View Full Version : Obama Admits He Rules The World

11th February 2014, 08:52 PM
A little push here, a little push there. Wonder how this is all gonna play out.



11th February 2014, 09:25 PM
What president hasn't said the same thing? It does get worse though.

midnight rambler
11th February 2014, 09:29 PM
What world would that be?

Barry is delusional, and the day when his bubble of cherished delusions bursts he's going to have a really bad day.

11th February 2014, 09:35 PM
He's going to do whatever the puppet master says to do !

12th February 2014, 05:54 AM
What world would that be?

Barry is delusional, and the day when his bubble of cherished delusions bursts he's going to have a really bad day.

but he's a delusional Bubble Boy, lives in a Bubble & will live in a Bubble for the rest of his years.

a Bubble of security & Secret Service protection, i mean.

mick silver
12th February 2014, 08:26 AM
he has never lived in the real world , dont get me wrong he has seen it but not lived it

12th February 2014, 08:37 AM
It'll be funny when his wife divorces him and he is left as a single negro with nowhere to go and nowhere to do it with. Popularity will dwindle fast, he will just disappear.

12th February 2014, 08:40 AM
I've come to the realization that discussing the relevance of "any" president since Wilson, at least, is about the same as discussing the relevance of Justin Beiber.

It's all a show. An act. Performed by actors.