View Full Version : NAACP requires photo ID to attend anti voter ID protest march

10th February 2014, 11:58 AM
You would think that, at some point, we'd run out of "you can't make this stuff up" moments.

In 2011 Elon University conducted a poll which revealed that 75% of North Carolina residents supported a wide swath of new voter ID regulations that were, at the time, making their way through the legislature. With such broad support, the measures were a no-brainer. They eventually passed and were signed into law last August.

Obviously these laws are extremely racist. Requiring minority voters to show ID to cast a ballot is, clearly, a way for old white men to oppress them. So, as usual, the NAACP has been foaming at the mouth as it continues its completely genuine, not-at-all-phony, struggle for "equality."

Each year the civil rights watchdogs hold a so-called "Moral March on Raleigh." The annual event is designed to protest any laws that Republicans may have passed during the preceding 12 months. This year’s march took place this weekend, and it focused extensively on the Voter ID regs.

So, what did you need if you wanted to attend?

Yup, that's right. You needed to have a "driver's license, passport, or other valid Photo ID" if you wanted to protest the evil Republican scheme to make sure you to have a "driver's license, passport, or other valid photo ID" in order to vote. That is the liberal progressive mind in action.

Aren't these the very same people who are constantly making the argument that poor, uneducated, minority voters can't get a photo ID due to the deplorable conditions into which our "downright mean" country has forced them? Isn't the NAACP disenfranchising would-be marchers by stripping them of their 1st Amendment rights? More importantly, if they're required to bring a photo ID to the protest march they should already have one when the elections roll around. Doesn't that negate the point of holding the march in the first place?

Remember everyone: The NAACP thinks you're more than capable of getting a photo ID to attend their rally, but they think it's an insurmountable hardship for you to get one in order to vote.

We'd like to congratulate the usually obtuse NAACP for so openly destroying its own arguments. Hopefully they'll do it more often. When they do the heavy lifting, it makes our jobs just that much easier.

mick silver
10th February 2014, 12:06 PM
you cant make shit up like this ............ theres no place left to hide ......................Yup, that's right. You needed to have a "driver's license, passport, or other valid Photo ID" if you wanted to protest the evil Republican scheme to make sure you to have a "driver's license, passport, or other valid photo ID" in order to vote. That is the liberal progressive mind in actio

10th February 2014, 01:05 PM
They need more law enforcer to keep the new laws of the government rather than the old natural laws of man.