bottle carbonation. Still easily drinkable as per earlier observations.
As KoB #4 is now bottled. Time to start thinking about KoB #5. I want to do something that includes either steeping some grains or adding some hops or both.
I was looking into a couple recipes using unhopped malt extract for the base and going from there as different from using the coopers beer cans which are a hopped extract. Coopers and others sell unhopped malt extracts.
I see that Coopers sells 28Kg pails of their malt and even 300Kg. I remember going to the brew on premises place and they have these 44gal drums of extract which I didn't know what was at the time. I'm figuring it could have been coopers extract in those drums.
I was trying to work out how much beer you would get from 28Kgs. 23L from 1.7Kg extract can + ~1Kg fermentables. I'm thinking nearly 400 litres or 100 gallons. hmmmm.
27th March 2014, 12:15 PM
My earlier hope seems miplaced. I think this must be an Obama beer. Simply is not carbing up. About the same as KoB #2. So we have 2 x KoB's with the Safale. Low bottle carbonation. Still easily drinkable as per earlier observations.
As KoB #4 is now bottled. Time to start thinking about KoB #5. I want to do something that includes either steeping some grains or adding some hops or both.
I was looking into a couple recipes using unhopped malt extract for the base and going from there as different from using the coopers beer cans which are a hopped extract. Coopers and others sell unhopped malt extracts.
I see that Coopers sells 28Kg pails of their malt and even 300Kg. I remember going to the brew on premises place and they have these 44gal drums of extract which I didn't know what was at the time. I'm figuring it could have been coopers extract in those drums.
I was trying to work out how much beer you would get from 28Kgs. 23L from 1.7Kg extract can + ~1Kg fermentables. I'm thinking nearly 400 litres or 100 gallons. hmmmm.
Sorry to hear about your carbonation problems, I'm gonna check on mine later today and hope it's improved.
I'd be very hesitant buying that much extract at once, unless you have a way of keeping it cool and plan on using it fairly quickly. A lot of people here in the states use Northern Brewers because they sell a lot of extract and can be relatively assured of getting the freshest extract possible and there is a major difference between old and fresh.
27th March 2014, 08:22 PM
From what I have seen any thing more than the usual 1.7kg cans requires ordering in. I can see why and it should mean it's fairly fresh. What is interesting was that it was available in that quantity and it reminded me of the brew on premises place I used to use. They were probably using coopers malts. So if you were going to micro brew you could buy up to 300Kgs of the stuff at a time. Worth knowing.
Its a learning curve and the beer tastes good enough. I'm picking up another 2 brew systems tomorrow (I'll post something in KoB #4 about this gear when I get my hands on it) and then I'll be able to bulk prime. We will do that next batch.
Want to do a dark beer. I want to do it in different fermenter. I'm not a dark beer person. I think I tried a Guinness once and didn't think much of it. Anyway I've seen a few different recipes for a dark ale with some extras added. Some steeped chocolate type malts. I will try a batch of that. I figured if I get it going now it will be ready for the dead of winter. I might even like it.
I find this home brew stuff puts me to sleep. Not sure why but I find myself dozing off after a couple of glasses. Out like a light. Not that I mind I'll take what ever sleep I can get.
29th March 2014, 10:27 PM
I reckon this is as good as any place for this. Today I was duped into going to someones house only to find out to my surprise that I had been recruited to help load a truck for their move, yeah I was miffed at 1st but the dude needed help and I was there, so what the hell...goter done. So......
In the course of it he says he has beer and later on I got one, a Yuengling(bottles). I've had it before, it's not swill and it's not top of the line either but some would say it's way better and higher quality than a Bud. That's besides the point though... I cracked it open and the carbonation caught my immediate attention! It was no more or less carbed than mine, if anything it mightv'e been a lil less. I drink all my brews from the bottle and never a glass and was comparing apples to apples in that regard.
Next thing was the taste...It tasted like a watered down, very shitty version of what I make in a plastic fucking garbage can!! LMFAO :) And in not even close to optimum conditions to boot!
The end result besides a sore back was that I now know that my carbonation problem isn't the problem I thought it was, though I'll still tweak it a bit. Secondly, it made me way proud of the thought and labor I put into my brewing and that I must be doing something(s) right. I wish I would have had one to give that dude.
30th March 2014, 12:23 AM
I caught that story in the other thread. I can see where you are coming from. I've been paying close attention myself to the amount of on going carb in these macro beers while I'm drinking them. I think it fades quickly. The lack of head on my beers bugs me but I think some of these kits are known for it. A lot of people substitute the straight dextrose for more malto-dexie what ever it is, Corn sugar and other malts. It is to improve head retention.
I cracked one of these yesterday. This one was looking good. It had a reasonable starting head. Some lacing. It still faded quickly. It had been in the fridge a couple days and I think that has some impact on the beers carbonation level when you open it.
These plastic bottles are firm when I put them in but over the course of the first 24 hours they soften up. If I leave them in a couple days they firm up again and I get better results. Nothing miraculous but better. So I need to remember to put them in and let them build up a proper chill, then see how they go.
2nd April 2014, 08:11 PM
Had another one of these. Still no head retention but the carbonation is consistent and looks good. The flavour of this beer is tangy?? Not sure how to describe it. It just has something which bugs me. Not sure if this is the flavour this beer should be. It's kind of pucker. By the end of the first glass you get used to it. 2nd glass is all good. I think it's just the style of beer. It will get drunk no probs. I might do this one again soon just to get a comparo. I really think I should be looking at a couple months conditioning on these.
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