View Full Version : Stop licking the knife

8th February 2014, 09:22 PM
The wolf. So majestic. An iconic symbol of power. These great beasts seem invincible... and yet they have a great weakness...

The Eskimos have always greatly prized the wolf. It's fur and meat are of great quality and the beast itself is both majestic and powerful. Killing a wolf was a nearly impossible endeavor without strong weapons, and yet the Eskimos found a way to do it. They did it not by force... in fact they never even touched the wolves. The wolves simply killed themselves.

An Eskimo would first sharpen a knife. They would then proceed to soak the knife in seal blood and then freeze it. Then they would dip it in again and freeze it once more. This covered the knife in layer upon layer of frozen blood. The knife soon resembled a Popsicle.

They would jam the knife's hilt into the snow where they thought wolves would be and left.

A hungry wolf takes a deep breath of the freezing Alaskan air. It smells something delicious. It's mouth starts watering as it tracks the scent. Fresh blood. The wolf eventually tracks the scent to the blood Popsicle. It begins to slowly lick it. It licks away layer after layer of blood until soon they reach down to just the knife. They cut their tongue, but they hardly notice. The freezing blood easily numbs the wolf's tongue. The wolf continues to lick at the knife, cutting itself more and more. Pretty soon, the wolf begins to feel weak from loss of blood.

Despite the obvious signs that the knife is harming it, the wolf continues to lick the knife. It ignores all of the negative signs. It feels that getting more blood from the knife would be the answer. Soon the wolf's mouth is so badly cut that blood starts pouring from it's wounds. The wolf's tongue starts to thaw as warm blood flows over it. The wolf is nothing short of ecstatic that they can taste more blood. It attacks the knife more vigorously and aggressively. It knows nothing but the taste of blood. The wolf will desperately continue to lick the knife until it collapses from blood loss and dies.

Is there a bloody knife in your life? Stop licking it. Who is worse, the ignorant wolf who licks the knife out of instinct and desperation, or the person that licks the knife knowing full well that they are their own judge, jury, and executioner.

source (http://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/1xcl86/stop_licking_the_knife/)

Silver Rocket Bitches!
8th February 2014, 09:38 PM
I read this earlier, pretty good. I'm on day 7 myself. Not doing hard mode though.