View Full Version : Eric Holder to step down this year: report

11th February 2014, 10:41 AM
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will step down this year, he said in an interview with the New Yorker’s Jeffrey Toobin in the magazine’s Feb. 17 edition.

In a feature article, Mr. Holder said he plans on staying in his position “well into” the year.

Last November, Mr. Holder, the first black attorney general, told CBS News he didn’t have “any plans” to step down.

Mr. Holder has made voting rights the test case of his tenure, the New Yorker reported. He has been a vocal critic of the Supreme Court case that invalidated key parts of the Voting Rights Act and has supported Congressional action to renew and revise the law.

During his five years as the nation’s top law enforcement officer, Mr. Holder has also weighed in on other controversial Supreme Court decisions. Mr. Holder said he wouldn’t defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court and over the weekend announced the Department of Justice’s plans to give same-sex couples the same rights in the federal legal system as married heterosexual couples, regardless of whether a state recognizes same sex marriage.


Twisted Titan
11th February 2014, 01:28 PM
Another rat that is jumping ship while the gettings good.

Sociopaths dont relinquish power but for only 2 reasons.

They have more to gain by doing it.

They have more to fear if they stay put.

You decide.

mick silver
11th February 2014, 01:33 PM

11th February 2014, 02:27 PM
Another rat that is jumping ship while the gettings good.

he's got to collect $500+ an hour in private practice.

he did favors for lots of people.

time to collect.

11th February 2014, 02:36 PM
he's got to collect $500+ an hour in private practice.

he did favors for lots of people.

time to collect.

Like failed to prosecute The Black Panthers with Voter Intimidation.
Failed to appear before Congress concerning Fast N Furious resulting in a Contempt Of Congress charge which Congress hasn't even bothered to pursue.
Shielded Obama from birther charges that he isn't fit for office.
Failed to prosecute blacks for the "knock Out game" when they sucker punch whites, but does go after a white guy for doing it to a black

That's just from what I can remember. I'm sure he has a history of corruption and incompetence going back to when he first uttered his BAR oath.

mick silver
11th February 2014, 02:43 PM
even if you vote them out they get a new job in dc making more , they are sucking the life out of everything they do . if we dont get all the lawerys and ones dual citizenship out of the goverment then were all done .

11th February 2014, 03:16 PM
Like failed to prosecute The Black Panthers with Voter Intimidation.
Failed to appear before Congress concerning Fast N Furious resulting in a Contempt Of Congress charge which Congress hasn't even bothered to pursue.
Shielded Obama from birther charges that he isn't fit for office.
Failed to prosecute blacks for the "knock Out game" when they sucker punch whites, but does go after a white guy for doing it to a black

That's just from what I can remember. I'm sure he has a history of corruption and incompetence going back to when he first uttered his BAR oath.

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