View Full Version : People That Endanger Other People in Oakland Behave Badly Or The Wild Wild West

old steel
14th February 2014, 10:55 PM
Police will shoot an 80 year old man in his bed, but they won't lift a finger on these thugs. Unreal, world is totally upside down. Looks to me like the shit is hitting the fan there.


old steel
14th February 2014, 11:16 PM
We are all going to be on our own, if there was any doubt.

15th February 2014, 02:48 AM
Five=O dont like to be outnumbered... listen up folks.

15th February 2014, 05:42 AM
Police will shoot an 80 year old man in his bed, but they won't lift a finger on these thugs. Unreal, world is totally upside down. Looks to me like the shit is hitting the fan there.

definitely a present tense thing.

intermixed with all the housing projects and stray bullets is homes for Silicon Valley's 'second tier', can't afford to pay $1 million for a pillbox in San Jose so they go for the pillbox in West Oakland.

15th February 2014, 06:21 AM
Police will shoot an 80 year old man in his bed, but they won't lift a finger on these thugs. Unreal, world is totally upside down. Looks to me like the shit is hitting the fan there.

Amazing sideshows seem to still be a big problem. Shit hit the fan there a long time ago. It's not that the police don't lift a finger, but those turds are often hard to catch. It's not worth a car chase for someone spinning tires. If they are on foot they run when you get out of the car.

midnight rambler
15th February 2014, 06:24 AM
Five=O dont like to be outnumbered... listen up folks.

They fully comprehend that and that's why they acquiring all the armored vehicles...and billions of rounds of ammo.

Problem reaction solution...the situation in the above video is an indicator of the incubation period of the 'problem'...standby for the reaction..."Save us...save us with ANYTHING!!! WHATEVER it takes!!!"

15th February 2014, 06:26 AM
Police will shoot an 80 year old man in his bed, but they won't lift a finger on these thugs. Unreal, world is totally upside down. Looks to me like the shit is hitting the fan there.


Its because 99% of 'Police' are cowardly BULLIES who only stomp on weaker out numbered individuals. If a 'Cop' thinks there is even a SHRED of a chance he may be injured, hurt or even KILLED, he will tuck his tail between his legs and cower back into the Statist hole from which he came. The newscast kept mentioning 'Gangs' but never mentioned the BIGGEST GANG OF VIOLENT CRIMINALS IN HISTORY: The 'Police' of various 'Governments'.

This is even more proof that there is no such thing called 'Authority'. If the 'Police' really had de jure 'Authority' they would not run from teenage thugs. They only have POWER and NUMBERS, but no legitimacy. And if they are faced with a rival GANG that has more power and numbers than they do, even THEY know they have no legitimate 'Authority' and that the only thing that matters is who has the biggest guns.

And people claim this is 'civilization'.

Twisted Titan
15th February 2014, 06:28 AM
Gun Laws and Ammo Restrictions at their pinnacle

Equally on display is the unwavering bravery of Oakland Finest.

A strong presence when most needed.

15th February 2014, 06:34 AM
Also unwavering bravery Oklands finest.

Correction, those were not Oakland cops. One was an Alameda sheriff, and another was CHP. I didn't see one OPD car in that video.

Also, did anyone else notice the fear agenda in this news report? The anti gun agenda, comparing a 3rd world hellhole to the wild west. The wild west was the good old days, where behavior like in this video would not be tolerated.

15th February 2014, 08:01 AM
There's no money to be made confronting genuine criminal behaviour on the street, plus there is a lot of risk.

The real money is made doing drug raids, as asset seizures make the county rich and keep the pension plans fully funded. Plus, as these raids are planned in advance, superior firepower can be guaranteed, which guarantees "officer safety" which, as everyone knows, is the most important thing there is.

15th February 2014, 12:00 PM
This has been going on for a long while in Oakland, a friend of mines brother lives down there and he said that people will take over gas stations and minute marts with crowds of over 200 people and do what ever they want and the cops just drive on by.

mick silver
15th February 2014, 01:45 PM
plus cops have homes and family and they are scared of they gangs . if you think i am wrong ask a cop if you know one . i dare you to ask . i have

15th February 2014, 01:54 PM
plus cops have homes and family and they are scared of they gangs . if you think i am wrong ask a cop if you know one . i dare you to ask . i have

cops aren't scared of the gangs. The cops ARE a gang. If any cop says different, he's lying.

mick silver
15th February 2014, 01:58 PM

mick silver
15th February 2014, 01:59 PM
some of they big bad gangs do know how to get to people and real good at getting at people love one's . dam i have seen were gangs kill people about to go to court on them . shit gangs have member that do hits . hell in la you all have gangs with over 10.000 are more members

15th February 2014, 02:13 PM
mick, I have zero respect for any of our modern gangs. Never dealt with any the old boys from back east though. Modern gangs are a bunch of cowards. The worst cowards are the Mexican gangs, imo. These shits would show up and shoot up the quinceaneras, bunch of people celebrating a young gals big day. They would show up for the free alcohol, when they were not invited in, and start shooting up the place.

The black gangs I at least have to understand. They never talked to us. Hundreds of folks storming a homicide scene, and nobody saw a damn thing? They want to settle their own business. It just adds to more and more violence.

It's not like the movies.

mick silver
15th February 2014, 02:18 PM
and i did not say cops were not a gang . but i am saying if you take down the wrong gang member there could be blow back and cops know that

15th February 2014, 02:32 PM
and i did not say cops were not a gang . but i am saying if you take down the wrong gang member there could be blow back and cops know that

The higher up gang members, maybe, but cops don't deal with those ones. Leave that to the feds. Your average cop deals with the turds. They see the blue uniform, mick. The blue uniform.

The only gang members we were taught to reconsider taking down, were actually the HA's. Hells Angels. Believe it or not. They are a tight bunch, and you got to work your beat, and they can make your life hell.

Anyway, my two bits.