View Full Version : Marijuana: How We Will Seize Our Opportunity – and Yours February 15, 2014 - See mor

mick silver
15th February 2014, 02:30 PM
Exciting times. Marijuana decriminalization and legalization is moving quickly.
Most recently, as was reported yesterday, the US Justice Department announced that banks and other financial entities could participate in the burgeoning marijuana industry without fear of penalty.
This is a huge step forward, but one I expected because it is obvious a decision has been made at the highest levels that marijuana is to be legalized much like tobacco and alcohol.
I've initiated immediate moves to take advantage of this incredible business opportunity – for our shareholders and our family of readers, many of whom have been with us for nearly five years. I hope you come along with us.
See more below.
But first, a little background. We wrote recently about the expanding marijuana market in our most recent Trends and Sector Report. (http://www.thedailybell.com/trends-and-sector-reports/35003/Marijuana-Why-We-Smell-a-Profit--And-Changes-to-High-Alert-Capital-Partners/)
The featured article was, "Marijuana: Smell the Profit" and we pointed out that the marijuana industry when it matures could be "perhaps the hottest – and one of the largest – markets in the world."
We also pointed out that the industry was definitely in flux at the moment, especially in the United States where states are busily legalizing medical marijuana while fedgov remains disapproving.
But we expected that would soon change.

And sure enough, just yesterday it was announced that the US government would allow banks to do marijuana business without penalty.
The blinding speed (relatively) with which the US fedgov moved only reaffirms my initial conclusion that this is one of those elite memes (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/654/) that is seeing a radical and immediate overhaul. Bloomberg reported on the policy change as follows:
Pot Businesses Allowed to Open Accounts With U.S. Banks ... The guidelines were sought by marijuana businesses and the governors of Colorado and Washington state, whose voters in 2012 approved ballot measures allowing the use and sale of marijuana for recreational use. The U.S. government took a step toward legitimizing the marijuana industry today, allowing U.S. banks to offer accounts and other services to businesses in states where medical or recreational pot sales are legal.
The Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network issued guidelines for banks intended to reduce the danger sellers face in operating an all-cash business. The rules would give law enforcement more information about marijuana business activity, the agency said in a news release.
"Financial institutions can provide services to marijuana-related businesses in a manner consistent with their obligations to know their customers and to report possible criminal activity," according to an agency statement. Marijuana remains an illegal substance under federal law. The guidelines were sought by marijuana businesses and the governors of Colorado and Washington state, whose voters in 2012 approved the sale of marijuana for recreational use. Twenty states also permit medical marijuana.
Companies in states that allow and tax marijuana sales have been operating on a cash-only basis, unable to accept credit cards from customers or using business checking accounts to pay expenses or local and state taxes. This made them susceptible to robbery and forced them to pay their taxes in person and in cash.
Banks' Choice Financial institutions will be able to decide on their own whether to take on the business, a senior official in the financial crimes unit, who asked not to be identified without authorization to speak publicly, said in a conference call.
The Justice Department released a memo today indicating it wouldn't pursue enforcement against banks that do business with the marijuana industry if they comply with eight department priorities. These include diverting marijuana from a state where it's illegal to one where it's not, and in cases where a marijuana-related business is being used by a criminal organization to conduct financial transactions for its criminal goals, the agency said in a memo from Deputy Attorney General James Cole.
This is stunning stuff from a government that insisted for half a century that marijuana was part of a list of criminal drugs that people could be incarcerated for years and even decades for using. (And they were.)
We have also pointed out that decriminalizing – and then inevitably legalizing – marijuana may serve a number of purposes for those who create such policies.

It may serve somewhat as propaganda – a talking point – that can counteract the observable authoritarianism (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2606/) that is descending over the West like a fog.
Also, it creates a new business opportunity – and new entrepreneurial energy – at a time when moribund economies, stretched thin by regulation, taxation and money printing are in need of a boost.
Finally, the idea that more people, tens of millions more perhaps, will be inhaling the smoke of a famously calming plant is probably seen as a net positive by those officials charged with keeping the peace at a time of increased social tension.

In any event, the long debate about marijuana is about to end. What took 50 years to resolve may take only another year or so to rationalize. Watch the shock waves ripple throughout the world. Europe, Africa, South America, Asia, even China and Japan will soon treat marijuana as a controlled substance rather than an illegal one.
Eventually, I am certain, laws mandating marijuana's use merely as a medicinal tool will be dissolved as well. It will be legalized for pleasure as well as for pain. Not yet, however.
One of the reasons to keep marijuana confined to a medical context is to control the entrepreneurial surge into the business. By regulating it intensively, governments will be able to control who becomes a major player and who sits on the sidelines.
Larger groups will have opportunities to participate but even these will likely be bought out and consolidated when the industry moves to maturity. Eventually, it is likely that only a few major players will dominate, certainly firms like Monsanto that are already positioned and have appropriate products in development.
Of course, having said that, I want to emphasize that High Alert Capital – as alluded to above – has already made moves to enter this exciting industry on the proverbial ground floor.
We expect to be among those companies that are positioned either to participate fully in the industry or accept a buyout during an inevitable consolidation.
Either way, High Alert Capital intends to reap the rewards that moving quickly can generate. While I cannot reveal the details at this moment, we've already created the architecture to participate fully in this marijuana gold rush.
Health Canada has estimated by 2024 legal marijuana may constitute an industry with revenues of $1.3 billion. In fact, I believe the industry will grow a good deal faster than that – and not just in Canada. This is going to be a worldwide opportunity and one that will benefit those who act quickly and have access to sufficient capital. We have both.
As we pointed out in the Trends and Sector Report, marijuana is not an untried or untested product and it comes with built-in name recognition and a vast and enthusiastic user base. Whether it is the US, Uruguay or other countries, the catchment for legal marijuana will continue to grow as will its promise and ingestion.
I intend to make sure through High Alert Capital Partners that those aware of our efforts – those who have supported them in the past – will have plenty of opportunity to participate in the creation of a once-in-a-lifetime industry.
If you want to know more, please email us: info@highalertcapital.com (info@highalertcapital.com?subject=Marijuana%20Opp ortunity).
We'll be informing you of more exciting developments as they occur. That will be soon.

- See more at: http://www.thedailybell.com/editorials/35029/Anthony-Wile-Marijuana-How-We-Will-Seize-Our-Opportunity--and-Yours/#sthash.u5ykiOec.dpuf

mick silver
15th February 2014, 02:33 PM
Totalitarianism Totalitarianism is full rule by the state, often by a single strongman. Such movements depend on almost total penetration of the cult of the leader and include domination of every aspect of society from the economy to the military to mass media.
It was Giovanni Amendola in the 1920s who apparently first used the term in describing Italian Fascism (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1902/), which he claimed was fundamentally different than normal dictatorships and a great deal more pervasive in terms of how the political system was implemented and presented.
In the modern era, totalitarianism has come to have very negative connotations for Western ears. It conjures up the worst abuses of dictatorial states such as the USSR and Nazi Germany. Regimes such as that of Pol Pot (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2939/) in Cambodia are said to be totalitarian with overtones of inevitable genocide and bloody suppression of any alternative points of view.
Totalitarian states are seen as far more dangerous and uncompromising than "authoritarian (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2606/)" ones. The authoritarian state may have a dictatorial leader but the all-encompassing nature of the state itself may not be manifest. An authoritarian state is one that uses propaganda and other dictatorial mechanisms for purposes of empowerment but it is possible within the larger definition of "authoritarian" to envision at least some competing power centers. A totalitarian society has no competing power centers and brutally represses and stamps out any hint of dissent.
Authoritarian environments are often seen as involving a monopoly of government power but this is rather different from totalitarian societies that attempt to reorganize the larger society as well. Totalitarian ideologies leave little or no room for competing ideas. It is made clear that those living in such societies must adapt not only to the outward sociopolitical structure but must also internalize the larger ideological manifestations.
Authoritarian societies are often said to be less ideological, more pluralistic and predictable in terms of their exercise of power. Totalitarian governments seek to invade every part of an individual's life with the idea of providing a seamless mesh of propaganda and state-initiated activities that leave little or no room for thinking outside of proscribed norms. Authoritarian societies may be tolerable ones; totalitarian societies rarely are.
Authoritarian(ism) Political repression and the exclusion of potential challengers are two of the earmarks of authoritarianism. A highly concentrated and centralized power organization helps mobilize – even forces – people to achieve the goals of the State.
The rule over man instead of the rule of law is the main objective of an authoritarian government. Elections are usually rigged and political decisions are usually made by a select group behind closed doors. The main objective in most cases is the unregulated and informal exercise of political power by a leadership that is self-annointed/elected.
A military and a bureaucracy that operates above the rules maintain political stability. Allegiance to the regime is created through various forced socialization practices that must be followed or the consequences are severe. The authoritarian regime has indefinite political tenure so trying to get rid of a corrupt leader and his/her ruling party is a monumental task for ordinary citizens.
Authoritarianism can lead to totalitarianism (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1924/), which is the extreme form of authoritarianism. Totalitarian followers are manipulated by a charismatic leader that practices a pseudo-democratic interdependence with followers through an ideology, which seems legitimate. Authoritarians view themselves as a person; totalitarians are viewed as an indispensable function that has the power to reshape as well as guide the populace through the universe.
The 21st century may be the century when global unity takes a giant step forward in terms of individual freedom, but in order to achieve that goal some of the political regimes in countries around the world must go through a democratic metamorphosis – of a local orientation – that weeds out despots and authoritarian rulers who line their pockets with incredible wealth and keep their societies in a state of fear. It is important, however, that such change happen without the intrusive arm of a hidden power elite (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/610/) pulling the manipulative levers of political and media control in order to stimulate a change that is nothing other than a glossy sounding movement devoid of any true purpose and one that feeds directly into the hands of those most intent on subjecting the nation to rape and pillage – albeit, in today's Internet Reformation (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2195/) era, one that's cloaked in a transparent veil of artificial democracy (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1862/).
Hope lies, if nowhere else, in what we have taken to calling the Internet Reformation. Like the Reformation before it, sparked by the Gutenberg Press (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/764/), the Internet Reformation is changing the sociopolitical structure of the world. The Gutenberg Press was partially responsible for the Renaissance (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/3145/), Protestant Reformation (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2434/), Glorious Revolution (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2454/), US Revolution, French Revolution (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1933/), etc. Not all of these events created nations and sociopolitical systems, but some did. In the 21st century, the Internet Reformation remains a bright hope when it comes to counteracting the depredations of authoritarianism and one of the most important efforts of the Foundation for the Advancement for Free-Market Thinking (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/596/) (FAFMT) and the Daily Bell is to do our absolute best, via education, to contribute to beheading the beast that is Leviathan (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/28179/).

Hatha Sunahara
15th February 2014, 03:44 PM
This is an interesting discussion about Totalitarianism and authoritarianism.

I have been reading an interesting book called The End of All Evil by Jeremy Locke. You can download this book here:


Mr. Locke makes the argument that authoritarianism and totalitarianism are evil because their goal is to deprive you of your freedom. They do it through culture and law. And of course we all see ourselves as imbued with our culture and as law abiding citizens.

If you want a breath of fresh air, and a clear view of what is happening to us, you will get it by reading this book. It's not long, and quite easy to read. And you will recognize almost immediately after you start that there are compelling statements of truth in it.

What I find interesting in the context of this thread is that our culture is changing by allowing people to use marijuana. I think this isn't because of an easing of authoritarianism, but because the authoritarians have found an easy way to extract more wealth from us and to enslave us more throroughly. I hardly expect that anyone will experience an increase in freedom by decriminalization or even legalization of marijuana.
