View Full Version : Dr. Angela Graham-West “What to do? Abandon conservative beliefs?”

19th February 2014, 01:42 PM

Published on February 19th, 2014 | by Allen West Republic

The Repugs will never win again because it is against the law to say anything about the Demos cheating in elections. With that in mind this article is stupid.

Dr. Angela Graham-West “What to do? Abandon conservative beliefs?”

by Dr. Angela Graham-West via Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/TheRepublicanCoffeeCornerWithAngela?ref=br_tf)
Good Wednesday Morning!

Human Nature and the Electoral College.
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., offered a prediction last week “the GOP might never win a presidential election again if it doesn’t change its tune.”

“I think Republicans will not win again in my lifetime…unless they become a new GOP, a new Republican Party,” Paul said during an interview with conservative radio host Glenn Beck that aired Thursday. “And it has to be a transformation. Not a little tweaking at the edges.” He is right.

Very few minorities, very few females, very few young people, very few homosexual voters, few college graduates, very few new people…… Very few conservatives…. might lead up to a few votes short in the electoral college. That’s right, the electoral college. The outrage and nail-biting that went on with the commentators in the last election was simply a bit more theater than actual mathematics. The electoral map was lost because the democrats pulled most of the population rich states and therefore those with the most electoral votes. Simple math.

The reality is that the states which have changed from red to purple to blue have had large influxes from blue states and this will continue in the foreseeable future. So…… the question is “Why are these people fleeing the “blue” states?” Well many because of the economic situation, the crime, the taxes and many of the other ills. But what they do, rather than embrace a change or analyze what made their NEW destination desirable, they “re-create” the conditions that they left and the next thing you know …… you have another “blue state”. Human nature dictates that they seek what they were comfortable with in the surroundings that they left not realizing that they will re-create the problems as well. Ideology trumps facts. In addition, the prospects of migration from the blue states do not bode well for the state of Florida which has now surpassed New York in population. At the present time political party chameleon ,Charlie Crist, appears to be giving Governor Scott a run for his money…. surprisingly and literally. I asked a number of people, all Democrats, who they will vote for given Scott’s success with the economy. They looked at me and told me that they will vote for Crist, and they voted for him when he was a Republican. I asked them, several are graduates of Ivy League schools — making six figure salaries, “Why”. The answer…… “We like him”, “he makes us feel as though he “cares”". People will vote AGAINST their self interest upon how the candidate makes them FEEL.

I had someone tell me this weekend that we should become “more like them” – meaning the Democrats. That was a curious statement since there would then be no reason for the existence of the Republican Party. If you abandon your beliefs and become the same under a different name, you become “unbelievABLE” and you still lose. Consider that Ronald Reagan believed in the American people and was skeptical of government. Today’s Republican establishment believes in government and is skeptical of the American people. That’s why most Republican voters today believe the party is out of touch with the base. Rasmussen Reports.

Also consider this: Reagan’s views won a majority of the vote three times in three elections. Without Reagan, the GOP establishment has won a majority twice in the last 11 tries. 18% victory run does not amount to the “Duh winning” category.

One little tidbit…… Reagan might have been the oldest President elected to office but it appears that he was a bit more modern than one might think….. During the presidential campaign, questions were raised by reporters on Reagan’s stance on the Briggs Initiative, also known as Proposition 6, a ballot initiative in Reagan’s home state of California where he was governor, which would have banned gays, lesbians, and supporters of LGBT rights from working in public schools in California. His opposition to the initiative was instrumental in its landslide defeat by Californian voters. Reagan published an editorial in which he stated “homosexuality is not a contagious disease like the measles”, and that prevailing scientific opinion was that a child’s sexual orientation cannot be influenced by someone else. Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, 1978.

So….. not such good news but things can change. Remember the usage of words and understand that the party must care for its people, not just expect those who they feel worthy to care for them. Tom Perkins suggested Thursday that only taxpayers should have the right to vote — and that wealthy Americans who pay more in taxes should get more votes. Well…. interesting thought. (NOT). Stuff like this really does not help, and feeds into another type of human nature….. that of superiority. These type of thoughts and statements lead the party back in steps, not ahead.

So what to do? Abandon conservative beliefs? Nope, but make them relevant, care and become (IN)clusive instead of (OUT)reaching for votes at election time. Because, in the absence of excluding votes such as suggested by Mr. Perkins, everyone puts one vote in. …… equally…(maybe)

Nevertheless, take a look at the “favorable” map and form your own opinions….

mick silver
19th February 2014, 02:59 PM
electoral votes

19th February 2014, 03:00 PM
Videos at link re demopigs cheating:


Democrats busted in major voting scheme

Undercover video shows astonishing illegal plot

Published: 5 hours ago

A new investigative video by guerrilla journalist James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas (https://www.projectveritas.com/) reveals Democrat activists in Texas boasting about breaking the state’s election law by mining confidential records.
O’Keefe, who helped bring down ACORN, the community “organizing” behemoth for which Barack Obama worked as a lawyer, shows Battleground Texas Field Organizer Jennifer Longoria confirming on video that the group is culling names, telephone numbers and addresses from voter registration cards to campaign for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis.
However, Project Veritas points out that copying the personal details is illegal in Texas.
In the video, Longoria explains that the goal of her group, run by a former field director for Obama for America, is to increase the number of voters in Texas to try to raise the support for Democrats.
“So every time we register somebody to vote, we keep their name, number,” she says. When a Project Veritas investigator asks, “That’s from the voter registration form?” Longoria responds, “That data collection is the key.”
However, according to the video, state law forbids that.
“The registrar may not transcribe, copy, or otherwise record a telephone number furnished on a registration application,” the law states.
But Longoria says the Democrat group takes the information, puts it in a database and then uses it.
“So when we get to get out the vote, three weeks before, we can give those people a call,” she says.
Alicia Pierce, a spokeswoman for the Texas secretary of state, said the law doesn’t need interpretation.
“Section 13.004 speaks for itself,” she told O’Keefe.
O’Keefe recently investigated Obamacare’s “navigators,” (http://wnd.com/?p=565385) the nearly 50,000 people who, according to the government, “will serve as an in-person resource for Americans who want additional assistance in shopping for and enrolling in [Obamacare] plans.”
O’Keefe also exposed how journalists (http://wnd.com/?p=348181) with the newspaper that revealed the addresses of gun-permit holders in the New York City area were unwilling to take a dose of their own medicine and declare their homes “gun-free zones.”
He also produced a video to expose the double standards of Hollywood celebrities and filmmakers who support President Obama’s gun control agenda.
Among those confronted with a request to sign on to an effort to remove all guns from movies was Piers Morgan, who made a brief foray into the top-tier rankings at CNN by badgering guests over their support of gun rights.
O’Keefe’s undercover agents approached one of Morgan’s Hollywood properties and discovered a sign that said “Protected by Armed Response Security Systems.”
The agents also reached out to Morgan on a public street, asking if he would sign an “Act Against Arms” pledge to have guns edited out of past and future movies.
Hear about the navigators:

Morgan was willing to accept information about the campaign but would not sign on.
The gun control issue, Project Veritas said, “is being driven by a hypocritical media on the back of a national tragedy.”
O’Keefe quoted Obama’s statement that if there is anything that can be done to prevent the loss of even one life, the nation has an obligation to try.
O’Keefe also approached other companies, such as Robert DeNiro’s Tribeca Films, and got a few signatures but mostly was rejected.
One filmmaker got irate with O’Keefe, saying, “You’re not realistically going to remove all the guns from every movie every made. … Think about what’s logically, realistically possible.”
Another responded, “All of the ‘yes we can’ and all of that s*** doesn’t mean anything, man.”
See the video:

WND previously reported (http://wnd.com/?p=385903) that police officers themselves essentially are telling citizens they are on their own if an attacker confronts them in their home

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Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/02/democrats-busted-in-major-voting-scheme/#T6DhcYOObuJyCJSp.99

19th February 2014, 03:08 PM
Wow! It almost leads me to believe voting means something, anything...at all............Naw! Not in Amerizrael.