View Full Version : Warrants Never Expire

20th February 2014, 07:15 AM
Video feed from Fox regarding a woman arrested on a 9 year old warrant for failure to return a movie video. The store has since closed and now it is the cops that are charging the late fees.


Warrants are not supposed to be served on Sunday yet I know a guy who was arrested in front of his family and the minister on the steps of the church on Sunday morning.

Then I heard of a guy who fought a court case over something minor in Minnesota and thought he had won. Several years later he was in Nebraska and assisting a friend who was in jail by moving the friends guns out of his garage. Someone called in a complaint, the police arrived, they discovered he had an active warrant in Minnesota and THERE WERE NOW GUNS INVOLVED. So ... interstate flight to avoid prosecution with weapons. Even if you don't know of any warrants if you are leaving a state for any reason it is not a bad idea to publish legal notice of your plans so the system will not make a FEDERAL CASE out of you crossing state lines. People were doing this even back in the 1700's to let friends and associates know they were not permanently abandoning debts or warrants.

20th February 2014, 08:28 AM
Will the future be......."Death by warrant?".


20th February 2014, 08:43 AM
Will the future be......."Death by warrant?".

There will be no problem if you learn the trick of NOT APPEARING. Things that don't appear don't exist. This lady made the mistake of appearing for the purpose of filing a criminal complaint.

7th trump
20th February 2014, 10:30 AM
There will be no problem if you learn the trick of NOT APPEARING. Things that don't appear don't exist. This lady made the mistake of appearing for the purpose of filing a criminal complaint.

And theres the first clue palani continues to piss in the "legal" wind...........there are no "tricks" when it comes to law.
Ask any tax protester serving time in the clinker who thought the same thing about tricks (semantics).
Funny how if something doesnt appear doesnt exist.....happens to get served in the first place?
Palani is playing semantics of the egg and the chicken.

20th February 2014, 10:36 AM
there are no "tricks" when it comes to law

Legal and law are two different topics entirely.


No tricks?

Is knowledge a trick?