View Full Version : Boehner Keeps On Folding: Now Proposes Clean Debt Ceiling Bill

11th February 2014, 07:32 AM
A week ago, we reported that unlike on previous occasions, this time Boehner decided to fold like a lawn chair early in this year's debt ceiling hike debate, and sure enough moments ago Politico confirmed as much when it reported that "House Republicans are abandoning their plan to lift the debt limit and restore military pension cuts due to flagging support from the rank and file. The announcement was made Tuesday morning in a private GOP meeting." As we also predicted, Politico adds that "now, the GOP will have to pass a so-called clean lift of the debt ceiling — one without policy strings attached. But even that won’t be easy. Senior Republican lawmakers and aides are openly wondering just how many of their members will vote for a clean debt ceiling — Democrats will have to bear the brunt of passing the bill, GOP insiders say." And the punchline for the vote, which is set for Wednesday, "Senior GOP sources wonder if they’ll be able to get 18 Republicans to vote for a debt ceiling increase — the bare minimum for passage if every Democrat votes yes."

To summarize: the GOP may have trouble being more Democrat than the Democrats.

In other news, perhaps it is about time for the GOP to eliminate any pretense of "fiscal conservatism" and finally do away with the debt ceiling farce entirely so they can at least show their voters what their true colors really are.


11th February 2014, 09:53 AM
No surprise. The politicians know that the public has grown weary of this, and that there are no more political points to be gained by putting up resistance.

But, this is why we own precious metals. (Well, I mean before the boating accident.)

old steel
11th February 2014, 10:22 AM
I believe lead will become the ultimate precious metal before it's all said and done.


mick silver
11th February 2014, 10:27 AM
dam this is what we get for our paper . dam i feel cheap . rand paul group called this morning looking for hand outs . i told the f...er not to call me again after i gave him a talk to . i ask him who in the fuck up there works for me an my wife ,,, who paul does ,,, i told him that paul works for his self and the jews . i told him to tell rand to go back to his homeland and kiss some more ass

11th February 2014, 11:20 AM
This has to be one of the largest, most ridiculous farces ever in the history of mankind.

The fact that supposedly intelligible people continue on as if some make believe "debt" really exist shows how fucking retarded humanity is.

It's really incredible that they get up there and start singing and dancing as if they have even one ounce of credibility or legitimacy left.

If it was the least bit funny I'd say 'what a joke', but it's not...

11th February 2014, 11:42 AM
This has to be one of the largest, most ridiculous farces ever in the history of mankind.

The fact that supposedly intelligible people continue on as if some make believe "debt" really exist shows how fucking retarded humanity is.

It's really incredible that they get up there and start singing and dancing as if they have even one ounce of credibility or legitimacy left.

If it was the least bit funny I'd say 'what a joke', but it's not...

I, too, am amazed when I see friends and acquaintances of mine give any shred of credibility to the clowns in office. How many major scandals have to be exposed before they will see them for the snakes that they are?

11th February 2014, 12:34 PM
I, too, am amazed when I see friends and acquaintances of mine give any shred of credibility to the clowns in office. How many major scandals have to be exposed before they will see them for the snakes that they are?

It makes you wonder doesn't it? They've even been conditioned to think that it's their duty as a "citizen" to pay off that debt. Never even bother to answer the questions why we have that debt in the first place, or not even caring to know that the government could print it's own money interest free. They don't care I guess... Too busy watching whatever the latest show is on T.V. to be bother with things like fiscal understanding and responsibility...

11th February 2014, 12:49 PM
I suspect the CONgressional troup is taken into the star chamber as necessary and they are given the "plan". This plan tells them that the world is not what it seems. They cannot expect normalcy and the paradigm has changed beyond the point of no return. The system will keep going under false pretenses until they decide to flip it. The CONgress critter can either join the team or swim with the fishes.

If any man stands up and cries TREASON, he will be ridiculed, reduced, executed and erased. The Gestapo has been established. The gulags are waiting. The graves are hungry.

Who dares play this game? The ultimate evil one is behind it all. Now Amerika will taste the bloody whip so that the entire world has no other champion to resist.

mick silver
11th February 2014, 01:26 PM
if we cant fix it then we all can break it